(2010) TTC kopi-chat...anything n everything under the sun...u name it..we chat it

lizzie - of cos is BB DUST treat la... mwahaha.... i just post on her behalf nia... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] FASTER RUN....

eh.. i think hor the pre natal massage is individual de.. cos the it's the person's house and she's the only therapist... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] want to go together also cannot...



he is suppose to come out this week leh as predicted by my gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] LOL the past few days i have lots of contractions and painful ones too.. alamak.


hahah okie loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


speacial arrangment? -_-"

FYI - during Board meeting I need to wear heels le... talking abt that. One is coming in Apr. sian.

xinyi - get bar fridge... i think courts got some clearance sale... that day i saw less than $200 can get a decent one le... solely for storing EBM...


Yeah lo. But thanks for the link. U try out and let me know good anot. I dun mind trying wo. quite cheap wo.


hmm can u ask her to clear some space for u??? i am going to ask my IL to clear space for me.

yah if really cannot, then got to buy a mini fridge liao

lizzie - wah!!! still must wear heels?? i think if i wear heels now.. i will be bed ridden after that... u mean they can't be understanding that ur preggy then can't wear certain clothes and also heels ma?? kaoz... why like that de....

lizzie - yup.. i'll be going after i enter my 5th month... the price is really reasonable... and my colleague (non preggy) she tried before and she says that one good thing is she takes her time, don't rush and NO HARD SELLING OF PACKAGE... which is what i like too.. cos if i kena hard sell, my mood sure change de...


not my usual high heels la. I got a pair abt 1.5-inch only... haha.

And now, I still think I should go dye my hair. All my white hairs are like growing and growing since last Dec. kao.

If not, I will have to buy those temp hair colour spray.

bb dust, think positive.. at least pain at home.. probably 3-4cm dilated? at least at home got some entertainment..

clearing space ah.. i think quite impossible. i see the amt of things inside can faint.

tubby, $200 ah.. hmmm.. will consider that..


i got answer her hor :0


i dont know leh, this weds will know how many cm but i got a feeling it shld be abt 3cm liao..can feel him drilling and drilling yest night.

hmm if not possible then u shld really consider getting a mini fridge like what tubby said

lizzie - u sure u wanna dye hair now ar?? cannot lun?? U WHERE GOT WHITE HAIR.. WAH KAOZ...

bb dust got respond...

BBdust (bb_dust_to_all)

Senior Member

Username: bb_dust_to_all

Post Number: 16083

Registered: 6-2009

Posted on Monday, March 29, 2010 - 9:55 am: Edit Post Delete Post Print Post Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


hahah okie loh :)

xinyi - can go check it out... if not those neighbourhood electrical shops also should be quite cheap... all my appliances all buy from neighbourhood shop de... less than $200, but u dun expect those fancy fancy ones la...

hmm.. okok.. i got some best denki vouchers.. dunno expire liao mah.. maybe can make use of that.. else maybe can get 2nd hand one..


during the gathering u sit beside me and u will see my white hairs! Is super lot lo.

Still tinking should or should not. hai.


OH! haha.

ok... =p

lizzie - u wanna sit beside me just say.. don't need to find excuse for me to see ur white hair.. mwahahaha... lolz....

xinyi - aiyo.. mini fridge should be last on ur buying list since it's not urgent.. but no harm checking out the price.. if ur best denki voucher haven't expire then it's ok to buy now and collect dust lor...

tubby, ya lor.. i no hurry to get lah.. i think can get 2nd hand one also.. i saw some 2nd hand posting.. comes pretty cheap.. $50 can get one liao.. got to go back tell dh also..

lizzie - mwahahaha... u will have ur hands full man... see how u eat.. that day the 3 of us go eat, me and dh eat first.. then i keep asking dh eat faster so he can carry Gab then Alison can eat.. then end up the 3 of us keep taking turns to carry him lor.. ask him drink milk he keep playing.. then he really very li hai can suck thumb and drink milk AT THE SAME TIME...

xinyi - if can use ur best denki before expiry, then might as well get new de...


If u are ard wk 18-19, can call ur clinic and ask they if they can arrange Detailed Scan for you.

U can save $$ on one appt le.


I doing my detailed scan on my next appt on 22 Apr.

Aft the scan at TMC I need to go back to see my Gync for review straightaway. Not sure if this is the case for KK.

You might wan to check.

Instead of going to c ur doc for normal followup and go back again the following week for detailed scan, u can do both together ba.

tubby, ya.. i must go back dig liao.. lol.. dunno where i left it..

my next appt is next tue! like very fast.. keeping fingers crossed..

lizzie - 12Apr i'll be week 19 exactly.. i asked the nurse le.. she says doc haven't schedule yet.. but i guess will be within that week ba... 19-21 weeks... so i guess doc will only schedule detailed scan after my 12Apr appointment ba...

xinyi - thanks leh... u got 8 more days.. i got 14 more days lor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so envious... i just hope baby is ok.... *cross fingers*


Oh... ok. I was thinking u can ask them to schedule you nw so that u can save on one trip to see the doc again the following week. Save $$ ma.

My understanding frm my doc is that got ot do btw 18 to 20 week. Cannot earlier or later ...

#$&%^%&*%^* I really wan to kill the clerk sitting outside.

Emailed her to teach a new staff what a tis report is all abt and she said she did.

I check on her, all she does was ask the new staff to print and file! kao! so easy I can do it myself.

Called to tell her off. a batch of idiots!

wah excited hor.. u all going to know the gender liao...

remember to drink orange juice on the day of scanning... they say drink OJ will make bb active.. so can scan easily... but on the other hand, too active also hard to scan...keke...

lizzie - mwahahaha... don't angry.. aiyoo.. relax....

just now the nurse told me 19-21 weeks wor... who knows my doc will schedule like the next day or something...

da jie - drink orange juice??

xinyi - why postpone? aiyo i cannot wait so long de leh.. now i wait 2 weeks liao already wanna ki siao liao...


ya drink orange juice.. this is what the jiemeis in the other thread teach me de...

then normally i drink OJ, bb will be rather active n keep kicking..

during the scan, got see 1-2 mummies not able to scan coz bb keep sleeping in the tummy.. nurse ask the mummies to talk to bb so that they can wakie and let the nurse scan..

but hor... mine is TOO ACTIVE liao till scanning took think more than an hour!


OJ can drink but nt excessively. Acidic le. My bb love OJ.

I can have a bottle of Florida OJ a day... haha.


I not angry lo. I go and tell her manager what happened and ask him to handle her!

sian. All these ppl ar eat bai fan one lo.

lizzie - u so funny... my baby likes orange juice too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and yakult also...

siao eh - saw the adam lambert video bo?? his voice damn power right...

Val: now then u knw? hahaha! I love him to bits. If got concert confirm go!!! xP

ehh u can go msn? wanna ask u smething

Holly - mwahahaha.. it's so obvious i know who u are too.. hehehehe... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gong xi gong xi.. how many weeeks ar???

