(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Hi gals,

Can I join u gals? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Want to ask...I heard that if we are ttc, we should also 'bu' our bodies, like, prepare it for pregnancy etc...but what should we eat to 'bu' our bodies? I know we should start taking folic acid...anything else?

TIA! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Me eat so much but no weight increase leh. Very scared Lil Mango not growing so keep eating. Hopefully next checkup is ok.

Yesterday I went to ask my HB, does he want a baby or not. Guess what is his reply? “want, come la”. Dunz

Sian, my temp is go up. Does that mean that my O is over?

CD Temperature

11 35.88

12 36

13 36.01

14 36.06

15 36.1


i feel sleepy aft BD... will doze off immediately one... hahaha


gd ma, everything u eat all goes to lil mango...

if u din put on weight then lil mango is growing very well 1... dun worry la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1838627.gif]

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1838628.gif] pitpat!!!

as wat may mentioned u can take multivits... for me i only take FA during ttc-ing

Sun, if I buy now shld still be on time, if not maybe use 6th sense. But good to know when I O, so that I know when to test or when AF come, which I hope not.


i noe la... why would u fear me right... i'll continue to spread more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/1838637.gif] to u to let u bingo tis sun!!!!


wats ur earlier temp? like i say if u O there shd be a sharp increase of 0.3-0.5deg from ur temp i dun see lar so i say monitor a few more day?

Mth Date Day Temperature

Oct 17 1 35.59

Oct 18 2 36.02

Oct 19 3 35.99

Oct 20 4 35.88

Oct 21 5 36.05

Oct 22 6 35.96

Oct 23 7 36.21

Oct 24 8 36.02

Oct 25 9 36.02

Oct 26 10 35.97

Oct 27 11 35.88

Oct 28 12 36

Oct 29 13 36.01

Oct 30 14 36.06

Oct 31 15 36.1

Thank you my lovely Sun, since you give me babydusts till I cover whole body with babydusts, I will just base on my accurate 6th Sense and BD kekek...=p


huat ah hope we all strike this cycle keke:p jus check my FF chart it say i really O on CD14 wor keke so hope my 2WW pass like flash:p


Same as Sun.. me will sleep aft BD. Sometimes after 1hr then wake up to clean up.


By right now should start to gain weight gradually already cos MS over. But mine still stagnant. That day still say finally feel one kick from Lil Mango. But now like not moving already leh.


U will have O cramps? Maybe can use that to judge? Cos I run out of OPK during the last cycle. So I use O cramps as a guide.


dun worry so much i am sure ur lit mango is grownin well inside:p Sun is rite maybe all the weight go to lit mango liao... i believe more action will come real soon:p


no prob in fact plus minus of 0.1/2deg is norm so now u continue to BD lor tml wkend liao can BD in the mornin or afternoon? keke... den when u see a sharp increase in ur temp u can stop liao:p or u test with OPK lar..

Piggy, good for U, esp ur HB this mth Good performance, Hope we strike together leh, then can deliver around the same time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

May, I usually dun have O cramp de, but past few days cramp on left side, dunno is cramp or want to LS...May, when u seeing Dr Woody again?


hahah yeah n maybe can take big tumtum photos together lol~~~

actually those grad in the same mth can take together hor wahahah..

Ladies, queue up please.. the pregnant mummies here going to shower babydust inside!! Take turns to soak ah..




thanks!!! i am alr in it hiak hiak...

next: naivesg, bbchloe.......

hmmm so now whose next to test huh? bbchloe i tink early nez wk... who else?

i also want...

but let the 2ww ppl soak first

May build another one next wk ok...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahah i tink so too but let her decide when she 1 to test lar keke...

so 2ww later will be me, naivesg, zion waitin to test liao chanting: strike! strike! strike!

Piggy, I am aft you, then I will soak 7 x 7 = 49hrs become not Xian but Preggy kekek...

May, u 2ww wait v fast over, chat with us, we 2ww together.

If u cannot wait, then schedule early appt? Since u take up package liao...

May, ur bath tub really look nice to soak leh, I feel like lying there soak all the babydusts for 49hrs dun wan to get up liao then become Preggy keke.

so cute... thanks May.

I am in my 2ww, waiting in q for my turn to soak


friday!!!! ...

May ...i also wana dip in yr bbdust tub **take q no* ...hehe

jeslyn ..yeah small world :p ...hehe..tink nw u remember what i bou fm u liao ...


hi jeslyn, actually i tried to check on other website, it states that "dip the stick in for between 5 and 20 seconds".

Maybe you can try for 10 sec and see how first.

and second question is when you take your OPK?

