(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

bbchloe its nice to mi.. hee its qing dan yet smell v nice... diff to describe hee but not v filling hehe.. i ate other thg also... 6 ppl eat about 110 bucks =p

the tribestan ard 109 itink..cant rem cos i buyother thg at guardian as well


what I know is that she got light spotting.. she still thought is her period but she felt the pain is different.. so she went to see the doctor.. then only found out that she miscarriage.. doctor also did not give her any mc for that.. she is able to continue to work the next day..


I dun hv EWCM one also lo..I dun see it...anyway will just keep testing and BD lo...

Dun be stressed...stress will affect the eggs too...stay relaxed ok? Keep yrself occupied..

BBT can also help u in determining O...


Oic...will order the next time I am there...

Wah the price for tribestan goes up leh...Tis year bought at KKH in Mar is ard $90+ nia leh...


nobody knows one.. unless hor when u miss a/f then when it comes uhappen to go take b/t then know.. else its jus menses is late thats all...

my case was becos somewhere last may, i miss AF for 2 mth... which i tot was usual since my af about 42 days.. but every morning i wake up.. i got cramp near ovary part aft i pee... (it happen also when i was in sweden..same th gmiss menses n cramp), then suddenly 1 day tumy v pain.. then i go toilet see blood

i v happy.. cos af finaly came... but i was in pain.. v crampy kind... the blood flow very fast...

I hardly so pain when af come tat day i even went bk to bed to rest.. jus aft i put my pad i lie down.. less than half hour later when i stand up.. i see my PJ all soak w blood.. i got a shock... but my pad onli a bit of stain.. weird lor .. i jus tot its fast flow tat y leak or wat.. few weeks later i went to gynae and told her wat happen then she suggested wat might have happen... but she say its too alte to test n see if its m/c anot cos by then hormones drop bk to normal liao...

so if late by 5 days is not consider m/c if there is no fertilised egg


u dun like seeweed ah den i dunno liao but it is gd lar...

btw not all late menses might be M/C it case to case lar.....


wah it sound gd leh...


Oh, i meant from now till a week later if your AF still not here, then u can test again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oh, u have guanyin at home ah ... no wonder u have to pray pray [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes, it's possible. A friend of mine miscarried this way. She was out shopping for a whole day when she suddenly felt extreme pain on her abdomen, and subsequently found that she's bleeding. She went hospital only to find that she had miscarried.

Another ex-colleage of mine also. She didn't know she was preggy and her work required her to walk alot. Same, she felt pain and couldn't walk and was taken to hospital. Doc told her she miscarried le.

babychole: even if I would to go a gynae to check now.. they will also use the normal pregnancy kit to check right? is the same pregnancy kit which we can purchase from outside to test from home right? if it is the same den no pt going to a gynae to check now since the result will be the same..


not many pl serve thecartilege soup in sg.. but if u go HK..the supermart sell those dry cartilege.. i buy bk fr HK for cooking heehee

piggy go try =)


kkh is cheaper.. few bucks cheaper


i only started taking my BBT 2 days ago...so lazy this mth but its like even lower than previous cycles... no choice hv to continue to see whether got O.. yeah..i keep chanting to myself..reeelaxxxxx, reelaxxxx ...haha


Oic...wah...yrs seems like really m/c leh...blood flowing...scary! I tink I will be so scared out of the wits...nvr mind...keep trying...u will hv yr bundles of joy soon!


Oic...hee...then I dun even hv chance to hv m/c...

pegsfur.. its v scary hor...

the sad thg is my gynae cant even confirm if i ever did m/c (happen twice liao) and i didnt know and no see gynae.. at least if i know i m/c.. it means nothg wrong w mi.. now cant traced bk.. so i will nvr know i gt prob conceiving anot

if i realy did conceive... its really a bonus back then since dh SA not good


tat time i self medicate

cos few mth before i happen to go kkh see a general gynae for scan n etc... then she gave me some pills saying if i got clot or wat i can take.. relieve the pain kind.. so i pop those whn i saw so much blood n clot... mayb tat y my system auto clean away everythg..

realy nvr stain my pj b4..let alone so much blood...


Ya I hv guanyin at home...so need to pray...


No...gynae can use blood test to test..which is more accurate...


Oic...cheaper by a few bucks...bt they always run out of stock one...


U so cute...chanting...kekekeke....chat wif us la..then u will be relaxed...we sometimes can really crap here de...kekekeke

anna: what is called chemical pregnancy? y dun need mc?

pegsfur: mine so far onli late for 6days.. so I will test it again next week if AF still do not report..


yr dh also taking tribestan? wonder if can help my dh also...his sperm morphology only 3% normal fr latest SA..

anna: while reading what u written.. I feel sad for u.. losing a life and u do not know that it is inside your body..

lynn: stay positive & I'm sure u will be kept in suspense anymore..


Morphology got to do with heat...tt means his body is too warm le...avoid wearing jeans and go swimming often...

Tribestan is actually to help in sperm count. Is his sperm count normal?

Did he go to Dr Tan for treatment?

ohh.. blood test will be able to test out? maybe will check with hubby to see if we wan to wait for another 1 more week or go for the blood test..

chuamummy: thanks for ur encouragement.. btw, r u oso trying to ttc??

bbchole ....can get over the counter??? ...suspect my dh's sa result not v good ...gynae ask me go see him tis sat leh ..sighh..


bbchloe jie thank you =)

chua mummy

actualy if m/c knowingly is not as bad as those who know they r preggy and m/c...


chemical pregnancy is somethg like ur egg as fertilised

but it did not get to implant properly in the ueterus.. gt 1 example is... my friend tested positive 2 days before af due..she got a positive.. she tested becoss he find herself gt alot of discharge during the 2ww which is a sign of pregnancy

but the day of her menses due.. her af came...


Yes, can get at certain guardians...according to Anna, she got hers at Centrepoint and city hall guardian.

Has yr dh went for his SA test le ma?

woofmeow can get over the coutner. no need prescription but not every pharmacy carries.. so far i gt fr city hall, centerpoint n kkh


i dunno if the so call m/c is cause by the troops anot.. but the gynae say in simple term that the dna is being rejected by our body... could b hav some defetcs somewhere liek choromosomal defect and body can detect so reject straight away

the strange thg bout our body is... our body cannot accept any foreign organs.. jus like when u do a liver transplant, u actualy need to b on medication to make sure ur body can accept the organ. when we are pregnant.. the fertilised egg or sac is actualy consider a foreign object to the body... its sth very diff our body can accept.. but thats why sometimes body also will reject

the above info i gotto know onli recently when i read the book call ' a child against all odds'


I tink the oni way to improve morphology is to reduce the heat in his body..


See wat the gynae says first...dun worry too much...

hi ladies

i'm back from dinner...hehe..


i already booked dh to BD tonite...hehe..although we just bd-ed this morning..but still... according to my calculation.if the egg were to release 12-36 hrs after testing +ve....my 1st +ve at aroun 12 noon...cos 9am still -ve mah... then my eggs will be released earliest by midnight tonight...if not latest by midnight tomorrow...hehe... so to be safe...BD tonite again...hehe...


i got my UK opk from this link...


the girls here sometimes share the 100pcs lah... but i ordered 100pcs all for myself...cos as u can see... i super bo liaoz... 1 day can test so many times on OPK...just to get the timing of my surge... *slap forehead*


well, if ur OPK looks like the bbdusts one then should be +ve... cos the bbdust one uses the same urine sample as the UK 5pm one... hehe...

later tonite, i think i'm going to test again on OPK... hehe... since i order abt 70pcs of OPK and 30 pcs of HPK...hehe... i super KS right??muhahaha... kukukutiekitty ....

piggy, bbhole ...yeah keeping my finegrs crossed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ....any ladies having issue with SA? ...i also duno leh ...if really sperm count low then how? can eat what to bu? supplement?


??????? Hw u do it? 5 mins oni enuff for me to wash my face oni....lucky I nvr sign on...last time nearly went to sign on navy as combat officer...I dun tink i can survive the training...I even went for the medical chk up...kekekekeke...

oh..forget to add..i think i'm going to O on the left side this time round.... cos there;s some O pain in the left side... hmm... as i'm typing this... again pain...hehe... EGG BURSTING OUT !!!


woof meow

zinc? oyster n stuff


exsative(sun dh took this)

vit E

folic acid

my dh is taking tribestan, folic acid, exsativa n vit E)

