(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

cutie..so u goin to BD tonight? For me last evening tested positive and BD this morning b4 go to work. u r at which CD now? Me CD19 today. My hb already commented siong of BD. so don't think goin to bed for these few days.

Pegsfur, I'm still in office... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Lagi more hungry...

Hi Gals...


wah ur ms sound serious leh u wanna try TCM? my friend go tcm took their medi feel so much better cos her ms so bad also..

Tonite's theme is tim sum buffet:

Lao Beijing $10.20

Peach Blossoms $28.80

Hai Tian Lo $58

.... slurp .... everything looks yummy!

Hubby not home for dinner so this is my dinner today :


Heh .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats....at least u got a +ve on the OPK. Me CD 16 still no sign of +ve on the OPK. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


U haven't had your dinner? I just finished my myojo extra spicy ramen char mee ... hehe ... but still not full leh.

Hi Cutie,

I also tried bbdust opk last month but never get any positive. Hmmm.... it seems that it is not as sensitive. Where you get your UK OPK?


Ya, at least now u dun have to worry abt your wedding le.


Your intestine is straight one huh ... once eaten can quickly passs out liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

Not like me ... will only go once every 2 days.

piggytoh: ya u r right.. now I dun have to worry abt my wedding plans.. but somehow feel sad that I'm nt pregnant.. I so confused.. when I duno if it is positive, I'm so worried.. but now know that dun have, I'm quite sad.. & wondering since I'm nt pregnant, den where is AF? how come late this mth?

btw, will u all test again when tested negative? if yes, when to test again?

hi gals..


looking at yr noodles pic i feel like cooking supper for myself now :p


I bought the kose black mask u recommended and I like it...although I wish can totally strip out all my blackheads....haha


if u r pregnant there is a possibility tt ur hormone not high to detect... u can also go do a blood test to confirm lar... but could delay due to stress also.. dun tink so much ok:p


hahah if i am at home i really can shit soon after i eat but outside not so frequent hahaah...


gd right.. keke... if u use it like once to twice a wk i realise those acne scare will also lighten a bit leh keke.....


Hope yr MS will be better along the mths..hugs hugs....nvr mind, high hormones means baby is staying comfortably inside...


Like pegsfur, I also goes to toilet once every 2 days...seldom can go every day one..hw I wisj can go everyday...at least can slim down aft detox ma..kekekeke...


Hahaha .. my hubby oso like dat, esp after eating spicy food.


Heh .. looks like my noodles have caused you hunger pangs huh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hubby just called to say he's coming back now and asked me whether want to tabao anything or not .... although i still not full, but i REJECTED his offer! Hope i dun get hungry later ....


He will be going to China from 1st Nov till 12Nov if i not wrong...he says he cannot cfm the rtn date yet...and it affects my acupunture dates lo...just as well..next cycle dun nd to spend so much...


u still there?

I am also anxiously waiting for my +ve OPK although I'm only at CD 13 cos I usually get mine at CD10/11.... till now no sign of EWCM also...I'm also psychoing myself to try to stay relaxed and just cont to BD alt days...

hope u get yrs soon in the coming days ok...


Wah...indulge in good food again....er wat fried nice? Nice?

Btw tt time u mention where u get the tribestan huh? My dh finally going to finish his last box...I tried to ask Far East Guardian on Tue bt they dun carry...


I think it's stress oso. Sometimes we get stressed out subconciously without us knowing it. Last cycle my AF was late for abt 5 days too, and i'm very seldom late de. I thot i wasn't too stressed but AF still late. But if your AF still not here in a week, i think u shld do a test again. Maybe u r preggy afterall [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies.. a colleague of mine told me that her friend got a miscarriage. She did not that she is pregnant.. she just know that she misses her period about a week.. den she suddenly feel stomach pain so she went to see the doctor. doctor told her she got miscarriage. how can she got miscarriage just like this? the only sign she have is miss her period then slight stomach pain..


aiyoh...why didn't u tell hubby OK?? wasted... =)


hmm...if those dates means i also no need acu next mth..yah...can save some $$..


shark cartilage? taste like shark fin?


they deep fry the rice till like ehhh cornflake kind..but its hot.. then u add into the soup they provide.. u can ehar the sizzling sound... then smell a bit like chao tar rice porridge hee... the shark cartilege is v good for joints hee... so yummy

best of all onli 6 bucks leh....


try centerpoint guardian.. i gt on monday at city hall guardian too


take seaweed? i tink seaweed really help leh... at least work for me:p


keke i tryin not to eat now... cos eatin now will gain weight easily!!! i dun wan....

Chua Mummy,

it is possible i tink the chances of 1st timer mummy to get natural M/C is quite high ... my sec teacher natural m/c twice but she got 2 lovely boy now...

chua mummy

yes its possible to miscarriage w/o knowing.. some are call early termination.. tis is wat my gunae suspected last tiem hen i miss menses then suddenly gt menses but by time i tell them too late to detect.. so no substatial proof to say i m/c

but thr is indeed such thg


no no shark taste.. its a little sticky on ur lips when u drink it cos of the collagen fr the bones...

chua mummy,

Does yr fren has any spotting? Or heavy menses? Cannot be M/C jus lidat ma...


Ya lo..cos our CD is same ma...so tt means will miss the acu dates...good la...save $50 over leh...kekekeke...

pegsfur: ok.. tmr my AF will be late for a week.. so dun tell me I got to test it again tmr? wont it be too soon since I just tested it today..

hopefully AF will report soon, if nt let me be tested positive.. dun keep me in suspense leh.. the feeling of being suspense is really terrible..


its possible to m/c jus liek tat

the gynae explaination is the the body auto reject the embryo becos ther eis some so call dna defect.. she say is a gd thing if body can reject like tat. else if find gt prob n go thru d&c its not so good


Wah...like v nice leh....went Crystal Jade so many times and hv not tried before...

Hw much is the Tribestan now?


The plm is I dun like seaweed leh...I dun take de...


within next 2 days should see +ve for u i think... just cont to BD....me no signs at all...dun even see any signs of wetness on panties tt I usually see..... quite worried this cycle no O but still hv to try to relax... but i think subconscious stressed...heh



If u kan cheong, can go gynae to do a BT...if not just wait for a few more days to test on HPT again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Really ah? Then tt time my AF is late for 5 days w/o any stress also consider sort of M/c?

