(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

zao Liz, zuen!


haa.. guess more happy that u got ur AF this time round?

gg for holiday?


haa.. okok.. change topic then.

how's ur weekend?

i got a live xmas tree!

haa.. nice nice..

now decorated.. this yr theme, red! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



coz my in-laws did not want to have one, coz they feel no place to put.

but well.. glad the sis helped to persuade the mom!

hee. :p

Morning all.

Haiz. Yar Sianz abt AF........Mine is super alot. Today CD2........changed every 2hrs.....so incredible insane..........

I am thinking really how women so chiam. AF got cramps, pregnant also go thru alot, give birth also v pain, even if BDing, women at a disadvantage cos guys just easily clean up or wat not.....sometimes even dun need to have responsilbilties..........

That having said, that is y Maybe thats y MUM IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD.....

morning gals!

apple, my AF oso came. today is CD4 and so damn crampy... cos of my endo and cyst. nvrmind, i m looking forward to my next bd with hubby before i fly to shanghai... hope can catch the egg in time!

i agree with u...no matter how painful is the delivery, many women wldnt mind undergoing pregnancy and childbirth again.

Hi Hsien

My weekend was the usual. Wahaha. Nothing special.

I brought my doggy to Pasir Ris Dog Park to run ... haha.

yar...Coconut, women is the best.

So sian to have AF on weekend....cannot BD............

zao rabbit!

zao coconut!

zao woofmeow!


will upload @ fb soon then u go see.. :p


wahhh.. now better le?

must drink lots of water else will dehydrate le..


also fun wor!

my dog cant run le. else will pant non-stop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

zz..rem to load up on warm water to replace yr fluids okie ..nw bug flying all ard..my parents are also nt feeling too well too.

i want to rant! my "dont-know-anything" brother.. yesterday nite went to announce "i going to be uncle" -_-" when i found out was like 20 mins later.. had to call him and scold him..


haa... think he too excited ba. :p

uncle wor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haa.. :p

talking abt geng mc.. my bro also one kind de.

when he in army, somehow he manage to geng one mth mc lor.

guess y?

to do circumcision..

wonder what reason he had in order go for this as a medical condition. -_-"

today so quiet huh?

i know bbdust on leave, coz has appt today?

rest le?

guess still having long long weekend?

hee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tigerbb, wah seh! i tot my brother one of the worse case.. BMT 3 mths.. every 2 weeks geng 1 day mc.. i suan him lor.. i pregnant i also nv geng so many mc.. duhz.. then he yesterday said he body ache.. -_-", which army guy no body ache?


haaa.. ur bro really..

my bro geng mainly to play games lor.

then he tell me, if can, he will go for appendix removal op. -_-"

hahah....next or another one will be wisdom tooth removal can have 2 weeks mc...or even better, 4. Do 1 at a time. best.


no la.. he ORD le. so he stop all these.

coz has to fork out on his own!

good thing abt army is.. everything, is paid for by army! :p


do be careful hor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tot woofmeow pops in just now?

calling out to woofmeow, u are wanted by rabbit!!

btw, rem to take FA/multi-vit for the day!!

rabbit..cant rem if its ginger ..rosemary i tink ...u got the TONIC Huiles oil rite ?..initially when u start using..the smell bit strong..when u used to it liao hor..the smell quite ok ...aft massage / rub, i usually leave the tum tum alone for a while to let the skin absorb ( v fast ) then i zz.

