(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

lol ...yeah we can mit up for a queit dinner ..the 3 shy charbossssssssssss *-*

Ok Gila is shy level 1, bubbleing shy level 2 n woofy level 3 ...:p


BBDUSTS... can can...can drink with hsien.... hehehe.... no problem one... i LOVE TO DRINK... hahahaha.... so luckily not preggie...if not cannot drink...wah lau... christmas no drinking, new year no drinking..can die ...hehhee... I SURE TURN UP ONE...even u no invite me, i will gatecrash...hahaha...

hsien.... yup...it's nice when can detect O from body...in fact i got soooooooooooo many OPKs left... taking up space nia... got the 15 MIU one left too.. maybe on the 30dec i take the OPKs with me...see who wants, can have it all...hehehe..i detect it thru my horniess... and my EWCM....hehhee...u want the 15 miU one or not???i can give it to u....i no use for it....

Smine.. downunder sore...but still can do 1 more time tonite...hahaha..but i think DH gone case already.... he old liaoz mah... almost 40 already....hahaha... his downunder is no longer dragon...becomes worm liaoz...hehhee...

BBP...ya lah... tease me this shy girl.... no good ah u....

*sits in a corner & POUT BIG TIME* WOOFY BOOYEE ME....BBP BOOYEE ME... even BUBBLELING wants to BOOYEE ME...... HMPH.....hehehhee...

VICMA...i see u there...hahaha..finally can get to see ur "like mountain real noodle wood" (translate as "ru shan zhen mian mu")

BUBBLELING... no lah...i sore liaoz...and DH tonite got course to attend....dun want to suck him dry lah...hahaha...

BBP.. u GOOD gal meh??? hahaha... i think i'm the good one... i say i GUAI and GOOD No.2, no one dares to snatch from me No.1 place...hahaha...

BUBBLELING... hehehe.... ok lah..... u no booyee me...hahhaa..u just agreed with WOOFY nia...hahhaa...

VICMA... i more fatty wor.... somemore u fatty cos u preggie...me no preggie already fatty bom bom...hahaha..jia lat lor....


*talks to little woofy with brainwaves* KICK MUMMY HARD HARD... KICK MUMMY WHEN SHE SLEEP UNTIL SHIOK SHIOK... MUHAHAHAHA.... then AUNTIE GILA will sayang u... muhahahahhaaa.....

BUBBLELING...at least u starve urself for 1 mth u will be slim...i think i cna starve for 3 years and still can qualify to be in fatty club lor...hahaha...that is how fat i am now... so sianz...last time slim slim, now fat fat...sighz...i see my size S clothes i very sad...now even XL also cannot wear...sighz...

hmm if i start special K tomorrow. maybe next mth can still be same wt haha!

fat HOPES! this is the mth i usually ballOON! 5ht mth into preggy last time i ballooned so fast i could not compete with stretch marks.


no lah one mth where got enough to slim down....i breath air also FAT one hor....like dat how to slim down...i wana cry when i see my smaller size clothes.....

BUBLELING.... hahha.if starve for 1 yr maybe can lah..right?/?hehehe... i also lah...see my smaller size clothes ah... ai yo...so wasted.... somemore so new & nice...sighz...now the clothes ah..all so flumpy... machiam like mother of 100 like that... so sad lah..hehe..


while trying to TTC hor once my friend told the waiter at a rest we at 3 mummies. "all of us are preg can u serve our food 1st" faints! i was doing a 2 weeks wait!

Dunno if any of you will come in during the weekend, but I'm just popping in to say AF come liao. That's it. My family will remain at 3 kids. Thanks everyone for all your support and craziness. My TTC journey is now officially over. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] All the best to all of you who are still TTCing!

morning dorie...

Do pop in from time to time to join us k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


paiseh..so long then reply.. haha

Im ok.. just very very tired but i would say its fulfilling la..

my confinement long over le.. my gal is 12 weeks today

hi tiger.... thanks...

vicma... alamak... I really long time never come in, you think I TTCing for #2? Haha. No lah, I was TTCing #4... so never mind, be contented with me 3... enough liao.

Ling... wah, 12 weeks liao... congrats!

OK, gotta go. long day ahead.

Hey ladies! Good morning! Alone on hospital doing glucose test to check whether got diabetes. Bored so decide to come in forum to talk to myself lalala.....

Ling, its okie. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yo, Chio Mama AWBB....ur maid how? settled?}

hellow everyone...long time didn't login..busy with my boy..also no any good news yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I love to read your post...haha

Morning ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya... long weekend pass so fast!

Never mind, two more long weekends to look forward in the month of Dec! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Hsien! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Me too. BBT dropped drastically this morning. I can feel cramping too. Predict AF will come today. Pui! Gg to star my 3rd cycle of clomid. Haiz.. But never mind. I happie cos I m flying off to Melbourne tonight! Hohoho.


btw, its AF wor.


hmm.. until its full-blown, its not consider as AF wor.

usually u will have spotting first?

for me, spotting are usually pinky then comes the red. :p

ops.. guess i still havent wake up.. ya is AF not FA haha...

normally i have brown then red..

ZuEn wat is BBT?

wah.. so good going for holiday?

