(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!


actually infant care nt that expensive as u tot la.. cos my cousin put her son go infant care abt 500 after susidy lei..

unless u nt singaporean then will be expensive la..then wif CDA acc can do matching..

which mean to say u pay abt 250 per mth while govt pay other 250 for u.. so can consider lor..

just FYI in case u tot infant v exepnsive as wat i tot last x.. keke


but hor..i tot of staying home to "yang tai" while preggie lar...having to work is very xin ku during tis period..somemore its nite shift for me if i accept the ir job thus i have not signed anything though im offered...

it's a good idea to do that esp if you have bad bouts of morning sickness~ night shift is very taxing for your body too. Work can always wait but for the sake of our babies the first few years will be critical for their growth and development!


ya u r rite...but i keep my finger cross for the morning sickness part cos it has not happen till now.

any ladies have any idea usually when does MS kick in usually?


if it is a night shift job then better dun take up lor..

else u might have little time for ur kids and is nt a gd idea also la

ya lor...actually its most ideal to stay home n educate e baby by mummy if not constraint by financial issue, dh also agree on tis only wonder if we can manage if only 1 person working...

Yeah Angel, all is 1 it take to strike, many pple BD twice or once also strike [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My strategy this time round, no opks, no bbt....mwhahah.....

Naive dearie,

Got use lah but like less than 5 times, then the strap got the zip marks... see already gek sim.. yupz its a pressie from DH lah... so treasure it a lot =) keke


need to manage the finanical well and realli count ur expenses lor.. cos i had gt no patience to be a FTSAHM so i rather go to work to earn income for myself to spend.. keke...

hi ladies

i actually quite dilema also leh...i duno if i shld be sahm or go work haiz headache....

actually to BFP, the key is no stress lor...i tendered in june so haven been working since june cos sch holiday, then july BFP le...no bbt, no preseed, no opk, no tcm and only BD 1 time after last AF then kena liao.....

Hi All,

I'm new in this forum.

TTCing for more than a yr already but no result. Started on folic acid > 1 mth ago. Thinking of gg to gynae. Does anyone know during which day of menstual cycle is the best time to go? What will I expect on my 1st visit?

oh then u might wan to go 2 weeks after yr menses cos usually tts the time where ovulation takes place, can let the doc scan the eggs

wat type of scan will it be? read somewhere from the forum there's this scan call vaginal scan. seems quite uncomfortable and pai seh.

Does my hubby need to go on first visit?

if u r not preggie most prob is V scan to see yr fallopian tube.

its not pain, jus a little bit uncomfy when the probe goes in but jus for a while.

u might wan to look for a lady gynae if u scared pai seh. best to have yr hubby go with u to give u more courage and have someone by yr side though its not a must [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi gals.

Im new here, need some advice here....

I m normally on 28 to 29 cycle period. And is those type which is very accurate one.

But for this month, i had missed 4 days already, and keep having spotting every time i go toilet. Any advice on this?

hi mummyb, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

have u tested on HPT?

bebe chan its good to cont work after delivery then decide unless yr body very weak need to rest during pregnancy. Its time to save more money cos giving birth in sg is not cheap and planning ahead still alot of things to pay for the child as well be it vaccination, checkup. Milk nutrition and later his or her education as well.

wah i using those bp detox patches yday ls once right? Today i wore the patch longer around 12 hours to sleep then much later ls very bad two times now lor 2nd time. I will stop tomight and continue one two days later.

baby dream

no problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya i seen gynae on monday, he ask me go back in 4 weeks time...no lar i no spotting, i told pinkie say doc say not stable cos very small so she tot i spotting...wats BT?

vic ma

i know money is a big problem in the future..but the thing is there is no one to take care for me...


HPT=home pregnancy test

Bebe ...Blood test lor ..tot some gynae will ask to do BT in case HCG dun double up like every 2 days??? ...no ah??? ..so when u go back in 4 weeks shld be able to see someting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Naive, EOL = End of Life, and I frequent the hair salon at serangoon north......

Sstarlight, LOL... Dun think is due to that yet (although I wish to.. ;P)... hv issue with Sugar level which will makes me spin at times, only these few days like very serious for no reasons.... ;P I am still very early to test...... and this month I am not very hardworking.... ;P


I also started to feel the spinning at DPO 8 and I BD 3x around O date.

But do take care lah.. whether or not pregnant, if fainted on the road is no joke.


to me i feel that TTC is a long journey toward some mum.. many try for mths ad doesnt strike..

which make them leave it to fate than they strike le..

the key points nw is stayed postive and decide what u wan... just have to plan ahead lor..

to see if ur dh can support if onli he alone work..

if he can then u can just ease ur mind and b a happy SAHM for th next 18 mths lor..

Elicia Mum,

I also dun like to be SAHM, but now I pregnant already plus with my on and off giddy problem, I dun think any employer would want to employ me.

But luckily my DH still supportive of my DS to go child care. So at least I get some time to myself but really got to think how I want to spend this time. Cos staying at home also pretty bored.

Hopefully I can find some part time 3-4 months job when I am in my 2nd trimester.. then I rest for the last 2 months then give birth would be the most ideal :D


I also prefer to look after my own kid during their first few months on my own to establish schedule, feeding habits..

But I am those type that cannot stay at home for long.. For infant I am willing to stay at home for first 6 months then I will go back to work already. I am lucky I got my mum to help out after that.. for strictly the first 6 months I want to look after myself for the bonding.

If you cannot find someone whom you can entrust your baby, the best is you look after yourself if you DH can support.


haha.. since that u are nw preg so be more postive lor.. if dh can support then ok la..

to me i had been quite independant on myself since young.. and i dun the idea of asking $$ from anyone lor... so i still prefer to go work whenever possible..

but since ur dh can let ur child go child care mayb looking for a pert time job is gd lor..

to kill x else u will b super bored at home also lor.. keke...


no leh didnt do BT only did urine test...tt day scan already can see kekeke

elicia mum

ya do agree tt TTC is a long journey for some, but maybe they too stressed with this issue over prolonged period then makes it more hard to strike...like me tt time when i was working then keep trying always never strike even when BD everyday during O period, tis time only BD 1 time tis mth then strike le...DH can support if i don work jus tt i scared he too stressed or too heavy load lor...


i also wish but financial will be more burden

sstarlight, thanks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I will be careful de..... Hahaha... ok, I hope I will deliver good news next next week.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] positive.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How you feeling now? Still hv giddy spell?


haha.. i also 1st time strike after my d&c on jan.. dun realli BD wif dh plus daughter sleeping wif us n dh often work till v late...

anyway i believe is fate lor..some BD almost everyday n nv strike after many cycle..

but for that one cycle they do once then strike..

i belive that our life is already fated and hw many child we had or at wat age, who gonna be or kids all fated le..

since ur dh can support then by all mean.. be a happy SAHM lor..joy this 10 mths...

u will feel it worth while when u are at ur wks 20 and u can feel the movement of ur little one..


i dun be able to let u know now lei..

cos it also depend on how us ship the items lor..

some x onli $1.50-$2.00

some can be 2.00 - 2.50 lor..

and also if adult will be higher as more units will b charged


Me still feel giddy on and off. The feeling is like you turn yourself in circles on the same spot like 20 rounds.. then after you stop you feel very giddy and feel like puking. That type of feeling.. very xin ku.

It will come suddenly... So dare not go out alone so often too.


Sstarlight, oh dear! u must be very careful not to be alone too much..... I understand that kind of spining feeling, although I think I am not as bad as yours.... for me spin mostly happen when I sit down, I feel I am on a rocking boat.... but stand up I dun really feel that... so not so bad....

when u see your gynae?

