(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

congrats charmum!! u gimme a fright... i tot itz realli diabetics coz i also same symtoms as u... tink i will test either 2moro or sunday... wish me gd luck!

*catches ur baby dusts*

peony jade. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wat food u wan to eat? Peony Jade is Chinese restaurant. FOr wat occasion also?

u can try jiawei, which is more ex. If u wanna cheaper can tryl roland.

But both near parkway. Where would u prefer the resturant to be?

I having 1 side cramp still it is more swelling on my left den my right. AF still little blood.. from yesterday to today... my pad reports 2cm wide and about 15cm ++ long of absorption.

its hubby's bday today..

peony jade might not be a good idea cos most weekends they're booked for weddings.. Been there a few times but always a wedding there..

No particular place cos we got car.. can travel..

Tink hubby would prefer something on the western side.. He is tinking of trying out The Olive Ristorante at Labrador Park.. We've nv been to that restaurant b4 but I found not so good comments abt it from the web.

morning ladies. These few nites very early zzz le. Very tired. Ling, try dempsy rd. Ben n jerry there. CharMum, big big congrats to u. So happy for u.

ling, i not v sure, maybe u can try rochester or dempsy like wat lileen suggest.

or french food? Prive is a nice place, but food wise so so.

I am having shoulder pain, not sure if cos of the chair...

most likely looking for a new chair later...

but not sure if it is due to the chair or wat....

Good Morning Everyone...i bo bian must test HPT liao...i just received sms from my sis...my granny's condition deteriorated and i deteriorating rapidly...it's anytime...so even if it's BFN, i'm prepared for the failure cos another failure is of greater concern...

tubby sayang sayang.. remember if ur granny go.. she is free from pain. Thou u may hurt, but remember she is in peace and no longer suffering

tubby, it is okie to feel pain and cry... the pain of her loss will not go away, but will become more bearable.. but remeber that she would always want the best for u and if u have done all within ur means to give her wat she wanna, it is all she asked for.

blurlet - haiz...i just want what's best for her...haiz....i'm trying to hold my morning pee leh...but i doubt i can hold until i go bank and come back lor...

tubby, seriously to ur ganny, u should tell her u are trying ur best to have a child asap. she will be happy to hear that. even if u bfp, u may not have inuff hcg to turn the hpt to 2 lines yet. She is worried that u wanna hold back ur bb plans only.

blurlet - i will definately not hold back my baby plans...ydae i ask her whether she want to carry baby or not, she just stare at me blankly...tian ar...

Alison dear dear... ok..thanks...me gonna test soon...wish me luck... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

today still migraine supposed to work i think better go slow else migraine will prolong.

Gm i could not even sleep last night ar. The pain so bad i even forget i can take ponstan. Its so bad lor people sick i can have alot of suggested remedy but myself that time i cannot think liao.

