(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

Piggym, Mon prob cannot...maybe Tues or Wed lunch? Coz Mon gtg to see TCM, den go gai gai awhile, so may be back later.

I added carrots n chicken stock. Did u try one of those as well?


in that case, I put in ofc first. Cos I dunno abt my Tues or Wed schedule yet. If I m still in ofc on tues, will meet u lor

Try what? ur cookies? No lah. I tried the liver only. keke

Where do u usu go for lunch? Walking over to TBP quite far hor...I mean walking to & fro.

we usually boil slices of lemon to clear the stains in a hot pot for boiling water. We do this once every few months once. Its more natural than using say cif or those whitening paste detergent.

Soak alone doesnt work. Its heated water with the lemons that work la.

Piggym, actually the cookie is oso edible...Again onli human grade ingredients are used. Kekeke...

Tastes quite nice too.


yup walking to and fro during lunch hr is not a wise idea. Cos of the hot sun during noon time. hahah

Its ok, I can meet u at TBP, then I can pack lunch there and go back to office to eat.

Haha. I know.. but didnt try. My dog luv it! I give him 1 cookie per day. He is quite fat I don give him much treats. kekeke

My dog oso beri fat. Dh says like mummy - ME!

Esp since now I stay at home, he eats lots of special treats.


All rite, will either msg u on Mon nite to cfm again. tata.

Going to bed soon. cant sleep so late or else I will be too heaty...

Nite nite

yah i put egg and its yummy..i think next week i wun put drumstick..just put eggie or maybe cook every 2 weeks cos my cycle long...tml after i cook de soup if de stain still there den i go buy lemon bah..

yah MIL finish de soupie

hi ladies,

anyone's DH has done SA test before?

does DH has to produce his sample at the clinic or can we bring it over?

Ooh... speaking of bazhen.. I used to have to drink it coz MIL will make every mth. But I really dislike the taste. Not nice one!

I think black chkn soup is so much nicer haha.


saw ur posting yesterday abt the Ovulation kit showin faint line ah... tat's consider negative... positive means both line same darkness... today maybe should try see have both dark line a not..

good luck... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

helllllllooooooooooooooooo ladies!!!!!

Im BACK .....finally!!!!!!

Any new grads recently this past week??? COnGRATS!!!

*waves hello to the newbies*

Jul ...1st tri considered over yet or must rch wk 13 first??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gd noon!!! ayy...very quiet here during the daytime wor...*knock knock*

Which CD are u guys at now?? Today is CD23 for me...BD alot this mth *LOL* and am on clomid so crossing fingers leh. When is the earliest date I can test preggy ah?? Sigh...the wait is making me STRESS!!

im here!!!

hehe suppose to wake up at 6am to cook soup den in de end wake up only at 11am....so can only drink my soup in de evening bah..hehe

agenda for today:

finish marking 100 compositions!!!

Wah! U guys have been talking about soup and it seems to me that most of u actually cooked it ahahaha! Now I also crave for soup le.

R u a teacher?? 100 compositions?!!>!>!?!?!

Hi everybody,

Gd afternoon. I managed to make my own chicken essence yesterday. very yummy. hee

Hi taregal,

my dh did the sperm test last week. Can do it there or at hm and bring it over. If your dh do at hm, must bring down the sample within 1 and half hr. they will give a bottle to keep the sperm, try to keep it near ur body temperature like ur pocket. It'll be good if u or ur dh drives. i also need to provide my mucus via vagina for the sperm test. think it's to check whether ur mucus helps or kills the sperms when they swim in.

when we try to bring it down, we were caught in the traffic jam but we managed to reach within 1 hr. very funny. hee


Oh wow! tt was fast! Din expect u to get it so soon! Lotsa baby dust for u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_babydust.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_babydust.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_babydust.gif]


my O was at CD 68 oso, i stopped using OPK to track then coz so frustrating to keep seeing -ve. I relied mainly on my mucus. By the end of 2nd day when it suddenly hit on me to test using OPK (tt was CD 66 or 67), i got a faint +ve; which according to the instructions means its -ve but i BD-ed anyway. Gd luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


even if OPK shows +ve doesnt mean we'll succeed though we BD many times. i oso dunno wat went wrong. this cycle i din BD as often as the last few cycles. And i stop lifting the butt aft BD. juz get up to pee & wash up in less than 2 mins.

Wah i din drink chix essence leh. in fact my hb drank it in the mornings to give him energy at work. Perhaps him drinking it benefitted us both? Hahahaha!

Hi taregal,

The nurse collected the mucus from me at the clinic after i submitted the sperm. It's like pap smear. Don't need to get stimulated. It was the 5th day after my D&C, didn't manage to get stimulated, still bleeding and cramp.

Hi magix,

Yeh, very fast. Thanks a lot. Hoping to get your baby dust soon.

Hi bryest,

thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now i understand better, currently seeing tcm, so hubby needs to go for a SA test [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear ladies...

please allow me to tell u all my prob..cos i need a solution...

due to unforseen circumstances. my mum and bro has no place to stay soon...my mum has no CPF and my bro is below 21 thus they r not able to buy any flat...

i would really like to have them to stay wif me when my flat is rdy by this year.but i noe if i do this my hubby will be super unhappy..not forgetting his family...

cos i din allow his mum to stay wif me and de main reason we r moving out is cos we wana be alone..

now my sis is saying im selfish and my relatives all blaming me...but i did tok to hubby and i noe he will nvr agree..even if he agrees...he will still be unhappy and even if its only for 2-3 years will soon affect our marriage....

so wat i can think of now is to help my mum pay for de rental if she is goin to rent a room and stay wif my bro until they can apply for a flat when my bro turns 21....

but i felt so useless....i cant protect my mum...if only im not married...i sure buy a hse and stay wif her....

How much do u foresee u need to pay for rental?

But they got their own flat? Now cun stay there anymore?

How old is ur bro now?

In extreme circumstances, can get MP to write appeal letter to HDB to allow purchase, even tho ur bro is underage.



u nv train ur dog to walk on leash at home before u brought him out?? i m abit scared to bring him out now... anyway how u toilet train ur dog??


guess what u can do is to help pay the rental lor... help her find a gd place to stay first... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] any other siblings who can help out?? every family hv their own story, dont feel too bad abt what ur sis or relatives say...

