(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

wah...2 times a year?? have u considered IVF?? higher chance of conceiving right?? u got see gynae ma...hey we should meet up for coffee or something...i haven't seen u in ages... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Val: I have been seeing gynae, therefore been prescribe Clomid. Supposed to help ovulation. I considered IVF also, but dont wanna jump so fast to that stage. Wanna try other possibilities. Furthermore I dont have much grant or subsidies from govt as hubby foreigner leh.

Am having an appt with gynae in the afternoon today. Have u been seeing any gynae for check up etc?

Ya, we should meet sometime. In April prob when I am back for good. Flying back to Beijing tonight already. Dread it =(

yesterday, my DH v funnie.. ask me gd day to bd? i gt -ve OPK but told him is gd.. hehe... den when we want bd MIL cum over to our hse.. n he ask me how huh.. how to close the door?? den dun bd lo... den he reply cannot... hehehe..

heheh, shan, u guys sleep without closing door meh?

since young i have the habit of sleeping with doors closed liao...so immediately after married also sleep with doors close...

but ur DH funni lah...and ur MIL also funni...go to ur at that kind of hour?

Alison: i'm not seeing any gynae...just started TTC last month only...but i intend to go for full body check up with my hubby next month...april very fast one lar...2 more months only...but if ur hubby PR then will have the same benefits of Singaporeans ma...he never apply PR ma?

shan: hahhaha so cute leh..hehehe fire already burning sure cannot stop la... hehehe

and how come ur MIL suddenly pop over?? was it very late already??


where u going to have your full body checkup?

Full body checkup will check got O or tubes blocked or not.. wont right?

Haloo all!!!

I am new here :D Was formerly blogging on sgbrides nov 08 brides thread. Nickname oso jolene428

Personal details:

Actual Name: Jolene

ROM: Dec 2006

AD: Nov 08

I am trying for a baby moo~~~!!!

New Cycle: I add u in FB liao :D My email is [email protected]. Add me~!!!

TTC details:

LMP: 10 Feb 09.

CD: 28 + 7-14 days. (Recent more irregular, dont knw wat happened)

Had pondered for a while before decided for a baby... and now trying hard... hahaha... Wish me Luck wor~!!!

starrz - normal body check up lor...the clinic at my place offers body check up package...or raffles medical oso have...for those MTBs...company gives us $250 every year for body check up...bu yong bai bu yong rite.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Val: He not PR la. I also dun wan him PR hahahaha! The only good thing is that he can get more loan from bank if we gonna buy an apartment. I still cant see any benefits of becoming a PR in Spore though.

Ya,, better go for full check up. I found out I got the pre cancer virus thingy at my cervix. Thank god found out earlier, or else....cannot imagine.

Girl_mummy: Whats the benefit of PR ah? Are u guys entitled to BB bonus??

wah so good ah, your company..

ya must fully utilise it.. dont waste [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

helo Jolene.. welcome in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Welcome... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


benefits ah.. basically nothing lor..hehehe

but baby bonus have cause our child is Singapore Citizen... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Girl_mummy: Dont have dual citizen meh? hahaha! No choice one ah. I also think not much benefit one...dun knw why DH wan to be PR so bad

Jolene: WELCOME!

bena, Awbb, Girl_mummy,

its around 11.. my MIL just staying a few blocks away... she will just pop in whenever she likes lo.. sometime will stay till 3 plus to watch tv programme alone.. we dun really close the door as it will be more windy den we need not on the fan... end up he just talk to his dog for a while and ask him to cum into sleep.. his dog refuse so he just act act say ok, u dun 1 cum in i close the door liao cos v nosiy... hehehe

Alison - where you went for ur full check up?? but i don't know which check up to go for leh... i checked raffles medical all quite ex...


my dh PR for abt 10 years liao.. if he change to SG-citizenship then Malaysia one will have to drop... imagine i got 2 wedding cert.. haha one from Malaysia and one from Sg.. hahaha

my dh feels the benefits tat govt gave us not a lot.. so he say not worth to convert.. haha i also ask him not to.. cause i planning to yi ming there... hahaha :p

shan: kaozzz so bad... tat timin ppl mostly active else where still like tat... hahahah :p

whahahahha jia jia... :p

M/s: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! Your DH very funny leh. Use the dog as excuse *ROFL* I almost choke from my saliva while laughing.

Val: I went MT E. Dr Yeoh Swee Choo. Intro by a friend's mum who is a nurse. But downside, have to wait even got appt. Sianzz


My MIl is a houswife.. so usually sleep n wake up late lo... thinking if she will to take care of my futre bb den maybe my bb olso like her... hahahaha

Girl_mummy: Thats what I think. Govt never give us much, thats why I am always very puzzled when my DH say it is more worth to be PR. He liked it when our govt give us $$ mwhahahahaha!


whahahahah... no.. i tink opp.. haha she can stay up and late tv means she like to watch.. she might faster put ur bb to sleep fast so she can watch... hahahha


but PR not entitle for the $$ tat govt gives leh... hahah so tell ur DH not worth la... hahahah

i happen to see the FB got 2 valerie.. hehe look pretty leh..

Valerie (tellytubby) is which one huh.. hehehe


ya,, my DH usually talk to his dog.. treating hom as his human bb... he will ask him if he is a gd boy, got eat full full ant, etc... den he will put his ear near to his dog's mouth as if his dog is replying him.. den he will just reply on his dog's behalf... lolx....

girls_mummy - mine is valerie sim...sim is my dh surname...

alison - how much is the check up package?? i never went for this kind of check up before leh...so i don't know which to go for...


ah... how come leh... hehe sorry ah.. KPO.. :p

i go and request u... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i haven in the group yet... hehe

old liao then fat liao..then eat and eat cos my MIL's cooking is heavenly...super nice de lor...then cannot control so eat eat eat...but not fat until hippo that kind la... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha...ya lor...added liao...metabolism rate went down liao...but still acceptable weight... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Val: ehh..I cant remember how much, I got to dig out my records when I am in Beijing. Ehh, i realised as we grow older, we put on more weight hor.

M/s: hehe! Your DH self entertaining hehehe! can even pretend until like the dog reply.

