(2010) 2009 TTCers Moving on to 2010... Come on in!

i think if we compile list, majority all late AF lor...i late for 1 week...BFN twice...actually ydae i was talking to my friend, she say don't stress ourselves, then will conceive easily de...don't monitor BBT and O, then just BD every 2 days then enjoy, will conceive...i don't know how true is it la...but she's got 1 son now lor...


i cannot find the group.. hehe but i requested sashamama to add me liao..hehe


actualli tat does cause an impact on TTC.. cause stress does make one lesser chance of being preggy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have been so stress!!!! Stress about ttc!!! Last nite still argue with DH about our ttc plan. Really PMS or emo till I broke down....

webbyy - k...will check later....

starrz - yup it's in my IC...

violetta - morning!!

anyone going for the Natas fair next week?? i haven't gone for my honeymoon yet lor...married in june till now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


keep ur cool.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun be too stress k... smile... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good good...wait for sashamama to approve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Watur fren told u is true. my TCM told me if we keep stressing on having a bb or Pregnancy Hormones will drop n menstraction Hormones will increase.. he mention there is 3 types of hormones in our body..

Girl Mummy,

Yeah....will try....thanks!


I wanted to go Natas leh...but i heard that Natas are mostly confirmed tours so can be more expensive also..juz that more freebies i guess. Maybe i wanna go c c look look.. =)

but sometimes circumstances will force us to want to conceive soon..you know what i mean?? like for my case, i really wanna conceive soon...not much time left already...

Morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Heard that jandew has went for cruise .. so good! When is she coming back?

Btw, anyone has the intention of keeping dogs? I have a friend here who is trying to rehome a young 3-yr old male schnauzer, is paper & toilet trained already. He's a very sweet & handsome boy! If anyone is interested, pls let me know, or email me at [email protected].

dh says he wanna go see snow...but from now to mid year where got snow other than switzerland...and it's so ex to go switzerland lor....i suggested going to Gold Coast, Korea or Japan...or just somewhere near like Bali...relax ourselves from all the daily stress...


She is putting it up for adoption [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello Ladies. New in this thread. Havent log in for such a long time and I totally lost track of the last thread I frequent previously =(

Anywayz, am trying for a BB...supposingly is for 2008...well..no luck..so nnow trying for 2009!!

So how's everyone been doing?

starrz, ya is menstraution hormones..

valarie, i noe the stress u gg though.. try to relax urself lo.. maybe as wat u n DH has suggested go for a short trip to relax n u will strike soon...

helo awbb...

welcome to this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starrz: Thank u =)

So anyone on clomid to assist in getting preggy?? Did my 1st clomid cycle for my last AF, today will be going gynae for followup. Wah..really hope I can kena 1st strike!

Hi AW-BB welcome to the thread of Hapiness wif crazy and helpful chiobuzzzzzzzz!!!

dun mind can u pls update me with ur details?

Nick AF Date(last menses) Baby U r trying for & Place u stay. Thank U!

e.g Pinkiemummie 13/02/09 #1 Kallang

Valerie: Thank u =) ACtually I think I know u ahahahhaa!

New Cycle: AW-BB 31st Jan 2009 #1 Beijing / Bedok

Am back for holiday. Will be staying in BJ till April and then back for good! WooHoo!

TTC: Trying To Conceive

BD: Baby Dance (Make Love)

LMP: 1st Day of Last Menstrual Period

CD: Cycle Days

O: Ovulate

DPO: Days Past Ovulation

2WW: 2 Week Wait (After O, For Menses To Come Or Not)

AF: Aunt Flow (Menses)

TTC Methodology Terms

FA: Folic Acid (Taken Daily To Help BB's Growth)

EWCM: Egg White Cervical Mucus (Appears When Fertile)

OPK: Ovulation Predictor Strips (Used To Test If Ovulated)

HPT: Home Pregnancy Test Kit (Used To Test If Pregnant)

HCG: Pregnant Hormones (Detected In Urine If Pregnant)

BBT: Basal Body Temperature

BFP: Big Fat Positive (On Pregnancy Test Kit)

BFN: Big Fat Negative

Preggie Terms

BB: Baby

MTB: Mother To-Be

SAHM: Stay At Home Mummy

FTWM: Full Time Working Mummy

EDD: Estimated Due Date

MS: Morning Sickness

BF: Breastfeed

M/C: Miscarriage

D&C: Dilation & Curettage (To remove unwanted or unhealthy pregnancy)

Other Terms

DH: Darling Hubby

KKH: Kandang Kerbau Women's And Children's Hospital

TCM: Traditional Chinese Medicine

TMC: Thomson Medical Centre

Any newbies wanna join our NEW Facebook group?

Step 1: Add me in ur facebook at [email protected]

Step 2: Find under my ‘Profile’ or 'Info' page, under Groups 'SMH 2009 and beyond'

Step 3: Click on the Group 'SMH 2009 and beyond' and Click on 'Request To Join Group'

Step 4: I will add you

(If possible, let me know ur nick used in the forum so I don’t add the wrong people into the group!)


Tks! I just got more info from my friend.

This sweetie has been passed around from people to people not becos he is notti or wat, it's just dat some irresponsible people got the dog without all the love and commitment. So now he's been passed to my friend, who will help to rehome him.

When my friend got him, they found that he has got slight skin problems, but it's not serious and is on his way to recovery. My friend will need the new owner to pay her $200 for the vet/grooming fees. So the only amt to be paid is only $200 and this is not for the sale of the dog, it's to reimburse the rehomer for the various fees.

This is a pic of him:


I hope your friend or anyone interested in keeping a dog can give him a true home he needs. Tks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aw bb - you know me?? from where?? sg brides forum ar??

pegsfur - i already told my friend le...i gave her ur email address oso...hope someone gives this lovely boy a new home soon...too bad i don't like to sterilise dogs or i'll gladly offer my home to him...

Valerie: Babe, Alison la! Vincent's sis...ring a bell now!?

Of cos I know la, u put your full name so big hehehe!


Ok, tks for your help. Oh, just for yr info, this sweet doggie is not sterilised yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ai......... i suddenly got confused over DPO.. hehe

It means date pass Ovulation rite... so is in included in 2ww?? cause i read from other thread ' am in my 2ww too. Today is 4dpo'


hi ladies..

gettimg excited!! going HK this sat!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm...realise these few weeks not many graduates hor....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i want to ask u long ago..why do you like China ah? cos u are so young..hard find young pp who like China.....

Val: ehhh...must say my full name meh *lol*

I'm fine, will be better if strike mwhahaha! Ya, my bro have BB liao...

Everytime see my niece, make me stress.

haha...the world so small hor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

then ask ur bro how he strike lor...ask him to chuan shou some kung fu to you...

i oso hoping to strike this cycle...last cycle i false hope..sianz half...


i tot 2WW = 2 weeks after O (DPO14)? hahaha... mi olso confused..actually neber count me DPO wat... onli concentrate on CD wat... hehehe

Val: *LOL* I dont think he have tactic leh. Unplanned leh. I realised ppl get preggy easier without planning.

I more jia lat, got PCOS so cannot really ovulate on my own. Took clomid and am hoping. Just have to do more BD. Cant even calculate my most fertile period cos dun even have a clue of my cycle hahahaha!

