(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Noted that a few babies having fever, is it the "teething" issue? My son today has his first fever at 38 degrees, but didn't see any growth leh... ... (scratching head)


Ya hawker is a decent job n spore hawker ctrs sell sooo many gooood food!!!

My mum side: frm grandmother, to my uncle and my mum they hv a 30 over yrs history of TeoChew kueh at Jalan Kukok food centre, I love their kueh n quite alot of ppl esp taxi drivers like it!

I eat their kueh grow up one wor but too bad didnt inherit the skils ,hehe :p

I always bring my frens and promote my parent's kueh stall cos I am PROUD of it!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, thks for all e birthday wishes!!! i realli enjoy my birthday tis yr...today put my gal @ my mil's plc n went partok wif my HB...hehe...@ USS, we didnt take most of e rides juz take e 4D show...but i ardy saw it @ Gold Coast so juz went in for e air con...haha

happy birthday bubbly!!!

stefie & whisp: thks for e infor for e drop-in, i manage to buy it @ Nex Kiddy Palace.

crystal: my gal dun co-slp wif me...i'm nt sure other hotels gt provide bb cot or nt but when my HB bk Hard Rock online they gt state bb cot in their form.

Psh and bubbly: once again, happy bday to u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also realized I have the same bday as two mummies here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena: so rude... Dare to say but dun dare to admit.. Ur bro really consider them as friends or acquaintances?

Re: nose 

I also have flat and big nose and wish jovan dun be like mine.. Yeah, I also pinch him everyday but still flat leh.. Haha.. I think most bb have flat noses right.. Haven really see a sharp nose bb.. 


I got my inchworm. So so disappointed. It's definitely not the original. It plays some tacky music and does not even come with a Lamaze tag or packaging. I'm swearing off against bulk purchases. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies, sorry long time no come in to chat! Really miss the good old days..now like always rushing for time sia. Feeling so drained by the end of the day...

Anyways I don't know who was asking about the baby cot but I think most hotels will give, just have to request in advance. Last June I went to KL, stayed in some budget hotel, and they had a cot so... ^.^

leelee> yup even though my boy is eating rice with whatever now (I don't cook porridge since cannot freeze), I still use cereal to mix with his purees.

Also, I have to moan here since I can't do it anywhere else (FB too public and got alot of 'underaged' audience...my period came back today SIANZ LAH my boy is just a day shy of 7 months. HAIZZZZZZZzzzz...but can't be helped. Can feel my supply dwindling...sometimes when I latch I also don't know if got anything come out or not haha.

My #2 is starting to furniture surf already and it's quite scary...an accident waiting to happen! Time to babyproof all the sharp corners etc..he is certainly more "hands-on" compared to my #1 and puts everything into his mouth.

I saw pics of the baby gym session that y'all had, wished I could have joined in!! Looked like everyone had a lot of fun...and seeing the daddies standing in a row with their cameras..priceless!

K guys..keep the Dec 2010 thread alive! (((hugs))))

Jialing, neko, stefie, whisp, dew dew, mangogal, thanks very much for your concern. PD surgeon did a incision at his lump to remove the pus. This time he cried till his whole body was shaking..it scared me for a while but PD kept saying its ok. Think it must be very painful as its the 3rd time the cut is done at the same place. Hope that his wound would recover quickly.

oh dear Sharon,hope ur boy is feeling better now,did PD say why there is pus again? Can prevent it frm occuring?

Crystal, whisp, sorry for the late reply, busy with work so cant log in. Ba Bao San helps to improves appetite, calms the nerves n helps baby to sleep better and alleviate cold n fever symptoms.

Julien is taking 1/3 bottle everyday after we bathe him and he loves it. The product is avail on EYS online store at below link for reference:


If you are keen to try n stays around Tiong Bahru, I can pass a bottle to you to try if your babies like it.

Bubbly, same for Ba Bao San, babies with G6PD deficiency can't take it too.

My gal fall off the bed just now with a loud bang [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Receive msg from Hubbi as I was already half way otw to work in train. Now go back cos I no mood work. Go back see her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning mummies and daddies. Finally have abit of time to login [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roz: thanks..

Sharon:eek:h dear.. everything will be fine.. hope he recovers soon..

Jialing: it helps for julien? thats good.. I'm lazy.. i tried both ba bao san and bao yin dang and i gave up after awhile cuz he still has his coughs and flus.. and its very very expensive so didnt continue.. Maybe I no patience? I heard chinese med will take quite awhile..

Liling: oh dear... quick quick go back and see if she's fine..

morning mummies


hw cm gt pus again? gt ask PD y??


oh dear...quickly go bk n see her, monitor her see she gt vomit or any bump or nt...if u feel uncomfortable, go n see PD.

good morning mommies. mid week wednesday today... 2 more days to go and its weekend.

Roz, glad u had some time to log in. u are lucky already. yous came only on the 7th month. mine's been visiting me since 2nd month after birth.. double zzzz..

jialing, i see i see. so its good when they have flu etc huh.. okie.. i will bear that in mind. thanks for the offer at the moment ethan's not had any flu or cough before.. *cross fingers and toes* i will keep this in mind if he does fall sick in future.

liling, o dear.. hope ur gal's oki.

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

dewdew: initially i was so devastated over it loh. kept tearing and running our days together over and over in my head! it was a really rude shock to me after i realised from another buddy what she has been saying about me. took me a while to wake up and sort out of this.

ribena: i dont think you are evil loh. at least you never did anything malicious to them.

mangogal: are you a teochew? i also grew up eating my grandma's teochew kueh!

leelee: i alternate chey's food de. puree, porridge, cereal, puree + cereal, puree with porridge...

sharon: aiyo.. so heartpain! hope darius recovers fast fast!

liling: oh mine! must monitor her for the next 24 hours at least.

Good Morning Mummies & Daddies!

Liling, sayang sayang, take a deep breath and calm yourself down first before approaching your gal and hubby. Hope everything will be fine for your gal.

Jailing, thanks for your offer. btw, the link indicated the dosage for children 2-3 yrs old. suitable for baby? can consume on normal days when there's no sickness? sorry for being so lor soh, me seldom/never take chinese medi, thus suaku. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roz, you're dearly missed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can totally understand your "sianzness". My period came last mth, and it's accompanied with high fever. Super sianzz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

LittleMay, i'm trying to steer off BP too, but of not much success. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I've got a naforye plastic bib from one of the BP here, end up the paint from the cartoon start peeling off so badly, I dun dare to let my gal use liao. Wondering is it the quality of naforye products or I've got a "sub-standard" product? Think still safer to touch and see the product before buying anything for baby.

Can someone please add me to the fb group, wish to see the gym photos too. after hearing so much rave reviews, i hope to bring my gal to try try also. any mummies interested? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mommies and daddies

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

Littlemay, Both of us bought from different sources and they are fake. Alamek. Yes leh, the original one comes in nice box and looks better made. China really make alot of "real" stuff.

Mommies I have uploaded the fake Lamaze Inch worm tacky music in my FB. The tune is "Send True Love Away" a Latino song. It is abit like J. Lo (Out) on the floor.

Liling, poor mine. Just monitor 48 hrs whether she vomit, sleep very long, keeps crying. If she is drinking well, sleeping well and eat well. Then don't worry too much. Sayang sayang.

Sharon, once the pus is remove, Darius will gets better. Don't worry okay.

Klitz, Si En is so cute, I want to cry when I saw the video you posted. She is truely Mommy's Little Girl[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Well done[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy is having his first fever with 38 degrees yesterday, he is still playing and "drooling"... is it because of the teething issue? But didn't see any pop out... ... The fever is like up and down - 37 to 38... any advice?

Moonsky, it is low grade fever. Just ask your sis to sponge him or use cool pad, do let him hydrated. In IFC they consider fever as anything more than 37.5. If anything more than 38, then feed him panadol. No worries, abit fever will do no harm. Relax okay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies nd some advice n recommendation. Am planning a round the world trip w hubby n bb for the next two Yrs so anyone can suggest gd bb friendly places to go and to stay? Will nd lots of experience fr others to make the trip as smooth as possible.. Bit scary ;p

We are feeding him with Paracetamol, my sis is bringing him to GP, so now I waiting for result.

Btw... you mentioned to stop my naughty Troy from barking to "bully" pple, just need to point the finger higher than him and say "bad dog" with stern voice, correct?

Morning mummies,

Been so exhausted everyday cos no2 has been keeping me up every nite..

Want to find out if any bb here the same? I dunno whether its cos she needs her pacifier but last time she could sleep even after the pacifier drops out.. Recently it has changed, i spend the whole nite putting back her pacifier, so end up waking up every hr... Sometimes she will still cry when the pacifier is in the mouth, no idea why... She also needs to drink mil every 3/4 hrly at nite and when i try not to give her milk/pacifier, she will cry until v cham...really v tired...i dun mind waking up so often but worry tat when my new maid comes she will quit after a few weeks if she has to keep waking up at nite to take care of no 2... At a lost... And i doubt no1 will want to sleep w new maid so i still hv to sleep w her when hub is away...and i cant put 2 girls tog cos scared they will disturb each other..


Hope darius is better, must b so heartbroken to see him cry like tat.. Did pd say why it recurs?


Hope ur gal is fine... As mummies the min we hear anything abt our babies, we no mood to work liao, can understand how u feel...

My no 1 tat day while jumping on the sofa fell flat on her face onto the floor... My hub dare not tell me until the nxt day! Was so annoyed cos she is always falling down when he is supposed to be watching her... He more relaxed then me so he doesnt stop her fr doing dangerous things [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

liling, oh dear ya better go hm n make sure ur bb ger is alright or bring her see PD take care

Eoneon, yup pure teochew frm both my parents...

oh i love esp their soon kueh n yam kueh! I can eat this 2 or 3 times for my bf per week!

outside sell carrotcake while or black right? their is fried yam cake

hee a mini advertisement


Jalan Kukok Teochew Kueh

opp Red Star Dim Sum Restaurant, behind Tong Ji Hospital

my parents/uncle take bulk orders for festive seasons like CNY, 7th mth hungry ghosts, mooncake/dumpling festival

occasions too like offices/ functions

Tel: 98380235


both my kids parties I include their kueh too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oshgosh, u poor mommy. is it becos jade's gums are painful/itchy? i guess if the gums feel hard its possible. u try to put some teething gel and see if it works? ethan has this bouts of crying and milk needs last couple of weeks a day here and there. teething gel works and sometimes picking him up and pat pat him also works.

my son is having bad cough with lots of phelgm .. brought him to doc, taking medicine to dissolve the phelgm . but today is the 3rd day, he still the same le .. cough cough cough with lots of phelgm , wakes himself up middle of the night because of cough as well .. what should i do??

Yep oshgosh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really looking forward to it yet still scary

Sharon: aiyoh, must be heartaching for you to see him cry like this

Liling: that's what happened to my baby too. Fell with loud thud. If she is alert and behave as per normal, she should be fine. If worried, bring to PD to check for 安心

Moonsky, no worries ok. Abit fever may not be a bad thing.

Yes yes. Use simple words. Stand up (Must be much higher than him), point finger and say in stern voice, Bad boy/Troy!!! Cannot use bad dog cos you have 2 dogs. He notti boy again. Notti Notti Troy... Want to carry also difficult leh. If you need me to demostrate again, let me know. I can pop by[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Must be consistent, everytime he being notti, do the same thing.

oshgosh, same here! my hb is also more relax when my #1 climb and jump on sofa, he will sit beside her but didnt use his hand/arm to protect her frm falling dwn...then I gt to nag him to remind him lor cos i was busy attending #2, hiaz..man

BTW, r u bringing ur #1 too this sat gym trial?

I am cos my mum working so cant take care...


Question: mummies do u use just normal tap water add in the rice and the igredients to cook the porridge?

I tried porridge using tap water n other ingredients, he likes it so thinknig of since SAHM want to put in more effort to replace tap water with soup base cos more nutritious/delicious but didnt know wat soup base to cook.cos scared too heaty for my boy...

hmm..if i cook soup wit pork ribs, carrot, wolfberries and silver fish/ikan billis, are these ingreidents good enuff as soup base???

BTW mummies with playyard and toys:

Do u all wipe their toys daily?

I wipe #1 and #2 on alternate days

Seetro:wah adventurous , tour round the world wif baby for 2 yrs!! Hv u start ur itinerary?

Amelia: u want to bring ur boy to see PD again? cos if phelgm stay too long n cant get rid fast, it may enter into lung and cause infection n slowly lead to bronchitis..

Seetron, wow, lucky you. My hubby wouldn't mind leh. Few countries we love are USA, California state, South Island, New Zealand, Hokkaido/Tokyo, Taiwan, Korea. No scare, should look forward.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oshgosh, teething gel may helps. Alexis was very cranky yesterday, then I put the gel. Few mins later she is all smiley again and slept thru the night yesterday. Alexis gums are very swallow now.

Moon sky, ya abit of fever is ok cos the immune system is working well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leelee, I think my bro consider them as acquaintances. Regards to cereals, I still give cereal to Leah coz she needs iron which usually not in homecooked porridge.

Liling, oh no!! Hopefully everything is fine with your girl.

Seetron: I am so excited for you about your trip... i have to say that you're very brave to make such a decision.

A few places to consider:

1. NZ and Aus (do the cities when the baby is younger, then move on to the outbacks when she is older. I backpacked in Oz Outbacks a few years back, and I still remember sleeping in a self-made tent in the middle of the desert, toasting marshies on twigs, sleeping through the dingoes rummaging through the thrash, watching the colors change in Ayers Rock etc)

2) Egypt: I did Egypt the hard way (haha). Better to do the Nile Cruise to see the major sights. Better living conditions for the baby.

3) USA: San Francisco (plenty of nature parks to bring the little one for walks or picnics), Orlando (when she's older for the theme parks), NY (she would be happy in Central Park) and you can drive up to Niagara Falls (love that place!)

4) Switzerland/Austria/Finland/Sweden/South of France: Not as chaotic as the rest of the European countries, and the people are more patient when they see you with a Baby.

5) Vancouver: Scenic in Vancouver Island. You can do the drive up from Portland/Seattle. Can bring the little one to Whistler.

6) Japan: Definitely baby friendly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

7) Beijing: You can bring the little one to climb Great Wall.

As for accoms, you can get those apartments for long-term stays. There's an article in Straits Times yesterday on where to get cheap accoms. I normally backpack so I stay in hostels which I won't recommend.

Thanks gals!

Muddypaws: easy to get diapers etc in those places? Wana go off the beaten track just concerned abt bb stuff. Bb hates being too hot too so nd to plan to avoid anything too extreme

Any idea of budget for apartment? Trying to see roughly how much to budget every month

Amelia: My son also coughing.. did PD give baby neublizer? agree with mangogal.. it will lead to bronchitlis which is my boy's case.. if worst, will be pneumonia.. so have to monitor closely..

Mangogal: wow your soup base seems nutrious liao.. Mine eiher water and porridge.. if not sometimes cook ikan billis soup base then cook porridge nia..

ribena: i see.. thanks! then i should continue cereals!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amelia, ya i always very gan cheong when my kids dwn with phelgm...cos cant afford to lead into something serious!

leelee: haa...ya want to make my soup more nutritious...so want to try out since SAHM lo..u can make on weekend[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope ur boy fully recover frm cough liao..oh ya wat did the stool test out?

Stefie & Mangogal - Thanks! Just that the first time my boy having fever, so a bit nervous... :)

Stefie, actually I need to teach the domestic helper at my parent's place cause Troy keep "bullying" her as she is new... we did teach her how to deal with Troy but I think her voice is not stern enough to make Troy feel that she is more "superior" than him. Will try again this weekend. Thanks for the tips!

Updates on those disrespectful morons.

My comment:

Enlighten me, what is being implied here in regards to "won-ton" stall.

Xin Li: chris, you need to look at this from a very professional level. if u were to sell your mom's brand of wan-ton noodles in SG and internationally, you will look as won-ton business and international events... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... r u enlighten already? heehee.............

My sis:

Xinli, hahahahahaha....heehee


My bro:

U guys are a brunch of fun and lovely people with creativity and imagination hahaha

Xin Li:

are't you r glad that you know a group of smart assess.............. so smart that we can figure out a optional smart business route to you. so if the business, i will send u a legal letter stating to you where the idea came from and i will claim my share of this contribution... ok,,,, r u truly enlighten? heehee

My bro:

can u patent the idea first before making the claim? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My comment:

The smoke bomb is not working for me. Nope, not enlighten, Xin Li. Perhaps you should have the guts to admit what your 1st two comments truly mean, which has no relate to Chris' status updates in any way, totally uncalled for. No amount of "heeheee" or "haaahaa" is going to make it sound like a joke. To talk about another person's mom and her profession that earn her a living to bring up her kids, is disrespectful, rude and distasteful.

Wow seetron, very impressed with ur plan to go round the world! So u and ur hub taking time off to travel? So shiok but its a once in a lifetime experience so must enjoy!

Think muddypaws has given quite a long list of places...

I think the easiest w a baby is to do road trips...

Aust/nz v easy to drive all over, baby friendly w baby supplies easily available in all major cities... But u need to see if baby or u will be fussy abt the food or milk powder he drinks.. Cos most countries sell quite different brands of milk powder... And u can stay in serviced apartments so u can cook for bb if necessary...

Japan also good for road trips, esp hokkaido.. Driving ard v easy cos of their gps in the car and its nice and clean... Again the milk powder there will be different though so u might want to think abt getting ur bb used to different types of milk b4 the trip...

And of cos, USA! No worries abt baby supplies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I use soup as base for porridge. My parents boil soup daily so if the soup is suitable, will bring home some for her next day porridge. It comes out super nice smell and taste. I also find it more nutritious but so far my gal still not interested. So a bit like waste effort.

