(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Ytd night, I received a private message on FB from sis. She was angry with Bro's friends' comments on our Mom, making her sounds mean. I didn't take notice of it until my sis prompt me abt it. To think those friends of my bro's are all grown up, speaking ill of another's Mom is so disrespectful and rude. Either my bro hasn't seen it or he also think those friends of his are childish too. They are so going to get it from me.


Ribena, if Leah not reading the book, mommy can get some design ideas from the book[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mango, wow. you not bad hoh. The last round I spent $350 at 1 go, in Ettusais Paragon, that's why the SA still rememeber me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So now no more skincare till I finished my stash. What is the current free gift? Yes yes the acne aqua version up is superb isn't it, see the youtube clip I posted yesterday, lagi shiok. Niu er lao shi said until so good[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And can see before and after hoh.

Ribena, cool down, cool down. Talk to your bro nicely. I guess it is not fair to comment on others mommy leh. Even as children we should bad mouth about our own parents.

stefie, how to get pic of my korean col hhaha... let me tink oki hahha must "con" him to ask him take pic hahaha...


ya i tink ethan does he will take each and every one of his pillows, bolsters, toys etc to look at them every nite and morning before he sleep and when he wakes up. hahah possessive

bubbly, i'm like u actually hahah i also wonder which part of their face is real ahhaha... i dun tink my col's face was done before hahah looks quite natural le hahah... i go and scrutinize more this thur hahaha..

eoneon, my col not those pretty boy type le haha.. he's fair la but not those frail frail type of guy ahaha..

Bubbly, bbribena, the owner of that site is Aly's GP. Lol!

It's my pleasure once again, girls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for arranging the gym class and glad our babies enjoyed. Look fwd to see the pics of this sat group! Hee!

ribena: gosh! those friends are so childish! how can they be commenting on your mum! haiz... people arh people.... show some respoects...

crystal: i dont like those fair fair frail frail kind. i like those tan tan hunky hunky kind. fair fair hunky also can lah. lol

eoneon hahhaha... i wish he is those tan tan hunky type too hehehe... okie la i try to take a pic and then i PM u and stefie okie haha..i try.. i try... my fav star so far is daniel henney...i was STARING at his pic when i was preggie but.. ethan didnt look like him le hahahhaha

Crystal, ha!! ha!! If Ethan looks like Daniel Henney, I guess Ethan daddy going to "kill" you liao. Ethan looks more like daddy lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yes yes Daniel very handsome, I keep watching my Lovely samsoon cos of him. Wau lau[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thank you, I will be waiting and drooling at the same time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal: i like him too!!! very handsome hor?

drool too much hungry liao.

agreed with stefie leh. ethan cannot look like him else you will get it from ethan's daddy. but i have not seen ethan nor his daddy before so i dont know ethan looks like who lah. lol

Eon Eon, can see from Crystal FB, Ethan looks like daddy and have mommy's eyes, Nice leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Mum,

We are proud to be Singapore mothers' No. 1 choice of follow-on formula for 8 years running.* To celebrate, we would like to offer you a special one-time off purchase^ of:

3 x Similac Follow-on 900g + 1 x FREE Similac Follow-on 900g

Simply log on to the following link to purchase your cans from our e-store:


(This special link containing the one-time code MjEyNTcyMDYxOTUyQTM5 for this promotion will expire on 19-August-2011^^.)

Special Instructions:

During the purchase process, you will be asked for your name and NRIC for billing and verification purposes.

hello mummies!

wow, whole morning gone due to internal ISO audit. sigh... now is lunch time so can check back in.

stefie, yes to meal dates! hahaha...

bbribena, just saw your post on bro's frens. what comments did they make and what prompted them to make those comments??? my reason for asking is could it be due to yr bro's "complains" on FB so they thot they are "supporting" your bro? but in any case, it is still very rude of them to do that.

did i see the name "DANIEL HENNEY" just now? omg, if i know someone who looks like him... i think ah, gone case liao. i'd be stalking that person, and Gwen won't know her mummy 'cos always not around. LOL!

seetron, u beat me to posting the Similac offer here. hahaha... i just went to purchase online also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] works out to be abt $32 per tin. CHEAP!

Neko, it is leapfrog as I have this too bought few years back for my #2...

Whisp, I love that ice cream and Carl jnr too...hehe u stay east too?

Psh, bubbly, have a happy blessed birthday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Naf: thanks! I probably check out at isetan Nex or shaw next time. No chance to go parkway...

Eon: I bought the bed guard from spring. Kiddypalace sells the safety first bed guard too.


My brother never complains about our Mom on FB, he prob might grumble abit infront of them, I don't know. But really, to make fun of an elderly and a friend's mom is so rude. And their comments are not related to my bro's status at all, it's totally uncalled for!

My bro's status: Goldman Sach...

Phoebe Wan: new job ah????

Xin Li: his new job is to sell "won-ton" at his mother's stall,,,, hahahahahaha

Xin Li: that will be his lunch and dinner as well.... once a while he can look at what is been purchased/sold next atall, but he is required to eat from the mother's stall... heeeheeeeee...............​.......

Phoebe Wan: oh chris you can be kungfu panda!!!!! (if you watched the movie u know what i mean..XDDDDD)


My comment: Enlighten me, what is being implied here in regards to "won-ton" stall.

Xin Li: chris, you need to look at this from a very professional level. if u were to sell your mom's brand of wan-ton noodles in SG and internationally, you will look as won-ton business and international events... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... r u enlighten already? heehee.............

I think his friend's Kungfu Panda comment is in relate to the panda working in the noodle shop in the movie.

seetron, thanks for the similac link! my gal is going to start on the stage 2 milk powder, this comes juz at the perfect moment. i shall check my neighborhood medical hall for the price and compare. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

naf, i stay in pasir ris. but used to be a parkway kid during sec sch days...hehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena, your bro helping at your mom's stall? Why must they " " the wonton words. Alamek, there is nothing wrong with helping out in Mom's stall leh. Really bad of them. If your mom sees it, she will be upset. Works so hard to support her family, still kena craps like this. Your bro's friend very notti........

oh my, i only just realised one of the mummies here is married to a poly fren of mine! and her sis is my hb's ex-classmate! wahahahahaha... hands up, who is eunice here? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie: haa i gt to canvas bag n bag handle, ya no regrets getting the aqua version up, even more happy after seeing the u tube that u posted[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ribena: oh dear, that is nt very nice of commenting ur mum via FB! u better confront them, really no respect leh

Eoneon, haa i prefer hunkie tan tan type though korea guys hv very good complexion :p

neko: thanks. will compare the use and price before i get. hehe... must watch my pocket arh. hehe

ribena: i really think there is no link and the comments are very rude. what is wrong with wanton? what is wrong with helping in parents' stall? whats there to sneer at?

mangogal: yes, i like tan tan hunky guys! hehe...


totally uncalled for! The fella got no guts to admit what they trying to say there. Stefie, totally agree, work so hard to support the family, and kenna crap like this. My mom is not the best person to live with, but to spend her lifetime supporting her family, I salute to her. These 'friends' really think they can comment whatever they want.

eoneon, hahaha.. my ethan looks NOTHING like daniel henney.. sighhh now my only hope is to pull his nose higher hahaha cos i got flat nose hahah hope he will have higher nose hahha..

any mommies tried arh? hahah does pinching realle work. my mom claim it worked for my sis but then she never pull mine grrrr...

crystal, i pinched my gal's nose (in fact still pinching every time i bathe her! haha) but i dun think it works. i do it just to irritate her. WAHAHHAHHA!

ribena, pardon my saying, they are really a grp of ignorant bunch! u better sort things out wif them and hope ur mum wont get to knw these nonsense!

Mango, don't tempt me hoh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am eyeing the mens pimple gel, the sunscreen, the spray in that Youtube. Ha!!ha!!!

Ribena, My sis also helps out in my BIL's fish stall, being a hawker is not easy especially so for cooked food.

Still have to worry whether can finish selling the food, balance how, etc etc Throw away sayang cos it is food leh, cannot sell if keep too long also etc etc And have to go to the stall early to prepare the food. You maybe have a talk with your bro about it, he may complaint to his friends about having your mom stall food for meals.

He should respect the person who bring food to the table for him him, buys his books, and give him a roof to sleep in. Unless he can bring money back, if not ask him to mind his manner and respect your mom. If he has nothing to say, then ask him to keep quiet. Sorry I just can't stand nowadays younger generation, don't know what MOE has taught the children. My house is near some good Primary school. Every afternoon, some students will play basketball down my block, they would scold 4 letter words plus some hokkien stuff. Alamek.....

And this Xin Li person has no bal*s (pardon me) leh. Dare to say then must admit. Lousy person, still trying to be cheeky. Alamek, the future of Singapore.

Sorry I gets very upset to see these stuff, I will get more worked up.... Bua tahan.

Managogal, I just hope when I post on my bro's status, he won't get offended.

SOME HAPPY NEWS! LOL! I know it's sounds damn bo liao! The bitch whom used to be my best friend during my sec sch days whom later I found that she had been blackmouthing about me in front of our mutual friends, got married to the man who used to woo me. I sensed she has feelings about him when he came after me, just that I didn't say it out. NOW IT'S PROVEN!!! Even after 17years, she has been holding onto the feeling!!!! WAHAHAHAA! And she looks damn FAT in her gown!!! WHAHAHAHAH!!! Sorry... please pardon me... please give me this moment of time to ROTFLOL.. WHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ribena, wah lau. 15 years liao she still cannot let go. Her life must be very miserable lor. Laugh all you want, it is your rights[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie, the fella in question is grown up! I think older than us!! There are ppl out there thinking hawker is an easy job, I have spoken to a few who really think that way. They never realise the hardwork behind it, worse when things like diseases in meat, there will be no income when that happen!! Some ppl really need a smack in their faces.

Oops... should be 17 years. =P I very mean hor... but really, I hate her for all the things she done and said about me in exchange to the sincere heart I gave her and treat her as best friend. She is a fake hypocrite.

Hi, I would like to give away my Glenn Doman English and Chinese flash cards. These are white cards with big red words.

I have done it with my boy a year plus ago and it is very effective. He seems to learn things very easily now.

Anybody interested, please contact me directly at [email protected].

Sorrry Ribena, I would expect such comments from younger generations. Not someone older than you. (He could be same age as me, worst). Alamek.

There are alot of fakes around lah, you know who I am talking about[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Our social butterfly[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew... alamak there i was still hoping it might help.. pray hard now ethan will reallie take after his daddy...

bribena GO AHEAD and gloat. she is such a loser le..

Hi, I would like to give away my Glenn Doman English and Chinese flash cards. These are white cards with big red words.

I have done it with my boy a year plus ago and it is very effective. He seems to learn things very easily now. So I highly recommend it to anyone with kids under 3. It is very easy to do at home. just 5 seconds each time 2 or 3 times a day.

Anybody interested or have more queries, please contact me directly at [email protected].

crystal, Alexis nose also quite flat plus she keeps knocking her face on some stuff. I thik she will have flat nose liao. Ha!!! ha!!!


Colleagues commenting that they have never seen me sooo hysterical! LOL! Tat's why I believe in time will tell the truth and karma... sad for the guy thou coz he's a nice guy, prob too naive in some ways.

Stefie, ha! You see where I'm coming from right, my shield comes out very quickly when I detect one. =)) No need sorry ah! I'm quite surprised that those rude comments came from someone like his age. So I guess age is not a measurement of mutuality.

stefie/eon: actually hubby chose Ember Restaurant (http://ieatishootipost.sg/2009/02/restaurant-ember-15th-anniversary.html) but they don't have dinner on weekdays.. only on Sat.. and hubby now in JB, not sure be back at what time, so, maybe we'll just postpone the dinner.. I love fine dining, but making holes in pocket.. once in a blue blue moon..

bbribena: when you say "designer baby", I thought Leah is a pick-and-design baby le.. hehehe..

Candy/naf: thanks!

crystal: hahaha.. later your col will think what is wrong with you manz.. need to use magnifying glass.. hehehe.. my niece is someone who'll line all her soft toys and barbies to sleep with her every night.. she'll count each of them.. one day, she told me "ah yi, i want to bring this bear to sleep here tonight.." asked her why, she says "coz last night, i forgot to bring her into the air-cond room.." LOL..

cherry: whoa! Aly's GP! He is very funny in the 15th anniversary link above.. I like his writing, though have not the time to read more..

bribena, u reallie cracking me up with ur hysteria can tell how much "love" u have for this gal.

bubbly, i hope that ethan wont tell me he needs to bring his numerous bolsters, pillows and toys for trips in future. i will need a mega big luggage.

stefie, u tink clothes peg will work or not? hahaha we can clip the bridge ahaha

Ribena, that guy owe this lady in their previous life lah. Now need to repay to her this life. No choice lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He is simply lao bu xiu lor. buay paisay. NS never made him a man hoh, like young boy. Alamek.

bubbly, Postpone to Sat then can eat that resturant. I think straits Kitchen so-so only. Burn a bigger hole better in your hubby's pocket.


I envy those who holds a full time job and still able to keep their hobby alive! =) I love his photography skill, everything looks so delicious! His website is very information, IMO. If cherry hasn't tell us that he's a GP, I would thought he's a professional writer. =))

Crystal, cannot lah, their skin still very soft leh. I just leave it, just hope it will be sharper when she grow up, at least not like daddy's cheng Long's fat meaty nose (bee stung nose), Alamek.

bubbly, the last time i went to ember was quite disappointed with the service level hope they have changed cos i reallie like their food.

stefie, hahahah ya hor i forgot... okie i shall keep pinching his nose bridge nightly hope got some use ahhaa

crystal: oh, ethan will grow up to be a hunk in his own way. sometimes too handsome might not be a good thing leh. and beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

chey has flat nose too! i try to pinch whenever i can but doesnt seem to help. plus my mummy loves to wipe her face from north to south direction, it worsen the flatness. wahaha

ribena: i know how it feels i was so deeply hurt by one of my secondary close buddy that i will tear whenever i recall what she has been doing and saying behind my back. now ok le! straighten out my thinkings liao. she is not worth it!

stefie: what social butterfly? im lost again...

bubbly: i heard ember is good leh. good food at not so expensive price. my ex-colleague keeps asking me to go but i have never done it. let us know the review once you have try it.

Crystal, if you are with me now in the office and don't know me, you prob think I'm a mean sarcastic bitch, no kidding! =P

God, please spare me for the mean words that's coming from my mouth about THAT WOMAN, 17 years is a long wait to prove I'm right. XD


Eoneon, totally not worth a tear from us!! They should be the one having nightmares one day they will get their karma.

lol, ribena, so funny lah, u laugh until like that! hahaha... but i know what u mean too, it's just too funny when things happen as what we suspected. too bad for your ex-beau lah, if his eyes not opened big enuf then... oh well... lol!

bubbly, my hb always go to that doc's blog to see his recommendation de.. haha! but i dun agree with all his reco, some i feel not as good as he claim.

eon, u r so right, totally not worth it! anyway i always say, mouths belong to other ppl. it doesn't matter what they say, as long as u 问心无愧 can already. other ppl can always prata here and there, paint the picture with all sorts of colours. who is right, who is wrong, 天在看. no need to say too much one.

bubbly: Hubs and I went to this Russia reasturant for dinner that day. It's called Buyan at Duxton Road (near the public carpark). Menus are in the form of ipads, and service is impeccable. Food is great as well. I had the Trout and it's soooooo yummy. You can order the Beluga Caviar served on a mother-of-pearl spoon :p

Re: Nose

Haven't tried to do anything to Liz' nose. Kinda like her button nose... haha!

bbribena: Understand how you feel... pity the guy, but trust that there's always karma to save the world. Anyway, your bro's friends sound a little bimbotic with their comments... what's wrong with being a hawker? It's decent honest living!!!!

bribena, i wont la hahaha with this kind of situation buddha also will have flame.

dewdew, i agree le his reco actually not very good. i tried 3 places and all 3 were lousy. not even oki. but then again i guess taste is very subjective so...



hehehe.. I damn mean la, the evil side of Gemini has been unleashed! Too bad for the guy la. All the best to him lor. I totally agree with 问心无愧, they can say what they want, up to them, the truth will surface one day.

Muddy, I think my bro is on FB now, he also din comment his friends' nasty comments. I guess he think they are childish ba.

