(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Leah is turning one in exactly 4 mth time!! Yeah!

When is the 1yo bash ah?? I'm thinking it might clash with Leah's 1yo bash. =/


Stefie / dbaby

I also want her on 3-4 hr routine. But so far her pattern cannot leh. Also don't know how to change

0900 milk

1030 solids

1100 bath

1130 nap and milk

1330 milk

1530 nap and milk

1730 milk

1930 milk

2130 sleep and milk

So how to change her milk feeds? Or is the feeds the cause of her not hungry for solids?

took half day off n acc hubby watch transformers ... i get him to say sorry n he did... but he say he already so fed up n i keep nag nag.. so he shouted at me... actually we plan for a malacca trip tomo but he this morn say dont go liao... i so sad... cos so wanting to bring bb out for his first holiday.... hope his mood will be better by tonight... if not, i just lobang my pil car liao... going in w/o him..

Cindy, we rob bank together lah. $$$ like not enough leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena, Leah is 8 month today[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How times flies right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rachel, maybe just lobang your PIL, don't let your hubby spoilt your plan. Itis good to bring babies out to see see look look, more so now cos they can see much better and more curious about the surrounding. Sayang Sayang. Our babies needs come first.


Just to share, my schedule is like this.

6am - 150ml FM

9am - 150ml EBM

12pm - Plain Rice Cereal, followed by 80ml EBM

4pm - Brown Rice Cereal with a bit of vegetable puree followed by 80ml EBM

8pm - FM

My girl does not seem hungry, have never seen her cry for milk...(though she cries for a lot for other reason). Even after almost 10-11 hours of no milk, she still doesn't finish her milk in the morning. Haiz....that's why she is featherweight one.

Samantha, liz' schedule is:

4am - 110ml, nap

630am - 110ml

830am - Cereal (3-4oz), nap

1030am - 110ml

1230pm - Porridge (5oz), nap, bath

230pm - 110ml + snack

430pm - POrridge (5oz) + fruit, nap

630pm - 110ml

830pm - 110ml, sleep

She's 7.5mths old now and should be about 7.8kg.


Ya lo... Maybe can consider tt... Hahaha =)


I think cos of his milk. He is still full so dun wan eat solid.. Does he cry for milk then u give or u jus give as per 2hr interval? For me, unless he really cry for milk, i wont give even if over 3hr le...


Talk abt preggy again... Hahah.. I scare sia!!

stefie, i keep finding things to buy, so 'busy' always, finding toys to buy, compare n compare, see where to buy, only keep spending $$ haha!

if rob bank i can get 1 of each, how nice! ^_^

littlemay, my girl also very light, as long as shes active not a problem i guess, only my PD keep stressing she has a 'weight problem' as he calls it haiz..

samantha, i dun have a schedule with my girl, i feed her solids based on her mood and on the time she awakes...will adjust slowly when i more 'hardworking' :p


Dun stress abt ur gal's weight as long as she is healthy and happy.. Maybe time to change pd?

My no 1 is only 10.4 kg at 27 mths... Only 10th percentile for weight but 75th percentile for height.. My pd jus keeps telling me its because her parents small size lor so cant help it.. Even i give her pediasure also no use.. Think she got worms hahaha..

W no 2 i more relax abt weight unlike first one where i will weigh her every mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good ur hub has apologised.. Sometimes men really short tempered, esp when they think we nag at them.. Hope u get to go to malacca...

I also want to plan a staycation soon but no time!

Wah I see what you all feeding your babies I'm scared I under feeding mine.

Here is my baby's schedule

7.30am - 160ml

11am - porridge with pureed broccoli/carrot/spinach/chicken/fish/pork/pumpkin... choose 2

2.30pm - 160ml

5.30pm - porridge with pureed broccoli/carrot/spinach/chicken/fish/pork/pumpkin... choose 2

9pm - 160ml

Is this too little? But she is growing well leh I think... hmm

oshgosh, i tot of changing, but hubby say since have seen him so long liao then continue, lucky only once a mth..

i take his words lightly now, dun wan bother too much, as long as shes good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shivan, your schedule is good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

that is also recommended by my PD (he gave me the a schedule to follow)..

the semi solid feeds are 6 tablespoon each, but my girl only taking 2..


Cannot take out 1130 feed leh. She must drink to sleep lo.



Erm so far my girl also never cry for feed. Think I too prompt in feeding her. I also don't know leh. Her weight during her 6 month check is ok, 8.8kg. But past few weeks like shrunk leh. I weigh at home using normal scale. So getting worried if she's not having enough.


I just give 2 hr interval. Never hear her cry for milk for very very very long time. Then how, drop all the feeds wait for her to cry ah? I bring her out she can skip 2-3 feeds also won't cry de. That's why I just feed 2 hr as usual. Totally don't know what her hunger cue.


As long as your baby gaining weight and happy, pd says ok too, then I think everythig is fine ba. I don't mind to have a schedule like yours!


I trying to teach her to eat solids that's why die die also try everyday. So sianz. So far I still not succeeding that's why trying to figure out is it drink too much milk or what.

sam, i increased my girl to 2 feeds a week ago, hoping that she will get used to it coz sometimes even 1 feed she wil reject haiz..

now i feed her abit b4 giving her the cereal, when her mood is better, so there's a chance that she MIGHT take half (better than nthg for me)..

sometimes even after her cereal feed she will ask for milk..

i wait for her to cry then i feed haha..


Tats a good feeding schedule... Last time my gal also arnd tt schedule... My boy - TOUGH!!


Ya, wait for her cry or feed 3hrly lo.. 2hr seems long...

Hi all, can you drop me an email to [email protected] on your location & contact no. so I can make arrangement with you on how to pass the bowl to you guys when I received (probably tomorrow).

1. Moon_Sky - Qty: 2 - (White/Lime)

2. Bubbly7 - Qty: 2 - (White/Lime & White/Blue)

3. stefie - Qty 2 - (white/pink)

4. Jialing - Qty: 3 - (white/lime, white/blue & white/pink)

5. wind1_19 - Qty: 2 - (White/lime & white/pink)

Anybody keen can still continue the list but by 7 p.m.

Hi Stefie, thanks for the link... I was in a rush and didn't think of that... hahaha... excited over the "new toy", the 40% discount and how my son is going to get piss off if he can't get the bowl moving :) "bad mummy" hahahaha... ...

Hi Dbaby, thanks for the info. on the suction mat frm Tommee Tippee, I'm a "kuku" mum who does not know a lot of "interesting stuff" available for nowadays kiddies. The bowl was told by my friend too... :) heehee... ...

retyping this msg cos the earlier one could not be posted...*sian*

Rachel , what a coincidence, I also took half day leave today to watch transformers with hubby. Anyway want to tell you that I always also feel that my hubby got anger management problems, will suddenly raise his voice over small issue and when I tell him that he raise his voice, he will stubbornly say he did not. Nowsdays got see some improvement. but few weeks ago, we had 2 very bad quarrels in 2 consecutive days. The first time, I was also very angry and it resulted in shouting matches in front of bb (very bad!) and the next day, he also lost his temper at me and keep arguing. As i was driving, I try to keep my cool and reason with him calmly. Anyway after that I told him we should see a counsellor and he reluctantly agreed. However things have been back to normal after that, so till now I still have not arrange for a appt...not sure if I shld go ahead...

Hey stefie, i got my lamaze inchworm from that bp seller that u posted too. Mine is batch 2 and plays an awful tune of on the floor by jennifer lopez. Dunno to laugh or cry. Anw my hub say its fake le. He ask me to confront the seller! Cos lamaze only produce one tune for the inch worm and it will not change even if its shipped to asian countries... Shud i confront the bp seller or is she a victim too?

good morning mummies!

for those going for the JWT trial later, enjoy the class! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

candycane, i think it's definitely good to tell the seller and let her know she's selling pirated stuff, and also to let readers know, otherwise more ppl will get conned into buying. as she's the seller she should have verified that the product is genuine. if it's not, then she shouldn't have posted it like it is. no such thing like "she's the reseller so she's a victim too". she's making money out of this afterall.

after i posted my gal's feeding schedule, she changed, stopped eating porridge and will only drink milk. milk feeding times can be a trial too 'cos she's either distracted or unhappy about something. sigh... and she's starting to wake up at 5.30am every morning (3x in a row already!) for milk and play session. so i'm a panda for 3 days liao. 1st morning was a torture, 2nd morning more used to it, 3rd morning i'm expecting it. hahaha... and i prepare myself by putting some of her toys on my bed so she can entertain herself while i doze. wonder how long this phase will last... i hope not long!!!

Re inchworms

I've not received it but here's my sellers reply

"The supplier said there are two types of music available.


Ours is a latin based music for babies and not the rock type of Jennifer Lopez songs.

I have heard abt the other BP that sold the Jennifer Lopez song.

So i was very careful when i sourced ard the suppliers.


The first version is If you are happy, clap your hands.


Ours is the second version - Latin based music that i cannot identify the name.


If after receiving your item, there is any doubt, let me know.


She is the original manufacturer of lamaze toys.


I have seen the certificate.

Morning mummies..

Re: Lamaze

I agree wf dewdew tat the seller shld know wat shes selling.. Even if nt authentic, she shld indicate clearly n let buyers decide. Same as wat those sellers do for gap pj..

Littlemay- u can use masking tape to tape the wheels so the walker doesn't move too fast.. Cos our babies will definitely get faster each day n then start 'running' hee

Sharon-gd tat ur hb is even willing to go for counseling.. It shows tat he is also sorry for the tantrums.. Try to spend some couple time, hbs r like kids also.. They want attention hee

Thanks for all the advice regarding belle's feeding. I will try to tweak here and there. 2 hr interval very tiring. Like newborn.

Will keep you all updated. Lol, let you all share my joy if she eats her solids. Can pop champagne when it happens. Going pd on Monday.

Candy, I already feedback to that lady. It is nit exactly that J Lo tunes, but something like that. It is actually Latin music. I guess I will be extra careful getting any stuff from BP from now on. Very sorry that I recommended that link here.

Littlemay the tune is Latin song. I will record and upload here. I am going to toy r us later. I will see whether they have it there and compare with Alexis. I am actually expecting if you are happy tune instead.

Thanks Stefie.

Looks like we should stop buying from some BPs here. Should have learnt my lesson. I got GAP PJs from the BP here and the quality was bad. Now I ganna again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I ordered the Haenim playyards from Crazy about Korea KP here. Hope its authentic.

halooo mummies, we had fun at the gym today! those joining nxt sat, enjoy ya!

mangogal, how abt try other gyms like fidgets, JWT, little gym etc? then we hav more options besides gymboree? thanks for organising! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lling, i didnt burp my bb since near to 5mths old i think cos everytime after milk, she will straight away flip and will burp out.

Calibowl Suction Bowl (with lid) - those that have ordered the bowls, I have received them today and will be contacting you soon... ... :)


Cherry, ok I will ask others but gt to see wat other mummies here for opinion cos nobody reply abt my gymboree post except u leh...

Ling, me too dun burp my boy liao since he knw how to flip at 5 mth plus n burp by himself

Good morning mommies,

Was busying running around the whole island to buy "caterpillar" was at tampines toy r us and mothercare, both places' leapfrog counting pal was OOS, then tried mc at harbourfront, also OOS, then finally tried toy r us at vivo city. Heng and not so heng, found the last caterpillar at vivo toy r us, it wasnot working, wow very disappointed, brought it to CS to check, heng just batteries weak (must be kena played many many times, no choice just get it. I guess this could be the last caterpillar in Whole Singapore. So just buy. It is really good, even hubby also very impressed with this to.I enjoyed the toy also, worth the effort[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlemay, candy, I saw lamaze inch worm in mc harbourfront, it is in a box and hubby commented the finishing is better than the One we had. Now I will also stop getting stuff from BP. Would buy from stores now. At least Alexis likes it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks moonsky for helping to get the bowls.

Cherrry, thank you. I can't wait for my turn next week[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie no worries never blame u for intro-ing good lobangs[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yup cos i got the lamaze bug when my boy was 1 month old from a local shop, i compare it with the inchworm n realise the workmanship difference too. My inch worm lamaze tag was slanted... Haha. Actually im more ok if the bp seller say its a copy from the original... But she mislead n say like v big disc n tempt all e mummies. Really "shake head"...

Hi all mummies,

My baby having a fever about 38 degree. Can I put her in air con ? Coz her body quite hot then mil put her out of air con n fan and wants her to perspire . How?? I want to put her in air con leh at least not the super cold one.

Cherry thanks for organising sorry didn't had the chance to thank u directly had to rush off for a baby shower after the class hahah. Ethan definitely had fun he totally ko after that and zzzz all the way haha.

Stefie, ur quest for the caterpillar so fraught with disappointments arh didn't noe that so hard to find le. But glad that u enjoy the toy hahah it's still Ethan's fav toy so far u will get a lot of miledge out of it. Btw I saw the Lamaze inch worm selling at 19.90 at nex isetan. Shld be original?

Can't understand why Chinese like to pirate everything?? Even toys also want to pirate!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Stefie, I saw the caterpillar leap frog when I was shopping at kiddy palace Nex yesterday. Is it quite a big one? How much is it? I didn't check out the price.

Candy, just feel Paisay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thank you very much for yr understanding. I guess no more BP stuff Liao. I am glad that alexis likes the leapfrog counting pal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also like it also.

Crystal, thanks for the recommendation. Really good toy. Alexis likes it. MC is selling all leapfrog toy at 20% discounts for amex card holder. Just that they are out of stock. Thanks again. Ohhhh the Lamaze inch worm is selling at that price. Thanks again. Personally I feel leapfrog toys are much better and also value for $$$.

Thank you littlemay, it is selling at $39.90 at toys r us[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Had a fun time at the gym yesterday many thanks to cherry for organising [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will be keen to participate in other gym classes as well as I feel it is good for them to mingle and play together[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boi too zzz immed after that and did nt wake up till almost dinner time... Keke


Littlemay, is it the same one you saw? It only needs 3 AAA batteries. I saw crystal's Ethan was playing with it, like abt 2 months ago, I didn't really do much research until I find the Lamaze inch worm so-so only when I rec'd it. As this leapfrog caterpillar has more motes and more educational, of course more interesting music and not tacky like Lamaze inch worm ( hubby said it looks more like caterpillar than worm cos it has legs) I love the lively classical music. They are also few disadvantage in the leapfrog caterpillar, cannot wash the cover, can Only wipe the surface, battery cover needs to use screwdriver to open, buttons maybe difficult for babies cos quite small. Other than that this is really perfect toy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Since I already bought the Lamaze inch worm, I will just put in my car for her to play and the leapfrog caterpillar at home or during pram time.

