(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

dBaby, your girl is so sweet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, perhaps i should print out your phrase "Nothing can replace you" and put it in my wallet along with my gal's photo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dear mummies,

you gals have really been great, pulling me out of my misery everytime i'm down. THANKS LOTS!!!! HUGSSS!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Sweet?!? U haven 'ling jiao' her 'ren xing' yet.. Makes me angry, cry & laugh at different times.. BTH!!! She ah, like a small adult... Jia You!! Though i dun feel jealous, i love the fact tt all my relatives love & dote on her.. If they dun, then i feel weird lo... Maybe cos i grow up w/o so much warmth & love, i am trying very hard to let my kids have LOVE!!


So diff to get a cab my side, so i always take LRT or MRT... Much much convi and time-saving... =) Maybe shld go evening when sun nt so hot or when HB arnd...

1Y Bash

Ermmm, actually wat type of sponsors are u all looking for???

Whisp, Jiemeis mah, should help one another[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whisp, its 2 ways hor, nothing can replace her and u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, haha should give me the book! i like to quote yr words haha!!

Stefie and crystal,

That is becos I took mrt. By bus I still haven't figure out how to jagar a baby n stroller at the same time.

If by cab, then I also dunno how leh.


How you do it that time? One hand hold baby, the other hand keep stroller? Or you ask the taxi driver help u?

Cindy, I will cough out more "ink" if you need hoh. Ha!! ha!!

Dec Mum, still very good job leh[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Maybe just put Evangeline in the carrier so you can carry the pram up and down the bus/cab. Easier.

YES! Got all the work done, now waiting for them to start the meeting!

Muddy, good to hear tat Liz is better! Ru Yi oil, nvr tot can use it tat way! Will do, thanks!

whisp, I once raised my concern to a friend who has two kids, even her mum told me despite how close the child and her surrounding ppl is, mommy is never replaceable. I watched Child of Our Time on Monday, even thou some children don't show obvious feeling about their mommies, but based on their heartbeat rate at the moment they saw their mommies, it showed that they are happy to see their moms. =))


I understand how you feel, not easy being a FTWM, need to jagar between work n baby. Even I working part time only also struggling. Sometimes, I get jealous too when I see my girl adapting well in my mil's place. So I try not to let her stay over there too often. A bit crazy thinking I know.


My mum told me that too. Keep asking me to go work n left her in my mil's place over the weekdays and only bring her back on weekend. She also say blood thicker than water, my girl won't forget me one. But I keep having the feeling that something is missing whenever she is not around with me. Think I am too crazy, too possessive.

dec_mum, u r not alone. i'm crazy too, i think i'm a possessive monster, oppss mother. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dec mum/Whisp

I think i opp.. Maybe partly cos i am SAHM & my boy overly sticky so i am hoping very hard for him to adapt well or at least allow my mum to care for him when i am nt arnd.. Even my grandma who stay in with me, he also wont wan.. So i badly need a breather.. Maybe tt is the diff ba.. As for my gal, she adapts very well... She can go stay my mum plc with or without me, so long grandma is there.. (at least she co slp with grandma so still can 'follow' her)

Gt 1 afternoon, i put my boy at my mum plc & wanna spend time over lunch with my gal at northpoint.. (my mum stay yishun) HB only out of carpark & i called my mum, there he is crying in the bkgrd... I haf to u turn & fetch him...

Another time, i bring him n my gal, along with grandma to my mum plc. I go wedding dinner.. End up he cry big time when almost slping time.. All the way til i am back at yishun...

The other time my mum came over so he didnt cry cos familar plc but no mummy!! So he waited n waited for me to be hm & then fall asleep after i am back... Argghhh....

Dec mum/whisp,

Both of u are not crazy. I have the same feelings n thoughts too. I hate to have my baby close to my ILs, or anyone from their side (except hubby). I would rather her be close to me, my mum/mum's side, & sometimes even the maid than my inlaws. But I no choice have to live with them, so what I plan to do is to maybe send my baby to whatever childcare place that can take her in when she turns 1yr old. So that she can go out, see the world, make new friends n learn new things rather than stuck with my PILs everyday & learn rubbish engrish n broken cheenese from them.


LOL! No la, not possessive mom la. =)) It makes us want to be a better mom to our child, wanna spend more time with them, play and interact with them. Leah is also quite close with my PIL coz she sees them more often on daily basis, it makes me wanna make more effort in caring, holding my girl. It's ok to feel this way. =) DecMum, even thou I agree with your MIL's saying, but I feel weekend bonding is not enough. I only had weekend bonding with my parents until I started my sec sch, then I moved back to them, til now I still not really close with my mom. Close, but not to the extend that we can spend an afternoon together shopping or going for tea or lunch.

Bbribena/dec mum/whisp

I agree with u.. Sometimes weekend bonding may noy be enuf.. Thus my aunt kept telling me, Life's ironic.. Now we complain tt our kids are sticky. Wait til they hit their teens, u see if they wan to stick to u anot.. And when tt day comes, u will grumble tt they are not sticky..

I do hf frens who r close with mummy cos SAHM.. To the extent cos same build, they can share clothes, heels lo.. (of cos certain clothes tt r suitable) Can go shopping, makan, buy branded bags together.. Envy envy.. I hope my gal will go shopping, hi-tea or even holi with me.. I wan to be er confidante than mummy!!! If possible, i hope to be the one to bring her to clubs (hope by then i stil haf the contacts for free entry, table to sit blah blah) Hahahhaha.... Tats the reason i gave up my low paying & frustrating job!!

For me, my parents work, ILs in msia so if i work, only alternative is CC but i 'xin teng'.. For me easy choice cos salary low.. But some mummies, i knw u r high flyers so its really a tough choice.. But i admire the energy u mummies haf, FTWM, BF-ing & makig every bits & effort for bonding.. Jia You!!! *saluting*

Dec mum,

I bring my egro along too.. And my pram is easy to function with 1 hand.. And not too heavy.. Last time I dun egro just carry with 1 hand and other hand close pram..then hook on arm and take bus.. As for cab .. U just fold the pram cab drivers will help..

Sensitive Skin - Someone mentioned that Sodium Laureth Sulfate is not good for sensitive skin but Glycerin is good... so if the shampoo/body wash have both ingredients... then is it still ok to use for sensitive skin?

Moonsky, you need to look at the arrangement of the ingredients. If Glycerin is listed before Sodium Laureth Sulfate, generally it's ok but personally I can't take SLS, so I won't use it. You mean kids/infant head to toe wash, right? Coz if it's pdt for adults, shampoo that contains SLS should be alright unless u so sensitive that your scalp reacts to it, then best to avoid. SLS generally not recommended to skin with eczema condition, some sensitive skin users are ok with it. What I usually do is to test out the pdt for a span of 2 weeks, see if my skin reacts to it. If reaction occurs and yet I don't want to waste the pdt, I alternate it with my usual pdts that works fine with on me.

Bbribena, thanks for the explanation, my son has not been using shampoo as he keeps scratching his head, so till now we just use water to wash his head. Just bought the Buriti Baby wash from Body Shop, the sales told me have both ingredients but now I check and don't seems to see the SLS, I wonder is there another name for it.

Hi mommies,

I'm a December 10 mommy too! this is in fact my first time visiting this website. Lol..

Wondering if anyone is keen to explore a healthy diet meal plan program with me?

Its a very inexpensive and healthy way to get back into shape. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mango gal, thanks for calling up gymboree. My old secondary school classmates works there hahaha and Shan used to go there.

Anyway I am afraid if there is additional charges I might not be able to go as i might need to pay for Shan .but I find with no entertainment and have to pay $26 is not very worth the one hr.

I second oshgosh idea of doing it at function room, as its inexpensive and can do for longer hours and we can do potluck and bring a toys of each like what oshgosh mentioned to let the babies just play and mingle around but yes I think we go by below 20 crowds and if hers is taken up I can offered up my house function room too but best is please update me one mth in advance.

I understand some mom jealousy as with no1 I had postnatal blues and didn't want her to be sticky to anyone and it's worst because my no1 is ok with anyone everyone and of course I don't have anyprob with that but as she was breastfed fully and I am a sahm it does give me a tint of unhappiness and sometimes I do find why is she not loyal at all. But when she turns 1plus, boy I was glad she was ok with anyone and warm up so quickly instead of just sticking to me and all.

No2 is e exact opp so now diff to go for any date night as she doesn't want inlays to carry her for long .

Hi stefie

I haven't got my worm yet. It's still in transit...hasnt reached the seller yet, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Whisp, Sigh. My bb doesn't even want to look at me. Only at night going to sleep then want me to carry loh. Humph. But u shouldn't be jealous of your SIL. Anyone who truly loves ur bb is a friend n not a foe. I feel that babies who are loved by many surrounding adults will not go astray. Because they are being monitored even when u are not around. So u should consider it a blessing. Unless of course ur SIL is a bad influence! Heh.

Btw anyone free or on leave on 19th jul n stays near serangoon?

Good Morning Mummies & Daddies!!!

tenq, you need not feel discourage cos the fact that your bb wants u to carry to sleep, means that he/she look up to you as someone they can trust for secure and comfort. Jia You! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TenQ, we are provider of basic needs to our babies. When they gets older, daddies will be their playmate and we are still their basic needs provider, this was what my colleague said.

I was very jealous of hubby during my confinement cos hubby did everything from feeding to changing diapers. I feel so unless cannot take care of her (cos hubby wanted me to rest).

Things will gets better, like what whisp said, at least K still wants you to carry her to sleep, just take this time to bond.

stefie, me too, laughing over the hip song. i like that song! always makes me wanna dance. lol... maybe u can dance to it with alexis! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How much porridge to feed? I only manage to struggle 2 tbsp. Like so little leh. Belle still not interested.

Crystal, no chance, cos Alexis was busy playing with it, by throwing on the floor, her fav parent aka my hubby pick up for her. Ha!! ha!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, ha!! ha!! Will be fun hoh, when she able to walk then can dance with her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ribena, yes leh, a bit tacky, oh well. Hubby said only adult knows the tune, baby don't know. Ha!! ha!!!

Stefie, u will get yr chance hahah.

Aiyoh so irritated with well meaning col that keep harping on asking me to go for number 2. I feel like cutting their Tongues out. Aiyoh I so violent.

Crystal, how much did you paid for Ethan's Leap frog worm? I like it cos it plays classical music, not so tacky[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Are you enjoying your bunny? Getting the 90cm one?:p:p

Hubby complaint that we have a lot of "white elephant" in the house now, I don't care

Ha!! ha!! Just ignore them lah. You are not violent lah, I will feel like slapping them and punch them. Ha!! Ha!!! Ah Lian style.

If I "operate" my worm I will let you know. Wow very delicate operation you know, Live (My peace, without tacky music) and Death (There goes my peace with that tacky music) leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! ha!!

Wow dewdew, you make me want to go clubbing. Maybe can arrange 1 session hoh, without babies and hubbies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It has been long long time never do that liao.

samantha, patience... initial start is always very little. i started out with 1 teaspoon, then gradually now is about 3 to 4 tbsp (1 small bowl). it's little if you are measuring by adult standard but babies' stomachs are small. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, wahahahha!!! i can only club in my dreams! at 12am when the club is just starting to get happening, i'm heading to bed yawning away. i'm going to try heading to the bars and club in seoul though! hahahha... at least over there no need to wake up in the middle of the night to sooth gwen, so maybe still can make it.

Sam, I think Alexis skool is feeding her like 2-3 tablespoon of porridge plus 2 tablespoon of cereal per day. 2 Tablespoon not bad liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Well done mommy and Belle[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, wow you are really going to maximise your SEL trip hoh. Good leh, Ladies time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Very happening leh. Ha!!! ha!!

Stefie/ dewdew

Thanks. I see whether she will grow to eat more or not. Really struggling. Your Alexis enjoying her food? Btw, the leap frog worm you're talking about is it that caterpillar from huggies stamp redemption? If so I got it. I find not bad too. Got classical music, teach colours and number 1-5.

Sam, She okay only lah, it is my 2 dogs sitting beside her rocker waiting for the cereal, cos if Alexis not eating, they will have it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But she really enjoy baby bites rice cracker. Yesterday fed her 1/2 piece of it plus water.

Thank you very much. I am on my caterpillar/worm crazy now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlemay, 3-4 tablespoon powder before mixing with milk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis is still no teeth (That time see wrongly). She is okay with the baby rice cracker. It will just melts once she sucks it. The teething rusk will takes a longer time to melt, so I very much prefer rice cracker.

Sam, I bought from NTUC. Some mommies may not like this cos it has some sea salt to make the crackers hard. I am okay with it. $2.40 for 24 crackers. I tried abit of it, it is nice. Alexis skool also feeding this to the bigger infant as snacks.


I think pigeon also has something like that. Maybe more ex.

Ha!! ha!! The later the better for teeth lah Enjoy their bo gay smile now.


I oso feed my gal this. She loves it.

But i nv mix with water for her.

I let her bite =)She will put in mouth bite it and pull so that it will break cos she onli got 1.5 teeth


Liling, Oh I let her bit, but after done I fed her some water to wash down the cracker. I tried it, very nice even it is tasteless.

btw anyone taking the Leap frog caterpillar from the above post Chez, please PM me, I have something to discuss with you. Thank you

