(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

bubbly, Ha!! ha!! The food is not bad, scenery is good[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you know where is Anchorvale CC with swimming pool?



eoneon, sometimes they can sit n play, suddenly stop n smile, like have something up their sleeves haha, so cute la! little minds with big thoughts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, ethan fair like mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my girl quite dark leh, currently still darker than me haiz..cannot be darker liao haha

stefie, i did the hazeline snow routine last nite and today... waiting for my "aura" to appear haha

muddypaws, thanks for the info. i shall get sunblock for ethan now that I know how to remove it hahah dun wan him to have clog pores hahaha

err anyone, anyway i just called gymbore at tanglin mall

their package: details in websitehttp://www.gymboree.com.sg/parties.html

Cost: $1020 before GST for 25 babies max and 2 adults (mummy and daddy per child)

each baby pay $26 each

for additional baby(besides 25 babies as mention above) , gt to pay extra $26.

Nov available date: 12th, 19th and 26th, they only hv it on Saturday

Party time: 12:30 to 1:30pm play/activity

Snack time :1:30 to 2pm, only finger food

Cakes and food excluded, got to order on our own

BTW, I ask abt BUBS drinking how much AMT of milk if take porridge, can anyone share also??


bubbly, so heartwarming to see zaizai's reaction to yr dad hor? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

since KL and SG quite near can consider bring him back more often, do a weekend trip, dun need much leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

there is a old town cafe in indo, but only ONE lor, haiz...need to travel so far just for the asam laksa haha!!

crystal, shes maybe 1-2tones darker if compare closely hahah!! or maybe i become darker without realising :p


TIME: 12.30pm to 1.30pm

1:30pm to 2pm, snack time only finger food like bday cupcakes, snacks etc..

(COME EARLY BY AT LEAST 15min or it will eat into your play time as it endes ON THE DOT. Need to register, put on socks, take temperature etc etc inadvance)

*parents must put on socks. Babies to be barefooted

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour. And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere else on their own.

mummies looking for sunblock/sunscreen, can buy from robinson (i bought at the expo sale) - banana boat sunblock for kids. i think it was about $13, and it's SPF50. otherwise i believe california baby also sells. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal, my gal will drink about 180ml about 2hrs after taking porridge. if strictly milk diet, she can drink about 260ml. i give similac, supposed to dilute 60ml to 1 spoon but i dilute 80ml to 1 spoon.

Eon, ahh! Traffic jam! No wonder so exp!

Bubbly, poor zaizai! He must have miss his gong gong.... Poor mommy too! So tiring for you. I think our babies are going thru the phase of recognizing faces, demand stuff, wanna play, teething etc... Leah also like that now. Ytd she was sooo happy seeing my hub and myself, she LOL so loudly with mouth opened big big! Nvr seen her so hysterical. Then refused to sleep. =S


Yay... I have concerned about how to remove the sunscreen from our babies' skin leh. I saw California Baby has one that is very water resistant, not sure if it's ok for them to wear it.


LOL! Mocha son, but I like mocha la, so I think it's a good thing. I think boys should be alittle tan, nicer. But of coz, skin protection is still a must la, so no spots nor pigmentation. =)) Fair not always a good thing lor, coz I look pale and sick wo blush. =D And I turn yellowish if I tan. =S


so the mushroom cafe is near to anchorvale cc (the one with swimming pool)? We wanna bring Leah for a dip in the pool on sunday! Perhaps can drop by the cafe.

Paiseh ah.. won't be posting intensively today, wanna rush out the designs asap.

cindy: hehehe.. sometimes, when I miss home food, I also go all the way to ECP or TPY for Ipoh Horfun or the nasi lemak with rendang chicken.. :p yet to try their asam laksa though.. :p you are not dark la!

mangogal: thanks for organising.. I have no idea on all this bash things, so, once you all fixed, I'll just join.. anywhere is fine..

bbribena: ya boy.. if they LOL, then they'll have nightmare, or so the old people saying goes.. hehehe.. yellowish if tanned, me "chao tar" hahaha... is it your first dip with Leah? I can only dip at home in the mobile pool coz geomancer advised us not to let him swim in pool till like 2-3 yo.. superstitious i know.. :p will you draw piggy poo-ing again today? My hubby was teasing me, staring at the piggies last nite and kept LOL.. :-D :-D

bubbly, JKT can be a nightmare when there's a jam, haiz, hubby will keep nagging when jam esp if i chose the place haha so better not risk :p

bubbly/bbribena, i get chao ta also if i tan haha!! take me fast to get dark, and ages to 'untan' zzz

dew wah Gwen drinks alot! so how much milk is she drinking in total per day?

Trevor is taking 800ml of milk plus 1 meal cereal

day time 150ml of BM every 2.5 hours, evening or nite time taking 180ml

hmm...today i start porridge, will see how much of milk is he taking...

Bubbly, haa this is the best place I can think of cos gt BUBS to play n exercise, with goodie bag included of the package n we can mingle too but time abit short only 2 hours in gymboree

so dunon fits all mummies here of expectations or nt?

cos some mummies think of having sponsor which I think nt neccessary n this gymboree party sounds lots of fun liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mango: liz takes 3oz of cereal for breakfast, 5oz of porridge for lunch and dinner each, and 110ml of milk every 1.5-2hours, a cookie or two in-between milk, and a fruit after dinner. Total milk intake averages 500-700ml a day.

Bubbly, HA! Was telling coworkers, will be a day when Leah puts up her hand telling her teacher that Mommy taught her how to draw poo... XD I think Leah will learn the weirdest stuff from her mommy. =P

Yup, her first dip! Papa will guide her coz I don't know how to swim ah. Will sit and take pics. =))

hmm.. gwen has her morning milk at abt 8am, then a porridge meal at about 11, another milk session at 2 and 5, then porridge again at 7+, and last milk session at 9+. let's say average abt 240ml of milk per session so works out to be abt 960ml per day and 2 porridges. sorry ah, hv to write out otherwise cannot count. lol!

cindy: true true.. the men will nag if things go wrong with our suggestions.. :p

mangogal: sounds fun to me.. :) sorry, no contribution on milk intake when feed porridge.. have tried 1 day with zaizai but the output looks exactly like the input, so I stopped and continue with puree and cereals..

bbribena: looking forward to Leah's pics in her sexy swimsuit!

Hi Mummies... Bein awhile since the last i log in.. Just to share that Seahorse havin 50% off for custom made mattress... I'm goin to order one soon for my gals' playpen cos her mattress too soft... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie... U always got alot of lobangs and is a gourmet eater leh... hahaha... Temptin so many mummies here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The Mushroom cafe is in the CC itself? Mi too regret buyin M size for my Parklon playmat... Cos babies crawl out of it very soon...

Dew.. Wow... Ur Gwen drink alot ! Good good... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My ger's intake still stagnant n worse, her food intake drops... My gal need physco from ur gal too... lol

Mangogal... thanks for organisin the 1 year bash... Do update mi wen more confirm ya? Would love to help u but i know nuts abt these children spots... N i seldom log in to SMH too...

Re: Suncreen for babies

Which brand is good? Saw a few brands written here but seem abt the same to me...

dew, thks for the details breakdown for her feeding schedule! hee u so cute yalor gt to count easier[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

the BP lady replied.

"Glad to hear you have received the Inchworm. I was trying to figure out what the tune was!! I tried googling for the name you gave but couldn't find anything.

The supplier says the tune varies from region to region. I am not sure how correct she is but she says these are the Inchworms exported to Asia.

I am sorry you are not happy about the tune but it is really beyond my control. "

She is nice. Hope she didn't kena cheated by the China Supplier. Poor thing. I guess I will get from local store instead. No point for me to be penny wise, pounds foolish. Save some $$and worry whether real or not. Haiz...


I'm lost, walk til i reach Brewbakers... Ended up in here cos too hot sun & hungry.. Ahhahah... Did i walk over it or??

1Y Bash

So long nvr clashb with Nov 18, i can join.. I'm celebrating my boy day at chalet...

Dbaby, need to cross the road/ or under the bridge along the river to the park, then you will see one funny looking building, that's the one. You walk from your house? Later have some cold chendol. Poor mine.


Which funny lookin building? Is it the one with a brown-like spiral thing on top?? Haiz.. I did went down the bridge, unless its opp the CC..

anyway i just called gymbore at tanglin mall

their package: details in websitehttp://www.gymboree.com.sg/parties.html

Cost: $1020 before GST for 25 babies max and 2 adults (mummy and daddy per child)

each baby pay $26 each

for additional baby(besides 25 babies as mention above) , gt to pay extra $26.

Nov available date: 12th, 19th and 26th, they only hv it on Saturday

Party time: 12:30 to 1:30pm play/activity

Snack time :1:30 to 2pm, only finger food

Cakes and food excluded, got to order on our own


TIME: 12.30pm to 1.30pm

1:30pm to 2pm, snack time only finger food like bday cupcakes, snacks etc..

(COME EARLY BY AT LEAST 15min or it will eat into your play time as it endes ON THE DOT. Need to register, put on socks, take temperature etc etc inadvance)

*parents must put on socks. Babies to be barefooted

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour. And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere else on their own.

Interested mummies (see how many respond before I bk)

I am looking at 12th Nov(saturday)




bbribena: liz' poo is back to normal. But she is now fearful of medicine droppers (as I force-feed her antibiotics using that)...

Oh, since it's Leah first swim, you might wanna rub some Ru Yi Oil on her tummy after you wash her up to keep her warm. Some moisturising cream can be used to keep her skin smooth (as chlorine may be drying).

kind of upset now (i should say very upset since my face is still burning after finished typing the entire msg). mil juz called telling me that sil has passed her money to buy diaper for my girl. i was like "huh?" we know that the diaper is finishing soon, but the balance is enuf to last couple of days more, thus we intend to buy it today after work, instead of stocking up in the house, since we're in the midst of packing for reno.

i noe she did it out of good will, but still my heart is feeling "sourish" or "bitter".

as my sil is not working full-time, she's able to drop by early at our place for dinner, and play with my gal, while i'm still working. And by the time i reach home, it's like past 7pm, and not much time to play with my gal before feeding and coaxing her to sleep liao.

though it's nice that my gal has someone to dote on her and play with her, but i really wish that i can spend more time with her. is it me being "small gas" or 小题大做? but i've been feeling scare that my position as my gal's mummy will be replaced, ever since sil suggested that she wished to be my gal's god-mother during my confinement period. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mummies,

Been v bz at work... Sigh..


Thks for checking on gymboree...

Actually i can offer the use of my function room but will need mummies to share cost of function room n food..

As for programme, i suggest no need to plan, will be good for the babies to jus play w each other.

Maybe everyone bring a toy so the kiddos can hv toy swap n play w lots of toys.

But if use function room, also got max capacity cos room not v big.

If jus mummy n baby, i wld say keep to max 15 babies so tat room will hv space for food n for them to crawl/walk/run ard...

Let me know wat u think

Whisp, just take it as a good thing. Don't take it too hard, if you your will have internal bleeding leh.

No one can replace mommy one. Another person sayang and love your girl is always good. Maybe just return the money to your SIL the next time you see her. Just said, no need the money. Thanks but no thanks.

whisp, i agree. i dun tink its an issue of being small gas or watever. i noe where u are coming from but there is no need to feel that you will be replaced lo.


Yup, i had the combo for 2, 1 kids pizza & add $8.80 for soup, iced cappa & cheesecake. End up so full, 1/2 pizza, 1 fish & chip & chix chop packet hm lo.. Even cheesecake also cant finish.. Think cos me n ah ma small eater.. After my lunh, i walked out then i can see 'clearly' where u refer to.. I wonder why i didnt see tt earlier... And came up with $60 hole in pocket compared to the $4.90 lunch i was looking forward to.. Hahahaha.. Funny me!!


i would like to think that way too... but she has been too "热心", she had even go to the extend of getting us a table to put baby bottles without even asking us whether we want it or have a place for it.

arghh...feeling so beaten up now, simply no mood to do anything and just wish to be with my gal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

osh gosh, thks alot[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am fine wif both gymboree or ur function room, ya let the mummies decide since both of us suggest and offer our ideas liao

Dbaby, maybe you to hungry liao to see lah. Can alway go there again for another lunch.

Whisp, it is normal to get jealous when another person too "helpful" to our babies. Now just take it easy, after all your gal is your fresh and blood much closer than to her aunty right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Nothing can replace you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Remember this, then you will take it easy.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milk monster

Wah some babies here really taking alot

My leah until now drinking the same amt of milk as when she was 1 month old!!

Cant seem to get her to drink more. She's taking enfa stage 1, wonder if i chg milk will she drink more?

No wonder she still wakes up ar nite for milk but really cant make her drink more leh...

Whisp, anytime[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also jealous my MIL when she carries Alexis, so I siam by not going over for sunday lunch[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ha!! ha!! Good excuse hoh.

Hi mummies,

Today another achievement for me. I manage to bring my girl out alone in stroller to my mum's place in cck. Haha. I usually bring her out using carrier one.


Last night I bought a normal weighing scale Liao. My girl now is around 6.6kg. Think around the same size as your darling.

Stefie and dbaby,

I think I noe where is the cafe. Must walk further up from cc. There is a shelter with toilets, besides the shelter got carpark.

dec mum, applause. you are good. i still haven done that on my own aahaha..

whisp, look on the bright side lo she has a doting aunt better then an aunt that doesnt care bot her rite? cheer up k.. u can go home and sayang her tonite

oshgosh, not sure how to help u on this issue. maybe you can check with your pd?

dec Mum, good job. Public transport no problem[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Well done. You are so independent.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes yes that facility with toilets beside carpark. I like to crossed under the bridge cos can see the river, makes me super relax[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oshgosh, my gal only drinking max 150ml per feed, sometimes can't even finiz 100ml, wondering when will she ever needs to use her 240ml big bottle. but as long as she's happy and healthy, i'm happy liao.

oh btw, there's a trade-in offer of pigeon milk bottle at Isetan's baby fair next week from 22 Jul to 14 Aug.

Excepts from http://www.isetan.com.sg/newsletter

"trade in your babies' old milk bottle (complete set) to buy pigeon 240m ppsu bottle at $9.45 (usual $18.90) or 160ml ppsu bottle at $7.95 (usual $15.90). while stocks last."

whisp, mummies will always be their mummies, that will never change [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i must remember stefie's words also haha!! - Nothing can replace you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

decmum, yup! my girl also hovering ard 6.6kg to 6.7kg, haiz!!! they can be good lightweight friends liao haha...so young they know wat is diet hor :p


Ya, i think the sun too hot & first thing i see is Brewbaker & tt bridge no shelter so makes me dread to walk more.. With a tod, BB in pram & grandma = not easy.. Plus grandma keep saying 'ur fren gt tell u correct ma.. Like nothing le!'

I not hungry but dying for ice cold coffee... Frm morning, wake up 9am++, chng bedsheet, sterilise btls, vacuum & mop blah blah.. I didnt even haf anything to drink or eat, then shower & came out.. Plus i cooking stew chix for dinner & smell so nice, maybe hungry too...


Dun feel tt way.. I SAHM, always disciplining my daughter, beat & scold.. But she still 'Mummy Gal'.. And her fav phrase - i dun wan anyone, mummy can aldy...'

Cindy, wow you like so many phrase of mine. I think I can start a phrase book for you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

