(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Mommies, if I am bring Alexis for 6 in 1 jab, do I need to see doctor for 1 mOnth development or just can do it on 6 week during the jab. My hubby finds it a waste of money to see pd for no reasons and we have decide to go to polyclinic instead.

Mommies, just be careful with your prams, btw I am using combo urban walker.

Crystal sayang sayang. I know how you feel. I am also having this problem with hubby. He said I shouldn't spoilt Alexis when she want to suckle me for comfort. I was so upset from yesterday night to now. I had a crying session, cos just now when I carry Alexis, she was looking for my breast to suck. When I don't give she cried and I also. My hubby way of handling is when she cry for nipple then burp her. He did that 10 times yesterday, I feel heartpain, imagine my breast will leak when she cries and I can't latch her when not feeding time. My hubby has his point but how a mother feels when we can't give her what she wants. I am very upset now.


candycanes, bb calm down prob becoz he tired already, so dun feel bad. There was a period of time my leah refuses me too, she cried her lung out, screaming, i also heartache looking at her. Most importantly, the baby calm down n stop fussing, it doesn't matter who carry the baby. It's hard to stop thinking tat way, it's normal, juz dun be too hard on yourself.

Milo, we r thinking to go taiwan in apr too! Hubby got time during tat mth.

Stefie, it's for u n alexis' good. I have a friend whose baby take her as human pacifier. Can't go to sleep unless my friend cm back frm work n let her latch on. Nobody in the hse can calm the little one down. It's going to be tough for the first few times, but really got to stop alexis to latch on to pacifier. But there might be a down side, she might refuses to latch on during meal time, so gotta monitor.

Ribena, yes I know, but I am just upset. Alexis cries I also want to cry. My hubby said can let her suckle a while, once she stop crying then must stop, cos i let her suckle Too long, her milk time would be in a mess. Now I am latching her on now, cos her milk time is 11am, so I can latch her on for 1/2 hr. I think I will really spoilt her like how I spoilt my dogs. That's what my hubby said. Hope I can be more firm.

Btw how much did you pay for the book baby whisPer? And is it good?

stefie, i dun rem we take leah to 1 mth old dev check. The nurse check her weight n length during her hep b 2nd jab n tat's it. We go polyclinic for all the jabs, smone told me tat it's cheaper.

morning gals!

re: holiday

actually, we also plan to go taiwan and hongkong end of last year but found out that i was pregnant. planning to bring #1 to hong kong disneyland end of this year if possible. think won't be going to taiwan liao cos can't bear to leave girl for too long. think they understand a lil by then. still remember when we went for 1st trip without my boy when he was 15 months old. he teared, nodded and said, "mama go work" and waved me bye. felt so bad and cried.

re: yao lan

kkh discouraged the use of yaolan cos the shaking might affect their brain. actually i felt that it depends on how hard u shake the yao lan. i tried once for #1 cos mil kept nagging abt it. so we bought 1. the 1st experience for my boy was a terrifying one cos mil just put him inside and kept shaking the yaolan very hard. my boy's head was tilted at an awkward angle and he kept crying. I quickly took him out cos i was shocked by the force she's using. subsequently, i refused to let him use the yao lan. he also had a phobia for things that rock such as the machines where u put coins inside. my mil still blamed me for not letting him get used to the rocking momentum that's why he refused to take rides on the machines.

hi stefie,

Thank God that Alexis is fine. It must have been a terrifying moment for u.

yup, children r blessings from God. Just have to treat their cries as if they r talking to us.

hi esquare,

hope u r feeling better. remembered u mentioned something abt mole removal at National Skin Centre. am thinking of removing one. can share more?

hi candycane,

don't be too upset. baby will get accustomed to us and we will also learn how to handle them with them. don't worry.


1) mangogal

2) cherry

3) dewdew

4) Stefie

5) bbribena

6) lovebyte

7) Debbie

8) klitz

9) Esquare

10) amuro

11) candycanes87 (after the 19th Jan, confinement ends then)

12) EonEon (i can only join after 18 January as my confinement only ends then)




16) milo

Venue options:

1) klitz's place at serangoon central

2) candycane's place at Hougang

3) yurieve place at Sengkang

milo, teach me hw to use the sling when we meet ok! hehee..

mummies, can we move the emb from fridge to freezer?

Hi mummies,

Im oso a dec mum. bb is now 15 days old. For those mummies who bf, do u latch the bb on and supplement wif formula when u r out? Cos i tried to bring bb out ytd and was a bit lost. Cos the total time taken to latch her and feed her with formula is approx 1hour. Isit a bit too long? But if i just latch her, she's not satisfied.

My bm supply is still v low now. Can oni pump 30-50ml each pump. Bb is feeding approx 90-100ml every 3-4hrs. Hence, i have to supplement wif FM for now. Once my supply is in, was tinking if i can just latch her on wifout supplementing wif FM when im outside? any experience mums that can advise?

bbribena, think my gal also starting to think of pacifier. Last night let her latch for 20min after a 2hr interval from bottle feeding (usu she can last 3hr)... she still looking! then i spent 2hr coaxing her to bed until 2am. Pat her until i falling asleep... so desperate just give her pacifier... she slept in 1 min. GOSH!!

Was thinking of switching to yao lan too... at least when she look for something to suck u know she is hungry... now it's like I'm confused, not she confused!! But sounds like yao lan is a hazard too.

I'm keen for meeting up coz freaking bored at home! Also need to learn how to use the sling. Presume we will bring bb along right.

1) mangogal

2) cherry

3) dewdew

4) Stefie

5) bbribena

6) lovebyte

7) Debbie

8) klitz

9) Esquare

10) amuro

11) candycanes87 (after the 19th Jan, confinement ends then)

12) EonEon (i can only join after 18 January as my confinement only ends then)




16) milo

17) TenQ

Venue options:

1) klitz's place at serangoon central

2) candycane's place at Hougang

3) yurieve place at Sengkang

Stefie, my gal also had that phase of xiang nian ren nai even when she want to zzzz... then i introduced pacifier... otherwise her timing really screw up and she cannot rest/feed well. It is a vicious cycle.

cherry, I wouldn't move EBM from fridge to freezer bah... since fridge can only last 48hrs. Unless u just put it in for 1 or 2 hrs only?

Cherry, yup you can freeze milk after it is in fridge for a day. I also do that de. It's safe cos PD say freeze milk if not used in fridge for 2 days. I tried letting my boy take the frozen milk that was freezed after 2 days in fridge before and he's ok. Milk nvr spoil.

Ribena thanks for the info. Then I will bring Alexis for the 6 in 1 jab in 2 weeks time. You went to which polyclinic? I read from the polyclinic link only few polyclinic has the service.

Tenq, Alexis don't like pacifier. The one we have is from avert one, I think not too good, which brand are you using?

Tan tan, yes leh, plus I very stoned yesterday. Just thought of sharing with Mommies here who have same habit as us.

debbie, its no use they wont listen.. soo sian just grin and ren la see how.

milo, i sending ethan to bbsitter i so scared later my bbsitter tell me she dun wan to look after he so ma fan....

stefie, i'm not sure how seriuous ur situation is but i do use boobs to give ethan as soother aka pacifier le hahaha. it does disrupt his milk in take direct latch to him is just dessert no effect on his appetite one. i can latch 30 mins - 1 hour but when feeding time comes he still can drink his milk. i let him latch onli bot 1-2 times a day cos my parents mang carry him whenever he fuss. sighhh...

hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

crystal, think of it this way, they dun have much time with their grandchild, let them carry if they want, just dun over-carry esp when baby is slping...

think its ok at the beginning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, my hub opposite, whenever baby gets into a crying fit he always say she needs to 'feed' haha..but mostly she just suckles for comfort i guess..maybe for my hub, just easy way out for him haha!

re BM in fridge to freezer:

i always throw away unconsumed milk if after 48hrs in fridge, nv freeze...coz i tot after 48hrs considered spoil liao T_T

o i made appmt for ethan to go for his 5-1 jab at AMK poly i was wondering if the docs there will do the devt checks?? if not i got to go to pds for the devt checks arh?

ethaqn done his 35 days check already there is one action done by the pd that will make ur heart drop. the pd will pick him up, turn him over and like drop him to see his movements on all sides. its pretty scary.... to see.

stefie... ya she cannot suck avent also... we went to buy nuk and it works. first few times must hold it there for her to get used to sucking first.

Debbie - ya he just turned 1 mths a few days ago. No leh, I didn't feed water, but i usually try to dilute the FM with a bit more water instead of strictly the designated amt. How much water should i feed him? My MIL say last time they feed one bottle FM + 1 bottle of water. Ratio is 1:1. So much! BTW, he pooed early this morning - big time. That's abt 3.5days without pooing.

Candy - It could be becoz strangers or new person carrying him so he became curious. My boy also, when his full mth celebration, he didn't even cry for milk coz a lot of pp carry him. His head keep turning to look at new faces. But when alone with him, he becomes cranky. These few days even worse. Hubby went back to work, so I'm alone with him. Now he stops crying when my hubby carries him, but when i carry, sometimes stop, sometimes cry louder.

Ribena, ^5! u got passport done for Leah alr?

Cherry, sure! Np!

Tantan, I went for a 3 week trip wo my no 1 and I didn't enjoy myself at all. Kept crying everyday and from then on I never leave him behind anymore.

Will be bringing no 2 along. By apr shld be abt 5mths old, hope she is as easy to bring along like her brother.

Crystal, I think bbsitter shld be experience to handle our bb well. I see my CL like so stylo whereas I take care until bath also bo eng! I also worry my mum can't cope with 2 if Ash gonna be so laychey. Let pray hard tog k?

milo, yes yes i tink i reallie need to pray i better go and pray to watever gods possible hahaha... cross fingers cross toes.

o any of ur bbs have special words that cannot say? like for ethan we cannot say milk milk/neh neh near to him. he will INSTANTLY wake up or stop watever he;s doing and WAIL at the top of his lungs and wans milk. its unbelievable le. so now wat we did was we had to come up with code words for milk, i find it unbelievable.

crystal, i also say MIL before when she carry baby too much T_T

now that i'm back in JKT, i have too much time with baby that i cant get anything done LOL

hi xue,

to answer ur question.

I latch my babe on when outside. But thats because my supply is more than enough to fill her up. So she is fine.

But if i ever go to certain places thats abit more convenient like e airport, or some kids friendly places, i ll bring along my ebm.

U r doing the right thing since now ur supply is still low. Supplement feed for now its good.

xuanting- i am like you too, the first 2weeks of my confinement i had been breaking winds like nobody business. Partly due to the food we consumed, partly due to the fact that our intestines had been corned and squased to a corner during our last trimester thus when our uterus contracts our intestines moves slowly to it original position thus we break more wind as the gas is slowly passed out.


drinking less will reduce your supply, so better dont cut down on fluid as you migt suffer from dehydration.

My 2nd one is balding already , the infant hair is slowly dropping, now we got to let her wear a cap during our full mth celebration this sat.

I am really angry and disappointed with Ros..

As mummies know, I have booked her for post-natal at the first pre-natal massage, so, I didn't want to back my words though I have not paid a single cent. And I introduced mummies here to engage her service and ended many mummies not happy with her, etc. Yet, like what Juliana says, she is repentent, so give her a chance. I thought she is good, so, ya, why not give her a chance?

2 weeks after my c-sect, gynae gave me greenlight to massage, and so I told Ros. She says start the week after, which is fine with me.

The 1st session we started, she said, coz mine is a c-sect, so, do few sessions without touching the womb first, and add 3 more sessions to make it 10 sessions to touch the womb some days later, I say fine.. although need to add money, I believe and trust her skills..

After 3 sessions, she told me coz mine c-sect, need to "holiday" for 1 week for the 4th one, etc.. so I say, if that's the case, then I am not adding the 3 extra sessions, will just stop at 7. She says also ok.

On the 4th session, she came at 3pm, she did great, so I paid her another $100 on top of the $200 paid on the 1st session. Before she left she says, you prefer consecutive days right, so, tomorrow same time, etc..

On that day itself, she smsed me again and ask if I want next day 8.30am but she'll check if she has appt. I say ok, let her check. Next morning early morning she smsed says cannot, coz got appt, see me at 11.30pm instead. I said ok. but she smsed later in the morning and say cannot coz kid sick again, in KK, asked for 2.30pm. I also said ok. then later, she say can change to the next day or not (also say in addition mine is c-sect cannot do everyday and i told her gynae already say my wound already healed), I also say OK, coz I think the kid is sick and she needs to take care of her,even though I have prepared everything, pumped in advance, lay the mat, cover pillow and bed... And so, arranged today, same time 2.30pm.

She smsed in the morning and says 11.30am. So, it's ok. But at 11.37am, she hasn't turn up, I smsed her, asking if she was coming, she says ya, on the way, someone was going to take care of her kids while she can come. I was rather upset, but I can understand the situation. I already hungry but I made some oat to eat. She texted and say I eat something first if hungry.

I told her to inform me the next time if she knows she'll be late, she says she didn't know she'll be late. She says she thinks its better to cancel the session coz it's difficult for her to come on time. She return me money and send back to my account and apologised. So, I told her, I didn't mean anything but just asked her to be considerate to tell me if she is going to be late. She apologised again and say I don't understand her situation, that she rushed like hell since morning and very stressed. She says she try to please everyone but not easy, she can't come on time, need to change time last minute. The only thing she will do is to massage the best she can and do extra mile to make sure we recover. and asked me to send her my account number.

I am just ranting here coz I feel like a volcano erupting.. I knew she has problem in her family, she is always tired and kana food poisoning, kids just sent to childcare and sickly, and thus keep changing appointments after appointments, but it already maxed my patience.. ;-(

If I didn't understand what's going on in her family and her situation, why would I pay her another $100 first? :-(

To mummies who experienced the same thing, I am sorry for my recommendation.. for mummies who has completed sessions with her, congratulations! you have destiny with her.. but not me.. :-(


Cherrry, its ok to move bm from fridge to freezer.

lyn55, I think its not advisable to dilute the fm... cos I did the same thing for my #1 cos thinking tat fm is too heaty but in the end, he became underweight when we went for chkup n he was only 10-25th percentile.

He started to gain weight steadily when I stopped diluting the fm. Diluting fm actually reduces the nutrients n thus causes baby to be undernourish...

bubbly, cool down... I think mommies here wont blame u for recommending Ros.

That Ros really damn jialat...

Do u still need another ML?

I'm quite happy wz mine right now n can pass u the contact if you need it.

My bb just woke up from 30min nap (to vomit out ome milk)... tot she will sleep for another 2 hrs one. sianz... tried to rock her, swing her, pat her to sleep also no use. MIL taking over now. Need a lot of patience!!

Wonder if I should just give in and let her pacifier... but actually she isn't looking for it. So how to make sleepy babies fall asleep??

bubbly, no worries ok. it's not your fault. i also not fated to use her. It;s not your fault.

and yes, she tell me she try very hard to please her customers, purposely cancel all her appts to come my place than i not using her etc. so i told her dun bring up e past and didn't reply her sms after tat. I still save her sms to me in case ppl wanna malign me.. ;)

but do note tat someone here does convey wat we posted abt her and she'll start to sms u.

deon, yeah.. pd asked me to con't feed ridwind 3 times a day but i gave once in e morning and once at night.. actually see how his situation.. sometimes i only give once at night.

Hi Amuro, tks for advise. I'm hoping I can hav enuff supply n wean her off formula soon. Dunno of it'll actually happen cos I'm worried bout my low bm supply.

tenq, what i do is dl the lullaby software to i iphone. play it for 5mins, and my baby will calm down and slowly for asleep on her own. if this fails, i will pat her and hush hush her to calm down den when she's starting to fall asleep den i'll put her into bed.

stefie, i bought the baby whisperer at 39.90 at popular. for me i think its good. cos FTM, dunno how to see what the baby wants when she cries. the book teaches mi a lot, like seeing her body actions and listening to her cries to differntiate what she wants. so it makes our life easier to pacify the baby. eg. like bb wants milk her body will auto turn inwards towards our body.

if stomach got wind she'll arch her back.

klitz, wow ur bb is so easy to care for! lucky u... i try shhh shhh... she will still wail. v hard to coax her to sleep!

rainbow: feel bad ler.. if anyone want to tell what I ranted here to Ros, please do so properly, coz she is very defensive and never admit her shortfall.. will just keep saying she is working very hard to please everyone.. I guess she ends up making many people unhappy instead..

Yurieve: received your reply, thanks.. a bit phobic contacting ML nowadays.. hahaha..

thanks debbie and yurieve, i have jus move the ebm. hehee!

debbie, regarding yao lan, i wont be using either. cos rem mrs wong mentioned not good for backbone and brain? and as like other mummies say, they may be too dependent to sleep with it. if u really want to use it, better to use after 4mths old.

ya, bubbly, rainbow.. Ros always delay my appt and keep changing and always late. she likes to talk abt the forum peeps to me too. i jus close my ears. it's okay lar, doesnt matter, dont be too angry le ya.

Stefie, how come Alexis so fast get her 6in1 injection? Leah just got her hepB 2nd injection few weeks back. IIRC, her 6in1 will be in later months.

As for pacifier, we bought Pigeon brand. I'm glad sometimes Leah don't want her pacifier, hopefully it's easy to get her off.

Damn sian at home. This morning I was asked to wash my own undies, I mean hand wash!!! My MIL said it's not nice to have my hubby wash it... I mean we machine wash everything!! What's the deal!!!!! Seriously I rather she don't do my laundry, she machine wash everyday! Waste electricity. During the period I was missing on the forum, there are lotsa drama in the hse and family with her and my hub's brother. Damn sian.. like we are at her mercy coz we need her to take care of Leah. Sometimes I feel the things to say to Leah is for me to listen.

Milo, we haven't got Leah's passport done. Am still thinking if we shld bring her along or even to go at all. I just worry if we can handle her in Taiwan, plus I'm still expressing milk. Think can be quite stressful. On the other hand, we don't want to leave her alone in SG... I don't totally trust my MIL taking care of her all day for a few days lor. Just two nights ago, she ke-kiang, kept insisting to feed and pacify Leah to sleep. After hours of trying, I overheard her saying in the room to Leah "不睡我锤你"... then when she tried to put Leah into the cot, she suddenly woke up and MIL said "Wah liao eh... 要抱你一起睡"... damn scary lor.. don't know what's with her lately.

Cherry, ya I also think if want use must wait till 4 months but my MIL ah... SIGH.. I feel like I can get into depression lor cos she want do her way and cos she say her kids and herself grew up sleeping in Yao lan also ok.. Whatever! So pissed alr la...

Re: pacifier

I use pigeon pacifier for my boy. He sometimes like sometimes hate it. I guess he's not addicted to it yet cos he spits it out most of the time.

Yurieve, are you using Mdm Emmy now?

Bubbly, cherrry, let her say wat she wants.. so long now we happier can le.

i think my boy suffering from reflux.. any mummies have experience this? any solution?

hi mummies

just to check any one using drypers? is it good? currently my boi using huggies, ok dunno if good to switch, any advice?

i also c section, so have to pause for the massage thingy too. i am using the hospital binder still, keke hopefully wear longer can slim down a little, but will be looking at massage month 2 onwards bah.

any full month cake shops to recommend? thanks mummies

debbie: yah my sis also waited baby 4months before use the yao lan, cos according to saying is that yaolan can sleep longer and the head shape nice nice, round. try not to get the motorised kind, manual kind better, can control speed.

rainbow: what is reflux?

Ribena, your 5 in 1 is on leah's 3 month old right since you are done with hep b jab. 6 in 1 jab is inclusive of hep b which can be done at week 6. I need to do that cos Alexis will goes to infant care when 3 months. If I do 5 in 1 would notbe ideal.

Thanks klitz, ribena, will go and get the book.

Tenq, thanks, I will go and buy nuk pacifier, the avert one very lousy.

Cindy, you are not working so it is okay. I will put Alexis in infant care so, where is she going to find real nipple to suckle[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ha!! Ha!! Maybe I kena tOto 1st prize then can be SAHM.

Crystal, mine bm limited leh, so should be no problem, wouldn't affect her feeding leh.

Alexis is 1 month old today. Silly us just realized that she need more fm now, so she is drink 120ml now. She sleep like baby yesterday night for 5 hrs. No wonder she can't sleep thro the day and night for few days.

Now on our way to hubby's office to distribute the cakes. My office I will go over next week to distribute cake vouchers. Tonight will gave dinner at paramount tung luk restaurant. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jc bb, hubby ordered from Swee Heng. $8.80 per box. The box is better than I expected. Whether nice or not I will update after I try. I will take photo and update here.

yurieve: yes, my mum suggested that too. but we were sceptical like you. but must really try if it continues le.

stefie: gosh! really heave a sign of relief that both you and alexis are fine. be careful ok.

debbie: your supply is very good. mine is decreasing due to the lack of rest, time and stress. think my moo moo career over soon. quite sad thinking about it.

crystal: dont be sad. some times old folks can be a bit hard to persuade but try talking to them nicely and letting them know your rationale for wanting things that way. they will be able to accept de.

rainbow: thanks, i will monitor my gal's situation and if she doesnt improve, i will feed her with dentinox or ridwind le.

stefie: congrats! one month liao!!

rainbow/cherrry: really don't want to think abt her anymore manz..

stefie: hearing tung lok already make me salivate.. have fun!

jc bb: we ordered from sweetest moments, nice to see, nice to eat, have personalised card.. if TMC member can get 10% off for full month package more than $200..

stefie: congrats on Alexis one month

eon eon: dun worry think have sure have milk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also want to be SAHM, ya must strike toto if not feasible. since given birth two weeks ago, my life like a blur, everyday pass so fast but like accomplish nothing... yest hubby say want to either send bb to infant care or nanny, worse come to worse hire a maid. extra $$ liao, sigh have to work harder, my dream of SAHM vanish. initially plan was let my mum take care, but though got helper at my mum's my baby niece also there so my hubby scared they cannot cope. my niece is 8-9 mth old easier to take care alr, my boi only so small... so like somehow prepare alr like unprepared.

i all along happy go lucky never do much homework. Until baby Julius born and reality set in. i really have to buck up and be more kan cheong about things. heart pain somehow will feel teary cos scared cannot give him the best...

hello mummies!

i brought Gwen to the polyclinic this morning for her hep b jab. the whole process took about 1.5hrs, which i thought was pretty reasonable, 'cos the other time i visited a PD, it took me 1.5hrs just to see her. and the price was good too, just $28+ to for the jab (2nd dose + 3rd dose), and another $8 for doctor's review. her next appt is on 1-mar, and she'll take her 5-in-1 jab at $87.50.

bb crying:

gwen also calms down faster when other ppl carries her. when i carry, she'll either wail louder or just continue wailing. it does make me feel like a failure but i think she's just manja cos she recognises my smell and want me to coax her longer. lol.. maybe a bit of denial going on but i do whatever other ppl did so i'm not sure why she doesn't calm down as fast.

yao lan:

i think ultimately it's personal preference. everyone can say what they want but most of us grew up with yao lan. i'm sure a lot of the great singaporeans were once upon a time put in yao lan too, and they are still smart, grew up to be doctors, lawyers, etc etc. as long as the yao-ing is not too vigorous and bb is not being thrown from side to side, it shouldn't affect their brains. only concern could be they get used to the momentum and feel of it, so will not get to sleep without it.


i tried using drypers but it wasn't good. i've now switched to Fitti / Huggies.

stefie, enjoy Alexis' full month dinner tonight!


I also gave in to pacifier when bb can't get to slp on one of the nites. At first she din want it,kept spitting out,was using avent also. Thoth she din like it,went to buy two other brands,end up she oso din fancy. Few days later we tried avent again and she was ok..I tink they need time to adjust to it. I'm ok wf giving them cos it helps to soothe them during their cranky moments and ESP useful when they get their jabs as they get older. I rem my #1 will cry aft each jab and wat we always standby when pd took out the jab was the infamous pacifier.. At easy to wean off also,so I'm quite for it heehee...

Jcbb- I oso ordered fr sweetest moments,nice! If u r FBI member,u get 10% off.

Rainbow- my #1 used to have mild reflux. Wat pd suggested was to carry bb upright for 15-20min aft feed..and also breaking up the feed into smaller but frequent feeds.their stomach is shallow n thus vomits easily but will get better as they get older.pd says it's nth much,just bait messy tats all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jcbb, i think it's like puking After feeding, sudden cry after feeding, hicup after feeding, cough after feeding.. Next tue i ask pd.

Eon, u can ask yr pd and explain e situation to her/him. See wat he/she gotta say.

Dew, so far mine is ok with drypers. I bought mammypoko s size but too big for him.

hello mummies,

my gal oso a dec baby.duno if i'm sensitive or wat. realise my gal oso wans sucking everytym she has difficulty falling asleep! in hospital, i latched her for 1 hr milk.then at hm, she keeps wanting to suck even aft being latched for 1hr.isit becos she is being used to sucking to sleep n she nids to suck before she can fall asleep?

she's been like dat for the past few days, sometyms she can tahan for whole 4-5hrs w/o sleep!

last resort, i gave her pacifier then she immediately fall asleep. haiz..

actually dun quite like the idea of giving pacifier,afraid will be hard to wean off.


so happy! Leah is latching on! I hope she latch on tmr too! I hvn't let her latch for a long time, recently tried to let her latch on, but she refuses!! She dun even like me to carry her since i tried to latch her on a few time, she prob think i trying again hence she dun want me to carry. Keeping my fingers crossed, hope she latch on again tmr.

