(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Thanks yvaine for sharing! I've been eyeing the ray Corp but couldnt find reviews on it! Now I'm going to get it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Yo gal, thanks alot for the coffee..

I really enjoyed this gathering.. Till din realize we met from 12-5pm.. Wahahaha..

Any mommies here have taka card? Do you know if there's any discount with the card for electronic products? If so, I will apply and then buy the "robocop" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gal always cry and kick kick kick a few times during the night. Her eyes are closed but I've to give her pacifier to make her go back to zzz. She can't kick off this habit.

Hi mommies...

its been soooo long since i last posted...lil one keeping me sooo busy..now he's 5 months old weighing at 9kg!!! my god! he's a BIG bb...haha...carry him awhile hands very tired liao...doc says he's a stocky boy..haha!!


my boy now hates milk and so im starting to give him cereal..so far so gd...theres a weaning talk conducted by Dr Ang from TMC pd on 2july..reg fee $10...

blender + steamer..

is it very useful to get the blender plus steamer?? can we just use the normal blender and for steaming use our normal steaming way...? don't know how to go abt steaming also so now just giving my boy normal cereal...

tips on giving pacifier

my boy don't take pacifier since birth...very headache for me cos when he cry i cant give him pacifier to sooth him...once i put it in his mouth he will spit out and cry even louder...haiz...just don't understand him...many bb loves pacifier and will fuss if not given one...but mine is totally opp! any mommies with bb that hates pacifier too??!


My gal also spits out pacifier when crying. She only uses it to soothe herself to zzz. Not sure if I shld kick off her habit, but it helps her sleep longer.

Psh> yah yah...will start with 6 first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can I FT u the $ first?

Shirley> both my kids also dun take pacifier. Oklah, I also didn't try v hard to make them take it..hee. My #1 not much of a 'sucker' but #2 has been known to stuff his whole fist into his mouth to suck. I find it a bit cumbersome to keep putting the pacifier back in when it falls out, so gv up.

Blender and steamer> u can steam v easily just using a pot and heat proof bowl/ metal basket, and then just use a fork to mash. Just steam till soft..v easy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] try it with apples, pumpkin, carrots.

But when bb starts eating porridge with fish, chicken, then a blender would be useful. You could just use your regular kitchen blender but if u also use if for chili then not v ideal >.< so so something like e magic bullet would be great.

psh: wow! the deal sounds good but both your workplace and home are too far for me. think i will just give it a miss unless i go down to bishan this weekend.

yufizz: you gals keep me in the loop. i will see join whenever i can sneak one day of leave in... hehe

tigger: thanks for the coffee!!! ^_^

debbie & dewdew: i think so leh. i think they are looking at some comforting chew to ease the itch/pain?

haha, yes! the scrunch up face is so funny. my gal has been doing that for a month + already yet no pearly whites. im always too slow to a photo of her with that face!

shirley: your boy is big leh...

maybe your boy doesnt know how to grasp the pacifier so you have to hold for him?

littlemay>> ya la...he's really big lor..in 95 percentile one lor...

Roz>>thks thks...shall try to use my own steaming method then later part then buy the blender la..

my boy don't take pacifier but sucks his wrist till blue black lor...thats y i want to give him pacifier instead cos see his wrist like that my heart pain leh...he sucks till he fall asleep one lor...then somemore suck very hard...=(

hello mom,

Long tirin weekend ,but both girls enjoyed each other company.

Luckily they still slept well over e long weekend.

I bought rainbow 3yrsplus ago too.Love it,never looked back since. I sucked my bed, the baby cots,my daughter bed,the baby playpen,rocker chair,baby mat all with it twice a week. Yes,cleanaholic mom. I clean my younger girl teething toys,cloths almost every other day.

Any moms keen on coffee break at parkway next wed 2pm?

Theres quite a few spacious cafe at pakrway,toby,dome,swensen,etc.

dew and littlemay and other mommies interested in the raycop after my 'sales pitch':

the sales promoter suggested using it alternate days for the first 1-2 weeks, then after that, once a week. but i'm very kiasu, and since got maid to help me, i use it at least 2 times a week. during the weekly changing of bedsheets, we would vacuum all the bedding and mattress, and then when the new bedlinen is on, we would vacuum one more time (yes quite siong but really makes a difference for me).

i felt the difference between using it and not using it quite markedly. remember i sent my first maid back just 2 weeks after i delivered? when she was around we got her to vacuum regularly so my nose was good... then when we sent her home, it got too strenuous for me to do the vacuuming in the midst of confinement, etc etc so the cleaning frequency dropped. and my allergy symptoms came back... then when new maid came and started cleaning more regularly my nose recovered again. so much dust n dustmites in my house i have to say!

so anyways what i'm trying to say is, as some of the mommies already said, it does work, beautifully too, IF you manage to use it. but i think cause this one is comparatively small and handy, should be easier to use bah. AND, if really getting it, please get the second generation one (the new model), cause it has a long handle for easier handling. the original first generation one is about $50 cheaper but not as good as the new model. ;) again, a disclaimer that i'm not earning anything from this hor. just sharing about a good product.

btw, how much are your babies drinking liao? my girl machiam growth spurt again and now close to 200ml at bedtime... and then still wake 2-3 hours for more milk!! almost 6 months liao, still waking 2-4 times a night leh. so tired out... thinking of trying FM at night feed, see if can tahan longer...

shirley, i just steam or boil the veges till cooked then blend.

PSH, where's ur office? if near serangoon i'm thinking of getting the puffs through u.

amuro, i could comeby at parkway on wed. oh btw, there's roxy hotel's coffee lounge where we could go to as well.

yvaine, i rbr some ppl saying it doesn't really matter whether u feed FM or BM before sleeping time 'cos either way, if bb is hungry, will still wake up for milk. that was the case for mine, it doesn't matter if i gave her a dream feed or not, she'll still wake up if she's hungry. so i just let it be and miraculously last week she stopped waking up for milk at night. it might be a phase of growth spurt for your case? my gal drinks about 180ml for her last feed, and it lasts her until next morning. her last feed could be anytime between 9pm to 11pm.

i'm going to check out robocop! lol... littlemay, u might want to check out carrefour if u have posb everyday card. they give rebates, so it might save u some $$ there. (that's what i'm gonna do!) mummies who are checking out other stores, please update us! hey, or maybe we can do a bp for robocop!


wah i didn't know got raycop. Luckily i never buy the rainbow cos we only like the accessory for vacuum bed. Seems like raycop is much suitable for me. will go check it out.


when is the gathering in compasspoint or nex ah?

Just now i go compasspoint cold storage to buy cereal. I cant find brown rice one leh. Only saw one with rabbit packaging so in the end i bought the nestle white rice. Which brand got brown rice cereal? By the way, i saw the packaging write 'add lukewarm water n stir'? So dun need to cook? how wam shld the water be? Nowsadays i always use 60 deg water for formula, is it warm enough for cereal?

PSH> yup PM received, will FT and reply. Feeling lazy at the moment >.<

decmum> I know that Healthy Times hv brown rice..but yah no need to cook, can add water or milk to it. To me, 60oC might be a bit too warm but probably by the time you stir and serve will be just right temp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rainbow, u funny lor.. haa.. but ya.. yuffizz can u hear us? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh yeah, thanks tigger for the tea! and nice meeting u! join us more often ok!

dewdew, i've pm u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh yes shirley, my girl dont take pacifier too. she will spit out v far and i bought all the brands in the market already. no use. she self soothe with her thumb, so she didnt really fuss.

amuro, u hav rainbow too. hee! parkway nxt wk too?

dec mom, i bought healthy times brown rice.


Actually my baby also dun like pacifier. I was me who force her to use it. Haha. Cos my girl also dun suck her thumb much, hence last time she dun noe how to self sooth to sleep hence in the end need to keep carry. Too tiring for me lah. Anyway i only give her pacifier when she wan to sleep, i dun really like bb who always put the pacifier in their mouths too.

yah cherry,parkway is my best friend hahahah,i have been "loitering around" since my primary school days.

Yah bought rainbow 3yrs plus back when shan was a baby,to suck all e dirt from her cot. I do more vacumming cos have dogs at home.

Brown rice- i just blend our normal brown rice till powder form and boil or put into rice cooker and make it into porridge form for my 1st one.


tks! i dun remember seeing the healthy times brown rice just now. But I just check their website stated compasspoint cold storage shld have. Alemak, maybe my eyes 'stick stamps' just now. Haha.

dec mum, the ntuc at nex has brown rice cereal. i'm doing same as amuro now, i blend the brown rice to cook porridge. my mum swears by brown rice. reason being my granny only eats brown rice but can live to 98yrs old. haha

hi ladies,

my baby gal still wake up for wake 2-3times a night for milk .... even if she get her last feed at 10+ or 11+, she will still wake up for milk ... i suspect coz she don't want to drink much during the day, so she wake up at night to compensate, any remedies ? also i just bought the bellamy's rice cereal, the instructions say just add one to two teaspoons, then how much milk do we add to it ? appreciate if anyone can give me any advice.

Thank you!

Gd pm mummies and daddies

EonEon/Yuffiz/Esquare: It's my pleasure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It was a fun outing and I didn't realize that we spent 5 hours eating and chatting hehehehee..... I look forward for more outings provided I can take leave.

Klitz: Thanks for giving me the opportunity to wheel the pram into the train. It was my first time boarding the train with a pram hahahhaa

DewDew: If you happen to come down to city sqaure with Gwen do let me. I can meet up with you.

Rosalind: Enjoy your cruise. Thanks for the recommendation on Babyspa. I brought my son to the Plaza Singapura branch for a swim yesterday. He thoroughly enjoyed the session and was knocked out for at least 2hrs hehehehe.

tigger, u hv pm! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies, next Wed Tangs has closed door sale. 12% rebate for card holders, so those planning to buy robocop, maybe can buy from there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tigger, I was there yest today ard 1plus. He swim for abt 25mins and when we brought him out, he scream and cry!! lol

esq, lol... chubby cuter ma.. lol

Cherrry, must joke la.. easier to pass time..keke

Cherry: Not to mention.

Athena: I used 1 teaspoon of bellamy's rice cereal with 3 teaspoon of milk. It actually depends on you. If you want it to be a paste then you reduce the milk amt.

hahhaha now I get the joke (Yuffiz)......

Rainbow: What a miss!!!! In fact I saw grumpus walking with her baby. She was so swift that I cldn't call out for her. I was there at 11 plus yesterday. Mine started crying after 15 mins becoz there was water on his face hehehehhee... he got irritated.

Dew: Have replied [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie: How have you been? You have been dearly missed!

thanks dewdew for the info... ya, i also remeber the mommies saying some on BM also sleep thru the night. but i guess it's still worth a try, heheh... anything that might possibly work, i'll try!!!

hahah Robocop... they should pay me for helping them to advertise, kekeke..

dec mum, Samantha - u both also SAHM right? how about we meet at compass point? good start for Sam, heheh. since we're all on the meetup frenzy, let's form a Sengkang mommy club too ;) PM me your contact/email and I'll try to arrange something from there k? Ther'es dbaby, mangogal and yuri too. All Sengkang mommies interested in SK meetup pls PM me k..

tigger, thanx for the coffee and helping me out with the pram. Well can treat as dummy practice without the bb init.. less stressful.. haha

hope to see u arnd in our gatherings..

Oh ya mommies in sengkang/ neighbouring areas who r working, pls PM me if u r also interested. We can arrange weekend meetups at compass point or maybe one of the houses. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How much did you pay for the baby swim at babyspa? Did you buy their package?


Good i like gathering at compasspoint. Haha. Keep me inform k?

hehe.. yvaine, u can include the rest of the sahm for meetup at SK too. cos we r going eevrywhere [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we haven arrange any after wed so didnt inform u yet. nxt wk we r meeting on monday.

dbaby, i've called the hotline. will msg u when i recv.


U saw me yest? Oops, sorry I missed u. U muz hv caught me going to and from the nursing room.

Was a bit harassed yest cos I needed to feed my bb n there was a father using the nursing room to bottle feed his bb. Dun understand why he couldn't hv fed bb elsewhere.

Had lots of fun meeting u gals on Monday too. Too bad I had to leave early cos #1 needed her nap. Looking fwd to next mon's meet up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mommies I am new here..Can u give me some advise on when I should start my beloved daughter on 2nd stage formula? She is now 22weeks

Sigh.. I think I'm abit angry with myself for the impulse purchase. Just like that $3k+ gone and we didn't even do any research whatsoever. Started of with a dustmite cleaning svc,ended up buying it. Didn't know about Robocop also.

I went to check it out just now, took brochure. Seems to work the same way as the Rainbow for the dustmite cleaning and costs only $300+ at Best Denki. Then I saw the Sharp purifier/humidifier, can get $500-700. So total less than $1k, still cheaper! Arrghh.. someone slap me pls.

Anyway, I called Rainbow ask abt the return policy. The sales rep called me and say she has to check with the office first and call me. I hope she doesn't purposely delay it and it's past the 7days cooling off period.

Yvaine: thx for the intro of Robocop. If I can manage to return the Rainbow without much loss, I think I will get it.

Mango: Yup, I shd vacuum more often but very tiring. My hb tries to do it more often but still always too tired to do. So most of the time I sweep, use the magic clean, then mop, at least 2x a week. So vacuum ard once a month or sometimes more often, depending on my hb's mood coz he does the vacuuming. I was trying to find an easier soln for vacuum like the Twister Sweeper so that we will vacuum more often but it's not very good lor.

juliana, dun be angry. i was also very tempted by the rainbow, and in fact my cousin also bought it and it works well for her. i guess it's so expensive because of its many functions and perhaps it's more durable? anyway, since u have already checked it out with the CS, maybe u can chase them everyday. they might ask u many questions and try to persuade u to keep but i'm sure it can be returned.

Yufizz: Yes I'm trying to convince myself. Hahah.. but still feel like smacking myself..

Dew: Ya it may be useful but then like some mummies here said it, it will only be useful if we use it often enough but me, like Rainbow, lazy! hahaha.. plus my boy now in IFC, so not 24 hrs at home. And we were planning to get part time cleaner to clean the hse during weekends. So, may render the Rainbow useless lor. Ya I'm going to chase her again everyday!

Then I can get Robocop and purifier/humidifier separately. I still have my old vc can use.

If they charge me alot for return then maybe no choice but to keep it. Start part time biz of dustmite cleaning! LOL!


i dont think rainbow is that bad. Is durable,powerful suction power, and i have been using it for 3ys plus n not once has it died on me.

Yvaine, theres sahm in the east too like me and cherrry, just that bishan previously is a bit too far for me. But i am familiar with sk cos i bought a flat there for my inlaws and my flat is just opp compass point. hohohoho.

But am only avail after 1plus cos gotta do housework and stuffs, just like next mon, am only be able to make it at paragon at 1ish 2. Will i miss u grumpus? since ur babe need to nap that time. We have yet to meet after our globetrotters lunch donkeys yrs back hahaha.

Dec Mum: I paid $35 for a trial session. $33 for swimming and $2 for the swimming diaper. They have package for 10 sessions which is abt $278 if not mistaken. Babies might only swim in the tub for 15 to 20 mins.

Grumpus: No worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



i'll still be there past 2pm next mon so we can meet! but our gals will not be able to meet cos i'm depositing #1 with my mum for the day. only bringing #2, cos she can sleep on the go. #1 needs her wind down time, poo, milk and nap otherwise she gets super cranky.

u mentioned b4 that yr girls sleep at 2? so yr #1 can sleep on the go?

