(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

hpc, jen, janO - congrats!! it's nice to know that there are bosses who appreciate good workers and rewards them regardless of race and gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jen - yes you can bring water but put into the baby bottle so that the airport staff know tt it's for baby. for young babies, usually they get quite uncomfortable during take off and landing cos of the cabin air pressure which causes discomfort in their ears..so the reco is to let the baby suck /drink during this period so clear the air blocks.


Jen> yes u are allowed to bring water/food/cream (cause usually you cannot bring more than 100ml things) that's for baby purpose. u have to declare u have these stuff when u are going through the scanning machine. it's preferred u packed all the bb stuff in a bag for easier checking. recently i took my 3mths bb on flight. i changed his diapers before boarding. i expressed milk once before boarding. it happened that he's sleeping during take off (which's good), then during the flight that he wakes up, you might have to feed/change diapers for the bb. On landing, either you try to latch/feed or give bb pacifier. I also expressed milk once on plane. bring nursing shawl, extra bb clothes, pampers, wet tissues, bb blanket, toys on flight to make him comfortable. my bb is also 6+ kg at 4mth only..small size..

Dimple, 9kg is big! Mine 7+kg I already feel very tired after carrying him!

CSI fan, my bb drink about 4 hourly.. Sometime can stretch to 5hours + without crying!

Dimple, really quite big hor.. Mine dropped from 75% to 50% in a month cos of her milk strike. Dunno wanna strike how long. Already 1.5 mths liao.

Ueno, the cereal and pureed u recommended, how to let bb take it? Mix with breast milk or drink directly? One pack can last for how many meals? Thanks.

dimple: wow ur bb is big. my girl just reach 20wks this week is now at 8kg and already on the 90% percentile. height also on the 90% percentile.

Yips the heaviest!! 8.9 kg 68.5 cm..Whenever go PD all will keep asking how old! N I have lots of clothes he hasn worn coz he wears 1t n 18month clothes!! Faints!! I carry a while hand n back pain!

Can't seem to upload the pic here lei

Wanna buy high chair also dunno what type to buy coz so big


u need to add water to the dry cereal. For my older son Initially I added more Water so it's easier for him to swallow. After 2 wks I made it thicker. For the first two wk of weaning I only gave cereal. He finished one packet a week for breakfast when he was seven mths old n he was taking 6 tablespoons per meal. For dinner I gave him purée so he's not taking cereal. Sometimes I mixed the rice cereal into the purée for dinner too

@diana: yeah i prefer to go weekday too.. got more space to slowly do my shopping. avoid the after office hour crowd.

@Hpc: thats a great news! i wish it happen onto me too... but it didn't...

mummies, your babies are big... or is my baby too small.. he is almost 4 months and only 6kg+

My baby is also abt 68cm long but he was 6.4kg two weeks ago. My hands already aching when I carry him. Can't imagine 8 to 9kg! Haha.

mine was 6.4kg at 3rd mth, and still 6.4kg in the 4th mth. Cos she didn't drink well after the 3rd mth vaccine for 2 wks. She cut her milk intake by almost half.

When she finally "recovers" from the vaccine, she is now down with a cough and runny nose. Haiz..

Soon, it will be the next jab cycle again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

charlene & piggydog> my boy also small size, at 6.3kg at 4mths. he doubled his weight at 2nd mth but slow down after that i guessed. i think as long as PD said ok, dont worry too much. i believe once they starts to eat solid they'll grow bigger? most important must be healthy! i also envy the big babies..hee but the big babies mummies envy us the "lighter" babies as their hands are aching...mummies always have so much worry.

Dimple ur bb is big n tall!

Cherrie77, ur bb quite tall leh, mine only 62cm I think haha.. But 7.08kg.. Fat n short -_-"""

Sharon, think ur bb is ok...

Bb very cranky today, very tired but don't wanna sleep, keep rubbing eyes.. But eyes don't want to close!!

I am thinking of getting a bumbo seat with tray. Is it a good investment? Coz lately, my boy wanna watch TV, sitting up on my bed, must put a lot of pillow under him. But he keeps sliding down. And he keeps trying to lift his head up to sit.

How to make him sit nicely? I have a bouncer but too troublesome moving it here and there. So how abt bumbo seat?

@mummywong: hahaha! yea, at least our hands are not as aching as them... free to carry them around. PD says ok. so i think should be ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@piggydog: same! for mine, he also cut his milk intake after the 3rd month vaccine. don't know why. now went back already, and increased from his previous intake already to 195ml. phew! hope your princess get well soon!


Wow......power!!! You must have strong arms now.hee~

mine going for her jab on Monday, let's see how tall she has grown.

Nelotte : maybe u can find a preloved bumbo. It's quite easy to move ard. I will bring it between my place n my Mum's place. I think will be useful when time to start solids also. Mine is a hand me down since 7 yrs ago. 5 kids went thru it already n still in very good condition. My maid thought its new. Haha.. Otherwise, u can consider a highchair that has wheels. I've got a combi swinging highchair (I think called rashule). It's very useful. She sleeps in it. Then wake up can adjust to tilt slightly. Or can sit upright or a little slant. We used as her bed since she was newborn. Can rock her to sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or how about making do with ur stroller?

charlene, good that yours went back to 195ml. Mine only went back to 130ml for a wk, before she fell sick, so she is back to drinking 80ml. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Doc said it is a viral infection. Think it is quite infectious, my hb's niece only came into contact with her for 2 hrs, and she vomitted in the car the next day. I am starting to cough too... haiz.

jus came bk fr sm shoppin n cut hair to get myself ready for work next wk. N i m vry sad nw. The person who cut my hair actually ask if i cn still tie my hair whn i deliver, if i cut my hair short nw. Wat the?! I mus really lk terrible!

Chris: you aren't alone[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my grandma touched my tummy last weekend asking why it's still there. My mum said I'm flabby cuz I always wear loose fitting clothes after birth. Then sil asked if I put on weight! All these happened last Sunday!

One male colleague said I still looked pregnant?!!! Best part is one auntie prob in her 40s gave up her seat on mrt for me before cny. II can't believe it. Lucky my hubby didn't burst out laughing when she did that else I would have kicked him.

cherrie, that's normal. it takes a whioe forflab to go away. if pple give up seat to u, just takeand relax lah... nowadays v diff to get seat on trains mah... hehs

hpc.woha! surprise for u..congrats.

return to work coming to a wk.OT every single day till 9plus pm den off work. by the time i reach home,my helper already put bb to bed.hence no interaction time..

haha..how i wish i can hav more maternity leave..lolx

and agree tat hard to find such supportive boss who promoto work life balance! i wana resign!!! arghh...

as for bb,he is 4 mth old tml.and due for jab on monday. the last round when he got jab,he reduce his intake frm 180ml to 100ml.tink tis round of jab, he will go on milk strike again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

cherrie - not onli u,tis happen to me too. and i was standing near the mrt door,the guy actually sitting in the middle of the row walk all the way to me and offer the seat to me.hahaha..so peiseh!


Wow, great news! Like a breath of fresh air after hearing all the stories of bad bosses! Congrats!!

Flabby Tummy:

I was asking my hubby to pull my tummy skin, told him not painful one. He tried and can stretch quite long, so comical, dunno to luff or cry. Sigh! Dunno when my flabby tummy will return to original, or will it ever do??

re: tummy

sigh..me too...still has the tummy...still cannot fit into most of the bottoms...2 more kgs to go to pre-preggy weight...

really hope i can slim down n tummy not so flabby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

let's us all jia you!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@cherrie77, @irene, @jollymummy, @chloe: me too! my weight doesn't seem to go down anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my tummy is still flabby...

@ahko80: whats the weight of your baby at birth? mine is 2.4kg+ maybe that explains why he's so small size??

Hpc: congrats to u! hope next week I go back my boss will tell me such too!! Hahahha!!

Ueno: thanks, think I will start w dots cards first... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then flash card. I already given him cloth books to play with now....


Same here... My weight also remains.. Still hv 5 kg to go..

Ooh!the hands ache n both my Hubby n I r supersiZed! My nephew is 1.5 yrs old n 9kg! Should I be envious?!

Thnks for the mclaren xlr reco! Any idea how much is the average sale price for one?

Any mummy went for the mothercare sale? In 2 minds on whether to go tomorrow morning

Flab!hmmzz.. Many may b surprised to know when I went to deliver I was 93.5kg!!whahaha!! N I'm way off to reaching my pre-pregnancy weight! Haiz flabby everything la![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Think some of hpc luck reached me in some way...

Got some good news at work too.. I went back to work on flexi scheme in jan.. N decided to go back full time in march. But u discussed about advancements n options.. Said if no $$ talk, I'll need to rethink my options.. Today boss gave me letter of increment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yippie!! More reason to shop?! :p

My boy has brought lots of good luck for me n Hubby in lotsa ways, not only $wise. Guess thats y bb r known to be bundles of joy!

G.oon diapers : mummies during goon diapers, how long can diaper last ur little ones? My girl's diapers leaked twice yesterday. Ggrr.. She wore one for about 4 hours and the other supposed to wear whole night, but ended up 4+ gotta wake up n change diaper n pj cos she is wet. This is the 1st time leak for me. Night time, we usually use pampers n can last 12-14 hours.

ahko80, charlene> my boy was 2.6kg at birth, now 6.3kg at 4mths. think maybe all the 2+kg babies are around 6+kg now then?

holly> how about C now?

Hi dimple, my elder son will be 2 next tues and he's only 10kg. I do wish he's heavier cos he's too skinny now follow his dad's genes.

My bb is around 6.54kg and 61.5th long during 3 mths plus. But went on milk strike so dunno whether weight got increase or not. Will know next week when he goes for the hateful jab!

hi all,

my baby is small then. Born 3.49kg, but at one month, 3.96kg and now 3 months, only about 5kg. PD says its ok cos she is lean and small size like me. But I have to admit that I feel kinda stressed when people ask me how many months she is, then when I say 3 months, i tend to follow with.."she is very small size"...haha

Hoc, I reply like you too when people ask me how old is she...

My gal at 3 months weighed 5.4kg and birth weight is 2.995kg..guess she follows Kor kors, lean and skinny..

My #2 is on food strike! Only kept wanting his milk...told him Meimei iz going to catch up liao

aftr my bb last jab, he gt cranky whn he turn feverish. Bt aftr tat he seems to recover fr milk strike n resuming his milk amt. Hope he cn increase milk intake aftr nex jab. He seems to b on the smaller size type. Born big at 3.5 n at 3 mths, he is only abt 6.2.

Seems like my girl also a bit heavy, 6kg at 3months.. 2.7 kg at birth. My girl didn experience milk strike aft the jabs, normally she takes v little amount of milk also, only 3oz every 3 hrs.

Can I check, do you all still putting socks on Ur bb? When can I stop putting socks on bb?

smtime bk sm mummies recommended a sharp brand air purifier. Wher cn i buy it? Is the electricity consumption high? I dont slp in aircon rm or close the rm door. Wil it still b suitable? Mus on whole day? Sorry if i ask too many qns. :p many thks!

nana i also wan2 ask abt the socks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i try nt to put n bb feet feel cold. Wonder if its ok?

Nana / Chris,

When we sleep the body part that get cold easily is our feet. So it is important to keep the feet warm to hv a better sleep and to prevent catching a cold. I will still put on sock for my boy who is gng to 3 yrs old this yr

re: socks on bb

im still putting on socks for my girl as her feets most of time feel cold leh...think had read that its normal bb feets are cold??...but since socks seems to fit her comfortably so just contd but booties are smaller n also no elastic thus so no more booties liao...

Work: so many good news from u mummies.. i pray hard that when i go back i will have some good news to share else arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh am due for increment soon and bonus... hopefully and crossing my fingers...

Weight: i still have abt 2kg more to go but tummy still looks so flabby...

Jab: My boi is going for jab in 3 weeks time.. i hope all is ok for him cause the last round he went jab fever for few days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chris: we ma chiam same case.. my boi born 3.96 but at 3 months only 6.5kg..


Thanks Diana, so u put on socks on ur babies only when they are sleeping or put on whole day?

I'm asking this question coz my mom said better don put socks aft 3 months, the toes will bend in future. Today I tried not to put and bb's feet v cold.

