(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Anyway mummies talking abt maids I just selected an ex- msia one who has never worked in spore before. Chose her becos she has a ready passport so we dun have to wait that long. She shld be able to come in 2 to 3 weeks' time. Ever since the last maid incident we tried to cope but due to many factors at the end my Hb said it himself that we need a maid for now til our sons are older. Hopefully I get a better maid this time. The maid agency that we went to gave me an additional replacement becos of our plight.

Oh ya, we had also ordered a 140kg safe to keep our valuables at home. Dun want to risk putting valuables in locked drawers anymore.

Rgding milk strike:

My bb also drink less. Sometimes he will leave behind 50ml!

Recently I will burp him before feeding him the reminder after warming it up again. It seems to work and he drink 30 to 40 ml more.

He seems to cry more loudly and blabber alot to himself. At times play with his hands together or try to suck his thumbs or put his fist into his mouth. Haha very adorable.


Strawberry79: same here... my boi also like to put his whole fist into his mouth... saliva kept drooling... i refuse to let him do tat cause his milk rash on his face is realli bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cant seems to recover...

hi mummies,

need ur advise urgently!!

my bb is now 3.5months.his bcg(at birth) on his lower back, has slight blood n pus,which stains the diaper slightly.should i be concerned n see PD or is it normal?



My bb's bcg got the same thing.. But I never do anything.. Hahaha


My bb also tried to put his fist into his mouth, very funny.. Then make alot of sound too..

Hammie is it oki now?

My bb does the whole fist in the mouth too n sucks n gets his saliva all over!

Bb putting fist in mouth is mouthing.. According to my PD, this signifies bb development. 3 month onward mouthing, 6 month onward crawling,12 month onward walking

Sharon seem like our boi are twins haha my boi aso like to suck his thumb and his milk rashes kept coming back. And ppl still say bird nest is good for bb complexion ... Really crap haha

But I notice he will suck thumb or put fist into mouth when he is hungry or no one talk to him so it is a sign that he need some attention

Cherrie- not I very good la. Juz tat I c her like veri good to my son.she will hug n kiss my son. At times, she will sing Malay song to him.. Haha! N my son will oso look for her.once she passby his cot, his eye will follow.

Hence give her some reward, hopefully she will treat my son well when I return to work..*cross my finger* tat she can work wif me shun shun for 2 yrs.. Anyway I m planning to place my son in cc when he turn 1.5 yrs. N will start hunting when he is 9 mth old.. Kiasu!.

Strawberry- wise move to invest in tat 140kg big safe..hopefully everything is smooth sailing 4 u..anyway ur elder son used to b under nanny care, y dun u consider placing him back under nanny's care together with ur no2?

Piggydog- wat a werid day to start work (last day of cny). Me start to throw my bb at hm while I go out for a short walk or shopping. N next wk I m goin away for a short trip b4 I start work.. So far my bb is ok with my absent.. But agree mummy will miss baby more after we start work..awww!! Hopefully tis Friday budget can have some good news n most imptly, it can b backdated all the way to nov 10 to benefit us..

Hope to c lower cost output for maids. More subsidy for infant n child care ctr..bigger baby bonus ..

Strawberry: where did u buy your safe? Actually hubby and I went to look at safes after your runaway maid incident. Those more than 100 kg are mostly more than 1k. I saw tangs selling them. If the safe is more than 100kg, they charge delivery ranging from $100 to $200. Foc if safe is below 100kg. I was telling my hubby the delivery costs is so exp! Hope your new maid is good!

i finally know why my bb has been reducing milk intake the past few days...or why take so long to finish her milk. coz she has oral thrush! no pain, but could have some discomfort hence dun feel like sucking. she developed oral thrush after her 6-in-1 jab. so far, I didn't get it (coz I latch her on at night). oh well, now to up the good bacteria in her system and it shd be over soon (i hope).


u can try imm the store in front of Giant hypermart. i bought mine there. they hv wide variety n reasonably priced ( cheapest i can find on the mkt so far) i bought a not so big size one oni abt $100plus can cash n carry abt 30kg n can be installed by ourselves for double protection. chk it out!

bb sucking hand- mine also suck til v loud sound. part n parcel of growing process [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dimple, Hammie: if there is swelling on top of pus and blood, must do something. It happened to one of my friends' kid and she had to go kkh- sorry I'm not close to the couple so don't have exact details. But I know it started with blood, pus and swelling.

chloe, anyday to start work...is a weird day. :p Sleepy manz, now I am up so early to pump milk. As for the budget...pls backdate to Oct, heehee.. mine borned on 29 Oct.

Yesterday I came home to find bb chuckling and laughing loudly when my mum played with her. Very cute. Hee hee

Thanks Jo.ive got to go work today so ill take him tomorrow,i guess!

maids seem like a huge issue now..mine gives me probs too..but she dotes on my son as well..good n bad..my maid is quite season..have to constantly nag at the her to do things the RIGHT way n not the SHORT CUT way..sighz..

work stress n home stress..

have a good thurs mummmies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haiz, change to M teats, at 1st was great. Bb finish milk n vry fast too. Bt nw he refuse to tak it cos flow too fast liao. So i use bk the S teats n poke a few holes w safety pins to mak the flow somewher in between S n M. Nw even if manage to coax him to finish his milk, he wil eventually vomit quite an amt out. Cn bb develop reflux nw whn he doesnt hv tis problem b4? Dont knw if i shld bring him to c pd or nt?

Hi cherrie,

I ordered Hercules BS-D750 safe. Fire resistant too. Http://www.herculesafe.com/index.html

Call 97519868 Thomas Ong

My friend bought another brand of safe at $900+ 1 yr ago similar size but different brand.

I ordered this already cos my hb's friend using it for his office and bought one for his home. He actually passed me this contact. Say refer by lynda.

Hi Chloe,

Initally the plan was to put both my kids with nanny then maid goes over to help. Cos my children are at the age where both needs attention. Nanny is around 50 plus I doubt she can cope with 2. Plus that time We employ maid cos I was very unwell during pregnant can barely cope with huge tummy and a toddler who constantly wants to be carried and was still working. Then it was later on we decided to let my elder son go to half day playgroup this yr to learn and socialize as there's no learning and mixing ard with other kids of his age at nanny's place. If both kids plus maid goes over to nanny we have to pay $1k and this excludes children's necessities like diapers, milk powder etc, maid's salary, govt levy and

elder son's school fees. Suddenly our expenses become so high. So we did the sums and decided that I stay at hm to care for them... Could bond with them, train and watch over the maid myself. This is more feasible for us cos my pay wasn't fantastic to begin with. Therefore this may be a better solution for us. Put in infant care and full day childcare will come out to around same amt or more.

That's why I always think working parents who have help from their own parents or in laws to help with their kids while they work are the most fortunate.

My colleague has 4 kids ( all close age gap) cared by her own parents who are staying with them and they got a maid to help out.


mine boy' bcg was the same, then slowly dried up.. didn't do anythg either..


employed a maid to take care of my 1st one previously. philipina, yes very cunning.. on the surface, ok no prob. but after CNY, asked to remit $$ back on 4th day of CNY - say her mum sick need $$$. so i even took leave and brought her to postoffice (that time ddn't know post office also open at nite lar). on the way back ask for day off n use of hp, i told her that her contract is for no off day that's why she gets higher pay and also i oredi bought her phone cards to call home (she jux need to tell u when she wants to call, n wepass her the phonecard). then after that in the next few days 'chute' lot of pattern oredi. her family keep calling, she keep callin then cry n refused to do housework. then in 2 days say wan to go home, say mother dying, blah blah blah. within that week, we also buey tahan her, had to buy her air ticket send her back! scared she do funny things to bb too. bb was oni 9mths+, lucky infantcare nearby had vacancy, else i also big problem! seriously dunno they come here holiday or what. she keep putting on moisturiser on her hand.. housework, she does mainly on wkend as she is mainly statoned at my mum's hse.. Anyway, fr this experience, learnt that is not true that u treat them well, they will also treat u well. we had given her alot of clothes, bags n stationary to send back to her hometown, n eat the usual as us... after she left, my mum's house received some calls from guys looking for her (we put her at my mum's hse in the day, thou my mum is not always home). So is not true that without hp they dun communicate with others.. for u gals to take note.

putting of fingers in mouth:

my bb likes to do it too, constantly! hope it doesn't mean that he will suck thumb in future..

Hey PTE7476: totally agree... he will try to seek attention by putting his fist in... and he knows that he will get scolded by doing that yet still do it.... hw u cure the milk rash... already tried to wipe him after every feed and apply aloe vera but dun seems to help.. instead his poor bb skin become dry and scaly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chris: i got the same problem but i did not change back to S teat instead just let him b. I read from book if bb is full they will refuse feed so should be ok.... dun think this is reflux problem cause i dun have this issue before and lately my boi also keep vomit milk out... just have to burp him properly and break up the feeding into 2 or 3 so that they can digest better. Hope this helps.

Nana, ur baby 'chute pattern! How is her feeding during the day? Maybe not getting enough during the day so want to drink more at night?

lunch tomorrow - I'm bringing baby too. We need to find a place which can accommodate so many strollers!

Cant join u ladies for lunch 2molo coz I be bringing my gal for her 3rd month jab.

So happy, today my gal is 3 month old le....but tat also mean I am gng back to work soon.....

re: maids

looks like nowadays getting a maid is a headache. hearing what u gals are going thru really makes me think thrice or more times if wanna get a maid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my boss was still telling me yday to get a maid so can help take care of bb, as im leaving bb at my mum's hse during weekday..only bring back on weekend...miss her a lot but no choice leh...cos she dun sleep early and if fetch her back, then got to rush sending her to mum's hse early in morning...

ai ya boss says is easy...no need $$/commitment one mah...when come to actual action...we are the ones suffering.

re: bb sucking their fists

ya my bb also sucking her fists...sometime looking at her trying to put as many fingers into her mouth looks so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lol.gif]

and yes there's also the sucking sounds like its so delicious.

sharon > do u reheat the milk whn u try to fd again aftr burping? Called pd jus nw. He ask me to reduce amt. Bt b4 tis happen, my boy is ok w the same amt mah. Thn he ask me to bring bb to c him. Haiz, sian arh.

Sorry guys, wldnt b joinin for tmr lunch. Bb nt feeding well is makin me vry sian. Haiz..

Chris: depending on hw long he take to burp normally i will heat it first... hmm i wont reduce lor waste waste lor bo bian becos most of the time he can finish his milk n i dun wan to deprive him...

I'm looking for a good condition working fan if anyone here want to sell away for cheap price. My fan suddenly died yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So I need it urgently for my baby. Pls PM me...

Hammiebao or someone can pm me your contact number so' that I can reach u tmr at lunch?

Jean, csi fan, I live in punggol, work in orchard. Where would be convenient for u if we hunt for pilates class?

Bluesoda: I send my gal to be shaved at habourfront, near to mothercare. $16 for first time, subsequently $10... Im not too comfortable with neighborhood hair saloon. There's aso those children hairdressers at toy r us.

Hpc: u hav a msg.

Wil be shaving my bb's hair this weekend at his 3rd mth.. A bit 舍不得cos his hair is his trademark.. Naturally style as if those superstar and he had got lotsa hair since birth.. But now can see he is irritated by it cos at times the hair irritates his eyes n ears..

Mummies using net bouncer, beware! I just notice my boy's last toes flesh abit tear n cut.. Suspect that he kicks constantly on the bar n cause the abrasion

6-in-1 and rotavirus: brought my bb for his 2nd 6-in-1 and opted for the rotavirus this morning but he seems to be on a milk strike today. Dunno if it's due to the jab or the oral rotavirus medicine? His last feed was 530pm but he only took about 80ml and has gone without milk till now. We tried giving him his feed a few times at 8 plus and 9 plus but to no avail. Took his temp but it's normal too. Is that the side effect of th

e jab? I don't remember this was the case for his first 6-in-1

though! He normally takes 140ml and usually 2.5 hours to 3 hours max.

Chris – Ur prob k it be because u poke additional hole on d S teats?

BTW, any infant care near Bukit Merah area to recommend? I’m also headache with my maid, not sure wat will happen better get an infant care to standby ASAP. Thanks in adv.

I bought the kids' panasonic shaver to cut the hair of my sons. So far cut their hair twice already.before this I usually bring my elder son for haircut at neighbouring hair salon $5 only.

Got it jewel, tks!

OrangeBB, I heard they have classes at the SK recreation centre? Maybe can check that one out first

VT > milk strike happened b4 i poke the holes. He either dont wan2 drink or tak more than 30mins till he fell aslp. So i suspect flow too slow. Change to M. Initially was great. Finish in 10mins, b4 he cn reject it. Bt later he keep getting choke n got angry n refuse to drink again. So i change bk to S n poke a few holes. The flow is jus nice, bt he will vomit milk out aftr his feed. He has bn takin tis amt b4 milk strike n doesnt hv boy problem till nw. I m suspecting he has too much wind cos he keep sucking his hand so loudly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cherrie77: My boi same behaviour after rotavirus. He took his first dose on its own without other jab.. after that he intake reduce alot and this week when we were back for 6 in 1 he gain only 200g due to his reduce intake. And he got loose stools after the rotavirus too.

My bb seems to be afraid of dark... when it is night time u bring him to the room, he will cry and cry and stuff his hand in his mouth real hard as if he is in pain and keep crying.. but if you bring him out to the light he is fine. does anyone have this problem?

Irene: yap they make the fist look so delicious.. when my bb does that i always go and make fun of him..."can try mama your drumstick? share share with mama... " then i take his fist and imitate him..haha.. and then he stop for awhile and look blur blur on me...

Jen: really ah? Scared me. So really reduced appetite after rotavirus? Ha it's nearly 1am now and he hasn't woken up yet. Imagine his last feed of 80ml can tahan till now. I'm still waiting expectantly.

Darkness: Same. My boy will sometimes look v scared when we enter for example CTE tunnel or even underpass (like queensway to farrer road kind of distance).

Jen, my cousin's bb also scared of darkness. He's now 5th month old and getting better when growing older. So I think it takes time for bb to adapt?

Can I ask do u all allow Ur bb to suck the fist/fingers? Is it better to let them suck? normally I wil pull out and beat her hand coz I think it's a bad habit, but at the same time I feel if I don allow her to suck I wil deprive her from comforting on her own.

cherrie, my gal also same reaction after rotavirus vaccine. her last feed was 2pm and all the way till 9pm when i latched her on. then after that she came down with thrush.

Nana, I allow my baby to suck her fingers cos I feel it's good she learns to self soothe esp at bedtime. I think they already starting sucking in the womb n no mittens then so I just let it be. Believe it's a phase n part of development n also individual preference lah.

Nana: i let my baby suck his hand. He dun do it all the time though. Now he drools a lot.

Hpc: where is the sengkang recreation centre

Nite pump: i've got this huge painful lump on my right breast that refuse to go away for the past 2 days. How i got it? Bcoz at the 2+am everytime alarm ring I off it. Why? I recall each time either I dreamt or the last pic I saw was I just finish latching my boy n thought to skip till 4hrs later. Omg! I keep having this recalling dream/thoughtn dun recall that I off the alarm.

Bluesoda: little red dot at forum does a very good job. Have been bringing my girl there for hair cuts since she was 4 months, never did shaving but saw them did for other kids.

Cherrie, Jen: it's probably the after taste of the rotavirus med still lingering in their mouth. Try washing it down with a little water, they should be back to normal. My bb didn't have that when he took the rotavirus.


Chris: I did the same as sharon. My boy drinking 180ml per feed n now fully on formula. I observe him when he drinks if he shows the sign of hard to swallow the I will adjust his position, if no helps then I will stop n burp him. Afterwhich continue feed, repeat the above when he shows the sign again. My boy is now 7kg, and now is 3 mth old plus. I break this feeding into 2 or 3 sessions like change diaper in between. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

