(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi Mummies,

My boi is coming to 3 months end of this month. He is drinking like 150ml per feed every 3 hrs. My hubby felt that i am overfeeding him despite the fact that bb can finish the milk but bb will vomit milk bit by bit after feed despite burping. Not every time but most of the time. Any advise?

Hi Sharon,

my bb is the same too..but he has been like that since day 1.Ive seen all different PDs to get opinions..

at 3 months,he was 64cm n weight 7.4kg. In fact,all juz said, as long as he is growing height n weight-wise..there shouldnt be any prob..so dont worry.

if u r on FM, some mummies try Friso Comfort/Enfalac Anti Reflux..

Anyone noe how to treat cradle cap? Coz my bb has lots of hair n din realized until recently she keep on scratching her head. So sad to see that her scalp is so scaly...

Bluesoda: I bgt California baby teatree and lavender shampoo and body wash and he doesn't have cradle cap anymore. I guess his case was a bit severe cuz we tried leaving johnsons baby oil on his scalp but still difficult to get rid of it. It was v thick cradle cap. But after the cradle cap is gone he lost his hair too.

Hi Whim / Mrs Lee,

I am facing the same problem as you, baby refusing milk. Been very stressful for me since it started one week before CNY and I am already back at work. Last week, he was drinking only max 3 ounces from last feed abt 630am, till i rushed home in the evening. Sigh! only wants to direct latch...

Have tried changing teats, positions, but still no improvement. Asked PD and he said to persist and cold turkey treatment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Very upset...

Any mummy can help?

Bluesoda: Maybe an oil remedy helpful. (The oil helps to loosen dry flakes.) If you want to give it a try, rub just a small amount of a pure, natural oil — such as almond or olive oil — on your baby's scalp and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Then gently comb out the flakes with a fine-toothed comb or brush them out with a soft brush. -- from babycenter

jus wan2 share. My bb has bn reducing milk intake n even refusing milk since cny. Today i jus change teat to size m. 2 feeds alrdy n its workin lik miracle. Finished milk to the last drop n on 2nd feed, he was also shocked y finish so fast n actually he cried for more! Later i shall increase 10ml for him n c hw it goes. Crossin my fingers. Life is gd again! Haha, jus realise our happiness revolve ard bb so much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mummies who r havin the same problem w bb, mayb cn consider tryin.

anyone has any empty diapers packagings to giv me? Cn b any brands, othr than drypers. I will lik to buy the drypers fr guardian promotion, bt i m current using drypers. Any mummies hv any to spare?

Chris, I'm using drypers too so can't help, but sometime u can try ur luck with drypers wrapper.. My hubby managed to get it during the previous offer..

VT, even getting other mummies' BM, u also have to use bottle to feed.. Anyway hope u recover soon after ur operation, take care!

Bluesoda, my bb still have some cradle crap.. My MIL put coconut oil before I bath bb.. But recently my MIL very busy shopping always not home when I bath bb so I always forget to put the oil..


Most likely is cradle cap. My bb used to have that.. just apply olive oil or J&J oil on the affected area & leave it for 30-45mins before u bath bb.

Anyone knows where to sell gold jewellery? I had some from my wedding, cant wear them coz too small and too oldies (given by elderly aunties) :p

Thinking of selling them for a good price since they are just collecting dust, but dunno where to sell.

drypers promo - sad to say tat i try juz now at amk outlet and the lady told me tat dryper HQ has given out a notice to all guardian store tat all drypers wrapper does nt qualified for the promo.So sad..

My boy is not drinking his milk!! He is coming to 3mth old next week, since cny he had refuse to drink milk. When we feed him milk he will cry like as if we wan his life. And many oz of milk go to waste. He rather sleep then drink milk, now I'm the one confuse whether he wan to drink milk or wan sleep. He seem to slim down too... His face become smaller. What shld I do...?


My gal hv the same prob since CNY but she already on M teat le...so I cant be changing to L teat lor...so, we only try to feed her when she is sleeping.

diana > i guess thers no 1 way tat suits all bb. I cant fd my bb whn he is too sleepy. He wont suck, no matter wat i do. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi all

been quite some time since i logged on. been v bz wif cny cos many days play mahjong n guests in my hs n visiting...

read thr this page posting. wow... i tot im the oni one facing these problems... milk strike, less poos, more sleeps... my girl also like tis...

may i ask for those who btl feed. how much n how many x per day ur bb drink? mine oni feed 130ml per x n 5 x per day cos last feed frm 12am til next morn 8am. i tink she is under feed but i tried feeding more she jus cant finish... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sometimes 130ml will take 1 hrs apart to finish, 12am feed takes v long to finish cos she sleepy end up i always zz so late at nte... every morning v tired usually zz at abt 1plus 2 am gotta wake up at 730am so oni 5plus hrs of zz...

bm- me also v tempted to stop bf even though ss is good cos v tiring gotta follow pumping schedule. im now counting down to 6 mths den i will stop cos my stored supply will last her til 1 yrs old.

we will try all ways n pattern to bluff her to drink her milk. i even tried using syringe to feed her wen she dun suckle at all on certain ntes. i so stressed wen bb dun drink milk, she can dun wake up to drink. my bm like v horrible taste tat she will detest so much...

guess this is the passing phase all bb hv to go thr ba... jus gotta bear wif it

hair loss- me n bb also having this prob. ppl say it will be the same timing. for my 1st one, i din really do much to hair loss. my hair grew back after a while.

i din shave my #1 hair since birth n he got real thick hair now. #2 same no shave also. now #2 oni got few little fine hairs oni. cos me n hb hv thick lots hair. tink its in the genes. so tink its not so true tat ppl say muz shave to hv more hair

I think the milk strike, less poos and more sleeps could be due to teething..my girl was oso like that for the past week and last night we noticed that there is 1 tooth growing out from her bottom gum. She drools a lot and is easily irritated.

whitecookies: That's early for tooth?! My hubby was telling me that his colleagues said bb only grow teeth after 7th month...? Any other Nov bb has tooth sprouting?

Mummies, may I ask how you manage to use pram to take bb out solo? Esp if you take a cab? Or you can use one hand to carry bb and another to keep pram at the back of taxi? Or bb carrier/sling better?

Mummies in East, do include me if there's any outing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

agree that medela FS is not that good...cannot empty the breasts and i always had to use my hand to squeeze out the remaining...not worth the money spent.

Trismom, I miss mahjong!! Hahahaha.. I used to play like a few times a week when preg.. Now only once after delivered (somemore played with newbie no money involved)

Night feed,

My bb still wakes up once for night feed.. Any idea how to wean it off?


I bring sling with me all the time.. If I'm going out alone with stroller, I will sling my bb at home, call cab then let the cab uncle keep the stroller.. Only put bb in stroller when I reach my destination, if I go nearby without stroller alone I will sling/carrier bb n take bus.. Hee..


that's very early for tooth!! From what I know it's about 6mths then have teeth! My bb have sone white thing on his gum.. (at the teeth position) but it's soon and I don't think it's teeth but don't know what it is..

Electronic pump clearing BM,

Hm.. I notice its like a cycle when pumping milk, I can keep pumping if I don't stop the pump.. But there will be times when no milk flow out.. But from what I see, it's about 7mins per cycle for me.. The max time I pumped was abt 22mins.. I don't know if it cleared my breast but def feel soft after pumping

Hi mummies

Is it too early to start bb on bumbo seat when they are only 3 mth cuz neck still not firm? My bb likes to sit up now to see things. Lie him down he will fuss [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] makes the caregiver v Bo eng to carry him

Hi mummies, I have been up since 2am. Fed my baby milk N he won't sleep n made grunting noise. Turned out he developed a high fever of 38.4c within a short while. So I brought him to KKH.

Feel upset that he is sick at so young. Does anyone know what I can eat to pass him in bm n boost his immunity?


My gal hving the same prob is only drinking 110ml in the morning and 120ml at night total feed in a day is 5 to 6 feeds. Also not forgetting that there are times where after she refused to drink after we stop her half way to blurp her. Just this morning, I throw away 60 ml of BM haiz.

My gal also give me a feeling that she dun like my BM.....but still I will persist and let her drink BM only, coz anyway, she did gain weight and doctor say it is ok as long as she got gain weight lor. There was once where I got upset and angry when my mum told me to give FM coz mayb my gal dun like my BM... But heng it is my mum, so i can handle her lor...heehee

Bm: maybe it isn't warm enough? My baby doesn't like it when it's not warm enough. Sometimes we break in between for burps and will immerse the bottle in warm water. Maybe can try this? I don't think it's cuz they don't like it.

Trismum: Think u are not alone. Recently, my gal slept from 10pm to 6.30am, last nite last feed was at 9pm. Almost 9 hrs without milk. 120ml x ~6 feed.

Maybe their body slowly know how to conserve food now??... ;p Cos when sleeping, body burn less energy. As long as they are still growing & healthy, shld be ok.

Clover, try cordycep. I took it during pregnancy and bfing.

White spots on bb gums:

Mine bb also got white spots, nt sure if it is the teeth. I cn c 3 spots in his lower gum. Any idea wil the upper teeth grow 1st or the lower ones?

BB feeds:

My bb tak 140ml for BM and 130ml for FM. Feed abt 5-6 times per day. Given his wt, he is also a little underfed.

Clover > Hope ur bb is better nw. Apparently I think our BM produce antibodies towards certain virus whn we r sick w tat virus. Cos last time I was sick n was worry abt bfding. GP says it is the best thing to giv bb whn we r sick n recovering cos we r producing antibodies which will prevent bb fr getting sick fr the same virus in future, or even if thy r sick, thy will recover faster.


Mommies, has ur bb taken pneumoccal and rotavirus jab? do u see the injection area swelled? Is it norm?

we took her to PD ytd for the jab, this morning saw a bit swollen at the injection area.

Clover, how's things at KK?

Diana, I know wat u mean abt the baby not liking BM. My girl's rejecting bottle feeds, I keep thinking that it was my BM that was the problem. But the other day, my SIL got the bright idea of giving the BM via spoon. She drank it down happily, so it was the delivery method that she didn't like. So now we're just trying different teats.

ahko80, my baby took the rotavirus oral vaccine and 6-in-1, the nurse told us that e injection area might be swollen, it's normal.

Breastpump - reducing milk supply?

I don't know if it's me or the breastpump. I've started to pump more diligiently nowadays and I notice that I have less milk each time! E.g. the 1st pump for yesterday (Mon) can produce XXX ml, but the 1st pump for today (Tues) produces less! Anyone notices the same thing?

Tks jewel. Cordycep is v expensive but I will try it. Whole family must "pu".

Chris, the thing is I am not sick. No.1 has running nose, so must be me mishandling him. Like didn't wash hand before carrying no 2. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Whim, the doc n nurse there are nice and friendly. I was there for 3hr+. They inserted tube into his nose n throat to drain out the mucus. I saw some blood when the nurse withdrew the tube from his nose. V heartpain. They took urine sample n the result was negative so ruled out UTI. After given the dhamol, so we went home. He is 38.4 n 0.1c away from admission. The doctor saw that he was still actice n smiley so she let us home.

Tris Mom: My boi is drinking 6-7 times a day abt 140-150ml per feed. Wondering if he is overfed cause he will vomit milk bit by bit if i fed 150ml but 140ml looks ok. But he can finish his milk so i wonder if i should reduce?

Hi Surf,

I have the same issue here. My boy refuse to be carried lying down or lie down himself. He wanna be carried upright to see things.

Teething: my boy kept drooling but dun see any white signs from his gums so i suppose it s a phase that they go through?

Hi, Clover

Did you try to give some BM to no1? He just went to school, may takes one month to half a year to develop immune system.


I doubt about breastfeeding also after seeing my no1 sick often at CC though she was breastfed for 8 month, my colleagues' children seldom sick though they took bm at most for 3 month. Guess it's partly because I didn't make enough efforts on providing nutritious solid food, partly because of her inborn health since she developed fever at every vaccination.

But this time for twins, I can see difference if one takes more BM. I can pump only 900ml+ per day, divide bm to both. But if one lag behind development or one has small problems such as poo, eczema, sneeze, I will give more BM to that one.

I can see noticeable difference if one twin takes BM exclusively for 3 days while another not when they are under 1 month old.

After breastfeeding twins, I feel that BM is better for them. But I won't stress myself too much that I got no time/energy/mood for other aspects of baby care and self-care like last time with no 1.

hey sharon ,, ur boi and mine almost same I am feeding 140-150ml and if based on his wt it is overfed but sometime if give lesser he wan more if give more say 150ml if he is full he will refuse to finish it so I let him decide haha

My boy wan to be.carried up right or sit cos he wan to look around

And I notice he started drooling and like to put his thumb into his mouth to suck

teething...yes everyone said my gal is so fast! I was shocked too but I guessed she is ready..I touched her gum with my finger and could feel the tooth sticking out slightly from the gum. Poor girl is feeling extremely frustrated these few days.

PTB7476: yes our bb are almost the same... so i dun dare to give less cause i dun wan to deprive him... but i he tend to vomit milk so tat's y i scare i am overfeeding....

argghh...need to rant a bit here.

blardy maid refused to wake up this morning! trying to play punk! now still sit there refuse to do work. My job scope very difficult meh? Every morning bring to mum's place, look after bb there, no need to do housework there, evening come back home, put clothes in washing mashine, boil water, pack #1's school bag. That's all. Ex-SIN, turns out to be much worse than all my prev fresh maids. Lucky thing I bluff her I'm starting work today!! otherwise, she really pull stunt on the day I really start work. damn these maids! (sorry for the language)

Csi: your maid's attitude is v bad! Her life seems easy. Doesn't even have to cook since she's going to your mum's place. Think it's her ploy to be transferred out? Has she been with you for awhile? How come you had foresight by lying to her your starting date?

CSI,aiyo ur tis maid muz b those tat's come for "holiday".Boooo...how long has tis maid been wif u? possible to change?

Cant imagine tat she play stunts on the actual day dat u start work..

Cranky baby - ever since my bb went for 6 in 1 and PCV7 jab,he started to drink lesser or break into 2 time to finish his milk. he will also cry big time when we try to put him to slp. at times, i nid to make 50ml of milk to entice him to slp(sometimes it work,sometimes it doesnt).i m juz wondering ixxit tat giving 2 jab at 1 go is too harsh for his body,hence he is creating a scene. its been 1 wk since he took the jab...

and my bb will oso make a din and when we bring him out to walk ard the estate,he is ok.the moment we step home,he yell again..

o offically counting down to end of my maternity leave.SAD!~ 2 wks left...

Is really a joy looking at my girl these days.. She is smiling alot.. Kinda feel abit sad coz going to start work next Monday.. Can't bear to stay away from her for so many hrs.. (since birth, I haf been with her most of the time; at most 2-3 hrs away from her).. Oh dear! Dunno whether I can adapt or not..


clover, good to hear that they treated u ok at KK. U got those cooling strips e.g. Pigeon brand etc? Can use to lower the temp.

