(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Bluesoda: Must agree with u, bb smile/laugh more often now... so cute hor! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I see some of the babies from Nov mummies also so chubby & cute, cldnt help "liking' them.

I take/store a lot of her pic & videos in my phone, then when I think of her I just look at the pics... hehhe. Also, when I come back from work I spent more time playing with her & talking to her.


Clover, dun have to take those raw form cordycep to "dun".. yes this type is expensive. You can try to buy those capsules or powder form ones.. < $100/bottle

Clover: one good drink to bring down fever is barley. Buy the china barley and boil. You can add winter melon strips to make it sweet, but I always feed plain. Effect is instantaneous , just add in the breast milk and feed. 10-20 ml 2-3 times a day will do. Other times, once a week ok.

As for boosting immunity, I drink and eat lots of berry stuff. Wolfberry drink, Yoghurt, chicken soup, red date drink are some of the stuffs I take regularly on top of eating well.

Bluesoda/jewel: I think babies can now recognise us and they are very cute when they smile and try to talk. In the morning before I pick her up from her cot, I will greet her and smile and talk to her and she will give me her shy smile. Totally melts my heart.

Lately she also start to be very ji zha and when 2 people having a conversation, she also talking to herself at the side.

CSI: your maid doesn't seem like a person that is easy to deal with... be careful of letting her handle your baby. but i guess you also dun wish to scold her too much in case she does anything to your baby.

sometimes these experienced maids turn out worse cos they think that they know alot and become very ya-ya. these days, the maids are also very vocal and know how to stand up for themselves. we thought my maid has poor english cos she doesn't seem to understand my instructions. but the other day, my bathroom flooded with water after the maid washed it. i asked her if she threw anything down the drain hole and she answered me surely "no, not me." i wonder if she just faking that she doesn't understand my instructions.

JanO: same case think of the bbies can see us already.. mine also quite talkative will want to seek attention and wanna talk... with bb language.

My new maid oso.. Thought she good n kwai kwai type. Nw I reprimand for doing wrong things she will defend, talk back, find excuse n show me black face. Urggh...

Clover glad lil A is gettg better.. Aft hearing so from u mine oso I din pay too much attention on our diet.. V lazy to go the extrz mile n find out.

Jo, can gv barley water to bb Liao?

Btw possible for bb to teeth nw... My #1 starts teething when he's 4m... This one still din c much..

My baby reject my nipples nw total bottle feed.. 7x 100ml (bm /fm). My supply is gettg low n I wasn't too diligent in pumpg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope can last him until 6mths..

My bb oso slp longer naps these weeks.. But still constantly need to shake shake in yaolan else he wakes & scream

cherrie, clover, this maid has been with me for er, 2 weeks, coming to 3 weeks? Yes, I think it's her ploy to transfer out. She used to work in a 3-storey semi-D/terrace along Pasir Panjang. Me stay in a space in the air (i.e. apartment), not attas enough for her lorh. no space to give her 1 room to herself.

New maid coming on Thurs. Dunno if it's luck or what lah. This incoming one, the employer's application kena rejected, but maid already has air tix. Fresh maid, can arrive tomorrow night, so I shd be able to pick her up on Friday or Sat. This current bad attitude one, is just sitting down there not doing anything! Since she's not doing any work, I told the agent I'm not paying her salary for today till the day she goes off (coz I dun expect her to be doing work any more). In fact, I shd charge her rent for food and lodging.

btw, if any of ur maids surrendered their HP to agent, do check their bags also. coz they can have many SIM cards (like my this one - she surrendered 4 SIM cards to me, but who knows how many more she has hidden). I haven't checked with my brother, but I dunno if this one got steal any of his old HP and used her many SIM cards to call out. I heard the vibration sound of a HP lah...but I could be wrong. I didn't confront her. No point. Right now, i dun even want to talk to her. I'm at home, watching her via my webcam....at home. What a joke...hahaha.

Somehow, after childbirth, my spider senses suddenly become sharper (during preg, I still blur blur forgetful one...hahaha).

Cherrie, a few days after maid arrived, I asked her, does she think she can handle baby on her own? coz I have no one else to jagar her. Even if I put at my MIL's place, my MIL can jagar, but I didn't want to place burden on MIL. Maid will have to do most of the work (looking after baby). So I asked her if she can handle. Then I saw panic in her eyes. She started to ask "what about your mother? what about sir's mother? they are not going to be around?" I told her flatly, no. So can she handle or not? If not I have to make alternative arrangements. She think think a bit, say yes can handle. Then she asked me when I'm going back to work. I told her Feb. She asked me 1 Feb? I just made some noise (like "Ugh"). Then she asked again, 15 Feb? So I just nod head. So she thinks I'm going back to work today lorh. And past few days I've been prepping #1 that I'm going back to work soon so daddy will be sending her to sch etc....I guess on hindsight, it was a good thing to let her think I'm going back to work earlier than actual date, to see how she reacts...

Maids: my cousin's maid bgt a netbook after working for 3 years. She asked for wifi access so that she could surf net, use Facebook and msn. My cousin said no as the maid needs to take care of one toddler and 7 mth old baby. The maid retorted by asking why not since she's merely tapping on my cousin's network and no extra costs would be incurred. After that she sulked and banged pots and pans for three days. Really not easy to handle maids or managing employees. I guess they know more after talking to fellow maids.

JanO, sounds like your maid is faking it. I'm getting a new maid, so if I need to scold this one, I won't hold back. I don't like to be held hostage by maids. It's ridiculous. Who does she think she is? Not like we treat her badly - eat the same food as us, go out also with us. Only last weekend, nvr bring her along to my uncle's place for CNY gathering, she black face whole day. Haven't decided if I want to return this one to agent or not. I'll let hb negotiate with agency. Think she come here for free holiday....maybe coz I not rich, so got nothing for her to steal in my home....so want to transfer to bigger house. big house, more messy, harder to keep track of belongings mah...

I would think all maids will fake it a bit here and there lah. Small thing, ok can let go. But mine, ex-SIN, pretend dun understand our english...no diff from Fresh. I might as well pay Fresh rate then. Why pay ex-SIN rate to get Fresh level standards? Simple thing like "tissue" also dun understand. Worked here for 3 yrs before, dunno what is tissue paper? Bluff who?

Csi: my maid is opposite. She also asked a few times if she will be at home alone with baby. My mum did suggest I bring them to her place or my grandma's place in the mornings so that they can supervise. But logistically I think it's tough cuz hubby and I share one car and we start wk at different hours. I told my maid she will be at home (but my mil drops by everyday and my mum pops by once a week on her offdays) but if she's 'naughty', she will be sent to my grandma's plc to be supervised. She prefers to be at home. More freedom la. I just have to spot check by making surprise visits when I start work. Haiz. Good maids are really hard to come by.

My sil did a random check on her maid's belongings while her maid went to buy bread. She found a handphone inside but haven't confronted her since cny day 1. Her requirement for agency is no Hp!

Hope this teething symptoms will b over soon? I thought they say bb shld be easier to handle after 100days. My boy seems getting more difficult. Ystd dun wan to talk, tdy dun wan to drink milk. Normally its been quite difficult to feed him, now worse. Latch him, n while suffer kena nip pull n bite, he din drink much. Feed him bottle n he'll jerk here n there push bottle out n cry. Even hubby is scared of bringing him out nowadays.

Afternoon till evdning he seems crankier too. My maid resorted to boftlefed him while walking to coax him to drink. Carry him gotta be the way he wan to b carry if not he'll scream. Put him down he'll wake up or sleep for a while only.

Orangebb: maybe our babies getting smarter so they learn how to test our response?? my baby will also kick up a fuss each time my MIL gives her the bottle. she will want to be carried in different positions, let her suck her thumb and calm down first, then we slowly replace the thumb with the bottle teat then she will drink. If she is crying and we just stuff the teat into her mouth, she will not suck it! So we always have to resort to such tricks to get her to drink.

cherrie, of course the maids will prefer to be at home...nobody likes to have someone watching their backs the whole time....I mean, we too. we dun like our bosses to keep looking at us work. yah lorh. have to do spot check. for mt this maid, actually we were planning to send her and bb down to my MIL's place...coz for some strange reason, bb ALWAYS cry when she carries. so thot let my MIL handle first better. maybe the maid no confidence lah.

Csi hope ya new maid b gd.. Ex-sin some v cunning..

Cherrie I think ya maid v gd leh from hw u describe..matured..

JanO, we oso use the same mthd whn bb fuss w milk.. Alternate pacifier & bottles lo.

Orangebb, I oso find bb cleverer & nottier when they turn 3m.. But oso more fun they r more responsive.. So sweet at times...

Shan: yeah my maid seems ok for now. I'm really hoping that she doesn't 'chute pattern' when I go back to wk at the end of the mth. My boy likes her too. His eyes will follow her when she walks past or he will look at her when she's ironing. Her communication skills are ok. Her vocab is good and surprises me from time to time. I guess all the watching of the 9pm channel 8 drama with subtitles help. Today she asked if I have clothes for her to iron since I'm going back to wk (got initiative). She received abt $120 red pkt money (she was v happy) which I kept for her and got her to counter sign on her notebook. Told her I will give her at the end of her contract. Then on Sunday she got one red pkt of $8. I wanted to add on to that $120 but she asked me to buy her a comb and

instant noodles. I told her no need to pay for instant noodles. She said it's not nice cuz she's the only one eating! Hubby and I were taken aback and told her food's entirely taken care by us. Also asked if we have recipes book cuz she's interested in reading.

But can't take them for granted la. Who knows what will happen when I go back to wk. Hence hubby is still the bad guy while I'm the more approachable one.

chloe, seems that my gal is facing exactly the same problem as your boy! Ever since she went for the jab, she is taking lesser milk. Sometimes she makes a big fuss suddenly.

She took 2 jabs on 8 Feb...1 wk liao..she lost 300g of wt.

cherrie, your maid sounds good...the agent just came to fetch my now ex-maid back. maid actually complain that we kept her angbaos! hello! she was with us for only 1 week then CNY, expect to keep everything ah? firstly, we weren't obligated to bring her to our relatives' home to "collect" angbaos. secondly, it's not an entitlement. thirdly, we keep for her till end of contract. she not happy. damn it.

Csi- I didn't safe keep the money for my maid. I let my maid keep all the Ang bao money herself..hmm wonder if tis is a good move..

Piggydog- I guess is the jab doing the evil in bb body.. N I pour away quite alot of fm..

Enfalac- JTS tat ntuc lower their price to 42.80. Gona find out if online seller has lower their price anot.. N share here after wich

chloe, my prev maids, I let them keep themselves. Coz they have been with us for a while, before CNY (like, several months with us, then it's CNY). So by then, we already know their character, know that they dun anyhow spend type etc. So ok. This one, just come barely a few days, I dunno how she's like yet, I don't feel secure letting her keep her ang pow money. Besides, she doesn't need to spend a single cent on anything (except sanitary pads). So when she needs to buy any personal items, will use the angpow money / pocket money to buy. We had planned to let her keep her own money a few months down the road or till end of contract...but her heart wasn't good lah. Don't let her keep now, she becomes unhappy. This shows that in her mind, she's only thinking about $$, making quick $$ and herself. Not about her job/reponsibilities.

One of her complains to agent:- She don't have own room to sleep in. OMG. This attas maid must have own room. Makes me wonder what's her living conditions like back at home. If it's so good, why need to come out to work?

BB being very talkative,

My bb likes to talk too!! I just reply him with "Aaa.." "buuu.." and yes! he smiling more often now, and sometime he really laugh out loud! see the way he laughs really brighten my day! especially when he gives a big smile when he wakes up!

BB gets cranky before sleep..

Recently my bb gets very cranky when he's tired, he will cry and scream till tired then sleep.. nap or night sleep also the same.. yesterday I let him cry with my palm on his chest and he just kept screaming till breathless!! my goodness.. Any idea what I can do?? This only happened after CNY.. before that.. I put him in his cot and talk to him and he will fall a sleep.. haiz..


Chloe, online seller selling 39.. Hope tat helps. I didn't get from her le cos I can buy at this price from a medical hall near my place.

JanO and Shan: ya they getting clever. Once put down bb cry, when carry him on arm, his music off n he look peacefully asleep, put down again muusic on, carry him, music immediately off n he again he look like he's sleeping v shiokly. He doesnt even need to peep!

Hammebao: mine too scream when tired. After cny more cranky. Think our tiger chut pattern in rabbit yr. Keep wanting to b carry n cannot put down if not he'll cry until tomato n he'll start to get angry n then v angry. Woah v garang this tiger

Sigh..... My girl woke up 5 to 7 times for 2 nights consecutively! She don wan to sleep in cot n wan to suck my breasts to fall asleep. Evening time before going to sleep she don wan yaolan n want to be carried and patt to sleep. Let her alone she wil yell n cry until v loud. What Shd I do?

Anyone encounter bb got flu or runny nose? my ger

Down with flu wonder if shld bring pd but now they also can't take Medicine right?

Ya tiger bb fierce fierce.. Haa orangebb, mil keep askg me to try bb gal the next zodiac possible is dragon mah. I tld her wait the dragon is lot more fiercer then tiger, I'll faint.

My baby tiger is really alot fiercer than my doggie boy when bb, tats true..

Clover.. Gd tat A4 temperature is down to normal.. U guys must hv been so tired..

Koori.. My boy oso running nose, pleghm & cough. This time was more serious n persistent hence I did fed him the med PD gv. But instead of 2x per day I gv 1x Nia. Maybe the effects nt strong engf bb still unwell ...

Chloe: the reason why we didn't want the maid to keep her cny money is she doesn't get any offdays and we pay for everything (including sanitary pads). If she needs anything extra, either we pay for it like her towel request or deduct from her cny money like comb. Hence she is deemed cash-less and if she has money, it means she stole from our home. Even her first phone card is paid by us. We keep the card and call for her. So far she has only called home thrice in the 3 mths plus she has been with us.

Lunch: I can do lunch too before going back to wk on 28 feb. Really dreading it big time. Been telling hubby I have an urge to quit. He said I'm crazy. Maybe he's worried finances will fall on him. Hah.

Shan, yah! Tired until numb to it. Yesterday have to carry him whole day coz he wont be put down on his cot. So tired n I dozed off while carrying him. Only when his temperature went down then he sleep in his cot. I also think my no 2 more fierce. My no 1 is more docile compare to him. Maybe it's their survival instinct? Not cute/fierce how to survive?

Nana did u gv pacifier?

I gv everytin to my tiger boy.. Sigh.. Imagine in sarong oso need 1 pax to constantly shake shake it.. Must hv movements..

Haha so far all the fierce lil tiggers here eh..

We poor mama so better think carefully wanna dragon or nt :p

cherrie..yup we oso same keep $ for her, if found $ tat means she steal.

Shan/cherrie, lunch on Friday is confirmed at Paragon 1pm.. Let me know if u are joining

Nana, only 1 day or already happened a few days? Just observe her, maybe she's not feeling well or teething? Like someone said that might due to the teeth growing into the gum n bb not feeling well?

Hmm, so far I have allowed the maid to keep the $$. I gave her her first salary last month and asked if she wanted us to help her keep it or she wants to keep on her own and she said she wants to keep it. Do we have right to insist that she doesn't keep the $$?

Friday lunch - are you bringing your babies? I'll try to join.

i wil lik to join fri lunch too. Bt r u guys bringing ur bb? It wil b my 1st time bring bb so far on my own. Dont knw wil hv confident or nt. Hw to bring bb out if i wan2 use stroller? Cn only tak mrt, rt?


i'm also a nov mum.. was surfing n found that many mums here also facing milk strike. Was wondering if u hv any idea how long it will last? mine has been like that for a mth (fr 8th week)! he refuses any milk when awake and can oni feed him when he is half asleep.. in the day, he can go on for 6 hrs w/o milk also dun wan drink, sigh! he can sleep throu the nite too.. so, works out to be 100-120ml x 4-5x a day.. any idea if he's underfed? his wt gain for 2nd mth is half that of the 1st mth.. i did ask the doc whether this milk withdrawal is due t teething, doc said that it's too early for teething..


read an article in the papers recenty that maids are choosing employers and asking for high pay and benefits upfront. some oni work for expats.

maybe some of the maids hv also read that article and r purposely trying to get tranfered out so that they can also ask for higher pay?

JanO, Chris

I will be bringing my baby.. Will sling bb then call cab then ask the taxi uncle to keep the stroller for me.. Only will put bb into stroller after I reach my destination..

CSI-wah,ur maid tot come sg for holiday ah.stay hotel and request for a room by herself. after getting a room,den request for a king size bed with air-con.Horrible pple who take us emplyor as fortune god...anyway,did u tell agent to list down tat she is be sharing a room? i did that.

my maid actually open all her angbao infront of me and i calculate b4 returning to her.i believe her previous emplyor keep her salary for her as her 1st day here with me,she pass me all her money.but angbao money is extra,hence i nv tot of safekeeping for her. its a wrong move after reading all the replies frm mummies.

JanO-i believe tat in the 1st place,if we dun allow them to keep their salary,we sld tel them dat we will safe keep the money for them,instead of giving a choice to them to safe keep the money themself or employer safe keep.

i actually tell the agency to list down in the contract tat all her salary will be IB to her bank ac.and i will safe keep the 1st few mth of salary until she has enff to open a bank ac. if she wans to remit money, i will do it for her.

ya,pads,dedorants,shaver all is being provided by me. indeed, they can go cash-less,but i told her if she wans to mail letter home,postage will b bore by her.And she told me her previous employer paid for her.Wonder if i m liable to paid on her behalf or not.

Mine request for a mobile fone too,and was rejected by me flatly.

Blueskies-yup,nowadays,maid are veri smart n cunning. Use to hear pple saying phi maid are veri smart,but now i felt maids frm all diff country are smart n cunning. often,employer are at their mercy coz we nid them to tc of our kids.

hammiebao, 2 nights alr. before this she only wake up once at night

shan, i gave pacifier but she refused and only want my breasts.. -.-

mayb tiger baby really fierce lor!!

Lunch on Fri, whereabout in Paragon will you ladies be going? I might be able to make it.

My baby also these 2 days days crank and can skip naps. Just wants to be carried and latched and suck and suck that I lost track of all the feeding time. I tried to let her cry it out but after a while I cannot take it, i just push her ot my breast even though I know i shouldn't. Sigh...

Shan, am heading back to work on 1 March too.


there's some cold/flu meds that is suitable for 3 mths old infants. so I think bring to see PD better. PD can also suggest ways to help make bb feel more comfortable with the runny nose...


I did ask the agent before if shd list down that she will be sharing a room (i mean, even if now have 1 rm to herself, who knows, maybe next time MIL or mother stays with us, then must share room liaoz mah...), agent said no need. Coz they shouldn't be expecting a room to themselves.

shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste I provide. But if she wants a particular brand, she has to pay for it herself. I mean, what if she wants an expensive brand then how? pads, shaver...a little too personal for me lah. Those she has to buy on her own. Postage and calling card, I can provide...unless she talks a lot. hahaha. These 2 items dun cost a lot. mobile phone, my contract is strictly 2 yrs, no HP. But can use the calling card we provide to call home once every 2 weeks. I dun feel secure lah, if the maid has HP coz looking after BB mah...wait talk talk talk, nvr pay attention to BB.


maybe she knows you're going back to work soon? I think just reassure her a lot everyday. It should be just a phase...

ha, don't knw whether to b amused or wat. Sm bb experience milk strike, sm jus can't stop sucking. Haiz...so difficult. Wonder whn wil bb start to talk n tell us wat thy wan n y.

Chloe: wow u are so nice. Even provided deodorant and shaver. I don provide them and have not seen my maid using it. That day I bgt her olay facial cleanser ($3.90 only from shop at tpy central) and anti fall shampoo ($2 promotion from watsons) and she seemed happy cuz she told me her hair has been dropping after giving birth last July. So far I think we have been kind to her. She came with so few clothes but now has many cuz I gave her mine (a lot especially 3/4 pants can't wear).

We even bgt her one Capri pants and one red top from

bossini for cny. Slippers also my havianas cuz hubby saw her

slippers. Like no friction kind. Scared later she carries baby

and falls!! But my maid is quite country bumpkin. Dunno how

to use chopsticks, don't eat crabsticks, mushrooms, sotong!!

Best is at my aunt's plc, my aunt was kind enough to put

abalone on her Yu Sheng but she also dunno how to eat.

Didn't even try. Actually having a maid is really a lot of extra

expenses. It's much more than her pay and govt levy. Hope

Friday's budget got good news for working mums in the form

of tax reliefs or what. Bring her out even go places like ya

kun or toast box also gotta buy extra cup. Now I can't even

go to Starbucks or coffee beans when I bring her out. Can't

possibly buy her my fave frappucino or let her watch me drink.

Hopefully she reciprocates our kindness. I told her I don't give second chance for dishonesty and people who steal.

I will be starting work tomorrow. Mixed feeling...

My bb should be ok, I've been going out for half days to run errands, or shopping, so I don't think she'll miss me. But I probably am going to miss her. haha..


Hi mummies

Anyone here read saw the straits times article on maid that ran away then went back to beg for forgiveness at Tampines?

If possible can let me know which day it was published?

