(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

@ juv, my MIL also prefers indonesia maids as they are easier to please compared to filipinos...also they dun ask for day offs. I read an article that said that the philippine govt also has a rule that the minimum wage is $540 with 1 day off a week. Is that true?



i wen carrefour n bought 2 more pkts of fitti size S. tink tis is the premium range cos there is another one tat states basic oni slightly cheaper but not s soft. so i decided to use some of tis for day x ba. its was $10.95 each. i took 2 pkts oni left 2 pkts of S on shelf. i ask the person n he say they hv no more stocks...

taka mooncakes- becos they hv to let taka take a big sum of commission on their overall daily sales so they cant afford to give the 15 or 20% disc whereas if u go to the hotel, u get the disc. but thinking u hv to travel all the way to the hotel jus to buy the mooncakes might s well jus buy there so tat can eat on the same day ma... keke... i dunno wack how many pcs of mooncakes liao.

for green tea lovers, the green tea mooncakes frm Ritz calton is jus so nice... i dun dare to take mine n bb's wt on the next chk up man..

bb wt-- funnily my gynea nvr ask me go glucose test leh. i suppose my bb is on the big side too. at wk 27 she is already 1.35kg. how do we tell if we r having diabetics? i dun hv family history though...


Bam, glad u enjoyed the aquafitness class. I signed up for the Oct one (fingers crossed my gynae doesn't tell me I have to deliver early, so I can still finish all 4 classes). Is the KK swimming pool sunny/ open-area?

Am thinking whether need to buy sunscreen. So did u get the 2-pc swimsuit in the end?

cin_bunny - did I say anything abt a sheraton buffet? Dun think it's me...

Juv: my colleague says it's not nation. Think it's one of the agency in chongpang. Yrs is somewhere near northpoint rite?

Whim: the pool is indoor one. At children's tower rehab centre b1. Yeah. I went OG to invest in a 2 pc. But was cheap la.. $20 bucks only. They were having sale.

Dear Mummies

Sorry to interrupt. I am from an earlier thread. Have some "leftovers" from my breastfeeding days to let go cheap.

- 2 brand new boxes of Mothercare breast pads (100 pieces per box) with 25 - 50 loose pieces from an open box

- 2 brand new boxes of Lansinoh milk bags (50 pieces per box); with close to 40 loose pieces from an open box


$25 for breast pads (original price: $18 per box)

$25 for milk bags (original price: USD10.99 per box)

Pls call / sms me @ 93679627. Don't PM as I don't check this often. Self collect from my place at Pasir Ris.

Breast pads reference: http://www.mothercare.com.sg/productdetail.asp?pid=67707

Milk bags reference:


VT,ya cramp went away after a good 4hours torture. if thats realli 'pre-contraction', i may be able to survive the real thing durin labour. haha!! cos i keep tellin myself to calm down n breath lots. n tell baby that is not time for her to come out yet. lol..

Chris,no leh.. im a FTM. i will opt for 2bedded cos dunwan hubby to stay overnight. u interested to labour there? why dun u go for their tour?

Hammiebao,huh? got yellow rice wine meh..why so many type. haha!! i only know one type that my mom cook for me.

clover: is it from katong agency? i'm looking for indo coz easier to interact w inlaws.

buffet gathering:

1) dolliepollie *20 mon, 21 tue, 22 wed, 23 thur, 24 fri *SEP*

2) ueno

3) bam *anyday, dinner*

4) shan *weekdays, anytime*

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB *20 mon

7) Ange *weekdays, anytime*

8) jollymummy *weekdays, anytime*

9) naf

10) trismom *anyday, anytime*

11) jewel *weekdays, dinner*




15) cin_bunny *anyday but 20th sept (mon)*

16) flin *weekday, anytime*

17) juv *weekday, anytime*

18) Chris

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster (weekday dinner)


23) Newbiemom

Bam: yup, i went to the one near Northpoint, tat cinema building.

whitecookies: the agency told us that indo salary is $340+$20(no off day) and levy $265(normal) and $170(concession).

Hey, are you all keen in this blanket?


im holding another pre-order.

pm me if u all keen.

i got more photos. but dun dare to post here lei. scared kenna ban. (-.-")

can go my facebook see too.

regards to the buffet.

how ar? no reply?

need a BC to prove for the $170 concession rate.

orangebb, yah! my friend recommend me the agency. the guy gave me a little, little discount. u need the contact?

clover, I am ok for next sat's lunch. Any of you bringing hb? If no, I'll ask him to make plans for his own lunch. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just came back from the square2 baby fair. Agree there's nothing much to buy there. The prudential agents were very agressive, so didn't dare to linger too long to browse through the other stalls.

Managed to get the goodie bag and a free cooking pot though..

Prudential insurance

Actually, I met up with an prudential insurance agent a while ago and asked him abt that insurance that they're hawking now. Decided not to get it in the end....

If u want them to stop hassling u, just tell them that u're giving birth in Oct.... think u can only sign up for the insurance between wk 16-30 (or something like that). That way, they know u're not eligible to buy it in e 1st place, so maybe they'll stop.

Bam, $20 is v cheap....is it maternity swimwear?

I was thinking I'll just buy the bottom part coz can still wear the top part of my original 2 pc bikini. Since all pregger moms and I think the swimming instructor shd be female, think no one will care...

Just that in the past if the cloth of my swimsuit top can cover all my boob area (before pregnant), now the cloth covers much less... Like I "lou ban li".

Ho ho ho...

clover: i want the agency contact! u have the website too?

piggydog: am not bringing hubby coz he's not in town.

square2 baby fair: CMI. one glance n u know there's nothing.

whim: i got normal swim wear. but i bought extra extra large. but that day got 1 lady was wearing bikini lor. so i think it's okie to wear bikini.. I should have just wear my bikini...

Whitecookies: How to back date?? MOM will track by the date they arrive right?

buffet gathering:

1) dolliepollie *20 mon, 21 tue, 22 wed, 23 thur, 24 fri *SEP*

2) ueno

3) bam *anyday, dinner* 21 tue, 22 wed, 23 thur, 24 fri *SEP*

4) shan *weekdays, anytime*

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB *20 mon

7) Ange *weekdays, anytime*

8) jollymummy *weekdays, anytime*

9) naf

10) trismom *anyday, anytime*

11) jewel *weekdays, dinner*




15) cin_bunny *anyday but 20th sept (mon)*

16) flin *weekday, anytime*

17) juv *weekday, anytime*

18) Chris

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster (weekday dinner)


23) Newbiemom

2day i notice tat one of my ankle to lower calf is swollen than other one. anyone hv any suggestion on how to reduce swelling? i hv not been sleeping well tis few ntes... dunno how to survive thr sept n whole of next mth man... stil hv at least 7 to 8 wks b4 can pop leh...


Did you injure yourself or is it just water retention? So strange, only 1 leg affected.

Are you drinking enough water or taking enough calcium?

Try to lie down and raise your affected leg against wall for 5 minutes and see if it works. =)

trismom: did you go to the suntec branch? tink we took all the S size left...haha...there were probably only three...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also can't sleep well now...everynite toss and turn 1-2 hrs then KO...hehe..

about your leg did you strain it by accident? maybe can try to soak it in warm tub...or run warm water along it...see whether can help...could be also water retention...what jollymummy said could also help...drinking water actually counters water retention...

trismom, is it only that one leg? Or even upper body also have a bit. I know for me personally, sometimes when I eat certain food, water retention will kick in v soon and fingers on 2 hands will swell up unevenly.

Maybe can get SO to massage that leg? Or prop up that leg whenever you're sitting or lying down??

Bb playing tricks with SO

Bb's been moving a lot recently but everytime I ask the SO to put his hand and feel the baby, the baby will somehow automatically quieten down. Just as I wanted her to move for daddy!

I gave her a little lecture just now... "If u dun move now, daddy's going to think mommy is bluffing him." Still nothing.

Then I tot the bb could feel the warm hands on my tummy, so I got him to not rest the hand wholely on the tummy. Still nothing.

How?? Any advice?

whim, my baby behave the same way!!! she's learnin to pretend now. she will kick like nobody biz when im with her or nobody is watchin. but when i get my frends or her dad to check out her kicks, she immd stop!! sigh.. i tink she is realli having fun w the pretending.

Trismom, actually for my calves. also the same. left is bigger den the right. so i tink its normal ba.. ;p

jollymummy, will try that. Maybe the bb dun even move with my own hands there, then she sure won't move w/ SO hands there. Maybe need to let her get used to having hands on e tummy.

Mrs Lee, yah, I was just telling my SO that maybe we shd tie many strings to my tummy so that when the bb moves, some of the strings will vibrate so he knows that I'm not bluffing him.

jollymummy, tat doesnt work on me. somehow she know daddy's hand is still there, or watchin her. she will simply refuse to move a single bit.

whim, the strings thingy is funny la.. what a crazy idea.

i din injured my ankle or anything leh... dunno la... mayb due to not enuf zz everything jus dun feel v comfy. really wish can quickly pass tis last 8 wks smoothly n pop out my bb... til den its another new challenge again...

Tris Mom, my left ankle also feel more stressed than my right ankle.. not always, but sometime.. especially at night.. I just ask my hubby to help me massage abit as he can't really do a good massage job..

Baby movement,

baby is more active recently.. sometime I can feel it very low, like very near to vaginal area.. I'm wondering if its trying to move head down.. haha

today I was telling my hubby, "less than 3 months and baby will be out.. u scare or not?" personally I'm abit scared about how life will be after this 3 mths!!! and after my confinement I'm going to move in with my MIL.. another big worry for me.. haiz..

mrs lee, I wasn't 100% serious abt the strings.... just wanted to make it clear to e bb that "u better co-operate soon!"

jollymummy, it worked! I put my hands on the tummy and the bb still moved with my hands there. Then I told my SO to put, and it worked!

hammiebao, i'm more worried abt life aft e bb, since I've been staying w/ my in-laws (and no clear end in sight so far), got good days and bad days. Impt thing for u is to remember that ur new place will be ready soon....so maybe just think of it as staying with a 'landlord' lor.

Mothercare Discount:

My lil' girl just turned 2 and Mothercare sent me a Birthday discount coupon for use till end of Sep 2010.

30% off Baby & Kids Fashion.

15% off Home & Travel.

T&C apply. Mainly to be used on regular priced items and discount can be used once only. For clothes, mainly those on the hangers as hey exclude packed sleepsuits/bodysuits, socks, briefs, etc.

Don't mind sharing with mummies here if you like stuff from Mothercare. I can help you to save money and you can help me to accumulate purchase.

If you are keen, pls let me know by Mon, 13 Sep 2010. You can PM me for more details on how to buy together, as I'm definitely buying for my lil' girl and new baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whim, i m experiencing the same thing.. bb was kicking hard, but everytime i ask my hb to see or touch, no movement at all.. real cheeky lor

re: baby's movements

Mine too! My hb thinks that I am pulling his leg all the time...hahaha...my tummy can be out of shape this minute and when my hb tries to feel it the next minute, she stops moving.

i tot i am the only one... so the bb are quite mischievous afterall...esp when their daddy try to feel them hahaha....

btw insomia is back...last night slept at 12 but wake up at 3 and stayed awake until 530 this morning managed to get an hr sleep before officially up at 630am but if this go onz...think i'm going to fall sick due to lack of sleep... any solution ??

maid agency in yishun10.

my neighbor got 2maid from them.

first one steal money kenna caught red handed.

second one steal money ask friend remit back to kampong. den when check bag got bedsheet.. clothing and gold... -.-"

both were transfer maid maybe previous owner things oso stolen so they send back.

bb movement: exactly the same as everyone described. bb moves when no one is seeing or looking. hb hands on it, or when looking , immediately quieten down. But nowadays we training him to response more by hb poking back haha.

insommia: yeah once in a while. I had 2 leg cramps last nite and couldnt sleep well, too much dreaming..plus toilet breaks. I guess we are all starting our night routines and terrible sleeps.

I hired my first maid in May 2010 from Recruit Asia - Yishun. She was a transfer maid (worked for a family for 2 weeks, then worked for me for 2 weeks) after that she went back home. We had to wait for at least 2 months before we got our refund for the loan that we had paid, and also close to 4 months before they sent the insurance check back. Very bad follow up and the agency is not honest. If any of you are planning to use their services, just be cautious. We didnt get a replacement from them, coz i didn't find the quality of the maids good - of course they didn't give us back the agency fee..but i rather not have to deal with sending maids back

My current maid is a filipino and ex-singapore from another agency. Worked 2 years and went home for a break. So far ok, fingers crossed. I guess it's all about luck.

Good luck with the maid hunt!

Date: 20th Sep 10 MONDAY

Time: Dinner *TBC*

Venu: TBC

1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair

2) ueno

3) bam

4) shan

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB

7) Ange

8) jollymummy

9) naf

10) trismom

11) jewel




15) cin_bunny

16) flin

17) juv

18) Chris

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster


23) Newbiemom

Please put in how many pax.

my girl moves less these few days. only move about to 4-5 times a day. don know wat's going on with her..... is it bcos i'm too stressed and affect her emotion? going to take GRE and TOEFL tests next month, thesis due next month too. i'm really so stressful.. everytime when i think of i have no time to make headbands and buy her stuff, i feel like crying. last friday want to pack up my hospital bag, i realize i don have cap, mittens, socks for her yet. i only got a few old clothes for her. i got an urge to tell my boss, i don wan to study anymore... i wan to give up. wat a useless mum.

may i know when is the MTB gathering?

Re:lack of sleep

Yest nite, my tummy was so stretched until i have difficulty in breathing. I cant sit properly, even lying down also uncomfortable. I just cant find a comfortable position to sleep. have been tossing and turning the whole nite. now had a bad running nose..and terrible headache

Date: 20th Sep 10 MONDAY

Time: Dinner *TBC*

Venu: TBC

1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair

2) ueno

3) bam

4) shan

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB

7) Ange - 1 pax

8) jollymummy

9) naf

10) trismom

11) jewel




15) cin_bunny

16) flin

17) juv

18) Chris

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster


23) Newbiemom

Please put in how many pax.


Gd morn ladies,

Bb movement:

Bb used to stop moving when her daddy put his put on my tummy. But lately, she move ard so much that he not only can feel but also can see her moving in my tummy.

Nana: If your bb moved less, it's probably she dun have much space to move ard. Do the fetal count, as long got 10 times in a day then shld be ok. Try to find time to relax urself from study.


Slept at 12 plus last nite & woke up once to pee... feel like taking a nap now... *yawn*

