(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Date: 20th Sep 10 MONDAY

Time: Dinner *TBC*

Venu: TBC

1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair

2) ueno

3) bam

4) shan

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB

7) Ange - 1 pax

8) jollymummy

9) naf

10) trismom

11) jewel - 1 pax




15) cin_bunny

16) flin

17) juv

18) Chris

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster


23) Newbiemom

Please put in how many pax.


morning mummies,

I had very interrupted sleep last night too.....woke up feeling hot, so turned on aircone plus fan. then toilet, then throat dry adn itchy, so cough, then nose blocked, then cough again....then forced myself to come to work..I hope its not the start of the 3rd trimester cannot sleep well syndrome.... I cannot join the Mno night dinner too. Every mon is dinner with parents. you ladies enjoy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tmr is gynae visit. So excited to see my little girl and wonder how heavy she is now...She was only 591gm at week 24. Gynae said healthy size, not on big side. And my tummy is very compact looking.

She also tends to stay still when my husband puts his hand on my tummy even though she just moved a few seconds ago...

mummies - do u recently feel ur stomach very stretched? Mine was stretched quite badly last few days that i experience some pain near belly button area, i wonder if its normal. Its very hard at the belly button area.

Any one experience same thing?

Hi Dolliepollie, thanks for the effort to arrange this dinner for us all..

I think, to make things easier for Dolliepollie, why don't we include the preferred date so that she can collate and set a date that has the most turnups? As our edd is nearing, we do not have much time left (hohoho) so why don't we have this open-window period of 20-22 sept? If there's no objections, I'll kickstart with the list from here...

Date: 20th Sep 10 MONDAY

Time: Dinner *TBC*

Venu: TBC

1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair

2) ueno

3) bam

4) shan

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB

7) Ange - 1 pax (20th, 22nd)

8) jollymummy

9) naf

10) trismom

11) jewel




15) cin_bunny

16) flin

17) juv

18) Chris

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster


23) Newbiemom

Please put in how many pax and your preferred date (from 20th to 22nd Sept)

newbie mom, u mean insurance still refund u? Mine didnt refund me previously but i sent her bk aft 2 months.

My tummy recently kept tightenin like in 1 hr few times but yesterday abt several times in a day and backache. Hope bb guai guai stay till edd.

Nana, dun stress much. Me too haven buy much of bb stuff or went thru my boys stuff to c what can be used. Will probably start slowly aft thu.

Yest told my #2 tat meimei kickin, then he put his hands and talk to her. No response but he receive a kick at his mouth when he tried kissin my tummy. Funny. Usually bb will not move when we start to focus or ask someone else to feel. Apparently, they can feel pressure when we place hands on tummy. So one nite i told hubby to put his hands gentlely on my hands and she moved and seems vibrate inside. So cute n funny. Goin to miss all her movement once she is born.

Date: 20th Sep 10 MONDAY

Time: Dinner *TBC*

Venu: TBC

1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair

2) ueno

3) bam

4) shan

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB

7) Ange - 1 pax

8) jollymummy

9) naf

10) trismom

11) jewel - 1 pax




15) cin_bunny

16) flin

17) juv

18) Chris - 1 pax

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster


23) Newbiemom

Please put in how many pax.

Jewel & Chris, I guess you have updated the list before my 2nd updates.. I will put in 20th for you and should you be able to attend 21st and 22nd as well, appreciate if you could add it in so that it is easier for Dolliepollie to collate.

Date: 20th Sep 10 MONDAY

Time: Dinner *TBC*

Venu: TBC

1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair

2) ueno

3) bam

4) shan

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB

7) Ange - 1 pax (20th, 22nd)

8) jollymummy

9) naf

10) trismom

11) jewel - 1 pax (20th)




15) cin_bunny

16) flin

17) juv

18) Chris - 1 pax (20th)

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster


23) Newbiemom

Please put in how many pax and your preferred date (from 20th to 22nd Sept)

morning to all,

yes this week only need to work 4 days as fri is a holiday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and today is my start of wk32= 8 mths!

yes finally into my 8th month preggy liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and last night dreamt of my bb born liao.

happy but also scare cos it means she is born pre-mature. wonder how's the bb survival rate is she is born at wk32?

my tummy also feel tighter nowadays, sometimes feel pain when i sit for too long...

and i started to feel more tired nowadays...hope nothing to do with my diabetic..(hope not getting worse) how abt u gals, do u gals feel more tired in T3??

Tummy stretch:

My tummy is also vry stretched...sometimes I really feel tat it is gonna burst. Ya, pain at the belly button area too.

Life after BB birth:

I m equally looking forward to the birth of bb but I m also unsure of the changes and my hubby n I will b able to adjust to them. All I can hope is “when the boat reaches the bridge, it will b straight”

seem like alot of mummy cant sleep well too... yah i just cant seem to find the prefect position... and the whole nite i have been penging satay sob sob hope this will not go on for the 3rd trim ...

i'm going for my gynae visit and glucose test tomolo...wish me luck with test... hopefully BB is big because of gene not diabetic...

think i can start buying stuff already... hehehe

Re: BB Movement

For my case, maybe hb loves talking and nagging in the car.. Hence bb can recognise the daddy's voice.. Everytime she moves, ask hb to feel her.. She will moves and 'show' him.. Yday just mentioned to hb that maybe he loves to nag so bb can recognise him.. Oops.. Maybe those who wants the daddy to feel the movement, ask hb to talk to bb more often.. When times to come, bb will move when hb hands are on yr tummy..

However come to my colleague, she is also 'pretending'.. Only managed to catch a glimpse of some light movements from my tummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Date: 20th Sep 10 MONDAY

Time: Dinner *TBC*

Venu: TBC

1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair (20th to 22nd Sept)

2) ueno

3) bam

4) shan

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB

7) Ange - 1 pax (20th, 22nd)

8) jollymummy

9) naf

10) trismom

11) jewel - 1 pax (20th)




15) cin_bunny

16) flin

17) juv

18) Chris - 1 pax (20th)

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster


23) Newbiemom

Please put in how many pax and your preferred date (from 20th to 22nd Sept)

**wahahaha.. thanks ange for the updates.

Ange: thks, Im fine to leave the date as it is.

Irene: Bbs passed 32 wks have high chances of survival so dun worry. ppl told me in Trim 3, some bbs are catching up on wt, so the uterus & tummy will feel a bit more stretch than in Trim 2. This is also the time for stretch mark to appear.

Trim 3 sure more tired one.. cos the wt we r carrying now is heavier, we feel breathless easily also as organs like lungs are making space for bigger bb. So lazy now, Im either sitting down or laying down, dun like to walk much .. :p

PTB: gd luck for your OGTT.

hammiebao, me too. feel e pain near my v. den i will ask baby to move up, cos i can hardly see her movement. n its painful. she usually will respond to that, movin herself to the corner. maybe u can try.

whim, hahha..ofcos i knw u're not goin to tie those strings la. hahha ;p

jollymummy, ya she did. maybe she depend on the tempreture of my palm ba.

Life after birth,

im worried n excited abt this. cos bein FTM, dunno what to expect. but hubby doesnt seems to be too much bother. haa! think am too kan cheong.

Irene> if i'mt not wrong, once bb has passed wk26 has high chances of survival. as for wk32, which's 5wks earlier than full term (37wks), bb breathing organs are not fully functionable (as in they do not know how to breathe), so even born wk32 is safe, just that the bb will be put in incuberator for maybe 1mth to help them breathe?

i know cause my SIL has spotting around wk33, so that's what gynae advise her, lie on bed do not move too much, keep the bb longer in the tummy cos if bb born now do not know how to breathe.

This week also my 32weeks, i bringing fwd my gynae appt to this afternoon since i got this pain at belly button area as and when, better ask wats wrong and let her do some checks.

2nd/3rd time mummies,

wana ask those who had breast pumps, are you all gonna buy new parts such as the membranes, valves,breast shields, bottles? I stopped using the breast pump in feb this year..should i get new parts? necessary?


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb.

i've alr delivered my bb gal, looking to clear the following items. hope mtbs will find them of interest!

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are

described to the best of my knowledge.

items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs, items once SOLD

will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls PM or SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. calls from unknown

nos. will not be entertained.

thank u!!

hello ladies...

Ytr i dreamt tat my #2 is out lioa ..hee then dunno why i sotong, din feed him BM at all, he's on FM... haaa

silly dreams...

Dollie & all, thanks for planning the makan session .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Date: 20th Sep 10 MONDAY

Time: Dinner *TBC*

Venu: TBC

1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair (20th to 22nd Sept)

2) ueno

3) bam

4) shan - 1pax , maybe #1boy ( 20th - 22nd)

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB

7) Ange - 1 pax (20th, 22nd)

8) jollymummy

9) naf

10) trismom

11) jewel - 1 pax (20th)




15) cin_bunny

16) flin

17) juv

18) Chris - 1 pax (20th)

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster


23) Newbiemom

Please put in how many pax and your preferred date (from 20th to 22nd Sept)

dollie hvnt decide which restuarant hor?

Coz i wanna consider , if my 3+yrs boy need to pay.. maybe nt brining him ..see how :p

Clover, this lunchie on Sat on eh.. good good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PTB7476: good luck to ur glucose test [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oic. so bb born at wk32 should be good, but of cos better to hang on till at least wk37-38 so bb can breath on own, w/o the need to stay in incubator. tks for assurance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i heard that FTB usually will give birth earlier than edd rite??

Koori_Kaylen: hope everything ok, and the pain is caused by bb pressing on our ligaments only...nowadays i on n off also feel pain here n there around tummy area. sometimes below belly button, sometimes at side..

Irene> is FTB first time bb? Usually 2nd time or more bb comes out earlier than EDD, not 1st time. My sis gave birth to her first bb 1mth earlier in the past, which's wk36, bb also can discharge, no need put incuberator. So i thk usually fr wk36 quite safe, fr wk32, bb might b smaller etc thus need to monitor in hosp, but should be safe, don't worry too much. we must pray hard all our bb full term!

Nana, don't stress urself!! Still have time to buy what u mentioned.. Just take 1 day out of ur busy schedule and go buy everything in 1 shot!! Then u can have a peace of mind to continue with ur work.. Hairband don't need to make now lah.. After birth everyday at home can make.. Cheer up k!!

Talking to baby,

Yesterday I read an article that now we can talk to baby about anything, like eg if we going to eat apple, we can ask if baby wanna eat apple and ask baby to kick to response.. If it kick back then just say something like "ok now mummy will eat apple with baby" sounds abit funny but the article says talking to baby more helps to develop baby's right brain..

Hammie >> Wat if baby nvr kick, so we can't eat apple? Or cn we tell bb, "U don't wan2 eat, mummy wan2 eat." Keke..:p

Dreaming of Bb:

I also dreamt of BB the nite after gynae's visit. As I was told to control my diet, cos BB is abit big, 1.59kg @ 29.5wk, and I put on almost 12kg. In the dream I was beating my BB! Cos he causes mummy to worry n can't take anymore bubble tea. :p Feel so guilty whn I wake up. I tld my hubby, thn he laughs until tears cm out.

Date: 20th Sep 10 MONDAY

Time: Dinner *TBC*

Venu: TBC

1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair (20th to 22nd Sept)

2) ueno

3) bam

4) shan - 1pax , maybe #1boy ( 20th - 22nd)

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB

7) Ange - 1 pax (20th, 22nd)

8) jollymummy

9) naf

10) trismom

11) jewel - 1 pax (20th)




15) cin_bunny

16) flin

17) juv - 1 pax (20th to 22nd)

18) Chris - 1 pax (20th)

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster


23) Newbiemom

Please put in how many pax and your preferred date (from 20th to 22nd Sept)

chris: u so funny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dreaming of BB:

Few weeks ago i oso dreamt of bb popping out, in the dream i felt so scare and tell hb how come bb pop out so early? Next morning told hb abt the dream, he said i think too much liao lah..hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Date: 20th Sep 10 MONDAY

Time: Dinner *TBC*

Venu: TBC

1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair (20th to 22nd Sept)

2) ueno

3) bam - 1 pax (21st / 22nd Sept)

4) shan - 1pax , maybe #1boy ( 20th - 22nd)

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB

7) Ange - 1 pax (20th, 22nd)

8) jollymummy

9) naf

10) trismom

11) jewel - 1 pax (20th)




15) cin_bunny

16) flin

17) juv - 1 pax (20th to 22nd)

18) Chris - 1 pax (20th)

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster


23) Newbiemom

Please put in how many pax and your preferred date (from 20th to 22nd Sept)

dreaming of bb:

haaa...i much worse...i dreamt of bb popping few months back think around wk20-22 time, that bb coming out then..and in the dream the CL ran away the next day cos bb too small, she don't know how to take care!

hammiebao: maybe your baby is "burrowing" low like mine...keke...don't worry...it's ok if there are no pains or what...

talking to baby

i didn't know about the right brain thingy but i sure am a fan of talking to baby...(blogged about it even...http://www.mypregnancybabydiary.com) hee...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but of course i only do that when i am alone or at home...or else outside ppl might tink i am mad muttering to myself...haha...

i usually start the day by telling my baby good morning the moment i wake up...at times i pretend to ask her are you hungry? mummy going to eat breakfast/lunch...then when i snack i will say "shall we have some b&j's ice cream darling?" hahaha...i really enjoy this bonding process...cos' now baby is mine and mine alone...next time i gotta share her attention with so many other ppl wor..haha...

i tink she does respond to me quite well...cos' sometimes i will call her name and ask "what are you doing ger ger?" if i feel that she has been quite quiet...and she will move and nudge me back...its really a very amazing feeling...hee...well just say what comes to your mind whenever you feel like talking...no worries about your baby laughing at you what...my DH also tells our girl that he is leaving for work every morning and she seems to be able to hear too cos' she will start moving...hee...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

koori: i also had a day when i had a very painful belly button...even touching it lightly was awful...but it did go away...our skin is still stretching to accomodate baby's growth spurt in the last trimester...even now at 31 weeks...i can still feel my belly expanding and ballooning...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies: what are your waistlines now?? i am considered petite but already 40.5"...wow...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

irene: i tink we have very close EDD..but i still hope to be nov mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...are you feeling more tightening? i am experiencing tummy tightening really often these two days...maybe 6-8 times a day...each last about 10 seconds...and i feel breathless when that happens...i wonder if that is so-called braxton hicks?

enmummy, hahah.. same as me!! ive interact w baby since she is 3mths? everyday talk to her. the good morning n eating time. smetimes when she sudd kick, i will ack her n say, "yes baby.. mommy know u're here" den she will move more, as tho she's express her joy to me.

baby dreams,

ive haven dream of my poppin yet. but hubby did..n he got a habit of talk in his sleep. so his reaction was pretty funny when he dream of baby, he kept saying "wow... wow!! wah!!!!!"

mrs lee: are you having a baby girl as well? tink our babies already know how to "manja" with us in the tummies...hahaha...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its such a warm feeling huh...

i laughed when you described your hubby's reaction to his dreams...haha...so funny...

baby movements

my DH usually places his ear lightly on my tummy and talk to baby instead of placing his hands...and sometimes our little girl will squirm and punch him in the face...hahaha...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its really an intimate moment...we are very excited to find how she will respond to both of us when she is out...hope these utero baby talk comes in handy...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummywong10: oops typo, i mean FTM= first time mum usually have a earlier birth than edd??

ya hope all our bb comes out at least after wk38 onwards. jia you to all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha...think as we get closer to our edd, we will all dream more of bb popping out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maybe our bb also dreaming of cun wait to pop out soon to see the world outside! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

enmummy: oh when ur edd? early nov i suppose. my edd is 1nov.

but think likely i'll end up in oct mum..somehow think i will pop earlier than edd...

yup im feeling tummy getting really tight nowadays..

but not really tightening till breathless but sometimes feel a bit pain when standing up from sitting position or walking...

irene> i thk FTM usually do not have such an early EDD, think about 1wk earlier is common? But nevertheless all pregnancies are different, it's better to be prepared from wk36?

hi mummies!

another outing! i cannot make it leh..sigh...weeknights too rushed..

re: tummy tightening and belly button,

so odd tt u guys are talking about it here! my belly button sank down this morning..so my #1 actually said "mama, baby grow smaller!" but then now its strecthing and popping so much its aching!

re: bb movements,

my girl moves a lot, except when i ask daddy to touch my belly too! see her mood but i know when hubby talked to her previous and she kicked, he was super happy!;)


aww..poor thing..do try to relax..it may be easier to just buy stuff online since ur so busy? just breathe and take things one at a time! i've been doing that, i find the seller "querida" on the BP forum quite good, and her stuff is nice too..

Earlier or later than EDD..

My friend's first baby came out 1 week later than her EDD.. I think it all depends on individual..

im a FTM..n my gynae told mi tht i mite be due end oct/ early nov..so it really depends..seems like size of bb is also a factor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so better prep by 36th week?


week 36, that includes to pack the delivery bag??

enmummy, haha.. his dream. i heard what he said, but duno what isit that is so 'exciting' that he kept shoutin. so when i ask him what he dreamt last nite. he explain, it was damn funny. cos he usually dream abt work.

icic...ya better to prep by wk36 then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

has started to pack the delivery bag yday liao..but not all things in yet...still need to buy.

My fren also gave birth early, @ 35 weeks bt e bb discharged together w e mummy and looked healthy at time of birth. I thk anytime after 34 weeks is safe for labour. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whitecookies, any time b4 37 wks is considered premature. Premmies are allowed to discharge if they are healthy n above 2kg.

A friend gave birth today n ended up emergency c sect coz her water bag burst n she had a c sect scheduled tml. Delivery, never go as planned!

Date: 20th Sep 10 MONDAY

Time: Dinner *TBC*

Venu: TBC

1) dolliepollie + hb + bbDarius = 2Adult 1BabyChair (20th to 22nd Sept)

2) ueno - 1pax (20th)

3) bam

4) shan - 1pax , maybe #1boy ( 20th - 22nd)

5) Hammie

6) orangeBB

7) Ange - 1 pax (20th, 22nd)

8) jollymummy

9) naf

10) trismom

11) jewel - 1 pax (20th)




15) cin_bunny

16) flin

17) juv - 1 pax (20th to 22nd)

18) Chris - 1 pax (20th)

19) clover

20) Bluesoda

21) Cookiemonster


23) Newbiemom

Please put in how many pax and your preferred date (from 20th to 22nd Sept)

nana, hang in there! I know it's not easy... what abt postponing the GRE and TOEFL? Coz I know those exams come fairly often, u can always reschedule if possible (may have to incur some admin cost coz u're rescheduling but it's better than stressing and not doing well and going to retake). Try and remove some deadlines if u can.

Really, no need to worry and compare what you've bought with other moms... Some moms are super prepared, some moms are more relaxed. I don't have a lot of stuff also (and I'm a FTMTB also). Worst comes to worst, just buy things at the hospital shops, pay more only! Or better yet, get the SO to buy everything.

If u want, I can teach u how to order items online via Amazon and how to send them back to Singapore... am ordering Amazon items v soon myself. Agree that online shopping is more convenient (and a lot of the times, prices are better than in SG). If u have a lot to buy, I'll suggest that u just buy from Amazon instead of individual sprees/BPs coz that way, you only have to think abt 1 parcel coming in the mail for u. No need to worry abt whether when this seller is sending things to u, what abt the other seller, how to meet up with ppl, where to check registered mail of 3 parcels.

irene: my EDD is 3 nov...there is a possibility that i will become oct mum too...but i really hope baby can be a nov baby like hubby..it will make him very happy..haha..i like 1 nov and 3 nov dates leh...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whim: do you ship amazon stuff through vpost? do they accept singapore credit cards?


starting to kancheong a bit cos' i am approaching 32 weeks...its true anything can happen within the next few weeks so i am asking baby to be guai guai give mummy some more time...haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...i even scheduled to go for the pigeon seminar at my 36th week...

haven pack my hospital bag yet...hope to wrap up most of the cleaning and preparation of baby stuff...told DH cannot nuah anymore liao...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Naf: Yup, we got a refund on the insurance. Apparently if the maid hasn't worked for 3 months, the employer is entitled to a refund. Perhaps it varies across the agencies and insurance policy purchased.

enmummy, have bought stuff from amazon using vpost as well as other companies. There's quite a few companies who offer the same service as vpost.

Not too sure on ur question, but both amazon and vpost will accept singapore credit cards. But coz amazon has many different stores, some of them may not accept Singapore credit cards. U might have to use the concierge service from vpost if that's the case.

ashgray, dun worry, I've been checking out the hello kitty status on Marks & Spencer. But it's true that I still dun see it so far....

But remember in my email, I told u my own cut-off date is 17 Sep for all online shopping, rite? So will let u know by then.... I also dun want to order things too late, wat if I have to 'waddle' to the post office?

thanks whim for the advice...i am keen on amazon stuff...but maybe after my girl is out...hee...now gotta prepare for her arrival first...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will ask you again...

btw have you bought stuff from old navy or gymboree before?


Water Bag Breaking:

Hi mummies, although I'm a second-time mum, I'm feeling like a first-time mum when it comes to natural birth, as I had my #1 via c-sect after an unsuccessful try at natural birth.

My water bag broke in hospital after 1st induction when nurse inserted pill to soften cervix when I was admitted to hospital for induction. Lots of amniotic fluid gushed out onto the hospital bed when my water bag broke.

Wherever I looked, it's the water all around me! But hospital bed mattress is protected because they have a huge piece of waterproof sheeting under the bedsheet.

Current gynae said water bag breaking might or might not be attributed to the insertion of pill.

Mummies whose water bag broke naturally, where did it happen? Was it at home or outside when your water bag broke??

I'm asking because I'm afraid my water bag would break when I'm sleeping on my bed in the middle of the night, and my mattress would be flooded by the amniotic fluid.

I've heard of stories where mattresses were ruined because amniotic fluid soaked through the mattress when water bag broke.

Other versions I heard were water breaking when the pregnant mummy was dining in a posh restaurant.

I don't know if I'm mad but I'm thinking of wearing adult diapers near due date when sleeping?!?! My hubby is thinking if his wife has turned "cuckoo".

Also thought of using the absorbent sheet to be placed under the backside but wonder if it can absorb gushing amniotic fluid.

Some mummies won't have this problem because when their water bags broke, only trickles of water came out, slowly, or gynae broke their water bags in hospitals.

Experienced mummies, do you have any tips to this problem? Any advice is welcome!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

