(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Irene - Haha, hopefully I'll be in that range too. When I went to see my gynae on 30th, my total weight gain so far was 2.7kg. Heard that there will be lots of weight gain during T3. Scary~

Re: cloth diapers

I also thinking of using, to save $ and save the earth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But don't how long I'll be able to last after my CL goes off and I'll have to wash everything myself. =X

Hi mummies!

have you been to the robinsons expo sale?

i bought quite abit of stuff there:

1) mattress cover for bb play pen (shears)

2) nail clipper set for bb @ $5

3) comb set for bb @ $4

4) bb pyjamas (so cute) @ $10.90

5) front button pyjamas for bb delivery stay at TMC fr Felancy @ $12 each

6)johnsons & johnsons wet wipes, 3 packs @ $10.95

7)johnsons & johnsons bb shampoo @$6.95

some items were cheaper than at Kiddy Palace, so i tink its worth takin a look if you stay in the east side?

bought some other non bb related stuff, had fun shopping there!

also visited toyogo warehouse at toa payaoh, bought a 5-tier drawer for bb! so now all bb stuff all packed into the drawers alr! the nursery is starting to form up heehee..

whitecookies, do you know how long the Baby Kingdom 20% sale for Avent be until? any sale for bb cot? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anywhere else in spore having sale on bb stuff?

dear bam,

can you kindly update my details on the table also? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


gynae: dr geraldine tan

gender of bb: boy

EDD 7 Nov 2010

1 upcoming

thank you so much!!!

hi all im due in nov this year too, just did my detailed scan and so far so good, abit worried beforehand becos i belong to high risk group

can i also update there

my details :

hospital TMC

gynae Dr Caroline Khi

gender of bb: boy

EDD 11 Nov 2010

1+1 upcoming

thank you

juv 06> I heard of a friend's friend bb also had cyst in brain and likewise the gynae said is common and not to worry. Maybe u can try to google on it or see if other thread forum have such topic? since is common, don't worry so much k.

mummywong - I don't know whether i shld go for another detail scan a not, if not how i know whether the cyst really disappear a not rite..maybe will ask my gynae abt it. Anyway tks, will try to google on it.

Thanks ueno! I will stop using Listerine now.

pibymummy - can you let me know the add of Toyogo warehouse in Toa Payoh? i like to get the drawers too. How much do you pay for it?

And also when is the Robinson Expo sale end?

juv06> no she hvnt gave birth, but so far nvr hear my frn say anything about her so i think should be ok..i think maybe u can try to google or find other forum thread have this topic or not before seeking another opinion. If this case is normal, I believe u can find oth thread on it.

Hi mummies,

just to update that I'm expecting a girl.

I'm going for my pre natal massage next week. Been looking forward to it. This lady does pre and post massages. Interested do pm me. She is good and relieve my aches [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ehhh... I've been trying to post online since Wed! Everytime I cannot get in except for now. Did anyone else have this problem? Could it be that my place is a Bermuda Triangle?

Okay, first things first.

Jollymummy, appreciate the advice not to eat too much instant noodles, but I love instant noodles. Used to eat 1 packet per week in my teens, but of coz cut down a lot as I got older. Think it runs in the family, my grandma loves eating peanuts with MSG.

hammiebao, is the bouncer you're mentioning this type? I is first time mom [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mrs Lee:

Oh yes, already told my lil girl some time ago that she's gonna be jiejie soon, as she accompanies me on my gynae visits.

When gynae confirmed a few wks ago I'm expecting a girl, we told her she will have a meimei soon.

I also told her where meimei is, pointed to tummy. When I ask her where meimei is, she will point to my tummy.

But sometimes she will point to my chest, haha! When my hubby ask her to kiss meimei, she will kiss tummy.

Not sure if she really understands or not....

Actually b4 I got preggie, I bought a toddler boardbook that talks abt waiting for birth of new sibling.

Only intended to read to her when tummy becomes more obvious. If not, she probably won't see the link. =)

The gift giving idea sounds really good! Will explore this with hubby. Thanks! =)


Hehe, actually I like salty food too, such as ikan bilis, salted fish. My hubby calls me salt queen.

Somehow I got kinda worried abt my kidneys, so cut down a bit.

Then when my #1 was learning to take table food, had to cut down on salt/msg drastically, so now eating much less salt.

When we dine out, we can tell if the food has too much salt/msg, bec we will come home feeling very thirsty, like drink 2 glasses of water also not enough.

But I still like potato chips!! Just trying hard to control and not eat so much. I share the chips with hubby so don't feel so guilty. ;p

See ya tmr!

Angel, i feel the same too, worried that I'll do the wrong things, esp when I have no one to guide me. I just hope that both my hubby and I will be able to cope.

Jovialz, I also tot so.... but I went to check the archive, some ladies can post, so I tot it was only me. Btw, I updated the nov mummies table, but I couldn't find you in the original table. Are you inside the table that Bam posted?

Bam, u got mail! Have problems posting the table, can check your email for my email?

Jollymummy, I also love salty stuff and did eat a lot in T1. But then one day, I suddenly realised that my cellulite (back of my thighs) is much worse and tot it's probably due to my salt intake. Immediately, I reduced it and it's better.

Jolyn, someone recommended this lady for postnatal massage to me (not thr the forum). But I also don't know to trust her or not. Do you think if the lady can do a good job for prenatal massage that would mean that she can do a good job for postnatal massage?

Hammiebao, if you want to bulk order for stroller, there are somethings to consider. I'm assuming you're thinking of bulk ordering/spreeing for strollers and they are likely to come from overseas e.g. USA, etc.

- sprees/ any parcel coming into Singapore, if the declared value inside the parcel plus the cost of shipping is more than SGD$400, you will need to pay GST for the whole parcel. So any savings from buying overseas must be more than the GST that you will end up paying.

- not sure which stroller/store you're looking at. But let's use Amazon as an example. If your stroller cost USD$100 (sold by Amazon) and you combine with another mummy (who buys exactly the same stroller), and both ship back to Singapore (to split the int'l shipping cost), you may have to pay GST on both strollers [depending on the exchange rate that Customs is using].

*I do a lot of online shopping and have bulk order for my frens before, have incurred GST before, that's why I dun mind sharing this info with you.

Angel, cloth diapers. I was thinking it's a good idea (in theory) but I dun think I want to be the one to wash the diaper... so back to the drawing board.

Sizing of maternity wear.....

Ok, I've tried to figure out the best way to do this and my conclusion is that if you're taking the Sat pre-natal pilates at Inspire Mum (Jollymummy, Jewel, Nana etc), I can bring the clothes from Ailian (Yahoo Tw) vs Spring Maternity (Singapore) vs USA target and show you all tomorrow before or after class.

Hi all,forum is up at last!!!!! Congrats for those who know baby gender.

prenatal: my doc say can start now. in fact I went for one 2weeks ago...Moreover I told him I am going Phuket in 2 weeks time and will want to do prenatal massage and swimming. He say ok. My doc is funny.He then turn ard to the nurse, and say I am going skinny dipping. LOL!

weight gain: few of ur weight gain is little. envy! I gained 5.5kg now I think 6kg.... N I think it's mostly concentrated in tummy area.I've got a huge tummy. Both my doctor and sonographer was commenting abt it....=S

salt intake: try to reduce to prevent water retention. Heard it may also cause feet size increased. N hope it wont be permanent. For mummies who preg b4,is it true?


for stroller bulk purchase, actually I was thinking maybe a few of us buy from Tai Seng (combi distributor) or babykingdom together and see if they can order better price, not thinking of ordering online..

weight gain,

Till now my weight only gain about 3kg since preg but these 2 days I can feel that I get hungry very easily.. (in fact I'm super hungry while typing this!) hope I don't gain too much weight..

Prenatal Massage,

I would like to go for pre-natal massage but am not sure which is good and value for money.

OrangeBB, I also gained abt 5 kg since the pregnancy, none is showing at the tummy though. The weight must be all coming to me, hya, so sad.

hammiebao, oh, I didn't know you intended for a combi distributor. Didn't even know abt the Singaporean combi distributor/babykingdom.

I on! I can email/call both of them next week to see how much we must spend as a group before we get a discount. Will update here.

But I remember seeing some mommies here who want to buy breast pumps from USA. Is that still ongoing?

The prenatal/postnatal massage that someone recommended to me is body work clinic, not too sure abt the cost now, but she told me she paid $800 for 10 sessions in 2009 for postnatal.

How much are u ladies paying on average for per session of postnatal massage? I don't mind paying $80 if it's assured and that they can get all the wind/detox my body, but if the market rate is $30, then I'll ^_^

novembaby: it must be spreaded. i think mine too. just that tummy is super obvious...

prenatal yoga: have to skip first lesson yoga today coz need to be at home... haiz... see u gers next week... anyway I needed to buy a top, my tum tum so big I cant fit my shirt anymore without looking like 6mths or 7th month pregnant


I will be ordering Medela breast pump from Tan Leng Leng, u can find her easily in the spree thread, my friend also got it from her.

Postnatal massage,

My friend will be making appt for me with the massage lady she used, it's $50 per session, don't know is she very good cos my friend didn't try out other massage lady

orangebb, i hv some water retention in the last stage of my last preg. My feet size went up 1 size never came down. Hope it dun go up again this time. I'm already having a hard time looking for shoes. Like timberland dun carry lady shoes my size n i hv to buy man size..

Wt gain

i havent gained any wt so far. For no.1, i gained 13kg n this time i aim to keep it under 8kg. Nobody can tell i'm preg, unless i tell them, coz they think i'm juz fat. =)

I got a new medela freestyle breast pump from BP instead. At least BP quote nett price in Singapore dollar (include shipping to Singapore). I'd got from kgal and self collect from Seng kang. It was $475.

Hey ladies.. Finally in.. Heee...

When u ladies are ordering the medela , que me k..

Yup might b gettg from tan leng leng, she hv pretty gd reputation in the bp thread eh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

angel, yup had my detailed scan last wed..

din wait for long to my surprise.. Within 1 hr done..

Ya for sure, boy boy again... Everytin is gd, measuring at 370g nw..

Had our first yoga session today... Wah my calf is aching haa.. So sleepy...

Good to c u ladies... Din hv much chance to chat though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Just went for my detail scan today.. Everything went well and normal.. Princess weighs 321g ;) and i have put on a total weight of 5.7kg.. In fact the previous month, i was only weighing 53.7kg, had put on 4kg in a month's time! Gynae ask me to watch my diet though, reduce the intake of starchy stuff.. Duhz~~

Ya btw i have check with gynae on the usage of listerine mouth wash.. It wasnt very encouraging so hence mummies who are using is better to stop using ya.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will be trying out a prenatal massage tmrw morning. ML is charging me $50/60mins, also reco by my sis's friend.. If she is gd, i will consider her for my postnatal massage as well..

Have check with gynae and she says it's ok to start with prenatal massage now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: prenatal yoga

Entire body is super aching now. Will probably ache more tomorrow. Keke.. but it was good exercise, since I had been lounging on the couch since preggie. Great to see you ladies!

SPRING Maternity $10 Vouchers (2 pieces)

2 Vouchers of $10 to let go together at the price of 1.

1 Voucher with no expiry date, 1 voucher with expiry date of Oct'2010

Voucher condition: Minimum purchase of $20 to make use of the voucher

Additional perk: Receive free set of baby mitten and bootie with any purchase of $10 at SPRING in single voucher

Accept direct bank deposit, item to be mailed to your home address.

Contact [email protected]


Re buying from DFS airport: There is no price difference between arrival and departure hall except that when you leave the country for more than 3 days, and if you buy from departure hall, there will be no GST charges. Any trip less than 3 days, no price difference between arr and dept hall. You can still buy your stuffs before you depart, they will sealed them up and you can choose to bring along or collect at either arr or dept hall when you come back.

Jewel: I'm doing javanese massage, really love it. Even when I'm not preg and when I visit spas, I'll ask for javanese massage. Yes, very good for clearing wind and water retention. Batam, Bintan, Bali- all tried before, so far I always enjoy the massage sessions in these places. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PTB: Gynae's machine can weigh the approximate weight of baby. Usually, gynae can tell also whether your baby belongs to which percentile-big or small baby.

Jolyn: I already started pre-natal massage at 17 weeks- 4 months is ok to start.

To Pibymummy, i asked the sales but she said she doesn't know. So if you go this weekend, you should still catch the sale. They are also selling Pigeon bundle pack at less than $200. No sale for playpens and cots, not that i know of. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Strawberry: I have a 23m girl and she weighs 13.4 kg now! I look after her myself with no helper, I only have a domestice cleaner to come by to clean the house 2xs a week; we just maintain the place on the other days- I'll use magic mop to go round the house daily.

As for kid, I pulled her out from enrichment class during T1 cos I really felt tired and was spotting then. I do simple activities with her at home and we visit parks a lot. your kid is still young so may want you to carry more than mine. Also, yours will be more clingy at this time. You can still tell your kid in simple words about the new arrival, he may or may not get it but eventually will. My kid will cheekily ask me to carry, I'll go "huh?" She is very amused by my tone and she'll laugh and be distracted. I'll just give her a hug and reinforced, "mummy is tired, let's just march together"! Most of the time, she is ok, the only times not ok were when she was half asleep or really tired already. For that, I'll carry her even without her asking. When I carry, I put her at my side do she doesn't sit on my tummy. All these happened only when we reached our car park so I only have to carry her for a short distance. At parks or shopping malls, she'll be in stroller; I do allow her to come out of stroller to walk- she is trained, when I say "back to stroller time", she'll cooperate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also have aches on my right side but it's on the tummy area. I think mine is due to the positioning of the baby. The problem is rectified when I stand up. I'm starting pilates soon, that will help in reducing aches.

BTW, anyone will be trying out aqua aerobics? I realized they have it at inspire mum too.

Jollymum, whim: You don't have to feel bad, I'm a fan of instant noodles also, I can eat them everyday! I'm also a salt queen- literally can tell people, "I eat salt more than you eat rice"! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I exercised a lot so was not a problem. Now I try to limit. Ever since my #1 started solids, I stopped using salt to cook. She eats no salt or seasoned with herbs food- I also eat the same. Of course, I'll add a little salt if I think it's too tasteless!

Bluesoda: Toyogo has a website. Go look at the products first and see which one you want to buy. Model numbers and Sizes are clearly stated for each product, so measure your space before you buy, so when you get there you don't have to fret about whether it fits your space. Address is also on the web. Happy browsing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hammiebao: If I'm not wrong, bulk order for strollers won't get much discounts. Also, you check with them which year is the stroller made. The discounted ones are usually the older models or previous years models. Some models may also be out of makes already, so check with them in case you need to buy add ons and they don't carry them anymore.

Re Clarins oil: I'm using it. Yes, use when wet better. I apply then I go swim. Really good! No stretch marks from #1 even though I put on super lots of weight! Phew! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Diana: your boy is tolilet trained? How long did you take to train him? Did you wait for his cue for readiness or you started anyway? Was it tough? Care to share? my girl seems to be ready but I'm not sure. She does understand the vocab of "wee" and "poo" but not sure if she'll be able to implement it. Scratching head now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PTB7476: i saw my gynae measured the bb weight during the normal scanning.

Mrs Lee: tks for the link to babycenter on weight gain info..its pretty useful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: listerine

oh din know not good to use esp for preggy ladies. i have been using it everyday last mth due to gum bleeding.. better stop using it now..

angel: wah so good, u only gained 2.7kg so far..i have already gained 4kg liao and i definitely look preggy now..many commented my tummy getting pretty big. almost half way to my goal of not more than max 10kg till give birth..ya its true that weight gain a lot during T3...hope i dun overshot by then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

klite: congrats and welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shan/jolyn: congrats on the good detail scan results [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all

im back from my aust trip liao.. been so tiring... but ;my #1 seems to enjoy it a lot... so no regrets [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm... so far seems like my bb gal's wt is lightest oni 304gm wen i did the F scan tat day. but it also depends on wen u did the F scan rite cos i did it exactly on 20wks 0 day. wen i did my F scan for my #1 on 22 wks, he is already 500gm den. im abit worried that my #2 is undersized cos i dun seems to b able to eat alot... so far my wt gain abt 3 kg.

but n again since she is a ger i better hope she dun hv much of the fat genes frm us. cos both my hb n me r of bigger size. my #1 is 36mths now n weighs 20kgs n 105cm tall now. he looks like a 4 yr old boi

Hi, Jo.

Aqua aerobics. KKH offers a aquafitness class which is meant for pregnant ladies & conducted by a physiotherapist (4 sessions within 1 month). I signed up for the one starting in Sep (so end date is early Oct). KKH holds them every month, so you can always sign up if you're interested

Hammiebao, I went to see Tan Leng Leng's spree thread. Are you talking abt this spree thread for the breast pump?


Dear Ladies,

Can I check with those who used confinement ladies before, if the amount you paid includes the MOM levy ($168) and angpows?

I requested for quotations from some CL companies, and their charges of around $2k exclude the levy ang angpows. So now wondering if it's cheaper to get those freelance CLs.

Angel think agency wld wan u to pay levy to mom cos they r operating a biz whereas nobody pay levy for freelancer. Angpaos shld be excluded cos the amt to give dep on each individual. Actually agency price n freelance one is almost the same... +/- 2000. Agency CL earn less cos they go thru middle man which is the agency, Freelance takes everything. My fren paid abt 2k for an agency CL, now she is complaining

abt her. But then again, it's pretty late to look for gd CL now cos gd ones hav already been taken up by now.

Angel think agency wld wan u to pay levy to mom cos they r operating a biz whereas nobody pay levy for freelancer. Angpaos shld be excluded cos the amt to give dep on each individual. Actually agency price n freelance one is almost the same... +/- 2000. Agency CL earn less cos they go thru middle man which is the agency, Freelance takes everything. My fren paid abt 2k for an agency CL, now she is complaining

abt her. But then again, it's pretty late to look for gd CL now cos gd ones hav already been taken up by now.

Jewel - Yah loh. All 3 agencies that I requested for quotes from were around $2k + $168 for levy + angpows. That's why wana ask around if we need to pay levy for freelance anot loh. If freelances pay their own levies or they don't pay, we'll save that $168 mah.

I read in agency websites that freelances who get caught w/out work permits, the employers (aka: us) will get fined. Duno how true, that's why wana ask around loh.


Angel: then freelance shld be cheaper ba.... Difference of the levy fee. If u r worried abt legal issues then get a PR freelancer ba.

