(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Bam, thanks for updating the chart;-) These few days smh down, thus no chance to update.

I am talking about the new type of cloth diaper, not a lot of washing compare to traditional cloth diaper. Something to share with all.


can refer to www.happyheinys.com for more information.

Singapore has other brand like www.bumwear.com, but it is slightly pricy but good for investment for long term, especially if 1st kid now.

1 time only put 1 insert. can last for 2-3 wettings, unlike the traditional cloth diaper can last only 1 wetting. But if poo, no choice got to wash lor. It is one size and can last till baby toilet train. Good for baby bum and will prevent diaper rash. Currently my girl 19 months using this. Something to share with all, as I am green mummy ;-)


Jo, Diana.. back to the topic of cordblood. we cant stall the cordblood in SCBB isit? Cos SCBB looks like its where u can donate the blood but not store them.

Dear everyone, been lost for awhile so busy at work..

I had gone for my detailed scan and found out I am having 2 boys.. Yeah!

The babies are really active and playing with each other.

They are most likely fraternal with their own sacs and placenta separated by a thin membrane. But still gotto verify that with a DNA test once they pop.

I consulted one of my frends who has twins and she advised me to buy Mendela Freestyle but I saw UA sq mums and babes selling at 800 plus. My last 2 kds I use Avent manual pump works well for single baby but think twins I beta buy an electric one... Cos this time round I damn serious abt bfeeding so tat I can also lose more weight hehehe

I had also sign up for prenatal massage at Amore Tampines 1. They had a special open ceremony and all ther pacakges were like 50% last week I only got to knw on the last day so I went to sign up immeditely.. One session is abt $65 after discount usual px is $130 w gst. Really nice ambience there can check it out. Never use finish somemore can change to Swedish massage aft birth. They also have a kidsroom n pool for mommies who had kids can leave the kids t the playroom they have ppl there to take care for you.

Jewel - Thanks for the advice! Guess I'll need to search around to see if there are any other freelance CLs still free at that time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amber - Wao! Congrates on knowing the genders! Hehehehe, it must be so exciting to have twins. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel yes v exciting but hormonal change also double lor.. From pimples to mood swings I am jus so glad i pass the halfway mark.

Actually I got a video I wan show u guys but I dunno how to upload here.. Shows the babies playing inside


Congrats on having 2 baby boys! Oh your doc is not able to confirm whether they are fraternal or identical twins by the U/S scan? How are you feeling now? Anymore nausea? My nausea and vomiting seems to be getting better once I reach week 20. Hopefully it'll remain good so that I can eat in order for the twins to gain enough weight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I intend to get Medela PIS. A few friends are using it and they said it's very good. I intend to BF for at least a few months and since I'm having twins, I'll really need a good pump otherwise I'll faint. Hopefully I'll have enough milk supply. Oh one of the reasons I'm so serious about breastfeeding is also to lose weight faster. I've already gained 9kg so far. And I'm trying to eat more now so that my twins can hit at least 2.5kg at birth. It's really not easy to carry twins. I feel so clumsy now with the 9kg weight gain and big tummy now. I can't imagine how it'll be like when it comes to T3.

Anyway, I did the detailed scan a few days ago and confirmed that I'm having a boy and a girl. We've just started buying baby clothes yesterday.


I prefer freelance CL cos you can interview the CL yourself and get one you like. However, if you get from agency, they will just assign you anyone available and you won't know whether she's good. So far, I had 2 friends who got their CL thru agency, both found their CL unsatisfactory. One of them asked the agency for replacement. The other one just bear with the CL for one month cos she thinks it's too troublesome to replace one.

Don't worry too much about the freelance CL getting caught w/o work permits. There are so many freelance CL from M'sia working in S'pore and so far nothing happened. Anyway they only work for you for 28 days only. Anything just say that she's a friend/ relative helping out and it should be fine.

Hi jollymummy, Diana, Koori and Jo..

thks for sharing your side of story.

i think my muscle ache or backache was caused by my bad posture when carrying my #1 previously.

A word of caution for pregnant mummies, I read from a book that we must bend at the knees when carry heavy stuff / other child while maintaing straight back. I think i bend my waist too much and that's why i developed this muscle ache.

Now i try not to carry #1 too much and if i need to..i carry him for short distance (eg. only from bedroom to living room)..and only on my left side. I felt better after i corrected my posture and hopefully i can sustain without a helper until sept![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amber, you mean the Medela freestyle is selling at $800-plus at United Square (not too sure what UA means)?? If I buy it straight from Amazon (USA), the USA price is only US$317 (abt SGD$450!) I may as well do a BP from Amazon for all the ladies interested here....

PIS is the Medela pump in style? Any idea how much the selling price in Sing is?

strawberrys79, I totally agree with backache/muscle ache being caused by bad posture. I had bad muscle aches starting in T1! Believe it was due to things like improper posture e.g. bend the back to pick up things, etc, things that we do in normal everyday (non-pregnant) life.

But I personally find that the maternity support belts I got from Taiwan (on my holiday in May this yr) help to 'remind' my body of the right posture, and indirectly reduces my body aches. Can't find the pictures I posted back on 2 June, but one belt looks like this.


Amber> Congrats on having twin boys!

Bing> Wah good leh 1 boy 1 girl...close shop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bing, are u the mummy who's taking the KKH antenatal class (which started on 19 June)? I remember there's a lady taking the same class as me.

Did you go for the "taking care of urself during pregnancy" class on Sat 3 Jul?

amber: congrats on having 2 boys [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its must be real cute and interesting to see ur 2 bb playing inside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bing: congrats on 1 boy n 1 girl..ya can close shop liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: CL

ya think all the good freelance ones are taken up by now...i just called a few yday (recommended by frens) and all taken up liao..*sigh* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Nov MTBs,

I have a babyplus to let go at $160 neg. and in good condition. I bought it last yr at $288.

Kindly pm me if interested. Thanks.

Amber, Bing

Congrats on having twins!! U all can see the babies playing with each other in ur belly during the scan? That's so amazing..

Baby movement,

I always try to few my baby by putting my hand on the belly after reading some mummies feel baby movement earlier on.. Today finally I can feel it.. So happy abt it.. Asked my hubby to put his hand and he just can't feel anything!


Suppose to get my friend's CL but she's going for holiday in dec.. So have to look for another one.. Will be getting from agency cos the agent is my good friend's mother and my friend say she will make sure I get a good CL.. Hope she really good..


Wanna ask those who went swimming during pregnancy, do u really swim like before or just walk around in water? Is there anything we have to take note about swimming during pregnancy? Thanks!


I think that's not the thread for the breast pump (she has a few spree thread) but u can pm Tan Leng Leng and she will give u the link, after international shipping it will be about less than sgd500..

Bing - Congrates on knowing ur bbs genders! Hehe, yah loh, can close shop liao with one boy & one girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for the CL advice! Looks like I'll really need to search for one freelance liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amber - wao! That will be the first time I see twins preggy video! Hehe, hopefully can find a way to upload it. Or maybe just a link? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hammiebao - For me, I'll swim laps. Don't really think there's any issues to take note while swimming bah. I'll just make sure to spit out all of the water if it goes into my mouth. Hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gals who participated in e Ailian/Mandy spree, after we sent e purchase list, do we wait to pay? I haven receive any update so dunno what to expect... Sorli, v inexperienced.

hi all,

just to update..

i had my detailed scan on sat..n im having a boY! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

though the sonographer said he was extremely active, i hardly feel the movements...it's once in a while only.. so tht's good for me in a way.. the TMC sonographer was really nice explaining everything she was measuring..quite informative in the sense...

now it's juz bout the shopping now..

went to robinsons sale..couldnt decide cot or playpen so bought both..hahaz..

anyone has any contacts for nursery wallpapers,apart from goodrich?

Was at Robinson sales yesterday. Bought a cot and playpen with extra mattress and bedsheet set for only $434 hehehe

Hi vividip,

i will contact you gals once i received the items from the sellers. Hopefully we can expect the shipment next week.


My friend got her CL from this agency called Pem Confinement. I called just to check with them the fee and they want to charge me close to 3k for twins. On top of that, I still have to pay levy on my own. In the end, another friend recommended her freelance CL to me so I'm engaging her.


Yes, we are in the same class and I attended the class last sat. Are you the one sitting closest to the door?

Medela PIS is Pump in Style Advanced. Local retail price is $700+. However, I'm ordering from this thread (same as Jovialz) and it costs only $385 w/o local warranty.

Mummywong, Holly, Irene, Angel, HAmmiebao,

Thanks! Yes, I plan to close shop after this regardless of the genders of the babies. Taking care of 2 babies at a time is really not easy. I start to wonder how am I going to take care of them with my maid after confinement when the CL leaves..

vividip: yes just wait for babymiao reply. she will get back after she had made the spree purchase for us, also on items bought and the amt to pay.

dimple: congrats for having a boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can chk when the robinson sale ending?

Dimple - Congrates on knowing ur bb's gender! Hehehehe, looks like so far EDD14Nov babies are all boys. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Maybe you can upload the video in Youtube and put the link here? If your twins can interact with each other, that means they are sharing the same placenta and are identical twins?

My twins are in their own placentas and they are quite far apart, one has the head near my right thigh and the other one's head is near my stomach. I think they can hardly interact.

Mrs Lee: I think SCBB doesn't store for private use. They only store for and supply hospitals for emergency. So far only the 2 private ones are storing for personal use.

Whim: Thanks for info about aqua aerobics. Will check it out.

Hammiebao: Can swim normal but slow and relaxing speed. I normally use a float with my #1 in it and just kick lightly across or just swim across. I warm down by walking up and down, sweeping my arms in water simultaneously.

Irene, it's ok even if you missed the robinson sales. you still can get it from www.palmax.biz Robinson actually got their stock from them and the price are quite close to the robinson's except fewer freebies.

Irene, Angel: My friend just gave birth in may and she said her CL is very good. She asked if I want but I'm not going to get any CL. Want me to sak my friend for her number? I also have a few other friends who just gave birth, I can ask them for their CL's contacts if you want?

Dimple : You can try the US website Allposters.com for Wall Decals. I got mine from them a couple of years back. Can buy then sent to vPost.

They are much cheaper, but dun last as long.. Mine are falling off piece by piece now.. It's an excuse to buy new one and change.. haha..

My sis has 1 from Goodrich about the same time, and it's still in good condition.. I find the Goodrich designs rather limited. Another one you can find locally is at Moleculez (i think there is an outlet at Great World City). About same price as Goodrich. There is a website for the product, but I can't remember already

Angel: Did you check TMC parentcraft centre's confinement service? They also have trained CLs for hire.

Bam: Thanks for the update. Take care and don't overwork this week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thnks for the congrats...n yes angel..looks like it..boys on 14/11!

Robinsons expo sales ended yest..

the cot i bought was SHEARS white convertible kind..with 4inch mattress,7 pc bedding set, musical mobile & 3 Anti Colic bottles($299)

Looks like the harmony cot on palmax website

($269) so the pricing doesnt seem that off..but it doesnt include the freebies..

But to note the dimensions width is 28"..from what the auntie told me..it's not really mobile to move around some HDB doors.. so yea..

thanks for the info errmm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just called tmc to enquire on confinement nanny service

Stay in nanny for 28 days -$3103 day nanny -$2675 wahhhhh

Waiting for their official email for more details

Dimple it is the harmony cot and I forgot to ask the dimension but I used the mattress size load up by another 20cm almost 29" think shldnt be a prob for hbd cos most door at least 80cm ie around 30"

Tigger I think so too cos they are trained by the hospital. And likely to be Singaporean. Think that is the market price for Singapore nanny +/-

PTB7476, I had a Singapore CL for my previous confinement and she was charging me $1.8k (2 years ago stay in rate). But she is quite pretentous type. Anyway, I have booked a malaysian lady (recommended by good friend) for this round of confinement. Hopefully she is good.

Hi all mommies,

Is it too early to do shopping for baby stuff? My hubby and I wanted to do some shopping, but my mother stopped us as she felt it is too early now. So far, i just bought the Avent Steriliser and 3 milk bottles.

My mom aso disapprove us buying baby stuff ESP furniture saying it is too early haha

But we still cannot resist the price so still bought it yesterday at Robinson sales but purposely delay delivery until oct of nov haha

Amber, ya.. go upload the video. im so curious about seein the baby playing with each other.. hehee!!

hammiebao, i did swim..usual before preggy, swim more laps like 20. now, i swim only 10 laps. dunwan to strain too much, cos previously i swim 2laps n my calves cramp. And, better not to swim alone..get ya hubby or frend to company u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jo, thanks!! think i will take up the package from stemcord cos they're separate the storing. safer. hehe ;)

ermmm/PTB7476: tks for informing that the robinson sale has ended yday...at least i wld waste my trip down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tks for the link, PTB7476. i'll chk it out..

jo: yes pls! i'll be glad if can get more contacts of good freelance CL whom somemore had used them before. tks in advance for those contacts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PTB7476: ya the TMC CL charges is high! 3K plus, where usual CL charges only ~2K.

bluesoda/PTB7476: actually my mum/MIL are on the opp..they said can start buying some from now onwards liao..e.g milk bottles, bb clothes, bb stroller, car seat etc..so will not rush if cramp to buy everything at the later stage..n somemore im also thinking during T3, maybe we will be too heavy/big to move around too much..and tag along to buy liao..

and also if there's good bargain..think no harm grabing them earlier bah..so can save some $$ too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dear mummies, im quite outdated.. if there is any maternity sales going on, would appreciate if could share the information here =) i wish i can save some $ too. thanks!

Bing, congrats on the 2 boys!

Bam, are you doing fine? don't tie urself with too much work, rest more.


anyone going to order confinement food catering?

Mum wants me to order tis time rd so she can concentrate look aft my elder 2 boys instead.


I swim as per normal just slower pace.


I m using CF so not catering. Last time when I had my 1st I did considered catering but it's so expensive , almost the same price as getting a CF. I remembered it was 1600 n CF rates were 1700. So I decided on a CF instead.


bluesoda/PTB7476: My mum was actually the one who started to buy stuff for baby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when we went shopping, we go to the baby section first before anything else..

