(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

morning everyone, yah man super nice weather to sleep.

babieslove - *hugz* take care, rest well and try again for a little rabbit. Stay strong ya? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

irene - hee, i don't always knock off so early de. My place got abit of shift work, so knock off can range from 4.30pm - 7pm de, depending on wat time i start wk tat dae. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks ladies...

i'm quite strong one, since I have already got 2 healthy children...

you gals have a safe pregnancy journey...

God/Buddha.. (depending on your religion), will bless all of you, i'm sure...


Babieslove: take care ya! U're a strong woman!!

Mummies: I still experiencing "pulling" feel, non-stop leh..so uncomfortable that i couldnt sleep well as Im worried anything could happen. been 2 days liao...my next appt will be next Tuesday to see doc. How now? Any advice?

thks babieslove, may God bless you too.

where's the rest?... must be the weather + weekend mood.

almost lunch time liao... *dread*

michele> why dun u reschedule yr gynae appt to chk earlier, so u dun need to worry another few days? its very stressful to keep worrying..

Mich, I think dun delay liao... better see gynae earlier to put ur heart at ease, cos nobody here experience the non-stop cramp u getting.

really? ya that time i asked, i read some mummies one are temporary unlike mine. That's why i kind of worried.

I shall call clinic now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thx for the advices...

So hungry~ Think u all must have gone out for lunch. I'm waiting for my colleague to come and cover me b4 going for lunch. Think my bb very yao gui, cuz I feel like eating lots of things. But everytime food is in front of me liao, I dun really feel like eating much. Then eat abit liao MS come, so all the more dun feel like eating liao. U guys get that?


not ur bb yao gui.. 1st trim ur bb shld be v small & dun need much food now. It's the hormone that cause you to be hungry... causing ur stomach to produce more gastric juice... tats y hungry v fast.

My stomach produce so much acid that sometimes I just vomit the stomach juice.... sour & bitter. *yucks*


Do you think it'll help if you eat many small meals instead of 3 square meals? Maybe you can munch on a few biscuits or have a small pack of raisins in between meals...

Hope that helps.


Yes, my tummy expanded like suddenly during 3rd trimester. Skin cannot cope with sudden increase so kena a lot of stretch marks. Maybe Palmers not suitable for me but good for others?


That sounds worrying. Are you still seeing the same gynae? If you are, then you can ask how to prevent your tailbone from hurting again?

My stupid mouth! Ytd say my MS like gone.. today come back again. Lucky only for awhile. argh! but never vomit la. just nauseas....

angel> i was like u few weeks back, eat what puke what...during that time i try to take soupy thing (basically i dont like to add any seasoning)..then try to eat apple, plain biscuit..cos u puke but yet u need to eat something...just try loh..else u hv nothing in the stomach...now slightly better liao..i can take more solid food but still dislike garlic, too oily stuff, less meat...and now i try to eat orange, grape other than apple..but i still don't really like to drink soup (that has meat/fish)..i feel its too thick for me. sometimes i try to drink chinese tea as i feel it prevent me from puking with the "clean" taste..

jollymummy: oh i see so VBAC = Vaginal Birth After Caesarean-section, does this means ur earlier birth is c-sect and this round, u are attempting natural birth?

babieslove: sry to hear of the news. take care and good to hear u are taking it well and do try again!

jelly: don't give up hope and stay positive!

ashley: i also... serious tailbone pain... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jewel - haha, my hb said that it's me who is yao gui. hahahah~ Everything also wana eat, but in the end eat little bit and he has to eat the rest. :p

mummywong - i tink i very lucky, so far still dun need to puke out stuff. Just got the puky feeling, sometimes mild, sometimes very bad. But dun need to puke the stuff I ate out. Yupz, plain biscuits work for me too. I actually like Luxury's veg biscuits. But it sounds like ur MS is getting better, as u said "few wks back". Hehe, congrates congrates. :D

holly - haha, yah. Such stuff very xie men one. During early early pregnancy, I was telling my hb that it seems like I dun have any MS. The next day.. it comes. =X

ashley - wah, ur backaches start so early ah? Aiyo, better rest more. Maybe get some light massage to relieve stress on ur back?

today is so quiet... guess everybody weekend mood liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

angel> ya MS getting better, so happy...less vomitting since wk8 (last wk), i used to puke whole day! nw i puke lesser, usually morning..and usually's water..earlier weeks were with food..i dunno is hormones/xin li zuo yong..aft gynae told me try not to puke so much, control the puke as in when puke dun injure the bb, so after that, i vomit lesser mayb also i worry i hurt the bb..OR mayb i get use to the hormones change after few wks..i'm still putting the an-tai yao now, once i started putting at wk5, the MS starts.

hho - hehe, yeah, it's finally the weekend. So any plans for the weekend? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Must enjoy er ren shi jie more b4 the bb comes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummywong - wah, that's good to hear. At least now can keep food in the stomach. More nutrients for the bb then. Afew more weeks, and MS should be totally gone for u. :D

angel: yeah... we have been watching movies every weekend... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must spend more time with hb.. once bb comes time not enuff... =P

hho - not much shows nowadays liao leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I wanted to watch Shutter Island with my gfs, but my hb forbade me to watch. Say bad for the bb woh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now I'm waiting for Ip Man 2. :D


Yes, gonna attempt to have natural birth this time round. But got risks...

Ashley & HHo:

Why tailbone painful now even though haven't give birth?? Briebaby's tailbone got problem bec of her 1st birth. You're scaring me!

my weekends are usually mahjong days.. plus fri nite as well.. weird, during mj more alert than any other time of the day.. haha

jollymummy, I tired to eat more meals... but will feel nausea the whole day, cos the moment I hungry (cos I take little food) I will feel nausea then will puke whatever I eat.

Also, if I take small meals then I got no food to throw out I will throw out stomach juice which is worse than throwing out food. It's like throwing out my gut, I actually felt strain in the stomach. Hope it doesn't hurt the bb.

Never face such dilema in my life. I'm such a food lover b4 pregnancy... now Im always contemplating to eat or not to eat?

yes weekend coming soon! looking forward to weekend for more rest.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jollymummy: ic. yes i heard there's risk of natural birth after c-sect. why not stick to c-sect this round too? ya i know c-sect recovery is slower..but u can choose ur bb comes out time lor ;)

Haha, jun, it's been a couple of mths since I last played mj liao. Always scare that I will wana sleep during the mj session. Now tat u brought up mj, hand abit itchy liao. Maybe get hb to ask his frens over. hehehehe

Abt c-sect, duno leh, I kinda like it tat bb choose his/her own timing to come out, if possible. To translate fr chinese saying - his destiny is in his own hands. hehehehehehe

angel: haha...ya one thing good abt c-sect is can choose timing n dun have to worry abt when going in labour n if enough time to rush to hospital, esp for 1st time mummies who no experience when is the real labour pain...

but then its the longer recovery time and later cannot do massage to slim down that maybe ppl will still choose natural birth. also natural birth maybe consider a kind of satisfaction to some ppl.

im actually also planning to go for c-sect. how abt u, angel?

irene - oh izit? I didn't know that can't do massage for c-sect. Comes to think of it, yah hor. There's the cut there, and scarly massage too hard and the cut bleeds or dun heal properly.

Will go for natural birth if possible bah. Abit scare of the pain, but I dun wana be one of the last to see my bb. Natural birth will be able to see the bb once i push it out. C-sect.. everyone else will see b4 mi. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hahahaha, I'm weird rite?

How about u? How come planning to go for c-sect leh?

jewel - Hehe, but that amount seems to be in US$ leh. Will it be more ex compared to those at duty-free?


please take care n do a mini confinement.


i experienced the same for my last pregnancy, but mine was a blighted ovum, no baby inside, had to do d&c. will pray for u. take care!


ur certainly a srong mummy! jia you!


rest well n get well soon!

clarins oil - i think its selling $80 if u buy from departmental stores, v expensive! For my last pregnancy, i used 1 btl in 3 weeks cos i put on 20 kg for my boy, there are many extra area to apply. i plan to start next mth n i've bought 8 btls already. haha


You definitely need to eat, bec your baby needs the nutrients. Baby is growing very fast now, with major organs being developed at this stage.

How long more b4 your 1st trimester ends?

How abt eating porridge plus some meat and veg inside? You must take care ok?


There are risks to c-section as it's considered a major operation and recovery period is long. I will have a 27month old toddler at home by the time my #2 is born. I don't want to feel "disabled" by not being able to take care of both new baby and toddler. Last time my baby didn't engaged, now hoping for the best this time.

I'm not particular abt time, let baby choose when he/she wants to see the world, haha!

But do read up on pros and cons of c-section and discuss the best option with your gynae b4 you decide. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You are not weird la! It's only natural that you want to bond with your baby who has spent the past 9 months in your womb. Then can breastfeed baby immediately, isn't that wonderful? After c-section, Dr only show you baby for the most 5min and baby will be brought out to be cleaned, weighed, etc, while the mummy will be wheeled to the recovery room for 1-2 hours. So there's a long period of separation between mummy and baby.

ueno - wah! 8 bottles arh! hehehee, think they sure can last thru ur pregnancy liao. hehehe :D

jollymummy - hehe, I don't really know about the bonding and being able to bf bb immediately, since first time mommy. Still duno how I will feel abt the bb wen I first hold it. :D But well, I just don't want other pple telling mi my kid this and tat, while I still have to wait to see him/her. Not fair, since I'm the one carrying it ard for 9mths. hehehehehehe~

But hor, u were saying c-sect will see bb for most 5mins. Does that mean tat it's nt a full anesthetics procedure? U mean I'll b still awake wen doing c-sect??? I tot tat all will get general anesthetic de leh. Sorry, didn't research on c-sect, since nvr thought of doing it. That's rather scary leh, tat I'll know the doc cutting the tummy.

oh i heard too many horror stories of long painful labour thus thinking of might as well go for c-sect...

but hearing jollymummy feedback, i think i will chk out more on c-sect n get feedbacks from gynae before decide lor...ya i had told my gynae during 1st visit that i wanna go for c-sect, which he said he will talk to me more in subsequent visits on the pro n cons btw natural/c-sect..and also to check at later stage if prob with bb position, low placenta etc. that even if wanna natural birth also cannot..then no need to think but can only c-sect...

just wondering is pte hospital such as TMC allows to take pics during the delivery process? i saw my fren who delivered in US can take video of the whole delivery process!!

Urg.. I just went to read up alittle abt c-sect. Sounds rather scary leh. Then like wat jollymummy said, can't bf kid immediately, cuz body still got anesthetic. Aiyo~ Now this first time mommy is feeling scare liao. Natural birth also scare, c-sect also scare. All along didn't tink much abt the birth. TTC tink abt ovulation. Just conceived tink dun tink anything, cuz too tired & got MS. Suddenly this is like a wake-up call... That I will have to go thru birth. Aiyo~ *shake head* Suddenly don't feel sleepy liao, hahahaa


thks.. I will endure till mon... get vit B6 from gynae, may or may not help my MS but keep my finger crossed.

meanwhile, I will try to eat even though I puke la for bb. when puke v "Xin Ku" but after puke I do feel better, cos it helps to get rid of the excess stomach juice.

I vomit on everything & anything, regardless of the type of food....no discrimination... haha.

babieslove - take care and stay positive.

I too had a m/c late dec but only got to know in Jan and had to go for d/c as there was still blood clots detected. Then got to know in early March pregnant which didnt expect. So am also worried even though this is my 3rd baby.

Jollymummy, I will be trying natural birth this time as my 1st was natural but 2nd got to go for c-section for baby sake. My younger son was small size baby then and neck was looped with the cord.

Definitely, c-section recovery is painful and slow. Also I did massage but after 2 weeks which massage lady told me some actually did after 1 wk.

babieslove- u take care k? rest well and try again..

Nana- i think doc will only allow u to take photos before and after delivery... certainly not during...

Mummies, do anyone has an effective cure for constipation? i'm feeling very backed up... so awful, try eating papaya and grapes and fybogel... but still can't go toilet after 4 days!!! so xin ku...

shm125: my grandmum told me cannot eat papaya wor. later bb wil have jaundice. eat kiwi, recommended by babycentre =)

im so nervous bout my appointment on monday. hope bb is growing and heart is beating. i realize my tummy is still v v small.. (9weeks today)

nana- this is your #1 right? don't worry... stomach will still be v small.... since ur skin hasn't been stretched before...not like mine.. #2, if i wear something figure hugging.. sure can see my tummy...

Thanks Angel and Nana.. i will try both...

nana - enjoy while tummy still small. :D heheh nw actually shd nt show much, after all, it's still very tiny mah. :D

shm125 - jiayou! :p u can do it. hehehehe

irene - yah, papaya is not very good for us now. not 'cuz of jaundice, but cuz it may cause MC like wat u said. If wana eat, muz eat those very ripe ones, unripe or partially ripe ones cannot. now i very scare to eat everything, even the most innocent fruit like papaya also got pblm. Then everytime i wana eat sth I'll have to google and search see if can eat anot. signz...


angel: ya lor..i agree...even if got appetite eat, also need to be careful on wat to eat...just last week, we bought some breads from those normal neighbour cake shop, but later i decided to eat other thing thus my hby finished all the breads, then tat nite, he diarrhea 4-5 times..suspect food poisoning...he took charcoal n diarrhea medicine and the next day better...lucky i din eat..if we preggie esp in 1st trim ganna food posioning think quite serious..cos bb still too small to take it... thus we are advise not to take raw foods...

