(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Michele, no worries la... my tummy also look original size. Non of my frens & my colleagues noticed I'm pregnant. For us, tummy will usually show after 1st trim... Dun scare urself.


Really?? Cos I haven't been eating well, I'm sensitive to food smell...or any other smell also. I can't take chicken rice cos ystd I took I nausea whole day n night. Now at home and rest lor..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i just hope I'm not imagining things... But I love fruits n salty stuff...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Same as me, i can't take chicken rice too. even fried rice also can't.

At this moment, i didn't eat rice (others than sushi), normally take meehoon, kueh tiao or bread..


This is your 1st pregancy? I think u are just having morning sickness (ms) and think accordingly to some research, if the mother is suffering from ms that mean baby are growing well.

RE EDD: when using the babycenter due date calculator my EDD was 15 Nov. But the last scan with gynae, she say EDD 18 Nov. But still ok i guess got +/- 2-3 days is ok according to my gynae.

still got 2.5 weeks before i go into 2nd tri...

have to wait for 9 more days before my next appt. don know how is my bb growing... pray that bb is growing well and everything is fine...

my body are showing changes... i already have a bit of tummy before preggy. now my tummy is showing even more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my boobs increase 1 cup size and i think i'm gonna out grow my new bra in 2-3 weeks time at this rate the boobs is growing. most of my clothes cant wear already. my sis telling me not to buy maternity wear yet cos havent reach 2nd tri (pang dang)...

Diana - congrates & welcome! :D

Michele - I like salty stuff too!

Bam78 - thanks for updating! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

flubby - wah!! increase another cup size liao arh! so cool~ my bra just feels tight now and my boobs can fill my bras fully only. Can't wait to increase another cup size... hahahah

flubby: oh really pang dang and cannot buy/wear maternity clothes when still in 1st trim?? i already started wearing since 2 weeks ago when im only ~10wk preggie, as already outgrown most of current clothes and might as well buy maternity clothes so can wear longer...

Everyone anxious during 1st trim, esp those first time MTBs... cos its most unstable. If:

- no spotting

- nausea still there

- no other unusual symptons

shld be quite safe. Meanwhile just eat & rest well ... & wait for the monthly scanning to say hello to ur bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiyo~ U guys keep making me think of chicken rice. hahhaa.. I dun really eat chicken rice de, but now kind of feel like having it for lunch. hahaha

I dun have special craving leh.... just wana eat soupy stuff and anything tat got heavier taste... like black carrot cake!

Going off soon... to say hello to bb.

Re chicken rice: i got not much prob eating chicken rice.

Irene: ermm my family got a lot of pang dang things that i have to follow. like for example, my relative was telling me the first pregnancy didn't come true partly cos i tell ppl before my 1st tri is over. sadly even my hubby also feel that way. so this current one we didnt tell much ppl except for very close kin. my hubby side didnt know anything yet. only a few in my family know. like my sis and aunt. my sil also knew but she guess it herself. my dad also don know abt it now. my part time maid just ask me this weekend if i'm preggy then my hubby was saying "kao aunty so kaypo"...

Here's a few pang dang things that my family believe and ask me not to do:

1. not to tell ppl i'm preg until my my 1st tri over.

2. thru out the 9 months, can not shift things at home. can not paste / paint my house. and also cut things when sitting on bed. no sewing of clothes myself. (with all the things stated in no. 2, i have to go out for 5 hours while my part time maid clean my house)

3. thru out the 9 months, no changing of bedsheet (cos might accidentally shift the bed. so solution is my hubby change the bed sheet while i bring my puppy down for a walk)

4. thru out the 9 months, can not go to wake / funeral. (this month already got 2 funeral from my hubby side. which i never attend)

5. can not lift my hands up don know for what reason(not even stretching)

6. can not carry other ppl children (this point makes me feel sad cos i always carry my 2 yr old nephew. he is sticky to me also. then these days i have to tell him. no i cant carry u cos i sick sick)

7. can not but maternity things (like clothes) and baby things before my 1st tri is over.

at this point i can only think of these few bang dang...

the bang dang things are making me feel paranoid. the feeling is like rather be safe than sorry kind of feeling...

i don have much ms now. only thing is can't stand the smell and taste of some meat. i just hope my 1st tri is over asap...


When I had my son, I also very Pang Dang, but not my family said, but 'cos I rather believe in it then Sorry.

'Cos prior to the pregnancy of my son, I had 4 miscarriages, then I changed Gynea and I had a healty pregnancy, during then I became very wary of what I do, what I say, what I eat.

But now, 2nd baby le, abit don't care, I think, 'cos there s so many things in the household waiting for me to do, I can't wait for Hubby to do it.

Totally agree with esther! If it's meant to be, even if u do all the pantang things, the kid will still b urs. If it's not meant to be, even if we lie on the bed to rest throughout T1, the child will still b gone.

i also think that way... just that sometime i follow just to please my hubby so that he wont nag at me. just remember... one of the bang dang is to change gynae after my mc. lol this is my 3rd gynae liao...

i also think everything is fated... my sis 1st and 2nd preg is so much easier...

2 of cousin's wife also pregnant. 1 of them EDD is in august another one should be same as me EDD in Nov. i heard from my aunt that her daughter-in-law (EDD in Nov) told her the bb might be boy. 3 months only can see meh?

These few days have been feeling giddy..

I read up and it's probably because i did not produce enough blood. thus causing the giddiness..

So tired...

flubby - aiya... dun mean any offense arh, but sme old folks think they know everyting de. =X Ask them how they know, they can only tell u using those pantang/old wives tales methods. U know, in sept thread, got a lady's MIL keep telling her her boobs grow so big no use, wun have milk de. As if she can foresee the future... Just rest more, b careful and enjoy the T1. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bam78 - do u feel cold often also? If yes, yah, really not enough blood. Eat more red meats to boost production. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will feel not as tired too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I heard tat it's not good to take iron tablets now, cuz may cause constipation. So it's more red meats. hehehe

Mutton? If you can stand the smell. I think spinach is good also, for iron production. But I can't rem if we can eat spinach now anot. Can eat abit of liver also, but must be fully cooked.

Same loh, I feel cold super easily.

Hi Angel, feeling cold means lack of blood? I used to scare of hotness.. But eversince pregnant, a little coldness makes me tremble.. But still needs to survive on aircon and temp at 29C

flubby >> my hb is a not a ban tang person. He also believes if it's urs then it's urs thing. He doesnt mind telling plp I m pregnant.. though i prefer him not to tell.. cos all these old wives tales has been passing down for years and years.. it's hard not to believe.. Even my gynae warn me not to disclose the news

Jun/Flubby> actually dun tell ppl 1st 3mths usually more logical explanation's in case touch wood m/c, u need to explain to people (if u tell too many people), then it become hurting also...thus rather tell people only after more stable..but of course we rather believe "old wives myth" that bb is petty, don't tell people except out very close friends or family members bah...

Hi all,

I am into my 12weeks now, like to join all of you.

Can someone update my details :

EDD : 2Nov10

Gynae : Lisa Chin

Hospital : Gleneagles

No. of kids : 1 + 1 upcoming

Hi there,

i tink it is normal to feel cold during the 1st trim de...also, you will feel beri tired during this stage. you will not feel so cold or tired in 2nd trim. and in your last trim, u will feel hot le....

i nt sure if feeling cold is due to lack of blood.....coz i always thot it is normal during the 1st trim since our body is gng thru hormones changes...anyway, if you all are interested, you can find out your body changes and baby growth in the below week by week on pregancy.



thank you so much for updating. =)

yeah.. so fast some of us started going into 12th week already.. wow! mummies, 1st trimester is going to b over for us soon! JIAYOU!!!!



coz for #1 i wasn't feeling cold so this time round i was wondering y. so i went online n check. they say is due to lack of iron. but normally it will b back to normal when reach 2nd trimester.

yes 3 of us here with scubababe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] urs was 1st apr, mine 2nd apr and scubabebe's 3rd apr all fm glene.....wat a coincidence!


Thanks for updating table!


Haha...glad you managed to get your ring off.

Congrats to mummies going into T2! I still have 5 wks more to go...boo hoo!

mummies using iPhone here can go download a free software name What to Expect. it's a pregnancy tracker with weekly information on bb development and daily tips. find the software not bad.

i oso in my 10w2d today .. edd is 13/Nov de.. hee

alot of us EDD v close eh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks jollymum, ya really phew!!

mummywong10: tks!

flubby: ya with so many pang dang things, it will make ones losing all the "freedom". free feel to voice out ur complains to us if u feel suffocated with all the pang dangs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun think too much and enjoy the pregnancy.

i asked gynae last sat if 3mths can see gender, he said not likely lah..cos still too small [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

