(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Nana, at 9 weeks ur bb is the size of a strawberry so dun worry, n if u small size ur tummy may not show yet. Aso like for me, I puke alot, so me tummy is original size... Haven't grown.

Angel, ops ya it's in usd!? Let mecheck out cheapest place to buy n let u know ;) sav some $$ heh


irene - wah!!! really very heng u didn't eat arh. Don't buy from there liao. so scary de. speaking about raw food, signz~ I miss my tuna sashimi, half cooked beef steamboat and mostly soft boiled eggs.

jewel - hee, tink so far it's still duty-free liao. Thanks for sharing the good lobangs! :D

Going home liao. Enjoy ur weekend and rest more mummies! :D

angel: ya lor really heng! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya i missed my salmon sashimi n he bao dan which egg yolk not fully cooked...

bye and enjoy ur weekend! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunny side egg! yah! I miss that too. Everytime eat fried rice I like to mix the not fully cook egg yoke with the rice and eat. Now cannot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Any ladies noticed their breasts grown bigger? Furni I lost wt but seems like breasts grown although bra can still fit. I tot breasts start to grow in 2nd trim onwards???


mt A allow pic taking but not video.


my breast are fuller now, last pregancy became DD. actually once ur pregnant yr breasts will grow bigger immediately.

Hello ladies, I just came back from Din Tai Fung. Had some Xiao Long Bao and Veg/Pork wanton for dinner. Quite yummy, didn't feel queasy after that, thank goodness!


Yes, I was awake during my c-section as I was given Epidural block, meaning the 2nd half of body from waist down will be numb. But I felt a little groggy though throughout, but still kinda know what's going on. Anesthetist was very good, didn't feel any pain when given injection at spine. I can't see how my gynae was cutting me up bec a board is placed around waist area, although I would love to. Not bec I love to see gory scene, but just want to witness and see what they are doing to my body! My hubby only said got a lot of blood. Less anesthetic passes thru placenta to baby if epidural block is used, compared to GA. Some patients who used GA for any kind of major operation will wake up extremely groggy, and can vomit a lot.


Hang in there!!


Oh so you are attempting VBAC like me! *high5* Hope everything goes well for our babies. I think being able to birth our babies naturally is the most amazing experience in a woman's life!

Post-natal massage:

I had a malay massage lady whom I used to go to at some spa who told me it's better to do body massage for c-section ladies after 3months, bec of the fear that the internal wound is not fully healed. She's trained in post-natal massage. At the same time, I was told by my gynae 2 days ago that c-section wound takes 6 wks to heal. So I think doing massage after 1 wk is too soon as body needs time to heal!

jewel - yah, my boobs also fuller liao & bra getting tighter. But still have not gone up a cup yet. Haha, can't wait to increase in cup size :p

jollymummy - wao~ thanks for the explaination. Seems abit scary cuz u know that they are cutting ur tummy woh. Heard that GA is not very good for the bb too, as it may affect the bb.

jean - thanks! will go there to take a look. :D think really need to start buying stuff liao, no more clothes to wear le. haha


Don't panic k...Just relax the ring finger and try to move the ring a bit from the top of finger, then a bit from the bottom of finger, all the while trying to rotate the ring. Hope you can understand what I'm trying to say. :eek:

Probably due to water retention and also our joints become looser and bigger. That's why I can't fit into my old shoes during 1st pregnancy.

Gd morning ladies,

Thks Ueno and Angel for your info. I hope my breasts dun grow so fast... heh. hate the big bras.

This afternoon is my medical appt., 10wk3d ... look forward but feeling nausea... sianz.

hee thanks jollymummy.. the ring hv tormenting me since Fri evening until ytr nite.. i tot siao lioa.. gotta wear all the way to delivery ward, sure scolded by nurse coz cant put on jewerlly.

Heng.. ytr nite.. haa my family went Mellban for dinner.. while waiting, i pull & pull n finally b4 eating the crabs.. haa viola it came out.. haa

dare not to put it on again..

Hubby was saying.. haa u put on wt eh, in the past used to be so skinny eh.. i tld him, in the past i wear this ring on the 3rd finger de not 4th finger ..now fat liao ..tat y on 4th.. haa n got stuck..so i really put on ALOT OF WT :p ..

my foots enlarged by 1/2 inch aft my #1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

wah jewel.... seeing your darling ltr..hv fun!!

mine be next week 11wk! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

weekend eat w MIL, alot of u cant eat this u cant eat tat.. alamak.. i think alil bit wont kill me la..heng i din stay w her.. i'll go mad :p

morning all, today is the day which marks my 12wk1d. tomorrow gonna be the start of my 2nd trim..hee..so happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

went c gynae last sat and can see bb moving and also waving his/her hands at us...so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gynae said he/she is really active...i was still hoping if can see a bit of the gender but gynae said still too small to see lah..;p

wow.. Irene.. I so envy.

I hope 2nd trim come quick and I'll stop all the puking.

Think gender may need to wait till 5th mths ba.

jewel: hmm..1st n 2nd gynae trip the edd= ~8 Nov 2010..maybe cos my menses cycle not accurate...but at the 3rd trip gynae said based on the growth of bb, edd changed to 31 oct 2010.

tks jun. hmm..for my case, im quite lucky not to have much MS...nvr really puke..only feeling v bloated/nausea at times esp at nite...but after bulging for many times..then it gets better..

but im suffering from quite bad constipation which i guess this will continue until give birth..just hope wun get worse or later will result in hemorrhoids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tks jewel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gynae said maybe can see gender at 4th mth+ if bb cooperate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning everyone! :D

jewel & twinfish - wah, can go see ur BBs later. So cool. I gota wait till 5May for my next appt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sometimes feel like going every week to scan, just to ensure that BB is alright. heheheh


the date given by my gynae. babycenter said my EDD shld be 14 Nov 2010. But Im sure will be early one rite for first bb? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha Jun, now that we cant feel the BB movement, we can't gauge whether BB is alright anot hor? Sometimes wonder if it's still fine & growing anot. Hehehee, yah man. If we go every week, then the expenses will be around 4 times! *shudders*

Morning to all mummies...

Can I join in this Nov Club??

Nick: Esther378437

EDD: 23 Nov

Doctor: Dr Lee Keen Whye

Hospital: Gleneagles

No of kids: 1 + 1 upcoming


my gynae only told me hw many weeks, not till exact hw many days, i will ask him later.

i also hv feel that will be early for first bb..


U just went visit gynae last week issit? so hv to wait till 5 May? everytime go appt, i feel excited, hw the bb grow nw..

Twinfish, i think #1 will normally delivered 1 to 2 weeks earlier than the edd.. based on the experience through friends..


Not necessary that it will be early for 1st baby. I had my 1st baby at exactly 40weeks.

Like all ppl said, 1st baby sure early, I packed my hospital bag as early as 30weeks... then sit there for another 2months.. LOL



Wah...u really kiasu leh...packed so early.

Anyway 1st BB every1 also like tat, i think pack few days before so wont feel like wait so long. haha..

esther - welcome & congrates! :D

jewel - haha, thanks for the suggestion, but most likely wun b buying lar. :p

twinfish - my last doc visit was on apr10th. She said everything was fine, so next visit can be like a mth latr, to do oscar and then see her loh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Think EDD will change accordingly to the size of the BB. In babycenter, my EDD is 15Nov. First visit to doc, EDD was 13Nov. 2nd visit became 14Nov. hahah~

LoL, I worried ma.. I scare later suddenly cramps, all wht happen..

Then u know la, man la.. dont knw where you put ur pads, which baby clothes U want..

So I might as well pack early. Then every week, happy happy, re-pack again (Nothing better to do)

In fact, now is too early to determine EDD, later stage of 2nd trim, when baby growth is steady, then you can check with Gynea again. With their expert, they can roughly tell you when.

'Cos the scan, sometimes, Gynea will pull the cursor longer or shorter, hence not so accruate.

twinfish - hehe, mine also not very accurate de. sometimes can be 35 days, sometimes can b 45 days, etc. I just use the avg length of cycle to calculate loh. :p At least know the agar agar date. hehehe

for me, babycenter and gynae 1st vist calculate to be 16 nov.. then after 2nd visit, gynae said 24th nov.. 3rd visit become 21st nov.. guess also depends on the growth ba like wat esther said

well, it's actually not possible to calculate wen conceive BB. It's not the day we make love tat means we conceive BB. The sperm may take a day or 2 to merge with the egg. And then it's around a wk (6-12days) b4 the egg fixes itself to the uterus wall. That's why docs can't determine an exact EDD.

Mummies, I'm kind of worried cos tummy still very flat doesn't look like I'm a preggie... But bb hv still on going lah... Tml seeing doc... I'm afraid bb didn't grow well inside my tummy..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks Jewel.

Feeling much better.

This friday will be my 3rd appointment.

Really very anxious. Not sure how bb is growing.

1st trimester is 12 weeks or 14 weeks.

With the What to expect.com. it says 1st trimenster ends at 14 weeks.


Bam78 - you missed out my details. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Here's mine:


EDD: 14Nov

Dr. Jeanette Chen TMC

1st child


Michele - dun worry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I read that the uterus is just the size of a dragonfruit, and bb the size of a lime now. hehehee, so it won't really show much de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy the flat tummy while it last. :D

