(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi ladies: havent & cant sleep cos I come from back from the toilet... my dinner gone & after tat threw out acid juice... **sent shivers down my spine literally**. It becoming from bad to worse... anyone experiencing bad vomitting? Now Im hungry yet I dun dare to eat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway, to Griny's qns abt where & how much to get a doppler. There's a mummy selling a 2nd hand one here at $90: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/3746940.html

Can check it out. Think new one is abt $150-$250.

Lingbel: so sad to hear that, but think u shld keep folic acid for urself... usually doc will advise u can try again after 3mths. folic acid is a kind of supplement, so u can take it to prepare for your next pregnancy. Take care!

Think I shld just go sleep & dun think abt food or nausea. This is going to be a looonnng nite. see ya ladies tmr. gd nite!


Lingbel, rest well! You're in my prayers.

Juz went gynea today. Saw the bb heartbeat! Bb is 0.5cm long...

Bam- could u update my info?

EDD-25 nov

days-6 weeks 2days


Went gynae checkup today. Bb is growing well n heart is beating strong. Hope bb remain strong... I very phobia of this 8 to 10 weeks coz MC once during this period. Pray hard.

hihi... posting on behalf of a friend, she did not breastfeed for some reasons, so she have a brand new set of AVENT ISIS UNO electric single pump to let go at $199.. she bought at $300...

Please PM me if you interested..thanks

I have the following to give away as I am nearing the end of my current pregnancy and I cannot take the taste of powdered milk.

- Similac Mum sample pack (50g) x 2

Expiry: 14/04/2011(both)

- Anmum sample pack (37.5g) - Original x 2

Expiry: 17/10/2010 & 30/01/2011

- Anmum sample pack (37.5g) - Chocolate x 3

Expiry: 18/10/2010 (x2) & 14/02/2011

Please PM me if you are interested..

Thank you!

hi all,

im new to this motherhood thread. and best wishes to all the MTB! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can ask if anyone has went for the invasive test like Amnicocentesis already? i heard it's a very painful experience? anyone has went thru can give some feedback? and also has a small risk of miscarriage.

my pain threshold really low, thus really afraid if i need to do the test [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lingbel, u are really a strong woman and im sure your 2 cuties at home are really blessed to have u as their mother! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

holly, dun worry and be positive, im sure everything is going fine and well! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jia you to all MTB, including to myself! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihi mummies, i have 2 sterilizers so wana sell my Philips AVENT Electric Sterilizer (brand new). Sterilises 6 bottles in 8 minutes. Still in box, not opened, bought in Mar10. Retail price $149, selling at only $115.

Interested please PM me.


lingbel: sad to hear that... *hugz* btw the last time i had a MC, i did confinement for 2 weeks (medical leave + annual leave). i ate confinement food and no bathe for 2 weeks. according to my sis and aunt, MC is like giving birth so must do confinement also.

i'm now 7w3d preggy. a bit worried cos got spoting and was ordered bed rest... already on medical leave for like almost 2 weeks. hopefully spoting will stop so that i can go back to work.

hope that everything will turn out fine this time... don want to have another disappointment like the first time...

Hi, all mummies, I'm Miki (Michele)currently with 7 weeks preg. Anyone could share with me your gynea? As the one I'm seeing at RH is kind of expensive, though I have yet sign any package.

Now my 1st tri is kind of 'painful' experience as I get giddy, tired & vomit,I cant go work at all, had been on MC since last Monday. I cant eat properly also. Puke what I ate and drink, luckily not every meal. Is it normal for 1st tri?

Lingbel: U're a strong mum, continue to stay strong as you still have 2 cuties at home to take care. Try again after you are fully recover ya..take care and hv plently of rest! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Flubbybaby: Glad to know you are 7w3d preg, cos i'm 7w2d preg..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U better rest in bed, I was asked to rest in bed too by my doc, hence, MC for a week liao. I can only move around my house cos I get giddy super easily....feel like vomitting every now and then.

Even now, I feel giddy too...gg to log off soon to rest again. U take care ya!

Nite to all mummies out there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello all mtbs! So sad, long weekend has ended so quickily. Sounded like in a flash lor!

Lingbel, jia you... When your body is up to it, u can always try again! May God bless u and your family always...

Michele, welcome and congrats! I think those symptoms you have curreny is very normal in 1st trimester. Just drink more water as u might get dehydrated through the vomitting... Jia you!

Flubbybaby, congrats too! You are on 2 wks medical leaves now? Hope u r better now.

Jewel, eat smaller meals a day, so u won't keep vomitting. Nowadays my appetite goes smaller. After finish a meal, I cannot see food again, I'll feel like vomiting! When I smell those oily cooking smell, I feel like throwing out too. This baby makes mama alittle uncomfortable and emo. Haha... I can watch a show and cry lor. My hb said, I'm wu liao!! LoL... So emo!

Irene, welcome to this thread. I dunno how to answer u cos I've not done that b4. Do u really need to do this test? I heard its for 1st pregnancy and for woman abv 35yrs old, right?? I heard a fren did before. I prayed we all mtbs here need not have to do this ok...

Holly, jia you... Pray hard. U will be fine...

hi babielove, tks.

actually im just preparing myself for it as im 34 this year already thus the percent of bb having DS is slightly higher but still not as high as >35 yrs old. will be going for blood test/scan 2 weeks later..really hope the results come out ok so i do not need to do the amino..really scare [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


can i join? First time MTB. Very gan cheong. have been on MC since i tested positive due to spotting. baby a bit small and heartbeat a bit slow. very worried now.

here are my details

EDD: 17 nov

Gynae: Prof Ng Soon Chye

hospital : GlenE

Days: 7 weeks 5 days

No of kids : 1 upcoming

thanks babieslove! me seeing doc tomorrow again. hope baby has grown. have been trying to eat more but the nausea has been making that diff to do.


yap. me feel giddy on and off also. just take things slowly esp when getting up from your seat.

hiya good morning all the MTB~

praying hard bb will b fine.. gonna see bb only on the 30th Apr. which is abt 12 weeks.. hope everything will still b the same.

ML, I thought cos I eat little, that's y baby small too but gynae said not that reason... Pray all will be well!

I didn't eat much too, compared to usual time (b4 preggie), I was high capacity food intake person!

Hi Bam78,

me has been spending the long wkend rotting at home.. nausea + bloated + giddy + tired.. haiz... y we women muz be so pai mia... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

had not even seen my gynea yet..

Morning everyone...

Back in office today..super sleepy too.. but lots of stuff to clear..and just told that i need to make a presentation in the afternoon... sians x 100..

Yeah.. i do burp quite a bit too.. but actually notice that the burping has gotten lesser.. cant wait for the day to pass... but its only monday!!

everyone seems so blue... cheer up gals! look! after this mth we are ALL stepping into our 2nd trimester!!! everything will b better! JIAYOU!!

i think it's hard to cheer up when we r always feeling bloated, nausea and giddy..

I never know pregnancy is such a torture.. sob sob

Hi Ladies,

Haven't logged on for a few days and so many postings!

Lingbel - i heard that MC still need to do confinement cos my mum say it's like giving birth also.

I went for my 2nd appt and bb has grown to 20mm liao. And I lost 1 kg! happy! Already overweight liao so the MS help me to lose weight, cos no appetite to eat anything!

Long weekend = super nua also! nausea, dizzy, tired, do nothing man. Worst thing is my gal kena diarrhoea and fever. And I discovered I cannot tahan her poo smell already! will wanna gag! Need to get my hubby to clean up for her instead!

My 2nd visit had to take blood for blood test leh - never tell me so not mentally prepared, I hate needles! Next visit will do OSCAR. Hope everything fine. Irene - like you I'm 34 this year (end year lah) so slightly worried.

Ladies - anyone experience tummy crampy feeling when u sit up/get up suddenly? Wonder if that's anything significant?

Gd Morning Ladies... gd to see some more MTBs.

I never vomit so much in my life... I stayed home most of the time for these 3 days. I try to sleep after meals so tat I wont vomit, but I slept so much tat my head ache. Feeling so miserable. I dun burp much, but I fart quite abit :p anyone with same condition?

Bbl: thks for the encouragement. I cant wait for MS to enddddddddd.

holly - I was just thinking another 5 more weeks to go! I had this 1st tri - it's the worst ever! I hope it's really like what some of my frens have experienced, wake up one day in 2nd tri and no such MS feelings anymore! hahahaha!

Forgot to ask you ladies - those who were given folic acid and subsequently obimin, do you take both or just take obimin?


cramp is quite normal in pregnancies la. i also have cramps here n there everyday. but as long as is not getting worst, den is okie lo.

wah! u still loose weight eh! I gained 0.7kg lo! i damn sad.. aiming at gaining 10kg this pregnancy. but think is impossible liao.

re: vomiting.

i am now like a drag addict whenever i walk pass fruits stall. the smell of the fruit just ease my nauseas.. everytime i walk pass i will have a deeeep breathe den walk off. LOL!


dun like tt la.. i also going thru all this ah.. but just stay positive lo. well, things are this way already n u can't change it. den just change the point of view instead lo.


i tk both.

my 1st pregnancy was really like tt wor. step into 2nd trimester only.. i felt so much better n i can even go swimming~ can eat can slp.. so shiok..

Hi ladies, i heard from my previous 2 gynae that vomitting is pretty normal in first trimester and it shows that the pregnancy is strong. i don't really feel like vomitting but i got diarrhea from the medicine that i'm eating. it's pretty normal when i did a search on the internet.

i'm back to work but starting to feel a little stressed up cos a lot of backlog to clear. and haiz my hubby is flying again tmr and wont be back until friday...

Bam78 - just look v miserable and tell ur boss u need to go home! then gag/cough/look nauseous and run off to toilet halfway while telling her/him! That's what I did and kena forced by boss and colleagues to go back!

Velvet, i'm also have cramps on and off. according to gynae its normal so long as it is not periodic (etc every 10-15mins) and not super pain cramp then its ok. and as along as the cramp does not comes with bleeding it's ok also.

i'm getting paranoid on the spoting issue. so worried things will end up like first time.

why are there so many things that i CAN NOT do when preggy. don really see my sis having that problem when she is preggy last time... >.<

sian... just kena from a colleague from another dept... she preggy i also preggy but i have to do her stuff cos she on medical leave...

velvet, that's a gd one... wah... my superior is a male lo... so some times a bit difficult to say sia...


i have frens happy sail thru their 1st trimester without even knowing they are pregnant de lo.. i envy them.. seriously envy them....

morning MTBs... hope you all had a great long weekend... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

welcome and congrats all MTBs...

holly: i have "cramps" quite a bit... but sometimes lost if it's cramps or stomache... cuz i always have constipation... sigh...

Flubby - male one should be even better right...heh, thot they may be more inclined for u to rest.

Holly - My ex boss din even know she preggers until 4th month lor. And we were like, aren't u even aware that you are like 3 months late? She was saying she thot due to stress mense never come! haha. And she was happily traipsing all over London in her 2nd month some more on biz trip!

I just hope that the MS is just 1st tri only and not whole pregnancy! Which is what my colleague just told me for her case, its throughout her pregnancy. I dunno how to survive that leh.

velvet: 4th month!!! then her tummy must be not showing la...

i can't wear my jeans already... sigh.. wear dresses all the test.. or wear leggings...

you know what I'm dying to drink - COKE! can u believe my colleagues are like monitoring my fluid intake - ie ppl telling me no COKE! sianzzzzzzz...

HHO - I'm doing OSCARS next visit lor.


hho - erm, good point! she got abit of tummy already in the first place...and she don't really wear pants one, usually wear dresses/skirts so I suppose that's why she never notice bah!

I know this person right, she's already in her 4th mth and not SHOWING at all! in fact she lost weight, cos of MS! 2nd one some more. Still look so skinny and fab!

Flubby - just go back lor. I also wish got PM appt and cha bo home after! But gotta sit here in office leh.

