(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

piggi : wah, ur fren solid. If its me I will be super depressed and probably opt for termination to avoid bringing more suffering into this world. don't even want to think about it man!


aiya.. like i tell u all liao.. my son supposed to be only child and i spoil him n he be a little emperor.. hahaa.. he not supposed to share share.. hahahaha... but since accident happen liao then bo bianz la..

i think my boss say to make me happy only la.. keke.. i dun think it will work.. haha.. then he say he wanna hire assistant for me.. i think he say only la.. keke..

my friend did the amino test too.. and the result also not very good but she just went ahead. her boy very well behaved n cute also.. oh. and she is only 25 when she had the baby.. so sometimes its the leap of faith that u have to take.

my sis frend also did the DS test and it come out not very bright but she still decided to keep it as she have been trying for a bb for almost 7-8 yrs. and she have this little girl through IVF. finally bb born already my sis went to visit her the bb don look ds at all in fact she seem bright.

phyl: ur boss so good... hope it comes true... haha...

actually on the DS test, we were very hesitant... till now... though we kinda decided... still abit half half cuz we have heard of stories you said... hmmm... a bit lost also..

Hmm.. I guess if u belong to high risk grp like got family history or u are abv a certain age, I think should go ahead to test. But if u think not neccessary.. Then no need to go thru the trauma. Ask urself if u knew ur bb has a high chance of being ds will u abort. If it's against ur religion or ur personality.. Then I feel there's no need lor. My point of view. Coz I feel that drs are trying to make moolah out of this. I was below 30 with no family history. I insisted on not doing the test n the dr actually made me sign a disclaimer!

Haha.. I asked her why she said got a Japanese lady missed the date for the scan then the bb come out ds then they wanted to sue the dr coz they say nv tell them the imptance of the test. weird ppl la..

This time I change gynae so dunno if I dun wanna do the test need to sign not. They just wanna be careful lor.. When I insisted they jab bcg on my son's butt instead of arm also must sign if infection I cannot sue them.. Haha

i tot now all bcg jab is on butt already? my boy also had his on his butt ah. without any disclaimer de ley.

nowadays ppl start suing and complaining everything tt's y the doc bcome so kiasu also ah? LOL!

Hi all mummies,

My EDD will be on 19/11, 1st preg, abit nervous as my age is catching up consider high-risk mum...Can anyone advise me what to look out for?

1st tri is hard for me...cant really work at all...

kkh is by default on the arm. mt a, tmc and the rest are all in the butt. kkh gahmen so wanna be careful ba. i wanted on the butt coz i've seen ugly arm scarring.. keke.. no doubt its son but still dun want him to scar. keke..

ya.. guess kkh wanna be careful with everything.. this time i change to mt a should be different. keke..

Michele, just relax and try to rest more in 1st. Don't do too strenous exercise. Housework like changing bedsheet, vacuum floor, mop floor and no carry heavy things. Work wise no choice just have to let ur boss know.

Michelle.. my gynae told me this.

7 things that are No No..

1. Dun carry heavy stuff

2. Dun squat

3. Dun walk too much

4. Dun have sex

5. Dun drink coffee n tea

6. Dun smoke

7. Dun drink

Morn Ladies,

Welcome Michele.. Im sure MTBs here are most happy to share what they know. I'm also older and having 1st bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] & suffering from nausea & vomiting. I try to work even though I felt lousy.

Somehow, pregnancy does affect productivity & performance.


welcome michele... congrats!

my doctor also advise don't stress.. ask me leave everything i can't do aside... haha...

my gynae told me:

1. don't go near cats' faeces

2. don't rebond/dye hair

3. don't go near smokers/2nd hand & 3rd hand smoke

my friend told me:

1. don't do manicure/pedicure

2. don't drink cold water as the baby lungs' will be weak

Hi Mummies,

I'm new to this thread. May I join in pls?

Expecting 2nd child in late November. Went to see gynae at abt 5-6wks but can't see much, will be able to know EDD during next visit next Wed.

Hi Bam, can you pls add my details too? Thanks!

EDD: November

Gynae: Dr Lai Fon-Min

Hospital : TBA

Days: 6 weeks +

No of kids : 1 + 1 upcoming

Anyone is SAHM here like me? Been trying to keep awake during the day, can't stop yawning, feeling nauseated on and off throughout the day, no mood to play with my lil' girl, she's 19 months, feeling so guilty abt it. How do you cope with a young kid, plus all the housework (cooking, feeding, cleaning, laundry, etc)?

Hi all mummies, thx for the advices... ;) Now I'm at RH to see doc. I was on hospitalization leave for last week cos got sharp pain n stayed over in ward ... Cost me a bomb! Haizzz...pocket burnt! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I have gone to do my pedi last 2weeks ago! Oh dear! Can't dye hair? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I have plently of white hair to cover.. I dun want bb to see a white-hair mummy leh!

hi jollymummy!!!

welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and congrats...

i am SAHMTB... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just started on 1st apr... haha...

ya i heard its no good to dye hair as there's chemical involved to ur scalp which not sure will cause any harm to bb or not. maybe its better u can chk with ur gynae if will have any great impact before u go for the dye [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have actually been going for this herbal treatment thingy for my hair...helps for the scalp + covers white hair... dunno whether can continue or not...

Hi Michele - is your gynae from RH?

1. don't go near cats' faeces - Cat's poo contain some chemical which if we inhale, it will affect baby's brain developments.

2. don't rebond/dye hair - The dye might get thru ur scalp into ur bloodstream which is harmful to bb.

3. don't go near smokers/2nd hand & 3rd hand smoke - this one even if u not pregnant also u shouldn't la hor.

my friend told me:

1. don't do manicure/pedicure - can do! but not the acrylic. it will b even better if u dun go nail spa to do it. coz others might b doing acrylic and acrylic powder is not good for pregnant lady if inhale.

2. don't drink cold water as the baby lungs' will be weak - this one i really dunno. i heard alot abt this also. but i dun care. well, my boy is a premature but his lungs still seems good eh.

Hi Jollymummy, Michele,

Congrats n Welcome!

H ho,

where u stay ah?

holly: i stay between novena and TPY MRT... why leh? very bored huh?? haha... i also... past few days... sleep and eat..

mummies, anyone falling asleep? me sitting in front of the pc but the mind dunno go where liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

h ho,

oh oh... see where u stay ma.. den can come out la kopi nx time... i very bored lo. big boy go work, small boy go sch le.. got nuthing to do at home..


I AM! but i trying not to slp.. coz i need to fetch my small boy soon..

my small boy sch in simei la. he plays from 9am to 5.30pm de. so in between we can go la kopi~ hehe... anyway i see gynae at TMC de ah..

cool... haha... tmc very near me... should have chosen tmc... but cuz my sis deliver at kkh... so i also go there... to see the same gynae...

h ho,

now change gynae also not late ah. haha.. but KKH also not far from ur place ma.


ya ya.. SAHM.. nua'ing type. ever since preggy wat also no need to do.. just nua infront of the laptop can liao.

i also dun know which gynae to change... my sis make preg like so easy... haha... she always tell me just take it easy... just choose a reasonable gynae (not too newbie)... they would know what to do...

so i just chose her gynae lor... haha...

but her preg was quite a breeze... her first bb delivered in 2hrs after gog into labour...

holly: btw, you not bored meh? i'm so used to working.. suddenly no work like dun know what to do... read also got limit... want to use my brain more... haha...

i hope to secure a job end apr... the potential employer knows i preg and still keen... they finalising final details... keeping fingers crossed..

i wish i can slp too... was on mc last week and spent most of my time sleeping. quite boring cos nothing to do! didnt dare to do strenous hsework so best thing is to rot in front of the lappy :p

h ho - all the best to u! i was quite upset this morn cos my potential co changes their mind knowing tat i am preg. quite upset cos have been looking forward to working there.

hello all,

just went for first appt w my gynea last Tues, and we saw the blinking heartbeat.. so glad... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But up to now, I still dare not declare my #2 pregnacy yet, coz 7mths ago I juz had a failed one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Really pray & hope this time will be smooth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm a FTWM, hv a darling son (Nov06).

I shd be in my 8th week now..

my gynea hv yet to gv me an EDD date. but should be in Nov.. like my #1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hoping for a healthy gal of coz.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gynea: Dr Adrian Woodwoth

erm, 1st tri cannot have sex??? how come leh...I thot ok leh, until last tri or when too big?

For the cold water thingy right - hmmm, my gal now quite susceptible to flu/cold and have been warded before for bronchiolitis. Not sure related to cold water, cos I didnt' really stop that. Die, must stop drinking cold water! Can't help it leh.

Michelle - Like you, I'm also in super no mood to work. Just procrastinating on my to-dos!


Enjoy your free time now. Won't have much once baby arrives. I was also SAHMTB while preggie with 1st kid. Enjoy your uninterrupted sleep at night as much as you can. Hope you get that job! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Remember not to eat raw food as it can cause baby to develop spina bifida (spinal problem). That includes sashimi and soft-boiled eggs. I've given up on my medium-done steak, not eating steak now bec steak tastes yucky when well done. I don't eat salad from restaurants too, only cooked veg.

Remember not to take herbal soups in 1st trimester.

Recently I took pictures of a few soup packs I usually buy to cook chicken drumsticks with and showed them to a staff at Eu Yan Sang, who recommended I keep away from these soup packs till 5-6 months. Reason being the foetus is not stable yet and don't know how foetus will react to these herbs. Sigh, I really enjoyed the soup packs bec it's so convenient and tasty.

Jollymummy - no herbal soup?? I think my fil today boiling some chicken soup leh... how ah?? I think when my mil and sil was pregnant, they also drank leh..


for those high risk pregnancy (ie. if u hav spotting etc.) then gynae wld advise you not to hav sex.

Chicken soup without chinese herbs is ok, i suppose gynae fear that they will cause complication to pregnancy.


Yah, that day my MIL cooked some herbal chicken soup but we haven't announced yet, so I ate a bit of chicken and drank a bit of soup, also bec I was greedy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lame.gif] My MIL cooked with Chinese herbs which came in a pack that can be bought from NTUC but I don't know how to describe the herbs here... But I don't think I dare to eat anymore till 1st trimester is over. Hehe...

If it's only chicken soup that your FIL is cooking, I think it's ok.

