(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

My fren who sells "drugs' to him said she never expect he will become head of gynae in KK... cos his character is the easy going type u know, not the ambitious type... :p

But anyway my boss said he is gd & nice. He specialised in IVF procedures though. There was a newspaper readup abt him months ago. Dun worry, I'm sure he knows wat he is doing in your case.

Meiyun, mine excluding supplement cos I buy from outside medical hall.

Chatty, don't worry too much. You just bed rest and relax. Sleep more if can... Gd chance to rest.

I miss my bed!


Not to frighten u, I feel nausea everyday since wk 5... oni the intensity varies. On bad days, I vomit lunch & dinner, not so bad days I feel nausea but no vomit. But thats me... diff ppl diff sympton.

You may wana wait till for 1-2 days to see if this nausea comes back. For info, Nausea is caused by raising level of HCG, which supports the pregnancy.

Can pangkang liao... finally!

See u ladies soon... me on leave tmr, long long weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Catch "How to Train your dragon" with your kids or hubby. Its v gd... am sure u will like it. Enjoy!

I only feel nausea if I eat oily food. Other than that, I am alright.

Between, do you gals burp more than usual? I always burp after every meal leh....very uncomfortable.

haiz... i think i dun have MS but i do start to have NS (nite sickness) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] mood swing coming in to the pic too.. starting to feel miserable..

so diff from when i'm having my 1st one.. urrrgh.. how i wish can fast 4ward to 9mths later.. lol

Hi all! Juz woke up fr my nap, got a shock to see the thread has so many pple nw & talking about everything under d sun! I'm still nursing a flu & nausea.... bt I dnt usually vomit, I only feel like vomitting

Chatty- I live in d north... Haha

congrats to all the new MTBs

yes, I burp lots more nw dat I preggy....

Going to gynae on sat 3 April for chk up & hopefully knw my EDD....

Congrats new mums to be! I'm from Sept09 thread.. and sorry to intrude!

Not sure if any of you wants to read past issue magazines...

Reading is pleasure ~.~

Felt them it would be a waste to throw them as the conditions are very good.

Mother&Baby: Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 2009, Jan 2010. (8 issues in total)

YoungParents: Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sept, Nov 2009 (7 issues in total)

Motherhood: Sept 2009, Jan 2010 (2 issues in total)

$1 each copy. Usual price is around $5-$5.50 each.

Self collect @ Simei/Sengkang[to be arranged] or add another $2 for us to *deliver them to you as it will be quite heavy.

If getting 6 issues and below, can go by postage. Buyer has to pay for the postage.

If getting all 17 copies, it will be $15 including *delivery! :)

*Delivery to only Simei/Tampines/Pasir Ris/Seng Kang with more than 7 copies.

Feel free to drop me an email if have any queries!

Good deal!

Do pm me as i might not be able surf the net often. :)

Thankssss in advance!

meiyun- i also have some nausea when i'm hungry or have a late breakfast...

H Ho- i planned my bali trip almost one year ago!! since got to make sure that #1 will be ok with in-laws/my parents... so must go! actually, it's supposed to be baby making trip.. but God decided otherwise.

My hubby is planning to go to Japan for one week in late Aug but i haven't quite decided whether i'll go along cos by then i would have been around 30 weeks plus...

I also do burp quite often... actually quite glad to burp.. since it'll make me less bloated.. meanwhile, have to stay off dairy products cos i realise that it tends to make me even more bloated since digestion has become much slower.... arrrgh.

jewel: thanks for the info... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shm125: enjoy your trip...

good night mummies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

went to the gp just now cos of bad cramps like ants bite then doc check my urine confirm i got UTI gave me some super SALTY medication yucks!!!!!!!!

Gd day ladies! Its thursday finally!!!

Ashley, take cranberries juice or take cranberries now. I'm taking that on regular basis for prevention.

Ho, gd ah... Can sah now!!! Envious!

Today got JL sales at expo... Ladies can go shop for baby stuffs...

Ashley please take care. I had UTI b4 2 years ago, drank cranberry juice everyday, now ok liao.

Visited gynae yesterday liao. Saw hb but gynae told me not very normal. It should beat very fast consistently but mine it beat consistently awhile den stop for 2s den beat again. He told me bb had 50% chance to survive for my case. BB's growth oso very slow. Must continue to take duphaston. Have to try to rest more and think positive. Is there anything that I can moniter bb heartheat at home?

Gd morn ladies,

Pregnant ladies tend to get uti, so

1. empty ur bladder whenever u can.

2. Wipe from front to back when u go toilet for biz.

3. Keep ur private area clean n dry.

Must take care cos uti will affect the bb"s development.

I ever had 3 uti b4 pregnancy, esp when I'm heaty, so I'm v careful now. Everytime I feel itchy down there I will go n wash with anti bacteria soap.

Ashley : u can buy a Doppler but not sure if u hav hear the heartbeat at this trim. At this stage, think ONI ultrascan can capture the movement of the heart beat ba... Cos bb so tiny.

Griny, how many weeks are you in now? When is next visit?

My baby also small... So I'm worried too! "Sigh"...

I didn't eat much too... No heavy appetite!

When is your next check?

babieslove, now should be around 7 to 8 weeks liao but bb only 6 weeks big. It is still very small. I hust hope that this pregancy with be smooth n ok.

Jewel, how much is doppler and where can we buy it?

Bam, u gd life ah... Can eat well and put on.

Griny, pray ok... I'm scare too. Need to pray hard... Sometimes baby maybe smaller in size, so tell yourself, don't frighten yourself ya. When is next check? Mine next week.

aiyo.. Blov. Everyday work eat sleep, work eat sleep...

I dun dare to excercise cos still 1st trimester..

But with this rate.. by end of 9 mths. i'll gain more than 20kg wor!!

Bam, that's fine. I was like this on my 1st. 25kg and more and I look horrible. So heavy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning all =)

finally long wkend coming...

anyone noes where can get cheap maternity clothes? me cant fit in my clothes alrdy.. so sad...

Hi all, wish to join u gals too.

Bam78, pls help me to update the table as well. Tks a lot.

Nick: juv06

EDD: 15 Nov 2010

Gynae: Dr Lawrence Ang

Hospital: TMC

No. Of kids: 1 upcoming

Current Week: 7+

Hi ladies,

I few days never on computer cos too lazy. Got chance only nua, on computer oso too much work :p So much to catch up, read until blur. But so glad to see the list is growing!

I finally saw my gynae yesterday and saw a little heartbeat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But he said my bb looks like 6wks old, so seems like my EDD will be pushed back by a week or so. Feels as if I need to prepare myself to prolong the horrible 1st tri symptoms.

Burping non-stop

I also burp whole day! Burping does make me feel a little better tho. Let out some bloat. I don't get sick from any particular food. Just that eat dun feel good, dun eat also feel lousy. Really dunno should eat or not.


Anyone got problems with smells? I suddenly hate the dish-washing liquid smell, the hand wash smell. I oso BTH change my #1's diapers. I send him to his playgroup the class room oso smell funny now. Worse is taking lifts, sometimes the smell from the previous person's perfume in the lift oso make me feel er xin. The heightened sense of smell is driving me crazy!

babieslove, I try to think postive so that won't affect bb. my next check up is 2 weeks time. hope that by that time, bb will be much bigger and stronger.


Hi ladies,

Just seen the gyne....can see the HB. She commented the HB was beating fast but the only concern is the irregular shape of the sac [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Measure 6w3d and size about 0.5cm and told to see her 2 week time.

