(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Just had lor-mee for lunch..the vinegar is so shiok!

I agree with Brie, eat dun feel good, dun eat also lousy. Now my food intake seems to be lesser as eat too much, I feel very uncomfortable.

I just came back from my second gynae visit at week 8. Did a vaginal ultrasound and couldn't find baby's heartbeat after a long search. Doc did a blood test to see hormone level and will do another one on Sat to compare.

Has this ever happened to anyone before? I want to believe that there's still hope! Please pray for my baby.

Thanks MTBs.

Hi All MTBs, I've been a silent reader for a long time..would like to join in with u babes.. This is my #2 and my 1st was born in dec 2008.. i have no intention of having another kid and i just started my new job.. found out i was preggy 3 days b4 my last day. I didnt have intercourse with my hubby for 1 yr until this jan and we did it once a month on day 9 coz i ovulate on day 16 and the chances are very low.. well.. i'm wrong somehow or he has super sperms. keke

i'm abt 7wks my edd should be 18 Nov and i'm seeing Dr Chen Li Han. Will be delivering in Mt A =)

Hihi, i would like to join u all to [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My baby likely to be an early dec baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If it is not too confidential, may i ask how you inform your new company? I am in the midst of switching too. Have informed my new co that i am pregnant so not sure if they are going to change their mind on the offer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chloe, I wanna eat pancake something sweet... That will sure wake me up. Not your poke!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aphodite and Bam, I also find my taste bud strange. But I know now oily fried food turns me off... I used to eat a lot lor. Er, now I'm very hungry though... Drink water will help?? I'm taking blueberry cereal now as snacks! Arrgghh, must get my pancake.

Mummyunome, let's all pray hard... I'm worried too, but guess we have to be positive.

Welcome to piggicia!

when i found out, i met up with my new boss to inform him. coz i wanted to be fair. and if he didnt want to take me in, i will withdraw my resignation. i left a gahmen job for a pte sector job.. so it was a big leap of faith. was super worried. =) hope this helps.

babieslove- i'm also feeling very sleepy... and the worst thing is that i have lotsa work to clear. =(

welcome piGgiCia! Must say ur hb is very longsuffering and understanding... can tahan for so long without sex...

haha... shm.. sex causes pregnancy!! hahaha.. and i dun want pregnancy! but i very nice liao.. give him once a month.. now 3rd time kena.. so my friends telling me he so poor thing 3yrs 3 times.. hahaha.. that day saw gynae he told my hubby NO SEX.. wahahhahaa

piGgicia- aiyah...if u really scared of pregnancy, then bo bian have to use protection... haha.. actually on the day i conceived, i told hb to use protection cos i know i'm probably ovulating.. then he forgot/didn't take my words seriously... so now pregnant.

haha.. ya la.. i know its partially my fault coz i nv insist on condoms.. we nv use condoms b4 coz i tried my son more than a year. aiya.. things like this happen la.. aka shit happens.. bo bianz.. wat to do? hahahahhaa..

thanks piGgiCia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i have also been trying for baby no 2 for almost 6 mths yet no luck, just when i am abt to change job, i strike!

chatty.. i think its quite norm. coz i lost 1kg since i found out. my appetite is very bad.. i know i'm hungry but i just got no mood.. and now i got MS so makes it worse..

i'm a facebook addict.. keke.. so if u babes wanna add me my email is [email protected]

me! haha.. later i reach the interchange i'll grab a bread or something then squeeze in mrt..

milo.. i regretted changing jobs and joining the new coy.. coz i lose all my ben.. last time i go kkh.. i didnt have to pay.. now i have to pay. well.. bo bianz liao.. good to let your boss know.. u'll show soon so no point hiding it too..

piGgiCia - when i told my new employer that i'm pregnant, they straight away rejected me..so now i'm jobless.

Bam78&Dolliepollie - we have the same gynae : )

i am hungry too! after gobbling down one bread, i am still hungry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] already told them when i accept the offer this morning. last night still sounded so confirmed that preg no prob. this morn confirmed my pregnancy and HR sounded uncertain liao. they will get back to me.

i will be delivering in mt A too, seeing Dr H K Ho.

Mine still early pregnancy, will be going next week to scan for the sac. hope u girls dun mind i gatecrash the nov thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i dunno abt u gals but i'm 7wks but showing. so i cant hide very long. my first i didnt show until abt 11wks buti noticed this few days in the morning i seem to have a permanant bump.. at nite bigger la.. but coz bloated..

milo, juv.. if u sign the appt letter liao, they shouldnt reject you liao. but i informed my boss out of courtesy coz i was headhunted by him. so he has great expectations.. i didnt want to come in then after i join then i dun meet his expectations.

I think depends on whether the new company is pte or public sector.

Think I will announce to my boss after everything is stable..

piGgiCia-the worst part is i have not sign appt letter lor. On the same day i'm being accepted by the company i found out that i'm pregnant. Actually i got tot of don't inform them, but they ask me to go for medical check-up, so bo bian i got to inform them..haiz

piGgiCia - ic, u feel manageable in the new co? learn new things and meet new ppl... stress bo?

juv - you are in the same situtaion as me. also tot of dun tell them until i sign the appt letter but worried later my life will be difficult in the new co lor. after all, i really like the place.. haiz, the price to pay for being honest.

milo.. ok la.. just that last time i didnt do much in office at all.. now i have to go to site everyday first then come to office.. the office aunties here all still very proud.. so no friends here yet.. accept a few ppl whom i know from other dealings from b4.. ok la.. just that i'm super tired and i not use to the noise.. the aunties here speak very loudly.. gives me a headache when i sit in office.. imagine got 2 diff radios playing many ppl walking here and there + phone ringing and ppl talking.. zzz

milo - ya lor..me too, like the new company very much. So now i'm jobless, everyday stay at home sleep and eat...like pig

piGgiCia - my current company is like tat lor.. everyday i hear aunties cursing and swearing at ppl, not good for taijiao :p

juv - haiz, think i also no hope liao, end of the day le still haven get back to me. guess seldom ppl will wanna employ preg women. take the chance to rest well. was on mc the past 3 days, eat slp eat slp now my clothes are bursting!

milo - maybe u can try to call them again and see how?

ya lor, take the chance to rest but still got so many mths to go..so have u put on any weight? Now i nearly 8 weeks i still didn't put on any weight leh..is this normal???

juv - they say will call me on mon wor so i guess can only wait lor.

for this preg, i seems to have an excellent appetite, eat slp eat slp so yes i guess i am pui pui liao!

for my no 1, i hug the toilet bowl for almost 20 weeks ah, ended up i lost 3 kg :p as long as baby growing, shld be ok bah...

milo - oic, no choice lah..is fate

yr 1st one is boy or girl? I don't have much appetite during dinner, will feel bloated after eating..

Hi All,

To anyone who is interested in banking cordblood. Just share my view..

Thinking which cordblood storage is better. And after go through all the research, i decide to opt for Cordlife. However, please do not think that putting the baby cord blood in public bank and later u able to use it. Cos i did make a call personally to Public cord blood and they feedback to me out of 10 only 5 or a few will have success rate of storage of the baby cordblood. So u all better think twice if seriously want to store the baby cord blood.

Call up Stemcord, cordlife and public bank ask them to explain the difference and if possible meet up the agent and listen more.

If you all want me for referral of cordlife in order to get 50 dollar discount. Do let me know and can drop me an email at [email protected]

juv 06: no worries... i am also jobless... today first day... hahaha... i think we have company also...

welcome all new MTBs!!!

happy easter !!!

yeah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] any other MTBs gog to SAHM ?


Hi to all mummies

Had a bit of spoting, so quickly rush to see gyn last evening. Taken Blood test and were order to bed rest. This morning receive phone call from gyne and confirm my blood count is too low and will not be able to sustain this pregancy. Within the next 1 - 2 days should start to show sign of bleeding, which means I will have a MC.

lost of words, just went to eat Japanese Sushi, cause I want to tell my bb this is mummy favourite food and want him or her to taste mummy fav. B4 leaving mummy body.

Dear Lingbel,

So sorry to hear abt it... you dun wanna seek a second opinion? or do another scan?

Be strong.. and tell ur bb to be strong too...miracles to happen *hugz*..

Hi Chatty

Almost no hope liao, cause already start to bleed like menses.

But dun worry, I will be strong and I am alright. Cause this is my no 3. I already got 2 cuties at home. I now feel like, I am in a soccer match, at the Final race and lost 5-4 from the penalty kick.

BTW mummies, I just bought 1 box of Folic Acid, if anybody dun mind, can come collect from me.

Collection can be either Clementi, Jurong West or Depot Road

*hugz* lingbel... good to know that you are alright...

Recuperate well and you can try again soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies know what should I do, I heard MC is very hurtful to body and need to be treated like give birth and eat like confinement food? etc etc....sorry, hope not stupid question

HHo- i'm planning to be SAHM.

Lingbel- sorry to hear about your loss.... Take care.. i think u should eat more nutritious food to "bu" your body...

