(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

welcome and congrats scubababe... sounds like you are one active mummy... are you a diver? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks you everyone for being so positive.. i will try to remain positive too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

worried_gal - am into my 6 weeks now.. realised i didnt provide my info for the table you all have..

EDD: 21 Nov 10

Doc: Dr Han

Hospital: RH

No. of Kids: 1st one

No. of weeks: 6

I will pray really really hard that i will not have to ask anymore to remove my details from the table at some point in time...

Ho - did you ask the doc what he could do abt the blood clot?

Actually i also made travel plans for June..but have decided to back out.. not sure if the travel agency will allow.. haven call them yet..

bbl: I play tennis, pickelball, badminton & is a diver. I did 2 sprint triathlons b4... but tat was in 2005 :p Now Im fat fat... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I think I will brisk walk, swim & back exercise to prepare for 3rd trim. Wt carrying like not advisable leh... light jog is ok.

I feel miserable after every meal... urrrgghh.

Griny, gd to know someone here stay in the west. Do u play MJ?

My traveling plans are all gone.... planned diving in Apr & May cannot go. Self drive trip to australia in Sep also cannot go. I saved all my leave for travelling... all down the drain

I see my colleagues go holidaying... I can only drool [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Actually i just came back from London abt 1.5 weeks ago.. so i found out abt my pregnancy only when i returned...now i know why i was always tired during the trip... :p

HHo: what can be done on the blood clot? I read some ladies discovered cysts during pregnancy.. can blood clot be taken off by surgery like cysts?

Heard if really have to travel, best travel during 2nd trim & best dun go 3rd world country cos the medical service & expertise there is lacking.. best ask ur gynae for advise cos diff ppl diff condition.

Sorry Jewel, I dun really know how to play MJ....

Just went for lunch ordered Hor Fun. The food dun looked appetising at all. only ate a few mouth. Den at the cafeteria hav OTO massage roadshow. The salesppl came ard putting 1 mini massager on my shoulder. I got a shock man! Den i told the sale auntie that I cannot massage!

ha i am active coz I am FAT! no choice la, gained too much weight. Then I have been paying for my gym membership but never go, so this year told myself to make use of it fully, juz that now pregnant so do different things la.

hho: yep i dive, but not frequent and now cannot dive la...

chatty: my gynae said my placenta is abit low lying now so may cause spotting, could that be a reason for you? But in any case try to have more rest so dun risk anything.

Ya cannot massage now, esp those OTO/OSIM stuff

chatty: i stay centre north... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

as for the clot, he just gave me another 3 weeks of duphaston to stablise the baby... should go away if baby is ok... if not, will see what he says which is 5weeks away... hmmm... abit worrying... but he seems very confident to ask see me only 5 weeks later...

i also a bit lost... when i saw the clot, i didn't know what to ask... sigh...

jewel: you also active mummy leh... also diver like scuba... you mummies must be sunny gal... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chatty: maybe you overtire yourself during the trip... just ensure you bed rest and drink lots of water...

btw, i went to weigh today, i put on 2KG!!! is it norm ? I'm only like 9wks preg... BB is 8wks old... what should we expect for the 1st tri? 3-4kg?

Ladies, I've been travelling these few weeks. Gone twice holiday le, after knowing I'm preggie. I think its fine to travel but not on 3rd trimester.

Today I'm very bad with my giddiness and really tired today... I need my bed!

Welcome scubababe... Where is ur gym?

I wanna mj too, nobody stays in east?

Griny: no prob. just asking, we can do other things besides MJ. I'm not an active player anyway.

Helloo scubabae, nice to find another diver MTB. I dive like twice a year, so sad now. Somemore with bb later, think dive trips will be v diff.

HHo, sounds like ur gynae doesnt really see the blood clot as an issue ... so dun get too worried yrself ya. But how come 5wks then see u? My next is 3 wk later.

jewel: i also dun know... is it norm ? after the 2nd visit, does ur gynae see you approx 1mth?

i am abit lost.. I also dun know if i should ask for earlier? any comments? should i call to change...

Thanks Bam for updating the table [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im think mine can be considered extreme North..coz am quite near the causeway liaos.. haha


Mine after 2nd visit... is 3 weeks... at wk 10.

But maybe diff gynae diff schedule lo. Could it be his appointment too packed? or he thinks ur situation is not critical, dun need to see so soon.

Personally I feel if things are normal no issue then appt can be less frequent. But if got issue, it's better to review more frequently. If u see him again, ask him if the blood clot remain then how will it affect the bb or the pregnancy?... better than guessing & living in constant worry.

hi all mummies,

I am about 7 weeks and expecting no.2.

hho, dun worry my gynae will also see me in 4 weeks. if everything is ok they usually see you about 4 -5 weeks after the 2nd visit.

H Ho: My 3rd vist also after 1mth from 2nd vist.. So i think it's common ba.

But doc did mention, if we can wait. he'll see us in another 1 mth. I was thinking.. does that mean if we cannot wait.. i can see him in 2 weeks? But i never ask him lah.. cos i too blur liao.. just nod my head whatever he said.

jewel: thanks... today is my last day at work... don't think i can find a job so soon or even will find one... so will be good and stay home i guess...

val: congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for your comments... guess it's not of much concern... doc didn't look very concern... just ask me rest and will be ok... maybe it's normal... cuz i don't feel anything also...

keeping fingers crossed...

HHo: wow.. u quit becos of the pregnancy? or it is coincidental... just nice. U can rest throughout the pregnancy.. *envy*

So sleepy & Er Xin.. wish I can get off work now.

Welcome Val.

jewel: no lar... i tendered before i know i was preg.. hmmm... i'm not sure if i am of envy... i think i'll be very bored...

ashley: i have that all the time!

Meiyun... choosing one is easy. First list down ur criteria.

Location: for me gynae must be near where I stay... I dun wan to spend a lot of time commuting to see gynae.

Gender: preferably be male cos they are more understanding. :p

Facilities & Service:

I prefer hospital to private clinic... cos eventually you have to deliver in hospital & the gynae will always be ard. Private clinic gynae deliver & go... the feel & treatment is diff. & hospital is more well equipped than private clinic.

Price: if its any concern.

Gynae: After of the above, u can zero into the gynae. Do reference check on the threads here.

Hope it helps.

Welcome Val and scubababe!

I must be one of the laziest mummy here.. cos i don't exercise at all... altho' i have skinny genes and breastfeeding to help me lose all my weight from #1...

Would love to go exercising except i can't find the time and opportunity cos usually i'm stuck at home with #1.

I'll be going to Bali next week w/o #1 (my first holiday without her) - sure hope the bloatedness and MS doesn't spoil it...

Jewel: Thanks for your advice. I thought females are more understanding.seems that I have a misconception.

If the gynae is located in a private clinic in a private hospital, better to give birth in the hospital where he/she is located??

hey jewel, i used to dive about once a year too, but after having #1 i only managed to dive once, now have to take a break again

babieslove, my gym is california. i stay in the east! (extreme east!) we can mahjong wahahha... but i am not too good at it.

my visits to the gynae now is also monthly. actually i hope to stretch more coz every visit is so ex waahahah....

me very sleepy today too.... the clock is ticking slowly


Normally gynae will use the hospital if he is located there, cos they shld some tied up with the hospital.

But there could be exception for docs who run between different clinics. You can call up the clinic and ask, the clinic assistant shld be able to ans u.

Scubababe, me too, extreme east! Hee... Nice to find kakee here!

Ho, how I wish its 6pm now... I am so sleepy. Cannot tahan anymore. Feel like taking a cab and go!

So far my bill for 2 visits has been 200+ each time. I hope my holidaying cost this yr will cover gynae visits + delivery.

1.5hrs to go... counting down.

bbl: the clock is ticking so slowly now... hope 6pm comes soon... then it's pang kang!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shm125: u r also cool... go holiday in 1st tri... i gave up my bali trip last week... maybe should plan another one in 2nd tri... before i say bye bye to holidays for the next 1-2years...

Its pouring in the east! How I wish I'm bk home resting!

Ashley is staying at home. She is so fortunate to rest in.

Ho, I also wait for pang kang! Arrgghhh... So slow the clock!

Jewel, my gyne each time ard 120-ish.. Already think its siong. Mine somemore no package one!


wow... think mine is exp... haiz. Nvm, for bb $$ can be earned.

At this stage (1st trim) no package for everybody loo... think package oni start from 2nd trim if have.

went to confirm the pregnancy at a gynae. costs around $120 to $140. included internal scan and folic acid.

went Jakarta for 3D2N in the first 2/3 wks not realising i was pregnant.lucky nothing happened!

HHo: u dun need to wait for pangkang for awhile liao. I rem my last day with one co. last till 12mn. U r fortunate!

Actually your gynae, Dr LSF deliver for my boss's twin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I almost wana go for Dr LSF but KK is too far for me.

Time will pass faster if got things to do... so means... we got nothing to do.. hahaha.

jewel: so any comments on Dr LSF? he is always so cool... even my blood clot... he says see me 5wks later...


may i check - do any of you not experience the nauseas feeling on certain days?

Coz i realise i dun really feel it today so getting a bit worried...

