(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Elmo...dont give up try again ya...jia you jia you..

Fiona: think u mostly likely confirm le ke ke ....tmr when test tell us ya hee hee...

I wanna test but my hubby say later wait longer....I also think so cos keep feeling the period like wanna flow out...till now haven come...hope wont come...


DzXz: today u miss how many days le? next week can test le..

so scary.. always like got something come out.. den i will go check.. but heng is discharge.. my heart like wan to stop when something come out..

Fiona..I miss about 3 or 4 days lelo...

Ya lo me also so scare when feeling something coming out....think we two will faint one day if this still hang in a suspend ke ke ke .....

lol.. think 3 more days u can go test liao..

i also miss 4 days le.. if can to find out soon maybe can go for blood test..

i seriously cant remember the last day of menses and no idea when i ovulate, but when i test, the line is probably a shade or two lighter than the control line...does it means that i can be considered 4 or 5wks already? Deciding when should i visit a gynea...i want to wait till at least can hear heartbeat before visiting...


wk 5,can onli c the waterbag..6wk onward,can heart bb heartbeat le..

So i suggest go n c a gynae from 6 wk onward..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chloe,the problem is i dont even have a single clue what week im in... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Fiona...no sad no worry...at least u still can see a bit shadow of the second line.....each women have different reaction or symptoms to pregnancy ma...relax...test again tmr ;)..

I think will only test about 18th Mar...think is more confirm if till that day still haven come lo

Today stomach abit cramping feeling....just finish hand wash clothes...ke ke hope is not the feeling of coming waahaha....

fiona, i also got no feeling of being pregnant yet..haha..let nature take its course...

Dzxz, pregnant also will feel cramping one...dont think so much...

thks dupp...

Ya agree also no feeling of pregnant..ke ke more of got feeling the period coming...

Think we cannot think too much though hard to control lo...ke ke


count from the 1st day of your last period till now...

And ta-dah...you will get the number of wk u r in now ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the process in waiting for an ans to noe is +ve or -ve,veri kan cheong hor? Reali will go Mad ah!! keke..

Relex,and goods news will visit all of u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dzxz, ya, agree! Can't help thinking about it. So i tested 4days in a row till i got a very clear line! Haha...

Chloe, i was breastfeeding and my menses has yet to return. But i did had faint spotting around 20feb, considered that as menses? If so i only 3wks pregnant! 3wks can test positive already??


hahhaha..u miz ur period 3 to 4 days le ah? keke..another 3days or so,can test liao lor..esp when ur period is regular.high chance will strike..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


per my knowledge,3wks is too early to detect...i tink.

earliest to detect sld b 4wks...

how many kids u haf?

Chloe..Fri I cannot tahan and went to test using clearblue...but no second line lei sobsob...sad....My period not very regular..will normally late for 1 day ...hmmmm just keep finger cross lo...

wan to ask.. normal pregnancy test is how many miu?? online i buy the pregnancy test is 10miu.. which one is betteR?

Hi ladies..

joining you gals here..i think m preggy..im 5days late and feeling symptoms of preggy..cramps,bloating,nausea and also frequent peeing..

i'll be testing HPT soon cos hb said to wait for a few more days (last 2 times we had lost hope you see)...if really positive it'll be my #1....Very Nervous!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chrisl: congratz to u.. do update us after u test.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

after test for 1 hour still can write the result? my friend also think that she is pregnant.. but she test n forgotten about it.. So i help her to ask for some advise.. she saw a light faint line.. but is after 1 hour den she go see the result.


the instruction on my kit says "do not interpret the result after 30mins"

Beta do a fresh test..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wooohaaa, 1 more new member!! welcome chris [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok.. den i ask her to test again.. Tml is my day for testing.. So scare.. hope that everything goes on well.. n my dreams come true..

Hi ladies,

I just got my menses recently as I just finished breastfeending. But the cycle is very messy, 1st was 57 days, 2nd was 36 days. My last period was 29 Jan. I do feel giddy and some cramp on and off, but no sore boobs. The thing is I can't predict when is my ovulation nor my next period due. Im already at my 45th day.

I tested HPT on sat morning and had a clear negative, but the control window is blank. You think I should test again or just take it as negative?

HPT also not cheap leh, I don't mind another baby (have 18mos son) though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Reading all your posts make me very gian and excited to get preggy again!!!

Thanks gals for the warm welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good luck to you Fiona! Hope you get good news! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]

Sarina some HPT are rather cost effective and works just as well as the more well known brands..eg like guardian's hse brand vs clearblue etc..you might want to consider that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and oh since the test you took wasn't showing anything, you might as well try to test again..just to be sure..

Lotsa Baby dust to all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_babydust.gif]

good morning mummies!

Chris, thanks..yes I think I'll go for Guardian later and test again tomorrow...What you doing so early in the morning???!!

Good morning mummies!

I have just been tested positive 3 days ago. Bought my kit from Guardian and saw 2 clear lines (No need to buy clearblue, guardian brand is as good). After that went to Doctor there to confirm. It's our #1. Baby dust to all!!

Hi Chris...hee welcome....update us ya once u have tested...

Hee Fiona...feeling anxious for u....have u tested...update us ya..

Oh I did not know Guardian hse brand was well known ke ke ...maybe my next test I will use that if period still haven come....

Jazel..congrats ya...

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i test le.. -ve lei.. always give me false alarm.. but AF still haven't come.. so see when will come ba..

I have been taking Blackmores Conceive Well Gold (Consist of multivitamins +DHA) for the past 2 months before I successfully conceive. So I guess that helps. Can be bought from Watsons/ Guardians at $46 for 1 month supply. Though it's a little expensive, it's a good investment for those who are trying to conceive.

Hi fiona,

Jia you.. still got hope! give it a few days more, but i know the anxiety can be terrible.

btw, i've asked my friend and she said she got a referral from polyclinic so its a lot cheaper. but if you want the breakdown she will need to find her payment slips.

Anyway, dun think about that for now, maybe in a few days, you won't even need that info. relax and we wil wait for your good news =)

I still need to wait for 1 more week before I can test, #2 anxiety is the same as when I was waiting to test for #1...

I'm currently in my 5th/ 6th week. Tried to call Dr Joycelyn Wong. The earliest available date is 5th apr (my 8th week). Is it too late?

Hi Jazel,

For my #1, my first visit to the gynae is on the 8th week and it was fine. you would be able to see a little pea during the scan. =)

Thanks fluffysheep. Looking forward to the gynae visit. Still not experiencing much MS now, which makes me a little worried. But making v frequent trips to the toilet.

thanks fluffysheep.. have to wait a few days more lo.. hope it won't come.. praying hard.. now waiting game.. the most sian part is the waiting time.. only when get the result den will be happy..


I know what you mean... we all playing the waiting game. hee..


If you have no MS its good... then you can enjoy your pregnancy. My friend got no MS at all, so its like honeymoon all the way. I had 4 months of MS for #1, it was terrible. If #2 is on the way, hopefully it won't be as bad as #1. =)


ya waiting is the most sian....dont understand why cannot know it on the first test sigh...

Please dont come wahhaha...please ....

