(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi ladies, I'm bk... Travelling is quite smooth for me but I hope going through those gantry will not affect my baby inside. So scary lor... Am in 6 weeks 1 day now! Really pray everything goes smoothly.

Wow, a lot of new mummies just joined, congrats to u ladies... Anybody ard my week now?

Jazel, I go to toilet very often too, and loves to drink water too. No ms for me so I'm quite fortunate but I got bloated tummy lor.

a question, will u change gynae to cheaper one cos my hb finds my gynae so ex and no package.


ya lo.. pls dun come..

DzXz: if ur AF due is on the 10th den like that mine is on the 11th.. so we both very near to each other hor.. when u wan to test? i think i wait until friday or next week den test again..

DzXz.. yes, if only can find out at first test.

Pray that your AF dun come dun come.. hee.. and we will hear good news soon!

babieslovely, Dun worry your baby will be fine.

Fiona...ya lo we both so near to each other ...if really preggie ke ke will be the same timing to give birth?? ke ke ...

Me also most wait till after tmr or 18th ...ke ke cos I last time also period late 6 days..so hmmmm I cannot wait to test second time lei...

Thks Fluffsheep...ke ke

Hihi to all mtbs who just joined! Hope that DzXz and Fiona’s AF won’t come! As long as 1 day dun come it’s a gd news each day![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you!

Just returned to work today. Maybe slept too much for the past few days and now very sleepy lo! Me oso dun MS symptoms too, only feeling bloated (sometimes hungry), sore breasts and gg to toilet often.

Now soucing for gynae too. Dun hav the intention to go back to the one what my company doc recommend me. Like babieslove, he is charges are considered quite ex and dun have package one. But I hav shortlisted a few like Drs Joycelyn Wong, Woo Bit Hwa and Kee WH.

Jazel, if u intend to take Dr Wong, maybe u can make a appt with her 1st to book her slot. At least chop her 1st. If u change you mind later not to take her den u can cancel you appt with her. Just a suggestion only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Griny, I have made an appt with Dr Wong on 10th apr, that's the earliest sat available. Last time I went to her for pap smear and checkup, really like her.

DxXz, Fiona and all others TTC-ing: Don't be too worried... My LMP was 31st Jan... Period is always irregular... I wait till 12 Mar then went to test, as last time always kan cheong go n test, then in the end nothing... Don't give yourself too much stress!

Fishy, think 4th Nov. Needs to confirm by gynae again cos next checkup to see heartbeat or don't. Scary... Yours due on?

Fluffy, scare wor... Heard too many stories le, that's y paranoid! Arrgghh... Is this ur first?

Hi Babieslove, had my 1st scan last week. it showed 8th nov... ya, im seeing gyn 2wks later to see the heartbeat... *crossfinger* which gyn did you go to?

i feel so useless.. i was divorce once.. there i got 3 kids with my ex husband.. 2 with him n 1 with me.. now i remarried for 1 year already.. but can't have any with my current.. i feel so useless lo.. my hubby love my daughter alot.. but i still wan to have kids with him.. haiz.. maybe give birth to too many already.. now cannot give birth le ba.. sad..

Jazel, next tues... Excited but scare too... Hope to see baby grows. Yours? Is DR Wong gd? Her charges ex? Got package? Haiz, we r trying to save money on this...

Fluffy, if this turns out fine, it'll be my 3rd... I heard too many scary story lately, that's y worried a lot. But I better be positive because it is always mind over body lor! Wow, your baby still so young... Which gynae you go for?

Griny, who is your gynae? How ex for 1st visit? Mine, consultation, scan and no supplement, cost us 110 lor.

Fiona, dun think that way. Too stress can't conceive easy. Breathe. U will be fine...

Fishy, so we r few days different. I also pray to see result! R u working?

Jazel/griny- Dr wong's also my gynae. she's a good choice if you're having your first one.. except her prices are quite ex.

Jazel- gg at week 8 is ok- cos you'll get to see bb heartbeat.. unless u r spotting, then better call to see her earlier. Her girls will try their best to slot you in.

Fiona, don't despair. Your hubby also don't want u to be sad. The kid will come sooner or later.

Babieslove, I can only visit dr wong on 10th apr as she's too popular liao... Her package is around $800 as per what I read in forum.

Babieslove- dr wong's package starts at 20 wks- it think it's about $760... check with the clinic.

She's good- she's gentle when she does vaginal examination (VE) and her stiching is good.. can get up after normal delivery without much pain so can do without the painkillers.

babieslove- hmm..i'm not sure- prob u need to ask around. Why do you want to opt for C-sect? since C-sec is a major op.

Shm, my first 2 pregnancy were c-sec so I would want to choose that way for 3rd one. So expensive on gynae lately... Must save money now.

Jia you Fiona. All of us are here to share and support one another! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babies love, the gynae I got referred to was Dr Chew. My total cost (consultation+scan +medicine) for my 1st visit was $238. That exclude the blood test which cost me about $68. The doc was friendly, fatherly and very detailed in explaining during scan. But I just feel that he is too costly for us liao.


I would be going back to my #1 Gynae at KKH. She's very reassuring and her c-sect patients recover very fast.

You're having your #3...nice. Anyway, stay positive and all will be fine. :)

hi babieslove, ya Im working...... this will be my 1st bb. had a miscarriage last year. so hoping the bb will be healthy and can see the heartbeat for nxt appt.

Griny, he's fm gleneagles mah, sure ex! Deliver in gleneagles is very ex too. Have you plan one bedded? That's even more ex in gleneagles.

Jia you all mummies, hopefully you will strike soon!

I just returned from lunch and bought a Guardian HPT this time! I hate suspense, tempted to go and try now but I know morning is the best time.

Will test tomorrow morning and update!

Btw, if any mummies looking for gynae in the east, I recommend mine - Dr Heng Tung Lan!

babieslove, I went to his mt E clinic. That time I got bleeding and dunno which gynae to go so got refered to him. Den realised he is very ex. Considering TMC or Mt A but haven't think of wat ward I want to stay in yet.

wow once you gals know that you are preggie, will start to look for a gynae??...but how u know that gyane is good?


You can get recommendations from friends who have used the gynae before or Mummies here can recommend.

Its very much up to individual after that, coz you friend may like the gynae but you don't.

I guess you just need to know which hospital (pvt or govt), male or female gynae then decide from there.

Hope this helps.

Fluffy, thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] excited but worried too... Just had siao wan mian for lunch. So bloated!

Sabrina, which part is ur gynae's clinic? Female or male?

Fishy, me too, working mum. Have you tell your colleagues or boss abt ur pregnancy? I don't know when to tell yet. Maybe after 1st tri. Now my tummy is rounded cos bloated and expand real fast this time!

Thks Fluffysheep.....me still yet to know the confirm result though first time test is negative lo.....thks anyway

DzXz, when I first tested, its negative too. I re-test 5 days later for fun and saw 2 lines. So if u feel like u shd be preggie, test again few days later ya.

hee hee babieslove I not sure also lei ...when u tested negative, do u still having the feeling of the period like wanna flow out (before u test again 5 days later?)

DzXz, yes... Still got the feeling but I bo chap and did a lot of strengeous exercises. I'm like having more energy before I did my 2nd test.

babieslove: hope to hear good news from u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi gals!

Wah so much can't really follow thru..running out of time now..going to work soon..so dropping a line..

Sarina im not in s'pore so that explains the time difference [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Im definitely not an early bird hahaha

But Gals bad news lah..just after my post yesterday,my aunt flow came!! Im once again disappointed!! Tot really strike this time cos afterall i've not been so late as tis time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] all seemed so right...sigh..only god knows...k then i might join you gals in other forum again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] stay well and lotsa baby dust!!!!

any mtb very stressed here?

I feel so stress went for V.scan last wk when i was 5 wks doc say no heartbeat ask me to come back again this fri arghhh worry

Ashley- don't worry.. you won't be able to see heartbeat... just take it easy...

Babieslove- Oic... no wonder u wanna opt for C-sect. Guess the other way is downgrade to 4-bedded or 2-bedded.. That's what i'm planning to do since hb has to take my girl home every night- no point getting one-bedded and feeling so cooped up in the hospital room. sighz.. i find every year the cost of having babies keep going up and it's not like our salary is getting higher...


Shm, 1 bedded is more private. So at least hubby accompanies me and more privatise when I have guests all coming. It'll be fun... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, totally agree! So ex nowadays... Haiz... Must start saving le.

