(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Hi all..

I am new here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

My period suuppose to have come in 1 March, but still not here yet.. tested the kit on the 8th but it was -ve..

May I know how many days later must i wait for the 2nd test...? And perferably to test it early in the morning rite?.. So lost... heheh


Chrisl, dont be sad....jia you jia you okie....

No stress Ashley..though I have no result yet...but I understand how u feel...different people have different timing I should say....maybe u need longer week to detect? Just take care of your health recently ya

babieslove: My Gynae is a very experience lady, nicknamed queen of Eastshore. I managed to deliver me #1 naturally with Epi with her. Actually 1 bedded is not that ex, and if u can afford go for it for ur #1. I delivered at Eastshore and very satisfied with their 1 bedded. Hubby slept at the sofa-bed and I have visitors coming in late at night he he..

DzXz - thanks babe, I kinda like getting pregs again, but deep inside i feel like -ve leh, coz boobs very soft LOL heard all those preg have sore boobs! I only feel super giddy..

Ashley - don't be worried ya, its not healthy for your lil one who is trying to develop. Agree 5 weeks is very early. I went gynae at ard 5wks + also for my #1, no hearbeat, only a sac..gynae asked to come back 2weeks later..finally can hear, so happy. So,in the meanwhile, remain happy and avoid doing strenous exercise.

hee hee.....think getting preg is a good thing and a wonderful experience..if I this time preg...will be my #1....pray hard...hope my period dont come knocking my door..shoo shoo shoo

Sarina, my 2 pregnancies were in 1 bedded. That's y I love the idea of 1 bedded again.

What's ur gynae's name? Queen of east shore ah... How much per visit at her clinic?

dear all thanks!I m exactly 6 wks tdy.

Hope to see some good results this Fri.

Time is passing so slowly can wait for the 1st trimester to be over ...

Arghhh I need some retail therapy


any craving for certain foods?

I got craving for curry and meats dudz curry my hubb was quite amused by the craving.

babieslove - yeah yeah 1 bedded rocks, I can be in my worst state most comfortably. Her name is Dr Heng, she has a clinic in Bedok - "Heng Clinic for Women" - always packed! I can't recall per visit, i tink after 12 mths onwards it $600 package for consultation all the way to delivery.

to all mum2be in 1st trimester - hold on ok..2nd trimester is the best!! no MS and you can eat without sucking in your breath

Sabrina, so she's gd! I might wanna try her since she's cheap... But see how it goes cos I've confidence w my gynae who delivered for me twice but I don't mind to try queen of east shore. Ha... Yeah, 1-bedded rocks! East shore has nice confinement food! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeah, we need to hold on all mummies in 1st trimester! Pray all's well for us!

After much thot, decided to get Dr Woo.... Jus made appt and will be seeing him this wed!

Finally, jus b4 I knock off from work got this vomiting feeling but feel very glad got this kind of feeling. Crazy rite?

DzXz, I oso everytime feel that I hav liquid coming out. Den will quickly go toilet to check.

Hi maple_leaves, maybe try testing tmr morning. Hope to hear good new from u soon!

For those mtbs to did V scan, is it very painful and scary?

Oh ya maple leaves, bring us gd news tmr ya...

Griny, u just think that if got ms, meaning good thing right? Today, I feel so sng on my back, and keeps feeling hungry now! That's ms too, right? I need assurance too... Ha!

babieslove, think those symptoms are ms too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] For me, sometimes I felt bloated, sometimes I felt hungry. But dun hav cravings.....

arrgghh.....i'm having quite bad MS. it wasn't like this for my #1. Always feeling so "pukey", hungry, but take a few bites and i feel full already. I dunno how to tahan any more...aiyoh.

I am not sure...that time I happen to look thru the webby...I think can lei...but not sure does all gynae allow...maybe u can check typing medisave or check in cpf webby....I remember there is a webby that tell us medisave now can used to pay what....

Making Child Birth More Affordable

Use of Medisave for 4th and Higher Order Births and Pre-Delivery Expenses. Currently, Singaporeans can use their Medisave to pay for the delivery expenses for their first three children. They will now be able to use Medisave to pay for pre-delivery medical expenses (e.g. ultrasound scans) in addition to delivery expenses, for all their children[2]. These measures will apply to parents of babies born on or after 1 Aug 2004.

Use of Medisave for Assisted Conception Procedures. Couples who face difficulty conceiving will be able to use more from their Medisave accounts to pay for Assisted Conception Procedures (ACP), such as In-Vitro Fertilisation. Couples who start their ACP treatment cycles on or after 1 Aug 2004 will benefit from this change.

I saw this in webby

I think all receipts have to be kept...I not sure lei....maybe u can go further check thru webby or with your gynae...hee just sharing something I came across and hope not giving anyone false alarm

Wahaha ya will help us save alot...I no clinic to ask u ask lei tell me...but I read some webby might be only via hospital? I know Mt Alvernia do have this pkg...hmmm no harm check out...save alot ya....

me also always stomach ache and poo...then stomach cramp at times....period like wanna come..is so torturing me hanging me in suspend ...sobsob so envy you mummies already know u are pregnant..sobsob

juz use digital clearblue to test.. the result is out.. i'm pregnant.. yeah!! see gynae this friday to confirm again.. think clearblue is my final result le ba..

ya.. my dreams come true.. so good.. i'm so happy.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think clearblue is accurate ba.. i scare later the test kit spoil make me happy for nothing.. lolx.. think i better confirm with gynae soon..

Morning ladies, just testes and it's -ve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] though I'm not actively TTC, just feel a teeny bit sad. Now need to wsit for my AF to come only....

Good luck to those who are testing today... Me gg to sleep, took urgent leave coz feel depressed lol

Morning mummies....

Congrats Fiona...so happy for u....

Sarina...dont be sad....this is the first time u testing? cos me first time also negative...but I wanna to test for the second time....

Sarina: dun sad ok.. AF haven't come mean got chance.. jia you..

thanks gals.. my hubby so happy that he ask me today after work go see gynae.. i told him that now still small can't see anything but he still want to go there confirm fast.. cannot tahan him.. lolx..

Hi mummies to be, gd day!

Fiona, congrats!

Sarina, keep trying ya... Jia you, don't give up. I also think maybe too early to test. Don't be depress ya...

Ashley, I always wake up in middle of night too, to pee...

Chloe, I poo a lot, cos I eat so much! Haha... I huess I take a lot of vegs and take wheatbread and drink a lot of water. Lots of fibre I guess... U try my method lah.

DxZx, I wanna find out about medisave too.

Fiona...your hubby so cute....he feel more excited than u now ke ke

Morning babieslove....

Fiona how come u keep thinking the kit is spoilt? think got expire date? since u have more than 1 kit...u can test again lo

Fiona, too early to check, cos might not see anything from scan too. Maybe go for blood test to confirm? Usually kit very zhun.

Ashley, they said better not... Some old wives myth.

