(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

i guess all babies are impatient... mine is like tat too....

So heart pain.. my poor boi having diaper rash somemore i think the skin peel off.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sharon, try desitin for diaper cream, it's good.. I using the blue one..

Musicbox, I direct latch on.. Don't like to pump too so I only pump when needed..

JanO: I still wake up to pump cos I feel wasted since milk is there and bb sleeps through, I pump and store. Also night time milk thicker and richer because of our rest.

jo, is it easy to use? am thinking of getting one, for maid to use when i go back to work. wondering how useful it is. can it be used with other brand's bottles?

Sophia my CL tan the bb for 20mins between 7-9am and he is tanned cos when take out mitten

Can see diff color.

Musicbox I expressed more than latch cos bb impatient and sometime can choke when latching !!

@ CSI_Fan, the warmer is really helpful...however its better if u prepare the milk in the bottle and leave it in the fridge beforehand...then when ur bb cries for milk, u just put the bottle into the warmer...it will save you the time esp when your bb is wailing away for milk. the warmer is compatible with other bottles as well. overall i find it very useful...and easy to use...my maid learnt how to use it with 2 tries....and it doesn't kill the nutrients.

CSI fan, I also using Avent digital warmer.. But I haven't learn how to use it, now hubby n CL know how to use.. I'm not sure if my MIL will be able to know how to use it.. Thinking want to get a pigeon one or not , for MIL

Sharon, the purple one is thicker I think.. Blue one is good enough

my baby drinks only like 10-15 mins when I direct loatch on. Then she falls asleep. She drinks every 3-4 hours. If I bottle feed her, she takes about 60ml EBM and she is 2 weeks old. I am worried she doesn't get the hind milk. But CL says she is full and she takes 5 mins to finish the milk in bottle so shoudl be ok. Is that true?

I read like babies must feed like 30 mins, so I am worried. I do have quite good milk supply. Could it be she drinks fast and a lot of during a short time?

Jen: Yes using wet wipes on pee n poo.... with drapolene? is this suppose to be the way or????

Hammiebao: maybe will just get the Blue one...

My bb too. Impatient. Wake up only wail very loud n face turn tomato red n demand for milk. If he waited too long, he will continue to boey shong during feeding n makes lots noises as if scolding while drinking. N nobody can talk, especially if we r talking abt him, if not he'll go cranky n refuse his milk n keep wailing super loud as if scolding.

Jabs: wats the diff btw 5 in 1 n 6 in 1 jab? I know its the hep b. But y r there 2? N why choose either one of them?

OrangeBB: 6 in 1 jab is inclusive of Hep B in de vaccine. Where else 5 in 1 doesnt have Hep B in it and u nid to arrge a separate jab for bb. 6 in 1 is better, all in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh yah, watch out bb might develop fever after jab. So remember to ask paed for fever medicine to stand by.

Tiger babies:

My MIL actually went to the temple and "ask", and they say Tiger babies are generally very fussy and need to be taken care of carefully. Coz last wed after her jabs, she was so cranky for a few days. When we want to feed her milk she cry until as if someone is torturing her..gotta "trick" her with the pacifier and slowly pull out and put the bottle in. This few days abit better...sigh~ sigh~

Sharon, I started with desitin.. Then my act expert CL say it's very thick n not good.. So I let her use Drapolene.. Then bb backside red.. Then I told her to use back my desitin, few days later she come tell me that I'm right, desitin is good.. -_-"

Hpc, I also feed about 10mins.. Can last bb for about 3 hours.. I'm a lazy mummy I only feed 1 side.. Hahaha

Sharon, get from BP cheaper than Guardian..

Musicbox> i express out to feed my bb as after latching for the initial weeks i feel bb always fall asleep when latched & get hungry easily & not have longer sleep but when i bottle feed him my ebm, he has better sleep & i can gauge how much he drank. i only latch him as a "dessert" like when his feeding time's not up or when he still like asking for more after his feed. it's tiring lah especially during midnight when u need to get up to pump & wash & also bottle feed yr bb (especially if the timing is 1hr apart meaning u got to stay awake for 2hrs)

Dear Mummies

Sorry for interrupting you

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Sharon: I have lots of desitin cream to spare. Bought it from spree. Friend changed her mind, so now I have almost 20 tubes left. Can spare you, it's the big tube and exp date at least 2012. Got them at $8.50/tube

Csi fan: I like it, easy and idiot proof. Thaw milk in fridge, pour them in milk bottle then put into water to warm. The only thing I don't like about it's the button. Can be quite irritating!

Hammie: the pigeon one is not so user friendly, maybe I don't know how to use it! It takes a long time to warm the milk and it's not so warm after 20 mins.

Hpc/Hammiebao, is your bb efficient sucker? Mine is considered quite efficient n I still feed him 30mins on 1 side. Boob will be soft after a full feed. When they are older, then take abt 10-15min to finish.

Jo, no need toilet train. Think the school will help to toilet train but parents have to play a part. Tried to train h b4 I gave birth n failed..


Angry with mine today. Caught her only give fruit to my no 1 n no cereal. I scolded her how can like that? He is not on a diet and u cannot not give a growing child food. Last week caught her being unhygienic washing my no 1 stuff. I am in the house all day and she still does these sort of things. Then she cried n said wanted to go home. I calmed down n counseled her (geez) that if that's what she really want. She wants to stay and work to earn money for her children or go back to her lousy life of a lousy husband with a pregnant lousy mistress. Told her never to threaten us again. Sheesh. Just brought her for a buffet on Sunday to celebrate her birthday somemore. This is how she repays gratitude?' sheesh!


But wont ur supply drop or stay stagnent? I used to pump for my elder boy but the amt became stagnent. When he was 4 mth old, my supply was not enuff ald.

Hammiebao, is normal tt u will b feeling tired. Esp u r still under confinement now. Coz we are burning calories(yes! Burning calories!!) when we bf'ing. It is energy draining. If u r tired, try side latch. Latch him on while both lay sideways. U can slp n he can latch.

Holly, latching still ok.. Cos I'm a lazy mum.. Bb feed time at most 20mins.. Haha.. But dunno why in the day I always want to sleep.. Maybe when bb get older then I train him to sleep thru I will be better.. Now I feel hungry very very fast.. At night sure must eat something before sleep then after 4am feed sometime will feel hungry again.. Very scary..

Jo, u can e supplier of desitin! I tot I have alot (3 tubes) and u have 20! Try to sell in WTS section? Cos I really don't think u can finish the 20 by 2012 leh..

Clover, I don't know efficient or no leh.. Sometime he will drink till very angry.. Which I don't know why.. But very funny.. Breast feel soft aft about 15 mins of latching bb..


mayb sthg wrong wif ur pigeon warmer? mine get v warm after abt 3-5mins wif the knob turn to the 1st pic( which i cant recall cos it had fade away liao... cos urs is new so might wanna chk out under warranty


for me, pumping dun affect my supply leh. cos i nvr latch on ever since discharge from hosp, been doing sole pumping. supply still increasing n now stock wif 180 pkts of frozen milk. 2day i had a shock myself cos i actually pump 1900ml of BM whole day. my chest freezer is full now. looking to buy another one. tis wk had started to feed my #1 wif bm as well...

crying bb- my bb also cry like someone had beat her up badly wen she wans milk...

Tris mom, wah u got so many pack of bm!! I only freeze 2 packs, cos I lazy to pump.. Normally I pump once or twice a day.. Today didn't pump at all just latch.. After I pump I keep 1-2 bottle in the fridge then when 2 days pass my hubby will drink up the milk in the fridge.. Now staying at MIL house also don't wanna take up too much of her fridge cos she already got alot of things to put in.. It's quite full.. I wanna ask u freeze so many bm for what ar? Hubby don't understand why must freeze.. I also don't know what to tell him jus say keep for future use haha.. What kind of freezer u use to keep the bm? Just a freezer solely for bm? Thanks

Btw for latch on mummies,

When u all go out how u all clean the nip before bf? At home I use towel to wipe but outside how? Wet wipes cannot right? Thanks..

Trismom - I also almost full-time pumping. Your ss alot mine abt 1.4l per day. I already reserved a chest freezer from fren to put all my ebm. Did not count the no.of frozen packs guess also abt 100. My no.1 also drinking my ebm 2x per day.

Oh btw how much u put inside each milk bag? I tried to put 200ml but tik it's too much cos wan mix with fresh ones the smell very gross but store too little also waste milkbags.

Trismom and Koori: Really envy the good supply. My supply is super low. Actually wanna ask, for exclusive plumping what are your routine like?

I am thinking whether it is too late for me to rebuild my supply.

i remember someone is asking about how to train bb to skip the nite feed n sleep tru the nite, can any mummy share their experience?

Trismom: ya, that stupid warmer I got is giving me prob. Yes, under warranty, took very long to warm up and sometimes i have to wait for a long time to get that "not very warm" temp! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now I gave up, no time to go service it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hammie: ya! I think so too! Not all exp 2012, only a few, the rest later. Oh, WTS ah? Thanks, will go explore one of these


Clover: thanks for info. I couldn't train my consistently before I popped too. Now she is half half, almost there but not stable. Praying that she will stabilize soon.

Sharon- best is use water to clean baby bottom instead of wet wipes. Wipes has chemicals which might be too harsh for baby's tender bottom, just my 2 cents [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milk supply- I also do exclusive pumping every 4 to 5 hourly. Been giving no 1 ebm since a month back cos supply quite a bit And freezer no space.

Curious, for mummies with #1, Does ur #1 want to try latching too? Mine does but she has forgotten how to suckle and gave up after a bit. How do u give ur #1 ebn? In her own bottle or cup or mix with her fm?

Hi morning ladies...

Abit depressing today coz realise tat my gal will finish 90ml of FM very fast but will take a long time to finish 90 ml of BM. It seem tat she like FM more than BM....and it is so disheartening especially when I hv enough BM for her.....

Last time I dun hv enough BM for #1 but he seem to prefer BM over FM....why my gal so different from her kor kor one.....haiz...

Faye, I make it a point to pump every 3 hourly since I dun latch my gal, and it seem like now she dun wan to be latch, coz latch only cry big time.

velvet, my #1 will want to latch, but she has forgotten how to! quite funny also...haha. i mix ebm into her FM or fresh milk.

holly> hmm i not sure about whether supply'll remain stagnant wo but trismom said will not, luckily then. so far i tried to take fenugreek capsule, my ss seems to increase back, my boy drank about 120ml per feed at 8wks now, i usually can pump 140ml total now. it's really tiring to pump, i actually prefer to latch because of the closeness so occasionally i let him latch when he drinks finish or before his timing for next feed.

trismom> wow yr ss really alot wo! i remember u said each time u pump about 200ml that time. now my freezer only about 20+ packs, i also think no place to put & wonder next time will i throw away the frozen ebm or not..

Mummywong, thks for ur advice, I'm now latching my boy, I guess I really have to take the courage to pump and feed him especially at night, yesterday he wake up many times in an hour, give him milk then he sleep n not drinking! I'm super tired!


I can take 4 tubes from u too. PAss to me on mon ok?

Playdate on mon.

Anyone mummies joining? Clover ? Shan? Naf?

now each x i pump will yield abt 350ml-500ml depending on how long the interval. so i jus stored all into one bag cos if put too little also waste the milk bag.

i remember someone asking which brand of milkbag to use. im using boots milk bag. cheap n good. matl v thick n can stored up to 380ml per bag.

i specially bought one chest freezer solely to stored bm so tat won hv those food smell. chest freezer better cos bm can last 6 mths inside there whereas our normal fridge freezer can oni last 3 mths. electrical bill increase how much i dunno leh cos din calculate...


to freeze it so tat it can last for 6 mths later. so in future wen i stop pumping milk liao my bb can still feed on those frozen ones for at least another half yr later. cos hv so much 2 of them drink also cannot finish...

Tris Mom,

Ur supply is really super GOOD! Mine is only 90ml every 3 hour interval.

But if u store all in one milk bag, then later when u thaw then hv to all drink at one go?

For me now I am using GnMA and I find it good too.


for me i warm up bm n mix wif the usual fm in his cup

another advantage of freezing bm is caretaker can stil feed bb bm if mommy is gg out or travelling. wen #1 i travelled without him my mom still can feed him the frozen bm

I've got a fly in the hse! My MIL......

Y must she come everyday....... Come already nvm, but can keep quiet a not......

Haiz going KK again coz jaundice was still high last wk....


i pump every 4-6 hrs interval depending on sometimes if i go out might delay abit or nte x oversleep...


wen i thaw bm, i will usually jus plc it in fridge. wen fully thaw, will transfer to storage cups. wen bb need milk den pour their normal needed quantity into the milk btl n warm up. i was told like this not so good but v used to doing such method n it works well for my #1 for the whole 1 yr of bf career. now #1 v good immunity n strong. seldom sick. now 3 1/2 yrs old nvr visit doc (becos sick) more than 5 x other than jabs.

so all the hardwork of pumpin r worth it ba...


i also bought a few boxes of GnMa bags. yeap its good but just tat i find them abit small. max qty can store abt 250ml oni which i might need 2 use 2 bags

Ueno: got it. Will bring on mon. Naf, mrs lee I think both going but subject to change. Clover not joining g cos her friends are visiting her. Shan, didn't hear from her. Confirmed ones still me, you and Hammie.

