(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Mummies on TBF: anyone can advise me if BB poo abt 8-10 times a day isit normal and BB kept farting? getting worried i wonder wat is happening? CL kept saying BB LS. Wondering if i should bring to PD?

West Mummies Gathering:

Food wise:

Sharon - Drinks

Jen - BBQ Chicken Wing

Bam - Pizza

West Mummies Gathering:

Food wise:

Sharon - Drinks

Jen - BBQ Chicken Wing (Can order from Pizza Hut)

Bam - Pizza (Can order from Pizza Hut)

Sharon, for tbf babies, it is common for them to poo after every feed; which works out to about 8-10 poo. It's normal. Its considered diarrhea when the pooh is totally liquid all the time, not pasty

Sent my CL away on Wed, 1 week before the end of my confinement. Really couldn't stand her anymore. Rather suffer from fatigue than high blood pressure!

Luckily, I have some part-time help from maid and family to do the washing and cooking. So far, the worse thing is waking up a few times at night to feed baby. She woke at 1am, 5am and 7am... so tired! Asked hubby to do the 5am feed last night and he was so sleepy and blur, he changed baby's mittens and replaced them with botties! When I fed baby at 7am, I had a good laugh.

Without CL around and as my MIL leaves me to decide how to handle baby, I feel alot happier now.

Blanche: Thanks...

West Mummies Gathering:

Food List:

Sharon - Drinks

Jen - BBQ Chicken Wing

Bam - Pizza

Ueno: Chicken Nuggets.

Confirm Attendees: Sharon/ Ueno/ Faye / Chris/ Hammiebao/ Orangebb/ CSI_Fan / Bam / Clover


Hi mummies, I am a July mummy. My baby is going to be 6mth soon and I have overstock 2 cans of Similac infant formula for 0-6mths. Would like to sell away the two new unopened cans for $60.

Details of the milk powder:

Mfg date: 20 apr 2010

Exp date: 09 apr 2012

Self collection at sengkang or Serangoon mrt station.

Please contact me at [email protected] if you are interested

Sharon, add in "Jo" haha.. she should be 90% confirm one.. hahahahahahahaha

Oh, if u ladies interested to get Awfully Chocolate cake for the gathering, I can buy.. haha.. its just at my door step.. so I still can handle that.. let me know! or actually we can order some finger food from BP thread.. haha

Anyway thanks for organizing, btw, where u stay? I wanna see how far it is from me.. haha

JanO, i counting down to the last day of my CL, which is Xmas! and its going to be huge jam at the custom, so I'm thinking should I say nicely let her go 1 or 2 days earlier to avoid the jam.. but if I let her go early I don't need to pay for the 1 or 2 days right?

My MIL don't say much about how I handle BB but she still say abit here and there.. haiz..

Finally got Rid Wind to stand by.. lucky today BB never cry like mad at 8+pm.. which he did for the past 2 days..

Anyway wanna ask what are the essential Medicine that I should get ready for bb in case anything? thanks.. Currently I have the followings:

Vicks Baby rub (which I don't know how to use it)

Rid Wind

Sharon> my bb also poo almost after every feed, i also on TBF, and the poo really looks like LS..i also abit concern whether i ate wrong thing not suitable for bb.

wah lau, my CL really think this is her home!! my hubby sleeping on our bed and I sit on the bed using laptop.. suddenly my CL came in sit on the floor..wanted to lay her mattress and the conversation:

Me: u want to sleep ar?

CL: no lah, u still haven't have supper, how I sleep?

Me: Then what u doing?

CL: Rest, oh ur hubby is asleep?

Me: Ya he's sleeping and isn't it weird that u just come in and say wanna rest with my hubby sleeping in the room?

CL: Oh, I go sit outside

My goodness, don't know what she's thinking, the living room is empty and I already told her alot of times due to her my hubby got no chance to see bb!

I'm so not going to let her in till 10:30pm! sorry but she got alot of rest time in the afternoon, if she wants to watch tv and not sleep then its too bad for her, don't come into my room so early expecting my hubby to leave the room!

Hi Sharon, would love to join in the gathering. Can let me know where is your place? I can bring dessert [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bd- by the x settle #1 n #2 to sleep, every nte im already half dead. stil gotta pump bm, where got mood n energy to BD? my hb also be monk for past mths. actualli got plans for BD but end up i zz once i put my head on pillow

bring bb out-- bam ur mom not the oni one, wen my bb cry my mom will also say i bring bb out too often den she will cry at nte. but sometimes if bb cries too much, i am forced to believe in all possibilities so i will try to avoid bringing her out too often unless necessary till she is slighter older n more stable.

bb poo- mine is on TBM n every diapers sure hv some poo on it. chk wif pd say its ok. my #1 also like tis, so i guess its ok

pat bb to zz- i try not to pat her to zz but most of the x need to oni once a while she will lie on bb cot n fall asleep by herself.

my bb last feed bet 10-12am n will sleep thr the nte til ard 7am or sometimes 8am. bb will wake up if they r hungry so dun hv to wori. jus enjoy ur sleep... in order to let bb feel fuller, u can mixed FM into BM to make it fuller. i been doing that since bb born n she was trained to sleep thr the nte since 1 wk. so mommies can try this method out. so far it works for both my kids [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb on pram-- so far my bb seems to enjoy being in pram think she likes the moving motion. she always fall asleep in pram while im shopping.

carseat- so far i hv not been out alone wif bb so i prefer to carry bb in arms cos they feel more secure on roads. (my personal feel)

gathering in sharon plc-- i can join. addy pls..

i will bring choc cupcakes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gathering - can count me in tentatively first cos it's no.1 officially start of her 3hrs prenursery I scared she can't adjust so I better be on standby. I don mind sharing Cost with the mummies.

Clover - mine start fron tues to thurs is one hour per day then 7 Jan will be full swing of 3 hrs without parents accompany so kinda worried she can't adapt + she taking sch bus.

Hi twinfish, no i didn't make appointment cos first time there...but I went before 10am...my girl wasn't serious so we waited at Hm...only wanted to chk her colic n diaper rash...ended up the PD said my girl has murmur sound in her heartbeat...monday has to go glenE to do ultrasound [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Keeping my fingers crossed for the scan and result on mon.


Mine is 49 days. Yap. But the nearest one to my place is Saw baby clinc.


Me thinking of being sahm for a short while

Koori, by fri she shld get the hang of school n kids love school bus!

Whitecookies, my no 1 has murmur but turned out to be innocent heart murmur which is fine. So maybe yrs too. HTH.

Sharon: Thank you for organizing. I can make it. I'll bring chicken pie! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but if all of us bring something, will there be too much food? do you think ordering is better and we'll split the cost? I ok with any decision as long as all agree.

Hammie: thanks for confirming for me! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] confinement ending sunday right? Soon we'll be galavanting around with babies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Koori,clover: me too, #1 starting school! First week only 3 days of orientation-2 hours of fun activities. Teacher called me already, how exciting! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Strawberrys: I'm a sahm, no full subsidy. Your choice of taking over is definitely worth it. I encourage you to seriously consider it.

Koori, hehe relax. Start telling her how good n fun going to school n taking bus is.

Jo, I'm excited too. His class name is Love. So cute to me. :D


I'm also not planning to be sahm for long term. Probably til no2 is 1 yr old or more. Then I'll go part time so that I can still fetch and be there for my little ones. Meanwhile I'll just do my freelance stuffs to earn a little $ for myself.

Hi Jo,

My Hb has already said ok... even though our finances will be

tight. I'm still keeping my maid cos not possible for me to

survive with both kids, plus do housework, cook and pump milk.

The age gap for me kids are quite close so not possible to do without maid. Planning to homeschool my no1 also for now till he goes nursery.

Do u have a maid? Usually what's yr day at home like?

Does yr Hb gives u allowance? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tue will b the 1st day w/o cl. Wil b jus bb n me. Gettin nervous. Wonder if i shld go to my parents pl til hubby knock off fr wk? Any experience mum to adv?

Chris, it will be a good idea as at least there's someone to assist u.. Maybe u can try out for the first week then slowly when u can handle bb alone then can stop going to ur parents place..

Bam, so far I read from here, orangebb CL not bad..

hammie > the thing is my sis wil also b brin her newborn ther, plus her 2 toddlers, cos her maid jus walk out on her. N heard fr mum tat her newborn nt so easy to care for. Wonder if it wil b too chaotic, my bb may nt b able to gt gd rest.

Chris, that sounds like a child care! I guess it might be better that u stay home.. Try ur best.. My CL also leaving on Saturday.. And my MIL mostly out.. So I will be taking care of bb alone too.. Let work hard together!

Ueno: Yes first BB

Mummywong10: Yah so i think the poo poo is normal then right... cause i read from the book and some mummies here told me is ok de.... i just choose to ignore my CL liao. She is just against me BFing...

West Mummies Gathering:

Food List:

Sharon - Drinks

Jen - BBQ Chicken Wing

Bam - Pizza

Ueno: Chicken Nuggets

Jo: Chicken Pie

Cin Bunny: Dessert

Tris Mom: Choc Cupcakes

Mummies please PM me ur email address so that i can email u mummies. Dun wan to put up my addy in the thread. Think will share cost lah since we got so much food le. If everyone bring something then food fiesta liao....

Confirm Attendees: Sharon/ Ueno/ Faye / Chris/ Hammiebao/ Orangebb/ CSI_Fan / Bam / Clover/ Jo/ Cin_Bunny / Tris Mom/ Koori



I think my CL and yours are twins. Mine came in to my room one 5am cos I wanted to direct latch baby. She would usually settle baby and bring her to me and put her on my breastfeeding pillow then I feed. Then my husband asleep beside me, she passed me baby and stood beside me, started chatting about who and who got milk or no milk (her previous employers). I then purposely said to my baby..Isabel, drink quickly, papa need to work tomorrow. Then I kept turning my head to look at my husband trying not to wake him up. She went on talking, then I told her...Auntie, my husband is sleeping leh....I said twice then she said.....Aiyah. with baby already, he must learn to get used to it....Cannot all the time sleep!

Wah Lau....Then she went out.

hpc > haha, ur cl vry funny leh. Joker. :p

hammi > bt i m so afraid to tak care of bb alone. Esp bathing, changing diaper n etc. Haiz, dont knw wat to do. At least u hv experience of bringing bb out liao. I wont dare to yet. I tink goin to sharon hm, wil b my 1st attempt to brin bb out alone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chris, I also first time mummy, haven't bring bb out yet now still under confinement.. Haha.. Now u mention.. I also don't know how to bath bb.. Faster try it out while CL still around? Change diapers I still can lah.. I think Sharon house might be my first attempt too.. Unless got lunch appointment before that then I will bring bb out.. Since I also need to eat.. Haha

Hpc, aiyo the thing ur CL said hor.. When u listen u feel like slapping her right? Haha.. Sometimes really don't. Know what they thinking.. Last 7 days for my CL to leave!!! Counting down..

Hammiebao: got the same stupid problem with CL. I talk to hubby she everything also got things to say. Ask us not to keep carrying the BB while h cries the fact tat she can carry him for 2.5 hrs. And kept feeding my Boi with water. Jeopardise all my feeding time... still dare to give me a black face... REALLI DISGUSTED.

Dun say u all hv conflicts wif CL, i also hv some wif my mom also... sometimes mom will come into my room cos hears bb cries n take bb from hb den hb says he hv no chance to handle bb... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so i kinda told my mom to rest at nte so she dun hv to handle bb.

n pd say reduce feeding to 90ml mom says bb v ke lian drink too little... aiy...


Tris mom: same hear... Conflict with my mum..

The other day.. My father was talking to bb. And he says.. "why.. Wana go Kai kai arh"

My mum straight away says.. No Kai Kai la. Kai Kai come back naughty gal. I really dun understand why she wana associate the crying with me going out..

I deliberately go google why baby cry in chinese and baby centre actually has it in Chinese version. I'm going to show her tomorrow! Scientifically why baby cry and not her superstitious thinking...

