(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Jo.. My hubby joining too.. We join for lunch then we going to watch movie!! Haha trying to be adventurous.. Cannot let MIL knows.. Stroller can bring into cinema right?

Frozen BM, I also wanna store BM but the fridge not mine.. How much is a chest freezer? Where to get it.. I wanna get a small washing machine to wah bb clothings hahaha


Jo, I also want 1 tube. Pls pm me

Anyway my pigeon warmer is also as bad as yours. Maybe it is from the same batch. Still under warrenty, but like you, too bz to go and explore.

Rxsti: re: desitin cream:- sorry, I saw exp date wrongly! All are expiring 12/2010, not 20/10/12! Only 6 are expiring mar 2011. I'll give you, tubes of 2011? Can finish by then right? No need to pay me, I can't finish and have to throw those excess also.

Sharon: I'll give you one tube of 2011 also, no need to pay me. Have to get rid of excess also.

If you are ok with it, pm me your addys, I'll mail it to you.

Gonna scold my friend! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Csi fan: if you want to buy avent digital warmer, I have a discount coupon, 20% off, can give you cos I'm already have. That coupon is for the digital warmer only and must buy from the philips customer care shop.

Hi mummies,

Envy those whose #1 will drink ebm. I mixed ebm with fm for my #1 but he refuse to drink cause it taste different. May I know what is the proportion you ladies mix?

Piggydog: sorry leh, saw desitin exp date wrongly, if you don't mind the one expiring 2011 march, I'll give you. Pm me your addy and I'll mail it to you. I'll have to discard the ones expiring end of the year.

Pigeon warmer: ya, so irritating right? No time to meddle with it also.

Hammie: sure! As long as your hubby doesn't mind being the biggest thorn amongst the roses(apart from our kids), he is welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for me, i put the same amt of bm like wat i normally put for plain water n mix fm inside.

mayb if ur boi is more particular, u add abit more water to dilute the taste of bm


u can put stroller behind the last row. Better to choose seats at the last row so that u can go out if bb cries. I put him in the carrier

Jo.. I already told him that we meeting u all for lunch.. But that time only me u n ueno confirm.. But I think he ok one lah.. He love kids lor.. I think he can't wait to see ur #1.. he ever asked me why I never take a pic of her to show him..

Wanna ask again, how bfing mummies clean ur nip before n after feeding when outside? Cannot use wipes right? Cos wipes got chemical right? Thanks

Mummies, when we go back to work, what is the expected qty of ebm and how often will you be pumping? I have slightly more supply than what baby needs now (and getting lazy to pump so keep stretching timing). Have just started to freeze ebm. Yield is about 170ml for 4 hr pump, 230ml for 5-6 hrs.

Is it cos baby's intake have been stagnant for the last 3-4 weeks? Is it normal? Give her more, then she wouldn't finish so wasted. And give her lesser, she will not be interested when we top up the bottle. Sigh

i would like to join you all on monday.. but monday is my mum's off day.. she'll definately not agree me bringing bb out!! sicko...

i every at home with bb dunno do wat.. and day she sleep so much...

Hi Sharon,

I would like to join for West gathering but I guess I'm not prepare to bring her out by myself. Ladies, u enjoy that day. Hope i can join in next time.

West Mummies Gathering:

Outstanding emails addy: Ueno/ OrangeBB / Clover

West Mummies Gathering:

Food List:

Sharon - Drinks

Jen - BBQ Chicken Wings

Bam - Pizza

Ueno: Chicken Nuggets

Jo: Chicken Pie

Cin_Bunny: Dessert

Tris Mommy: Choc Cupcakes

Jen: thanks will try to use water to try out for few days.

Jo: thanks so much!! will PM u...

Jo, I already transfer, nvr mind just send me the 2011 should be able to finish it. No worries. Just emailed you the transfer reference.

Ueno, thanks.. Will bring carrier and stroller.. Monday is official 1st time going out with bb.. My confinement ends on 26th! Haha..

Lee hong n jewel, may I know why Ur second hep b jab is at 5th week? Mine scheduled at 4weeks2days. Both of u taking the jab at PD clinic?


i purposely arrange this wk coz we travel to m'sia last wk. think doesn't matter coz can opt to take with 6-in-1 which will be on 3rf mth.

Ueno.. Haha.. Ya.. Adventurous.. Hahaha.. Make rue I feed him first then hope he can sleep thru!!

Btw how u clean nip outside when bf ar?

For expired desitin, can still use for rashes.. But maybe on adult and not on bb bah.. Cos my uncle using the left over desitin for his family since his son was a bb and mow he's 6years old.. He still using the same desitin and it still works for rashes..


I don't clean my nipple before nursing except during confinement cos during that time I didn't shower. Now I can shower so my body v clean so I just nurse whenever wherever.

West Mummies Gathering:

Outstanding emails addy: Ueno/ Jen / Lee Hong / Jewel

Confirm Attendees: Sharon / Faye / Chris / Hammiebao / OrangeBB / CSI_Fan / Bam / Clover / Jo / Cin_Bunny / Tris Mom / Koori

Food List:

Sharon - Drinks

Jen - BBQ Chicken Wings

Bam - Pizza

Ueno: Chicken Nuggets

Jo: Chicken Pie

Cin_Bunny: Dessert

Tris Mommy: Choc Cupcakes

I didn't let my bb took standalone heb b jab coz dun c the point of letting bb suffer pain n perhaps aftermath fever, so will let him take 6-in-1 later. Correct me if I m wrong.

Hammie: desitin: ya, i think so too but no rashes leh, keep till when? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think its ok to use on mosquito bites. ha ha... Ya, we wont eat him up! Come! Can join us! We are good company so next time he'll definitely let you come out with us! Hee hee.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No need to clean nipple, just feed. If you really want to clean, just use non-alcohol wipes or wet tissue with water and dap on it. Then again, nipple is like bb's bum, if you clean too much, the moisture will be gone and your nipples will be dry and easy to turn sore.

Rxsti: wow! You are so efficient! Ok, I'll mail them to you tomorrow. You want to give me your a/c number? I'll transfer back the money to you.

Thanks Jo & ueno..

Sometimes when I breastfeed I feel myself vey smelly even though I bath everyday but now still sweat alot!! I don't know why.. 4 more days to end my confinement!!

6 in 1 jab

So how much cheaper if to take the jab in polyclinic? My hubby's friend told him to do it at polyclinic but I don't think hubby can go with me.. I guess has to wait very long at polyclinic, so I wanna know the price diff.. Thanks!

Jo: it's ok no need to trsf back. Maybe if possible can you send it by registered mail? Tks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hammiebao, I also feel myself v smelly during confinement. Smell of milk, sweat, bb's pee n poop. U can go fb to read the package, someone has uploaded the package price. U can make advance booking at polyclinic so waiting time also not v long. For new born bb less than 1 mth got priority to go first. I think waiting time at PD even longer sometimes.

Nana - haven got the freezer yet so duno the increase in pub bill, actually it din cross my mind till u mention oops more $ to spend now.

Faye - my pumping routine is 6x per day - 4 hrs round the clock.

Csi - how u mix ebm into fm? Means u make fm then pour ebm in? How quantity like? Cos I only gave ebm alone and realized she lost weight maybe I shld not stop her fm

Re : no.1 latching

So far my no.1 doesn't wan latch cos since young I also don latch her only doing exclusive pumping


FYI. I dunno hw much package price for poly but i found healthway medical can use baby bonus card (if urs is ocbc), package for 6 in 1 is $258 (b4 GST). consultation for 1st time is $18~22. U can compare.

Bring my bb for 6 in 1 1st jab yest but doc not allow coz my gal only 5wk4d, said must at least 1.5mth which is this fri onwards.

Lee Hong,

If u opt to take 6-in-1, 1st jab will be on 1.5mth, 2nd jab is on 3rd mth.


mummies...my bb took her first 6 in 1 jab at 6 weeks 3 days...cost us $285 total...i went to gp...the jab was ok...she dint cry at all...but later in night she had fever so always make sure the doc give u fever med to standby...not every bb will get fever though...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I'm a silent reader of this forum and my gal was born late October.

I just bought a Medela freestyle (since many people recommended it) and am quite surprised that the suction power is very low compared to my Medela PISA. I think some of you mummies could have tried both before too. Is it really the case that the suction of freestyle is a lot lower. I get only about 70% of the milk I normally can get with PISA. I also notice that even at the highest power, my nipples only vibrate at the stimulation mode and only protrudes a little into the neck of the breastshields. Is this normal or should I send my freestyle for servicing?

Would appreciate any comments. Thanks!

Chris: When my boy poo, I will bring him to my toilet basin to watch off all the poo then use the napkins to dry it.

Twinfish & emmummy: Wah healthway medical cheaper than polyclinic wor....Strange le my polyclnic here charges $360 for 6in1.

Jun: Where are u bringing your bb for vaccination?

Sharon: Msg u my email le.Let me know if you dont receive. Thanks for coordinating.

The promo flyer for Healthway Medical vaccination states 3 doses for $258. The additional $30 is for doctor's consult? Polyclinic so expensive?

koori, i don't give a lot of ebm...coz scared she dun like the taste. so for now, it's only 1oz of ebm. my #1 v greedy lah... hahaha. i make her usual 180ml FM, then just add the ebm to it. she finish everything. ha ha...


Jen, The promo for Healthway Medical vaccination r 3 doses (1.5,3,5). Think polyclinic package include 18mth pah...i asked Healthway, 18mth jab is $80.

Jan0, As Jen said polyclinic $360 is 4 jabs, if u calc healthway 4 jabs $258+$80+GST = $361, so the price actually is almost the same, just that u no need to wait long queue n need to pay consulataion but u can ask doc about ur bb concern. If u go healthway, remember to bring tat flyer to entitle this promo price.

