(2010/11) November 2010 MTB


For me it's either cannot sleep at night or wake up super early. Either no-win for me.

But one piece of good news I've heard (old wives' tale), apparently when the mom is awake, the baby is actually sleeping. So the more I cannot sleep, means that my baby is sleeping v well. Hopefully can continue after the birth when the girl is out!

Ho ho ho...


hammiebao, I saw the Miracle turn! Heard a lot of good feedback abt it and the Combi Urban Walker - right now, most prob will get the Combi Urban Walker (just got to decide where to buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ).

Did u get the latest miracle turn that is selling at $600-odd (at Taka bb fair) or the original (I think the selling price is either hi-$400 or low-$500)?

Whim, I got the latest one in Emerald green.. It's selling at 629 everywhere but I bargained to $599 at Babykingdom.. Actually was quite an impulse buy cos hubby really love it.. After buying then I regret that should wait for sales and see will have discount or not.. Lucky so far there's no discount.. Haha.. If not hubby sure get scolding hahaha

Hi Whim & Hammiebao, thanks... I think I will just get it from Taka.

Good morning all.. and enjoy your dinner time tonight for those who are going for the mummies' gathering ;)

Yah, it's quite nice... I was v attracted to the fact that the latest Miracle Turn has the 'open/vented' material so bb will be cooler in the hot weather.

I will go see how much bbkingdom can offer me for the miracle turn if I buy with all the mommies. That way I got more bargaining power. Must channel my inner "Obasan"! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, im afraid i have to cancel on the outing tonite..totally overlooked a management dinner tonite! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] next time i guess!have fun at the outing n post some pics if possible! it will be nice sight so many preg ladies 2gether!

woah some of you dont sleep... all the early hour posts

btw there is a full page advertisement on taka baby fair on the paper today...

hmm...pigeon sterilizer set @ $199 which include steam sterilizer, bottle /food warmer...and several BPA free bottle etc... hmm wonder is it a good buy :p

hey, get some advice from you ladies in the forum

I went to the Taka bb fair (just to look see look see) and saw that they have Playtex items on 20% discount.

All along, I'm planning to buy Playtex bottles (only which one to buy and only whether I shd buy in Singapore or USA). Actually after looking at the actual thing, I've decided to go with the Playtex drop-in bottles. These bottles are made of 2 components: 1) bottle and 2)disposable BPA-free liners.

I checked the prices on Amazon (USA) and the bottles are cheaper from Amazon (especially if u buy the set with a few bottles). But the liners (at 100 pcs) are sold at a better price at the Taka bb fair than online if I include in an approx cost for int'l shipping.

Shd I buy the liners even tho' I don't even have the bottles yet? Good thing is that it's fairly small, so think SO will not complain abt the size if I 'stock up'.

How? Any advice?

Whim, if u are very sure that u are going to use Playtex bottles, I think can just stock up the liner since u will need the liner everytime u feed ur baby right? Just take note of expiry date if there's..

jollymummy n novemberbaby:

niceBritax car seat stall is nearer the fountain area at taka. Young Malay girl promoter. Can't rem the model I saw but it's a recommended model so if u ask her I'm sure she will recommend the same one. Grey colour display set @399.

Naf: no worries, u take gd care of ur boi.. We are meeting up for cordlife seminar anyway.

Cramps: keep getting them ... Haiz. Think I shldnt eat salty stuff + drink too much water. Shld be the 2 curry puffs I ate last nite ;p

jollymummy> elmo toy

: u can try toy'rus or those downstairs neighbourhood shop push cart (but u need to know where)..i do not know whether now toy'rus still have or not but i used to buy there.

hammiebao, I also think so... but coz the liner comes in 2 sizes like the bottles. I was thinking of buying the small sizes liner to stock up. Think if I get both sizes (coz I actually plan to buy bottles of 2 sizes), SO will tell me "U v kiasu leh."

whim: can know why u prefer playtex bottles? isn't the need to change the disposable BPA-free liners everytime u feed troublesome?

but im sure there's must be something good of this playtex bottle since u so prefer it...curious of it...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw can this disposable BPA-free liners be used on other brand bottles? cos got quite a few pigeon clear bottles at the warehouse sale..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_confused.gif]

mummywong10, need advice from you (or Hammiebao or other moms based in HK or who know HK v well)

Someone has v nicely volunteered to buy me bb pdts from HK as a gift. I am eyeing some stuff which are not sold at the original 荷花 company of shops you mentioned before (hopefully the items will be cheaper in HK than in Singapore).

Are there mother and baby shops which are a bit more upmarket from 荷花 and have a online website? I'm thinking like the equivalent of The First Few Years in Singapore etc. Dun have online website also ok, as long as have company/shop address.

Or are the bb section in department stores like Lane Crawford etc already v good?

Re: Playtex

Irene, actually I don't know any ppl who use Playtex bottles. I was 1st introduced to them by my fren who is also expecting (and also EDD in Nov). She was telling me abt them, so I went to read up on them coz they're an American brand.

Seems quite good, so I think I don't mind paying the price for these since I'm FTMTB, so I don't have hand-me-down bottles anyway. Furthermore, the Taka bb fair has a Playtex promoter who is quite clear and she spoke to me abt the 2 diff types of bottles that they have at the fair.

I dun think the disposable BPA-free liners can be used on other brands... coz it's supposed to be connected to the Playtex bottle or nipple or something like that. The bottle itself is already v diff from the Pigeon/Avent/Nuk kinds. Don't know for sure if can use on other brands.

whim: icic...tks for the info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya me too FTMTB thus alot of things also new to me...also no pass down items from others...thus just bought pigeon bottles since most of mummies seems using tat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now not sure if i shld try to change those clear/non BPA-free bottles to BPA-free at taka bb fair tomorrow??

wonder it is ok to use non BPA-free bottles? cos last time also no BPA-free bottles rite??

i'm looking at the Calendar...

we left 3 mths plus to delivery leh...

FTMs.. How are u feeling?

Me starting to feel nervous leh..

i also bought the playtex btls during the motherhood fair tat day. the promotor did quite a gd explaination n after i read up the explaination i decided to buy one starter box to try. but i bought the normal blts type. seems like quite gd for colic prevention esp for nb. but the oni troublesome part is the bottom stopper hv to be totally dried b4 using n its quite diff to be totally dry if u sterilize them.

i kinda lose confident on pigeon pdts cos those tat i bought frm warehs sales r all giving prob. the cap cannot cover after sterilizing them.


no prob. will u b in 2mr morning? i might b ard ur area. can pick up my things?

whim> very sorry i never noticed what are other bb shops which are more upmarket ones, when u need to know? i'm likely to go hk baby fair this weekend, and i'll try to keep a look-out the next time i go shop outside on other bb shops so that i can advise you? what products are u eyeing? if you talk about clothes, u can try H&M. bb strollers and bb cot are VERY expensive in HK (i feel), i intend to buy bb stroller the next time i go back to Sin during CNY time, the cheapest stroller at least cost around S$300 and a play pen can easily cost around S$1k here.

mummies dinner> those who are going tonite have fun and take some photos, maybe can post one here for us to see after that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am thinking of hiring a maid but am scared and worried because of all the funny things I heard from friends that maids are capable of doing. I was also told that the maid agency plays an important role.. Any of you has good maid agency to recommend?

Bam, think u only sleep like a log last nite. Remember that nite, i saw ya postin at like 4am? haha.. ya, im gettin nervous. sudd stress, from work + house renovation + baby.. omg!

Hammiebao, i never consider Combi leh.. haha! cos i find the wheels too small. n my fren's fren is usin, didnt last for a year, so she rather i pay for a maclaren.

Mummywong10, no problem. Was thinking of milk bottles/nipples/teats etc as the gift from HK (but only if it's cheaper in HK vs Singapore). There's a HK baby fair this weekend? Is it going to like those motherhood, Singapore Expo things in HK or is it a bit more normal like Taka Singapore basement sale?

Have fun at the fair!

BPA vs non-BPA bottles

I also dunno which one is better. Playtex only has BPA-free bottles, so I no need to decide. Well, I was also thinking to skip the whole BPA vs non-BPA bottles argument by buying glass bottles, but apparently there is the risk of glass chipping.


I think the Playtex bottles that Trismom bought are the Playtex Ventaire... you will need to know how to wash and dry them properly if not they might leak coz it's not screwed on tight. The Taka bb fair is selling both the Ventaire and the Drop-ins (which I'm eyeing).

taka fair selling maclaren volo at $129, normal price is $159. but volo is not suitable for nb, 6 mths onwards. Volo is super light 3.9kg which is v gd for travelling n yet sturdy. im so tempted to buy 1 to keep for my #2. my #1 's maclaren stil working well

but i tink my hb wil kill me if i buy strollers again cos we hv quite a couple in the hs storeroom liao... frm nb prams to umbrella strolles.

ya thats the one i bought. n im sure my mom is gg to complain abt the troublesome part of drying n fixing... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Trismom, den i tink u better dun buy la, altho its a good offer, save the stock for other mothers ba. hehhee!!

Mrs Lee: Yeah.. Think after few nites, i'm totally drained. That's y can sleep like a log yest.

Btw, will u be able to make it for tonite's dinner?

Mummywong: Here can post photo?

I forgot to bring camera.

Maybe just hp cam ba.. but quality may not be that good.

Lunch time rushing to Immigration to collect my passport so that i can go JB over the weekend.

So last min... Suppose to collect ytd.. but i forgot to bring my old passport.. Sigh.. symtoms of pregnancy.. forgetful! End up have to cancel appt and walk in to collect..

whim> this'll be the 1st time i going to HK bb fair so not very sure what it sells, but i think it's organize by the 荷花 company, think it also has those cord blood and milk company. since 荷花 sell alot of things, i think i should be able to buy those milk bottles, etc at the fair.

Bam> yes here can post photo but i never try before. i saw on other threads also people posting photos. hee see if anyone of u mummies bring camera to take photos tonight, but don't think post too many on this forum, else everyone see all your faces...one is enough for us to see [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bam, nope.. i cant make it tonite, do take many pics, so i can refer to facebook for the pics. hehe!! have fun tonite!!

Tris Mom - Sigh.. I really need domestic helper but am worried cos have no experience in hiring one and am scared of the problems given by maid later. Is it important to buy hospital insurance for maid?

Bam, dun post pics here in the thread.... Do it via fb is better. I also dun have camera w me, think e hp cam not v good quality.

Am heading off to the Taka bb sale later ard 4-ish? Anyone wants to meet up? But I still got one more stop aft Taka before I meet u ladies for dinner.

Adeline, re: maternity support belts

check my post yesterday night. If u're joining us at e dinner at boat quay tonight, u can see e actual thing. I brought out my maternity support belt to show to some moms at e dinner.

bam: ya esp FTMTB like us, when i realised we are now not far from the edd, its seems scary...sometimes excited too..cos can see my bb soon liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

confused feeling...

Tris Mom: ya i also have the same thinking, last time also no BPA-free bottles n we grow up from drinking from those too mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ange: It's required by law that you have to cover up to $15K for foreign workers. You can try NTUC or Tenet.

Got an sms to remind for tonite's dinner, I will be going to Dallas striaght... so see u mummies later.

yes its required to buy insurance for maid. tink $300 for 2 yrs. hiring maid means spend money n money. in return u get problems n problems...

like my maid, im so worried cos she v cunning but she is efficent at work so i LL keep her. i jus went to buy 2 safe box yest to lock up all my valuables!!


Yes, in another 3 more mths, I will be able to c my baby..so excited..and nervous at the same time..im really curious how she will look like..whether more like me or my hubby...

Trismom, I also wanted to get the ventaire before I saw e actual bottles and talked yo the Playtex promoter at Taka.

Would prefer to be more environmentally friendly and not use e disposable liners, but I know it s v likely my MIL or SO or my own mom might not wash the bottles as per e ori instructions.

Rather than trouble them, just buy the drop-ins.

i also need to hire maid.. looking for a transfer one.

anyway see you mummies tonite!

Tris mom: where did you buy your safe box from? Is it expensive? Thinking of getting one too.


I have 10 boxes of pigeon breast pads in my house now. For the 1st 6 mths I used 4 per day. After my boy started his solids I used 2 per day. I used them for 15mths cos total bf. I order in bulk so they deliver to my place


i survey a few plcs liao, this is the cheapest i can find (not compromising on the quality n usage of it) I bought it from a booth outside Giant IMM. brand is Savco. not sure where else they selling. the company no is 66650688. u may wanna chk out wif them. I bought the smallest one at $99.


re:playtex bottles

I m using those for my #1..cheap and good! Less bubbles when making FM...and my gal prefer this brand of bottles..i have used avent, tommee tippee, medela bottles and finally this is best suited for her..esp after i started her on FM where there are more gas...think bottles really got to trial and error..c which one your baby prefer...bottles that they prefer/like, they tend to drink faster also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but seriously,washing the many parts of the bottle is abit mafan..haha...

