(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

Bam : Thanks for confirming the dinner. Sorry have not log on due to work, can I know what info do we need to send to you?

Playpen: For those who bought a playpen did you also buy a baby cot?

I just had my week 24 checkup yesterday, doc said me and my baby are still underweight .. need to eat eat eat more to gain more.... haiz.. tried eating more already but doesnt seem to gain alot probably due to work stress too...

Oh also was asking doc if we can feel the heartbeat of baby from our stomach, she said it is unlikely, so it is our own heartbeat that we are feeling. I also check with her on baby movement, she is saying at this stage as long as it move once per hour it should be fine.


jen, my gynae din say bb underweight but on growth chart it is on small size below avg. My weight gain till date is 2.3kg nia. Also worried cuz my 2nd boy towards 3rd trimseter was not gd n birth weight at 37wks was 2.1kg.

Now am tryin to take maternal milk with protein powder n hope 3 wks ltr when doin gluoce test, there is improvement. Probably going sinseh next wk to see whether she ccan help my condition.

Bam, I agree with Jollymummy abt the not posting the contact numbers on the list/table. I can help u with the tel no.s if u need too....

I dun mind helping to write out name tag/labels for the outing (as long as you ladies dun mind my ugly hand writing).

Btw, just came back from BB kingdom and hypermart. Is it me or do they have v few stuff meant for mommies? I was trying to see the pregnancy sleeping pillows, but both places dun have.

Me too... Baby cot for my place and playpen to b at my MIL's place coz she will b e one looking after baby after my maternity leave.


I've PM-ed you! =)

Also share TrisMom's concern: That they would charge us a higher price if we don't meet the minimum pax.

Is there a minimum pax to fulfill to get 3rd floor seating at $35++?


coz my #1 dun wan to slp... end up i acc him until abt 4am.. dying soon...


really so sorry. u gals enjoy the dinner.. how i wish i can join.. =(

re: weight gain

think as long as the bb is growing according to the wks is ok, meaning even if mummy is underweight or never gain much weight.

re: baby stuff

so far i have only get some bb clothes passed down from people (have not went through as need to wash/throw old ones and buy new born). have not buy all the other items like playpen/bb cot, stroller, milk bottles etc...borrowing breastpump from a friend so i need not buy.

Jolly mummy and trismom. So far the manager did not ask for deposit. Did not mention about min pax. I only told her that the no of pax might increase and might decrease. And she jus said ok. That's all. And I told her that I'll confirm the no of pax by thurs. And she also just mention ok. I just hope to get at least 20 pax ba...


Thanks for assurance! In that case, I think we don't have to worry, since the manager is prepared for fluctuation in attendance. =)

Anmum BF forum: the speakers esp the doctors (Thomson Medical) are quite serious. Was trying not to fall asleep.. :p The infamous Mrs Wong BB was also there as one of the speakers, think some mummies here are attending her parentcraft class. Besides a goodies bag, there were a few booths promoting Anmum maternal milk, pre & post natal massage, stroller, monitoring gadgets, maternity wear, steamcord banking etc. Think those who couldnt make it didnt miss much.

Seeing my gynae tmr... so fast 1 mth already... wonder hows bb development. All I can feel is that the punches & kicks has grown stronger & more regular, sometimes can even see the bum on my tummy, I felt like a punching bag [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bam: thks for organising this gathering. Will PM u my contact.


Regarding the bb's heartbeat, my hubby can feel/count the bb's heartbeat by putting his ears on my tummy, its definitely not mine cos the rate is different. U can try to have ur hubby do the same, but he should be able to differentiate between normal bowel sounds from heartbeat. I also cannot feel it with my hands.

Orangebb: I bought my britax car seat from amazon.com. I compared 2 others website but decided that amazon is chapeast and most reliable. I only order and pay via credit card then have them send to the desinated hotel add. My friend picked it up from the conceirge then bring it back to singapore. At the singapore declaration channel, he paid $10, cant remember what tax. The car seat I bought was the latest and not in singapore then, now it costs at least $800 at the first years(paragon)

Hammie: I should be travelling in Sept. I look like I'm ready to pop so not sure if they'll allow! BTW, no need to pay consultaion fee to get letter. Just ask nurse and they will inform doc and he'll prepare. Must provide details though like when travelling and to where... If doc feels better to see you first before issuing letter, he will ask you to go see him. Don't think he'll charge you.

Bam: I was but went back to sleep! : ) BTW, I PMed you details already. Thanks for coordinating the gathering.

Janice: Welcome!

Hi morning!

jus chk how many of u gg to deliver in TMC? did all of u signed up for the FBI/SBI card? is it worth it to signed up cos gotta pay $148 upfront? haven enjoy any disc muz pay 1st liao..

Bam, why were you awake at 4.17am this morning? I need to PM u my emails....what details do u need? Email and HP?

morning to all,

i had went for my glucose/diabetic test on last sat, surprisingly the yaki sweet drink was still ok to me..dun find it tat yaki actually...just sweet..this time drawing of blood just had a little bruise...nurse skills pretty good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now waiting for the results...shld be out in ~1wk time...hoping everything is ok..

gynae at same time done another round of scan to chk heartbeat/weight, although just saw him ~1wk ago and now my bb weighs exactly at 1kg..bb had put on 230g in 1 week.

isetan sale: had also went there to get the pigeon multi sterilizer at $126. is it cheap??

bam/jo: wow u gals still up at 4am??

Tris : For me, we found it worth it as the discount is avail for scans also. For the card, they had some promo with Standard Chartered card that time, so was cheaper or something. Did Scan + Detailed Scan package which already saved a bit.

TrisMon and naf: I had only 2.5kg weight gain only and the baby is ard 570g only. According to the doc, the ideal weight should be at least 700g by now and my next checkup at 28weeks should be ard 900 - 1kg. Gynae gave me lots of milk packets to drink so i can gain weight from it too.. haha.

FBI card : forget to mention, i am also with TMC and have signed up the card already. Cos for the detailed checkup that my doc sent me during the week 12 and week 20, there is already some savings on it, hence signed it up earlier. Also, there is disc for the antennal classes if im a member. I also had the stand Chart card disc when signing up for members. If you are not taking the classes and most of your detailed scan are already over then maybe it is not worth for you to sign up now since the bed discount is not alot.

Irene: Ya, now my "insomia" is starting! For the past week, I woke up everyday at 3 plus to pee and couldn't get to sleep and by the time I'm tired, and want to sleep, it's time to wake up! Only last night, I tried going back to sleep and I cold. Hope I'll sleep through from now on!

BTW, did you buy the goon diapers at Isetan sale? Cheap- at least $5 cheaper. Usual price is $23.50, Isetan selling $18.50.

morning ladies..

trismon, i oso signed with SBI at week13, aledy made used of the discount for my NT and FA scan .. + freebies.. quite worthwhile for me.. u at this stage.. i think cant enjoy much discounts.. so doesnt sound appealing at this stage liao i feel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Bam, i PM u my details later.. see you gals this Fri! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jo, ya fren so nice, bag the carseat for u all the way eh.. good good..

hello to Janice!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jo..same here .. i keep waking up to switch on & off the fan.. feel cold then warm, n to check on my #1..then wake up to pee.. v bz nite. haa i now panda panda

Holly/ HHO,

Am also driving up to genting this week, from Thurs to Sat. Seems like last trip for me before no. 2 comes. Hope we all enjoy ourselves!

Good morning mommies..

I went for my 24wks checkup last sat.. Has voiced out my concerns on bb's movement.. Gynae do a check for me and realise tt placenta is right above bb that's why when bb moves or kick.. I can only feel very minimum.. Her kicks will hit the placenta instead of my tummy's wall.. Hehe.. Saw bb putting her lil thumb into the mouth and suck.. :p

My bb weight now is 732g, and i have put on another 3.5kg in one month's time AGAIN.. Gosh~

Hi ladies,

sorry, have not been coming to this forum for a long time, Heard from Bam that some of you are asking abt the Ailian spree. The items will arrive at my place on Wed. Will send out the invoice and pack. Targetting to have everything send out Fri or Sat upon receiving your payment so that you can receive soon.

Sorry for the long wait. There were few items that were taking a long time to replenish and i had to cancel a few items so that items get shipped last week. Do check your inbox for the invoice. Thanks.

PS: Drop me a email if you need more info. I reponse faster via email than forum. Thanks!

Shan: Ya, I wonder why? Last night I could get back to slepp so hopefully will be the same from now! I tried to drink less before I sleep but still didn't help, still have full bladder! My #1 is sleeping next to me, and ya, I will on and off open my eyes to see if my blanket is covering her.

Yes, thankful to him. He didn't have shopping list so he didn't mind. Really saves lots.

Holly: Still buying nursing bra? I heard this NZ brand- Hot Milk is very good, nice and comfy too! Also have matching panty also. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Any idea where to get? I know Maternity exchange has but limited designs I think.

Gd morn mummies,

According a Paediatrician, as a rule of thumb... for every 1 mth, wt increase of 1 kg is ok... anything more will take longer time to lose.

By delivery time: the ideal wt gain shld be 9kg + 3kg (for bb + placenta) ~ 12kg.

wow.. alot of us is driving up .. .me too!! hee Driving up to KL SUnway this Sat , so Fri i cant stay too long [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gotta catch beauty slp.. haaa

sighz i so far put on ~7kg.. it's more than 1kg per mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] fatty fatty ...

sigh... the rule of thumb is very demoralising... :p... i have put on 12kg... and i put on 4kg last month!!!! argggg.... and i'm just abt to enter my 3rd tri... sigh...

have been watching my diet since i came back from gynae last monday...

my rule of thumb now is what my gynae said when i voiced my concern of my weight gain... he said still acceptable but watch my carbo intake... and finally he jokingly added dun worry... your bb won't die of hunger... haha...

now i feel i control my appetite better or is it in the mind... cuz i put on too much liao...

mummiess, me on the contrary have been sleepign thru well at night and wake up only like 7am to pee, then snooze a little while must wake up go work liao. Few months ago, I had to pee twice in the night. So now I am wondering whether is it because I am drinking less water or baby higher that's why not pushing down on bladder. Well, I guess it changes from time to time.

Just saw a GP cos having cough and he prescribed me antibiotics, and some cough mixture that is safe for pregnancy. This morning I had 2 slices of bread with nutella for breakfast and now very hungry again. Just bought bread from Breadtalk. Last 2 days, appetite increase suddenly and I am hungry very quickly. Wat a contrast from 1st Tri when MS caused me to be on an auto hunger strike mode.

So my husband told me yest to monitor and not to overload on carbo, else wait put on so much till cannot lose. MY weight has always been 46kg constant since many yrs back...and I hope after delivering, I can go back to around there quick quick lor.

HHo..u juz like mi...now im afraid of the scales!dun wanna weigh liao..

Taka fair: excited bout it..finally gonna get the clothings n other stuff..planning on when to take leave n go..anione gg on the 4th itself,pls update us on the available lootz!

Whim: U reali on ah..name tags all..seems like a big time meeting!hahaz..but i guess we will all be confused with 'who is who'..

Outing: Wht time are we meeting?

Mummies Dinner:

Dear mummies.. Please PM me your details:


Real Name:



I'll work out on the table and send a mass e-mail to everyone...

i had my 24 weeks appt last sat and i asked the gynae for my bb's weight and she said that they dont weigh the baby so early. so until today, i dont know if my baby is underweight... normal or overweight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

anyway my bubba is very active in the morning and at night. keeps kicking non stop... can go on for like 1/2 hour. don't know if it's something i'm eating that is triggering it!!

jo: oic...hope u can sleep through from now onwards [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ai..we as mtb really very wei da..going thru all the MS, insomia, leg cramps, weight increase...

re: goon diapers

oh really so cheap ah...no leh, din get any pampers yet cos not sure if my bb will be born small or big size...so still dun noe to get which type of pampers brand/size for her...

is it advisable to buy now?

re: weigh gain

ai me too..i usually gain more than 1kg per mth too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

flin> as long as those arm, leg, head circumference according to the gestation wks should be fine.

i read some mummies bb 700g at 24wks in previous posts, mine only about 590g, but all measurement according to growth rate and i also read baby center website baby will weigh around 600g at wk24 so that tells me do not worry so much. so you don't worry so much.

re: weight gain/tummy size

think i have gain about 6kg already. i measured my waist, it is about 35-36" now.

that's weird i saw my detailed scan report it did measure the weight how come flin's gynae say still early to weight them ?

I also signed up for SBI card in Jul. Got 5 % for gynae consultation, 5% on pd, $60 off if choose two bed. for my first child, total saving is about $70 (for gynae), $15 (pd) and $60( for 4 bed- upgrade to 2 bed), total savings already $145, not forgetting gift for u, i.e. 3 thomson books ( i think worth $30, 1 similac mum milk powder 900g worth about $20, 1 thomson bag, etc....

if u have decided to deliver in tmc, it is worth signing up for the card.

Irene - S size should be able to last a while, try not to get too many NB size. I only have 1 small pack of NB size, rest S size.

Hho: Same smae! 4 kg! All these while quite discipline, 1-1.5kg per month then last month nurse told me I put on 4kg! I nearly fell off my seat! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Blame it on my gluttony, ve been feating on durians and chewing on bubble tea starch balls! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now I be careful with my starch intake.

Irene: Ya, I also find it cheap. I stocked up for my #1 and will be going back to get 2 packets of newborn and some size s. Your baby should be of normal weight so a 2-4 packets of newborn size should be ok. NB size diaper can last at least 1 month before you switch to size s.

Hi, sorry to disturbing here & I would like to recommend my confinement lady, Auntie Ya Yin, who is currently doing my confinement for me.

Auntie Ya Yin is very friendly has easygoing personality. She is energetic and experienced, having been in this line for more than 10 yrs, love baby and is able to handle my baby well.

She can cook good confinement food, never grumpy, and she doesn't keep nagging me on the dos and don'ts of confinement. Best of all, she is encouraging breastfeeding & experienced enough to advise me benefit of breastfeeding.

Other than taking care of me and the baby, she also does the household chores for me, as we do not have a maid at home. She is very systematic in what she does and she keeps the kitchen neat and tidy.

I don’t earn any commission and I just wish help her to find other assignment as a token of my appreciation to her.

If you are keen to engage her, you can contact her at:

8402 8386 (Singapore number)

012-459 9824 (Malaysia number)

Milk storage bag: Am having medela swing. Do we need to buy medela’s brand’s storage milk bag or anything will do? Any good recommendation? Is it use and throw??

Baby mattress: Which brand is recommended? Maybe could view some during this baby fair.

Jo: Thanks for britax car seat info. Will check it out too.

Re Body heat: not sure whether I am heaty fr food, or I am getting hotter……

rashes on breast: Only recently this happen… haiz. Is it the bra? any mummies having this problem?

Flin: Don't worry, it's just different gynaes' practice that's all. Some think that if weight is below 1 kg, it's not worth mentioning cos babies' weight fluctuates very fast within weeks. They should be able to tell you the size of it though- like big baby or small or med size?

Hi all

I am new here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MTB in Nov as well...........1st time mum so need a lots of advise from all of u


oh ya..wanna to check there is a spree for medela freestyle pump by tanlengleng, anybody getting, seem price vali cheap hor

