(2010/11) November 2010 MTB

wahahhaa.....is good to able to eat..

This two days I feel more panting than normal when walking esp when go lunch and come bk...not sure is it the weather making me so tiring...or not sure is it the period wanna signal me is coming....sigh....recently stomach abit pain and keep go poo...

Oh man...thinking to go test tmr or so..not sure which kit should I use...that time I used clearblue (not the $16plus is the $13plus)


Fiona, congrats to u! I heard that clearblue digital is very zhun one, so I think should be fine ba.....

Very sleepy.....

i also sleepy.. but feel like eating.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fiona, congrats! I also feel cramps once in a while, and it will just last for a few seconds. Sometimes left side, sometimes right side. Hee..

DzXz, I think your good news is coming soon too! All our wishes shall be answered.


I think can test roughly abt 1 week after u miss your period?

Yup on folic acid already. GP gave 5mg folic acid. I don't have any MS yet...

Missed for 2 weeks liao but dun dare test coz mine has been irregular lately

But having MS lately....perhaps shd just pop folic just in case

Jazel...I hope so too...ke ke

anyone care to tell me which kit to buy whahahaa just wanna make sure the second time I use is better one ke ke

CutieBB, just go test it! Hope to hear good news from u soon!

DzXz, I think clearblue or guardian brand should be fine.. Guardian brand cheap and good.

Fiona, geess... U and me can fight. I eat a lot lor. Haiz, I think I will put on weight fast again. Haiz... Luckily my output also a lot. Lol...

Jazel, which multivits r u on? I am taking obimin and fish oil. I also got cramp at times, left, then right but disappear very fast.

DxZx, I bought the 13 dollars clearblue to test. It is gd enuff wor...

Anybody's tummy showing abit? Like a little balloon shape? Mine seem to show .. Fat lah!

morning all....

fiona: CONGRATS!!!!!!

Sabrina: dun be dishearted... so long ur AF has not come.. u stand a chance... =)

babieslove...I read your sentence I keep laughing..eat alot but output also alot....ke ke ke

wahaha tupid me okie okie ....think clearblue should be okie...but first time is -ve...if this time test still -ve means more or less confirm and I will have to jia you again...ke ke cross finger......

Babieslove, I have not seen gynae yet. So haven't start my multivitamins... But I bought AnMum Milk... so can get some nutrients from there.. Perhaps I should go buy obimin from watsons... Which brand of fish oil are u on? Given by gynae or bought from pharmacies?

Oh I already have a little tummy before pregnant.. So now also can say it's due to BB, not due to fats liao.. Haha...

Cutiebb, should be a good time to test.... Maybe test tmr morning? I started on folic acid when I ttc, now sometimes alternate between folic acid and prenatal vitamins given by the doc.

DzXz, I bought 3 brand in total. bought the 1st 1 in australia (1st stick -ve - maybe tested too early, 2nd stick faint +ve), den got clearblue compact(faint +ve but darker) den last one is the guardian (2 lines +ve).

Hi MTBs,

I'm new here, just got to know i'm pregnant last week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Am new here, just found out I'm pregnant last monday. First time mum.

ETA: 14 Nov 2010. It shld be my 5th week now.

Gynae: NUH

I have been eating & napping a lot since.

Started to feel nausea since yesterday.

Anyone here due ard the same time?

DzXz, haaaa... Its true mah! I might plan to go later again. Lol

Cutiebb, go try as I think keeping in suspense can kill. All green leafy vegs are high in folic so u r taking that daily le, I'm sure...

Anybody has aching back? I try not to wear heels nowadays but still aching. Fat wor, that's y I'm like that?

Also, anybody doing exercise regularly before preggie, and now still doing?

congrats xy78

congrats Jewel

babieslove:last few wks also eat alot and still feel very hungry but hor this wk the MS starts coming dudz

Congrats xy78 and jewel. Welcome...

Fiona, how much weight u gain? I have alittle flabby tummy fm 2 pregnancies before but cos I exercise a lot, so I'm quite trim. But now I only dare to brisk walk, cos I get tired so easily nowadays. Aiyo...

Jazel, get obimin. Its cheap and gd. Haaa... And I'm drinking annum too. Fish oil is the standard one, fm watson too. The blue container one w fish cartoon pic on the pic. Cannot remember the name for now. Pea brain!!! Ha!!! This fish oil quite famous one.

Thanks, Ashely and Babieslove. Congrats to you too.

This will be my 2nd pregnancy. Hopefully will jackpot a boy.

Currently only feel hungry, but hope that my MS will be better than first pregnancy.

Ashley, I'm only eating a lot in morning. Other than that, I'm doing simple food. Didn't eat as much after brekfast time. Weird ya! But I do drink a lot...

Arrrggghhh.. Work is piling up! Sianz!

Ashley thks. I know how disappointing it must be for you. Esp when the sympton for PMS and early preg is almost the same... diff to tell for sure. But never give up, jiayou!

Babieslove, my doc advised it is best not to exercise during first trimester cos it's unstable. But you can do light stretching to relieve your backache or strengthen your back. I had slip disc 1.5yrs ago, so I do a little stretching to prepare my back for heavier load in say 2nd or 3rd trimester although I dun have backache now.

think I going to buy the kit...see if today still no come will test this two days ke ke ke see all your discussion cannot tahan lei...

Fiona, ^5!!! Haaa, we both got lots of input and lots of output! HaAaaaa

Xy78, your first is a gal?

Fluffy, I thought u r confirm le? I'm anxious for next week check too. Hope little one is strong and doing well inside.

yup, my gal is now 6 mos.

I got bleeding and spotting for my first pregnancy since week 4. Hopefully this time round, everything will be smooth.

hee Fluffysheep...cos first time test is negative so this second time I keep dragging cos scared...and now keep feeling something flowing out and then back ache sigh...feel sick today sobsobsob......the suspension is killing me .....oh man oh man

Fluffysheep, let's pray hard we got boys this time. Keep our fingers crossed.

So your gal born in July?

DzXz its better to wait cos if too early the kit cant detect the HCG... then waste $$. If you roughly know your ovulation date, then add another 14 days, shld be a safer date to test.


yeap.. my girl is born in July. and she's super clingly to me, now having backaches and dunno if its a preg symptom or just due to carrying her.

ke ke ke my colleague and hubby ask me to test later lei....oh no oh no so confusing.....

hmmm Jewel add 14 days ar..okie let me calculate

My gal also very clingly to me too, guess they are able to sense there's another one inside us.

BTW, how heavy is your daughter?

Baby dust to DxZx and Fluffy...

Jazel, I just do brisk walk and cycling. I guess cos I exercise a lot last time, so my body shd be fit to continue. Just no more weights training and super cardio workout.

