(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Oh think I didn't read the archive post, didn't know Cae is admitted. Same leh, J also coughing badly n have phelgm n flu. But tonight at least he didn't cough till in pain n cry. Hope Cae n my J get well soon.

Huh my girl v timid one. If anyone come close to her when she is playing she will quickly move away. She don't dare to stay n continue playing.

Lilac white,

Thank u. I really hope he get well fast cos I v v tired already


Ann, omg like that aso must angry. ....

I dun want sarong n I told my mil jus before that n now my Hb told me she wan to install sarong. Sian, I dunno how to react.

Zuen, hmm yar lor what u say abt nanny and inf care is true, still thinking hard.

Glad that ur boy boy like solid food. Hebe also like to eat fr spoon than. Drink fr bottle.

Starry, wow sound really convenient. Next time maybe I can see him too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Loca, think maybe need to send ur baby to the doc. Thanks on ur opinion, my gal so far so gd but infant care a bit out of the way for us and not as flexible for the timing.


Sarong is not that bad n some bb can sleep better in it as long as you place a mattress below it to prevent fall n only for nap time. It's a life saviour for many of my fren whom bb are sleep-fighter

Maybe u can suggest that since it's nanny taking care n

chances of hebe napping at her place is not many, dun waste the money n effort to Install rather than the reason tt u dun like, if not another round of unhappiness


morning mommies & ian!!

finally gog to reach 6mths mark tml for TBF.

i'm gog to stop liao bcos lucas likes to bite & chew on me nowadays!

can i ask how long it takes for u ladies to stop BF?

slowly decrease pump or go the hardcore way huh??

Diveera / Tiffy:

sorry i din read old posts thoroughly too.

hope ur boys will get well soon. hug hugzz....


hope u get well soon too. rest well!


i oso nvr really force lucas to finish food that he don't want.

the most is another 3 small mouths.

if he dun 1, will throw alr, same concerns as lilac.


boohoo! just chk lucas' temp bcos he feels a bit warm.

37.8! no need to go to work alr!

hope all sick babies & mommies get well soon!

Good morning mommies and ian[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yup!He confirmed paid 100++....dunno if i can get a new one onot...since so cheap!Buahhahahaah!!!

So good use!!


hopefully you can get a slot!!!


Welcome to the thread[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sounds like another SAHM[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]HOw old is your 2 older kids now?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't force her...the moment she shows no interest anymore....don't offer!I you just begin,offer her bit by bit![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]DOn't worry if its just a teaspoon she took...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi5!!Tat's what happened to Meghan when she sees my MIL!!=.= its really bad crying cos her whole body will b very stiff and change color...dunno why..she just scream n shiver if mil attempt to carry her away!!


I was typing half way yest,i fell asleep!!buahhahahha!!last night drama la!BTH them!!


Quickly sponge him...arr you bringing him to the doc ?hug hug!!


glad that Cae is better...think if your mil/mom can help,that would be better for now !there's another influenza around n i suspect its just as nasty as H1N1!!!looking at the Q at the clinic daily and amount of PPL are sick!

Sigh..meghan i off all meds now but im kinda worry for Jade who is at school...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Jaren temp a lil high....he hasnt recover yet?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope all babies that are sick will recover soon!!!HUg hug n kiss kiss !!


you have to stop n dun bf or else he'll cont to do his best!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good that our maid can help!OR maybe can take this time to wean him off breast??exclusive pump?

Sigh.....rant abit here..buahahha!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it has been a while since i last talk to them like dat!But she left me with not much choice!Absolutely disgusted with them....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

such a barbaric attitude!

Last night when they heard that we are going to MBS for dinner,they wanna tag along too!Nvr mind,

bring my BIL's IL and their parents!..??got it?lol

supposed to be a dinner of 4 adults but ended up with 12adults!

Like a circus!!we decided to go for buffet where those ppl can really eat like a hippo!

And when we reach the restaurant,that aunty decided to shout across n loudly n started to assigned seat..like where my IL seat n my parents n so on...tsk tsk tsk!

they talk among themselves and ignore us which is at the other end of the table!i found it damn rude la!We cont eating and ignored them too..

My mom n dad was discussing and still thinkg whether to buy a gold plated fish that they saw earlier while shopping!My mom is abig sucker for all this ornaments esp for feng shui!So Hb thought it is very expensive and not worth it at all..but my mom like it...Dad being neutral said...go n have a look again if mom want it!

then my MIL heard and asked,why spend such money on a "dead" fish!so ugly some more!*vomit blood*!!

can see that we are not talking to her?and she just interupted rudely.....???

My Mom smile....i just said...you won't appreciate such things....maybe wet market is meant for you!TMD...make my blood boiled!

then we were looking at a shawl my mom bought from Shanhai Tang..its beautiful la!I like it oso...shoudl have asked my dad to buy 2 instead!

Then my MIL said.....very cold meh>must buy shawl?i said,your life involved in your house only!aircon room don't need!!

my Parents travel all the time ..even don't travel,it cna be worn as an accessories...

Then HB bTh too...he said to his mom.....Don't be too suaku la...eat your food n keep quiet!

really,that old woman...i dunno why she talks like dat to my parents?I will be sorry if i dun give ut to her last night!


thks princess / tiffy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just sponge lucas & he had med earlier. hope his fever goes down soon!

this mr tan still dun 1 2 slp, want to scream & play! lol


ur MIL damn rude!!

if i were u, i will pass sacastic remarks too, esp if they are commenting on my parents!!

sorry to ur hb, but really no manners lo!

she nvr work b4 is it? dun seems to hv social etiquette de..


He was cranky and angry and I was trying to give him his last feed and nurse him to sleep.

Like Niko lor, bite bcos he didnt want to nurse. And I was anxious to nurse him to make him sleep bcos it was beyond his usual bedtime. Bad combi. LOl. He rejected the bottle as well and ended up playing. I eventually did nurse him to sleep without getting bitten. Looks like they are all having their own mind and knows how to retaliate liao. My poor nipples. ;p


When I was preggy wth Isaac, I was for awhile thinking of the different babysitting arrangements after I end my ML and IF was remotely considered. I heard too many stories of babies falling sick while in IF. Then the parents have to end up taking leave and also incurred medical bills. Then agan, maybe Hebe is one strong baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mon blues -_+"""

Hope all the unwell babies will make a speedy recovery real soon! Take care too to all the daddies and mummies caring for them! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Nice meeting you ytd! such a surprise keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

What a dishevelled me -_-""! bleah! Finally, get to see Meghan she's a mini you, so pretty & smiley! aw......:D

Wah! yr MIL speaks w/o thinking and she's not the least bit diplomatic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] can't understand how pissed you are becos if I were in yr shoes, I wld definitely showed my displeasure too! So rude!!

Princess Dia

Surprising tt ur mil talk like this considering they run their own biz. My mil is really kampong Aunty type, so if that come my mil, I won't be too surprised haha luckily ur hb told her off if not he sure kana non-stop fr you when reach home haha

Re: sick kids

Everyone is sick at home tooooo me n sh have been down w flu n cough for almost 2 weeks! Sh totally dun want any food n we had to force him to eat until I got so mad at myself. Before bed, he looked at me n told me v seriously - No mum mum aka no food and even wave his hand. So Sunday I didn't force him n really 1.5 bowl of cereal + 0.5 mini bread for the whole day. My bottomless pit is really v sick lor

And guess wat .. me still on train to work!!

Morning mummies n Ian,


Hope Lucas get well soon. Really heartache to hear about babies falling sick.


Hope Jaren gets well soon also. Can understand the tiredness. Rest if u can. Take care.

Zuen/ ann:

Im starting to get worried abt baby biting while latch. Muz be damn painful. Told hb that I'll stop BF once Kayden got teeth. So far no teeth yet.


Jaeden also cry when see ur ILs? Aiyo. Yest I went ILs place. When MIL carry he started pouting n cry also lor. Being ongoing all this while. Very weird la.

She was carrying him in upright position n kept pressing his head down towered her shoulders n think Kayden was so uncomfortable lor. Head can't turn. Aiyo. But I kept quiet lor until he cried. Haha.

Hi mummies..

Im bck from marketing with bby n my blood is boiling.. 100 degree!! I really hv fate to meet weird ppl these past few weeks!


I heard from my friend mrt is stuck again??

hope no mummies is trapped inside...


i also kena swollen eyelids, eye sty. maybe heaty plus weather/pollution/ dirty? you wear contact lenses? i got eye drops from doctor plus drink cooling tea, 2 days ok liao.


hope baby is doing better. i think infant care will provide baby with good stimulation and opportunities to learn bbut i do hear bb always fall sick.


when they talk, they dont think, then they say we petty, narrow minded, small heart!! etc etc... but i guess most old folks are like that. i am just happy we moved out.


i saw your post. you mean sarong to sleep in? Does Hebe need a sarong to sleep soundly?


are u late for work??

europe outlet shopping

hai... miss those good ol' days. shiok man... florence is a fabulous place, so is milan... how i wish maeve can grow up quick, i can bring her there shoppy!!


i never really trust made in china stuff, they too innovative! even when i shop for stroller i wanna get made in italy!


i hope Cae gets better. *Hugz*

Good morning mummies and Ian

Hope all babies that are unwell will recover soon!

Princess D

I like your remarks on your MIL "you won't appreciate such things....maybe wet market is meant for you" LOL..that is a good one.


Princess d,

His fever did recover but last 2 days afternoon temp 37.5 n will fall back to normal again in evening but midnight shoot back to 37.5deg again. I think is teething period.

Pls lah is ur mum wanted to buy the pleated fish not ur mil, what for give comment when nobody ask her to comment

One more thing!!!

Cant believe i cannot apply for visa!!! Coz the e ppt is full!!!!

Asked my hubby's boss' wife to call the embassy back... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hopefully she can explain better than i do.

Else have to go back indo to apply to dutch embasy there. Haih [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi mummies, ian.. gd morning! another new week. so sian to be back at work..

princess d,

your mil is really horrible! why purposely say such things to irritate others? it's like she cannot have grapes so say that grapes are sour. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh no.. so many kiddos falling sick. everyone get well soon!! jadelyn just recovered after a week. she really 'slimmed down' a lot after this flu/cough episode.

yesterday my PILs came over then we went out for dinner together. they shouldn't have come over because both of them had flu!!! SO MAD LOR! one kept sneezing and coughing, the other kept sniffling and blowing her nose. wah piang... we went for dinner at NYNY and i tried my best to keep jadelyn as far away from them as possible. luckily they got the common sense not to carry her. but still touched her cheeks and hands! arrgghh!!! i REALLY tried my best to ignore but can't help feeling paranoid 'cos the poor girl just recovered. then today, i woke up feeling sick. on the train kept sneezing and now in office, nose a bit drippy and blocked. dammit! really don't understand what these old ppl thinking sometimes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


We shared the same experience.

My gal oso cries whenever my MIL carries her, think she's starting to recognise people. That's why sometimes my MIL oso gave up carrying her becos the minute she sees a different person carrying her she will bawl her eyes out..hahaha ;p~


Low-grade fever could be due to teething...hope he feels better soon. Maybe can boil some barley and let him have some sips in between. Take Care!


Yes am late ... super super sleepy today!! Cough cough the whole night n was sleeping on the floor - thanks to my hb lar!! His boss decided to have a 9am meeting n he scared that he will be late so me n kids had to move to my mum place to zzz I was so tired n mad at him n told him to tell his boss no more 9am meeting pls!!! My hb can still retort me n say - not 830am v good liao!!!

Make me even angrier at least 830am is 1hr earlier than his start work time, the shift still worth the effort but just for a bloody 30mins earlier ... I v 不爽!


i very very very strict about this. sick, pls dont visit. wanna touch maeve, pls ensure hands are clean. i've heard too many sick baby stories it is better to tell them off now than regret later.

Morning everyone!

Blues blues blues.. and a gloomy weather to begin the week with.

Ann, yay going Europe wth baby is a new experience! I think you definitely will enjoy the trip, don’t worry so much so long you are well-prepared and pack all the necessary stuffs there. We will be waiting for you to uploads pics of the trip there ya!

Helo and welcome Dovey!

Diveera/ Tiffy / Seabreeze/Momotan, hope all your babies get well real soon! Weather has been bad these days, hot in the morning and sudden rain in the afternn. Bleah!! I can’t even hang dry my clothes.

Princess, wah! Seems like Meghan don't like your MIL la.. the not so nice term is that your MIL no fate (没有橼) with her lor. Anyway, your MIL is really CMI lor, how can just interrupt in pple’s conversations? KNS. Very rude leh, or maybe she ENVY your mum la, cos your FIL never buy things for her? She see /hear liao sore about it lor.. aiyo..

I also wana rant!! Grrr.. Friday even went to pick my girl as my hubby flew off for biz trip over the wkend. And guess what, I was told that Athena doesn't wana sleep and my clever FIL took the initiatives to put her on the car and drive her one round to make her sleep in the car. DUH!!! I was so pissed to her that, they are all cultivating the wrong habits for Athena lor! Grrr…. So so angry, then at dinner time, the ‘helpful’ relatives came over to MIL hse to pass the baby stuffs cos they are moving hse and their girls are about 2yrs old liao and no longer need them. And the worst thing I see is they pass over the WALKER!!!! Which I never like or want to intro Athena to!!! BTH, all the things I don't like and don't want comes into my way. I hope tmr my hubby goes to MIL hse will tell MIL firmly a big NO-NO lor! If not he will get my nagging everyday too! Cos I will keep ranting n ranting to him as I know that my MIL sure will not listen to me one but she seems scare of my hubby. Even my Dad says my MIL they will spolit Athena lor!


very troublesome right? move with the kids and all the barand barang...? but i guess our man still need to focus on their work la.. chill ok?


your gal can recognise liao ah? mine too, need to look and inspect. that time my mil came and carry maeve she wailed out loud. wahahahhaaa


isnt that weird?

Morning mummies

seems like alot of kids/babies are falling sick...mine is no exception. #1 is down with runny nose and bad coughing just 1 week after he finished his antibiotics! Super sian.. and feel a bit helpless. what is he worsen and has to take antibiotics again? in march itself, he has already taken 2 courses of it and even PD says how come he's sick again..arghh.

A side note, EYS is having a promo for members. $20 voucher for every $100 purchase, quite worthwile. This is for mother's day promotion.


i don't know whether my fil forgot or what. saw him touch jadelyn once during dinner. after that i quickly finished my steak and made excuse, brought jadelyn out of the restaurant and walked ard. she was getting bored sitting at the table anyway. but my pils haven't seen her in more than 2 weeks so i also try not to make the dinner awkward by telling him not to touch or what lah. i did say that they better not carry her though and they were fine with it. plus i said i had a hard time taking care of her when she was sick last week. it's a very obvious hint to tell them 'please don't pass your virus to her'.


Is there a special Q for you to make visa? Like pay more money to make express visa type?


Think so bad habits once cultivated will be hard to break so tell your hb to be v firm abt that. Since you do not want bb to use walker, you just bring n donate to salvation army lor haha


ok, i dont mind show IL face la. not they take care of cos nevermind la. my IL is good when it comes to play. one sat came at 530pm play with her till 830pm, i tell her must drink milk liao, bed time was 730pm, she never wanna help, never get my hint. just play and play. same thing, never see her 2 weeks. i had a hard time putting her to bed lor, her eye whites were red from being overtired. sometimes i really quite pissed.


I dun mind but last night he was still saying - we pack n prepare until so late, by the time he reach home n zzz will be v late n stuff! Of cos I am v mad lar!!

It's pure selfishness cos since the meeting is just 30mins earlier we can just wake up earlier n within the timing that is still ok for the kids. If like 1-2hr earlier I will also say just move to my mum place. He just want to wake up at the same time n go to work at relax pace while I can't zzz well n have to do everything myself in the morning!!

Last night, he can still ask me- you n yx zzz on bed isit? I say - tonight only 3 ppl can zzz on bed #1, #3 and YOU!!

Seabreeze, how i wish i can donate to salvation army too!! I think I have to quickly pass the baby chair to my MIL liao, so scare that she will feed her in the walker lor. I want her to cultivate the right habits that when eating to eat in the baby chair, no walker. I hve seen so many pple letting baby sit in walker to feed, then let baby run about the same time, like tht lagi bo eng in future got to chase after bb during meals.. Man, how i hate to think of this to happen in future.

Trish, thanks for the updates on the EYS.. hmm i'm gonna see what I can buy and slash my hubby pocket! haha!!

Starry, oh dear! Please take care and rest more, hopefully you don't kena the virus from your ILs. Preggers to kena virus is the worst!! And little jadelyn to stay virus-free too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wuahahhaaaa u so funny la... think after this incident he will not move u and kids liao la. i think you will blow off your roof!


your mil wont listen to you ar? then bo bian your hub gotta tell her lor. your IL taking care of Athena?

Seabreeze, can understand why you so mad! As if the kids your hubby no share hor. I hear liao also pissed! jus 30mins for that once wont kill la.. Well, sometimes man are selfish! They want to get the sleep themselve and think tht since we can handle the kids, jus throw everything to us. Nvm them, am sure sooner they will kena from the kids who will go bugging to daddy, tht's when their retributions comes! Probably in doubled! haha!! Cool dwn cool dwn hor.


After I grumble then he say - why I first suggest to stay at ur mum place u never say no. But in my mind I am like since you open your mouth then ok lor cos I do not want to be blamed if he was really late for meeting. It was more of his attitude that I didn't like n never appreciate it like that.

Maybe I also bad mood lar! Sick n #2 not eating ...

Gsm, yes my IL taking care of Athena. Cos my relatives all staying in the West side while my ILs all staying in the East lor.. Me & hubby staying at Punggol so it's nearer to get ILs to look after.. actually i sort of regretted lor, cos if i'm living near my relatives can tell them de, and i think at least they wont behave like my ILs la, they dote on Athena but I think over do it. Not strict at all la. I dont like! Baby will climb over their heads! But Athena don't give me such problems when I take care of her during the wkends wor..


best way to deal with walker, place it downstairs near rubbish dump area. if there are ppl who need it, they will sure take. if mil ask, just say you don't want athena to sit in it and you have 'given it away'. fyi, my mum and i let jadelyn sit in walker even during mealtimes but we lock the wheels so no way she can move around. we 'trained' her in this from the very first meal and she's happily seated there throughout every single meal.


They just dun understand that e caregivers are e ones who suffered after they satisfied their cravings of seeing their grandkid. My mil also, whole of yday afternoon was carrying n rocking Isaac. E moment he fussed, she will happily carry him n walk around and rock and rock. Faint.


E biting will start when they start teething. Dun have to wait for e teeth to spout. I m trying hard to than on.

Momotan, perserver on feeding food to Lucas, jia you jia you.

Thanks diveera on the infant care. I am still wishy washy abt nanny or inf care. Hebe is all well in infant care but cos only for a few days only so not sure yt.

My hubby can't even rem or noes his silblings and parents birthday, I find it quit weird.


not that i want to TU her like dat!But over the weekend was kinda chaotic!


She is very suaku n traditional type!Her whole life is slogging to keep the busn n her family alive!She don't have the luxury to travel that often soemtimes not even ONE day!That's why she don't like me cos HB wants me to stay at home n she thinks that life is NOT FAIR TO HER la!!

las ttime she told her sisters...once Jade is born,she can take care of the child n i go n work then plan so nicely that a if im transparent!!!Unfortunately things don't always go her ways lor..


indeed she is very sour!SUPER SOUR type!!hahahhaa...can tell hor?BTH her...cos my FIL is a typical cheena man n she is those siao nu ren!To her,woman are made to be at home n SERVED n SLOG!

My parents always turn up at my place after a long MIA from traveling..and each time they have something for my girls !!

She oso commented yest when i said,iyo....this shawl is nice le..come on dad..go get me one oso la!!Buahhahaha ...small trying la!!

THen she said..eh your dad nvr work want le..how to buy all these things for you!

I TOLD HER so bluntly!!at their age now...they should be relaxing and enjoying life!NOT WORKING n eat meds!

Terrible rite?my dad is semi-retired but we have nvr tell them cos she has nvr bother to know or want to know!!Pls lor...its bcos their own selfishness n way of working...not even her sons wanna help them withe their busn!And refused to let go the busn...then how do you want your sons to run???Sigh....very weird thinking!


you bet is ALOT n NOISY!!!grrrrrr


walao..,....if im you i ll tell your MIL,since when u bcome karang guni?

That's wat i told my MIL b4 where a cousin started to poured all her stuffs to her n she force me to keep it.....XXXXL diapers,PLATES SPOONS WATER BTL......BOOKS....PSLE BOOKS (WTF RITE)????

You betta be firm to her on what you wnat lor..


please to meet you n your family too!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]pls dun said that..you looking great!!all vibrant n bbS is so huggable n smiley too..very sweet smile she has![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmmmmm......hope your Hb's boss can help?

Relax k...sure can make it wan...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nothing against wet market la..im also a big fans of wet market n hawkers!LOL[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but i just to talk to her the way she talk to ppl....jsut plain RUDE!!


the meeting is super duper important until must shift you all to your mum's place? anyway, chill lah. i'm sure after this he won't dare to repeat offence le.

super mad at my hubby also. that man kept standing on his parents' side, say i am very small-minded over the whole flu matter and that i look down on them. BTH! i fall sick nevermind, i just don't want baby to be sick again especially she just recovered. it's nice he is so protective towards his parents, but please lah... see what kind of situation! if baby is sick again, i am going to post it BIG BIG on FB let my fil see!

Starry, frankly i doubt they will lock the wheels lor. Cos I always see them like so amused to see baby happy, at different milestones, sure once can put in to seat and run. They sure do it de la. Dont think they will control, this is why i prefer to put her to sit in baby chair when comes meal time. Taking care of bb is not easy task, and they dont like to hear baby cry. everytime wana pacify baby de, sure Athena knows who she can have her way with manz. I always feel that to correct a spoilt child is very hard so have to be strict n teach since young and I have the deep feelings that the ILs will spoilt her badly.


they are all so thickheaded. sometimes tempted to go learn hindi, speak hindi to them then maybe then they will listen! since mandarin, english, hokkien all don't understand!!


tht's the reason why i hardly ever bring jadelyn over to their place. so far from birth till now don't know whether got 5 times or not! i hate bringing her there. mil will suddenly disappear with her and bring her downstairs. die die don't use stroller, must carry and limp all the way. madness!! they will be like your pils, spoil the child rotten. i really hate thinking abt it. hope their daughter quickly get married and have kids, divert their attention a bit.


they wont understand!!NEVER!And they think is okay if they dun kiss or cough infront of an infant!EVry sad!!until (touchwood) when they see the child sick bcos of them.....then they understand!JADE was a poor victim !!Very poor thing!!I HATE THEM n TOLD THEM off !!

HB initially oso said im too harsh towards them...afterwhich when Jade fell so ill...i THANKED ALL OF THEM AT HOME!!YES,i REALLY SAID THANK YOU FOR PASSING THE GERMS TO MY CHILD!!

NOw they shut up n stay away whenever they are sick...


Yes, your mil is rude..good that you "suan" her a bit and shut her up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes must be firm on eating habits! I see my mil prc neighbour let the grandson eat n play at the corridor do I tell my mil, that's the result of not having strict rules from young


It's the dept meeting n chaired by his direct boss so better dun be late type. Anyway he just called n say meeting just

finish n whether want him to pick me up tonight 算有良心!!

Told him now busy can't talk haha hang up n sell now!!

Havings kids are a true test to the marriage, you see couples who rarely fight start fighting n it's always abt the kids. But I always say - kids are here to make the family complete n not bring unhappiness n fight. Just tell him that u dun want jadelyn to fall sick again only, even if it's your parents you will do the same thing.


Princess, ya. I like your sentence, Karang Guni!! Hmm.. i shld tell them this!! SIAO one la.. not everything must take pass-dwn wat! Just cannot stand them! Instilling the bad habits!

Starry, nxt time you give them masks whenever they comes and make them wash hands before handling jadelyn!! Some pple must show actions then they realize.

