(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

Metta, ya, give bad reviews!! Too much leh, unless upfront the seller tell you to expect some defects la, if not I would assume everything to be in good conditions. Usually buy some of the US brand bags from the site bagsheaven and they deliver to door, my friends say their shipping charges increased le. If you don't mind, nxt time try her site and i think the seller living in Punggol too and they will ask you to check conditions of the bag when they delivered to door. Cool dwn, cool dwn hor.

Ya brought from forum BP. will definitely give bad review if they dont compensate me somehow. my husband want to go JW to have it exchange - think its more straightforward. wait 2nd one send over also got problem then how? Keep paying postage also siong. one time petrol cost is more hua. Seller didn't reply after i ask for compensatin if I change face-to-face since its their fault. so bad luck i buy online till now first time got problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Just checked their BP thread no longer around but can inform moderator right? I will do it once i settle the exchange

Teoong noted that site. But diaper bag not brand .. its carter only over $30. didn't buy brand diaper bag as worried get it strained as I rather butter finger kind of person ha ha

hi all

looks like today's topic is on bags!

starry, I like kate spade bags cos they are simple in design...very classy. But detractors will tell you not worth paying so much for non-leather. But I love mine lah. Hubby loves to buy coach for me... their bags are not light... Not all that goes to outlets are defective. Mainly past seasons. But good enough for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Great to hear that little beanie has grown.

princess, wah, Jade really knows how to 'complain' huh? :p So have you hid your cane yet? hahahah

Ian, thanks for igniting the craving for MSW! but think I'm coming down with flu...so no durians for a while...

btw, anyone wants an enfapro voucher? Got a $5 discount voucher...let me know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shin, accepted your friend request. You know my brother!


Ya...i completely forgot the doctors instruction about stopping after 8 days until yesterday when typing the post. Thank goodness yesterday was just nice the 8th day.

Sigh..this mummy go work only everything forget. 1 baby only cannot manage liao..dun even dare imagine if have another bb how.

Think today must bring him go see doc again. His diarrhea is back with full force. Poor boy one issue after another [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Thanks for sharing..good for your bb. i think its good for bb to sleep more (at least thats wat i read) but no matter wat i do..my bb just refuse to sleep more in the day.

hello!!!! good afternoon!!!

had a great afternoon.. brought Aedan to cold storage to get Pumpkin. and I bought the "pang jio" already so gonna start making banana and pumpkin puree and carrots also!!!! he loves the apple but still dont really like sweet potato. silly boy! swt potato so nice lor! hahahhaah

re: soup

hmmmm... what is double boiled? wahahahhaa i seriously dont know what it means...


u still having blood stains? pls take care k? and so glad ur little one is ok! hehehe.. cant wait for ur oscar so u can post pictures of the scans k? and we will know the gender? ehehehe

btw regarding the bag... personally i prefer Kate Spade! hahahaha.. but u deserve to be pampered lah! so if u like just ask hb buy for you!!!! =D the pink coach bag not bad! kate spade got nice bags also! hhehee i just bought one diaper bag from KS online [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


last time my boy also nap pockets here and there.. only 20-30min each time... now he consolidates his nap.. he can nap from 12-3 or 1-4 sometimes... so as they grow maybe their patterns are different ah....


u mean your MIL has been feeding ur baby rubbish or isit the maid? sorry i got a little confused. but i think u needa do something abt it cos babies so young cannot stomach all these things... and dont be angry already k? why not try talking to ur hubby abt it? its for the health of ur baby leh....


whether aircon or not... aedan sleeps the same.. lol... and i thought u gonna buy the MSW soon? hahahaha


i think the squash can be found at cold storage? some mummies said they tried before.. but i bought pumpkin today!!!!!


desitin not bad. but so far i no need to really use it as he doesnt have bad rashes. *touchwood*


hope ur back is ok now ;)


hope cae will recover soon!!!! i think its infant care thats why they get sick easily!


is there any agreements that if its is faulty, the seller will try his best to accommodate? quite bad for them to sell u smtg with a hole and still doesnt wanna bear the cost! usually they will leh... give bad reviews!!!!

wow! Still so active ??!!

WTF with that men n their extra marital n wife neglecting duties ???WTF??????!!!!!!

Empress dowager cAme n gave me rub on my back w vengeance !![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] damn regret Sia! Buahaaaaa!!

think tmrw will go get a jab ! Dunno y do pain siah


And eggs!!!! Wat crap ???!! Fake eggs?? Why would this ppl do such thing ??!

So Ian , what bag did u bought for your wife ??!!


I had my hot water bottle with me last night ! Not helping ! I paste medicated plaster too! Then let go some Ginger cream to numb that part !! Still pain ... I just took pAnadol extra!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bags bags !!

Jac , which one have you decided?

Those in US factory outlets are not defective goods! They are actually branded shops..it's not a factory where they have loose stuffs on sales ... The place usually is huge land with hundred of shops !! N no tax ! Buahaaaa!! I oso love US factory outlets le... Bought BV wallet for usd90 only ! Hyiak hyiak !! Damn shiok wan!


yah i saw eXXXX LXX and mutual friends so i add.. but i wasnt sure who it was on this forum... lol... OH!!! he's your brother? wahahahahaha.... we were from the same hostel! LOL the world is so small leh... hehehe

anyway mummies .. pls advise me here... since ytd night aedan has poo 4 times liao!!!! although poo is normal... but i am a bit concerned isit normal to poo so many times? ytd night he poo alittle, this morning also, just now at 11 plus poo a little again.. and now he just poo again!!!!! poo is normal and not diarrhea type. so far i have fed him sweet potato and apple purees with his daily cereals and milk.... should i stop feeding him the purees? or its ok to continue? first time i see him poo so many times in 2 days....

Teoong, I bought from bagsheaven before. Bag also no defects. When we put bb in other care, we just have to remind and remind for bb good. As Cae likes/prefer cereal/porridge, I will feed him milk first. If he will not drink milk.

Ian, buy Udders MSW ice-cream? Or you prefer the real thing?

Jadefeet, hope your kiddos get well soon.

Metta, I think depend on the seller. I bought a nursing bra from online site and the size doesn’t fit. She was very kind and mail me a bigger size at no cost to me. Upon receipt, I mail back the first one I received at my own cost.

Groovy, suggest you hold the hp and let her use only after she finishes work and she must return to you before she sleeps. I trust my helper not to use the hp during working hours but she broke the trust. She been using it and it affects her work. She makes more mistake and her toilet breaks are longer and more frequent. When I confront her and told her not to use, she can still answer me cannot. She need to use, just to sms only.

Jac, I like #3. Nice scan of your #2, hope you are not feeling too tired. Hiazz… his immune is really weak. He is on zrytec, singular and alternate day Chinese medicine for maintenance against cough and still kena. As his nebulizer is 4 hourly, I have to stop the Chinese medicine cos I remember the last time I need to have a 3 to 4 hour break in between. I also bough the pearl powder from Hock Hua on Thu. Got some nan bei xin and Chinese pear, when he is better will boil it as porridge broth or soup for him. It is suppose to clear phlegm, reduce cough and strength lungs.

Princess, how’s your back? When will your hubby be back. Can’t imagine you alone with 2 kiddos and a backache.

Claudia, be strong. You face with non ending challenge, helper and mil. Hope your mil will understand and be more considerate and thoughtful for her grandson. Hope your bb recover soon.

Ann, when do you need to fly? Nice to be away for a while.

Thanks, Jac, Xin2, Ann, Princess, Teoong, Tigger. Cae keep struggling and cry whenever on nebulizer. So stressful.

Nappy Rash

Can try the sudocream (I think it is called) from mothercare. My sis in law claimed it is very good. Cae doesn’t have rash so can’t comment if it works well.


Cae don’t nap a lot. Each nap can range from 15 minutes to an hour. Mostly 30 minutes about 3 to 4 times.


hhahahha actually i dunno leh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cos i thought poo little or much also considered? hahaha.. so like that is ok?

princess_d> Took painkiller that they gave us after we give birth? Hehe.. It works really well when I have toothache! BUT, my friend told me don't eat the painkiller too much otherwise later it won't be effective anymore.. I took 1 a day that time during my toothache.. After delivery I never took even one!

Ann> I think you should take the opportunity to go with your hubby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Since you've been going with Nikolas lots of time without your hubby and you're the main caregiver, I believed you won't find any trouble there..

diaper rash --- Just as starry said, let your baby goes diaper free! Did you notice that they only poo once a day (or even less) now? The rest are just pee and their pee is not very yucky type.. You just need to use waterproof mat anywhere and let them use pants only..

Josie use pants only in the day and use cloth diaper at night and we have no problem with it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Just we need to change her very often when she's awake..

woahh..i like today's topic, BAGS!

i like kate spade too, but i realised i have 2 of almost the same size. one of them is leather and so heavy!so until now is still unused, what a waste hor.

Haven't buy bags in a long time! been trying to be thrifty. was told by a guy friend that girls should not buy depreciating assets..should put the $$ into stocks etc to watch it grow. i keep this in mind whenever my hand is "itchy".

Princess d

u got a BV wallet for US$90!! what a super duper steal!i love my BV wallet! but its fraying at corners..cos i just anyhow dump into my bag. Now a bit "itchy", sometimes will go and see the wallets...keke.

Nappy rash

i use desitin purple and blue! purple for the initial periods when he had nappy rash and blue when he uses disposable diapers. ashton is mainly using cloth diapers now and has no rash =)


no the outlets in Us are all ok goods just that they r last seasons... Very good deal..

I went Hk outlet near airport, their coach n Kate spade quite new stuff leh... If u go hk must try to spent a few hours there...

princess, you keen to try huiji waist tonic? heard its good for back too.

bag - finally seller reply. starry your husband is right. Must persist. I almost wanted to sms her to the same issue :p and she replied. The seller coming to my block to have it exchange! ye! save a trip to JW!

re: fake eggs

first saw it appearing in china a few years ago. now technology came to our neighbour liao huh? hopefully none in singapore. very scary. eggs also can fake.

do you all know that now 300 cows in china produces milk that's very close to human breastmilk?? some weirdo scientists transferred the human gene into the cows and make them produce bm. going to sell in supermarkets soon. super gross. the things 'ah tiong' do..

re: bag

still cannot decide!! wahahaha! no wonder ppl say women are fickle-minded. :p i think i prefer the 1st bag a teeny bit more. hee hee!!

oh wow, all that talk about outlet stores make my heart 'itch'!

princess d,

BV wallet at USD90 is VERY GOOD DEAL!! *drooling*


hope little cae will be off the nebulizer soon so that you can slowly 'bu' him back to health. when i was sick last time, my mum also made the nan xing bei xing plus chinese pear. drank several cups a day! it's really good. but effect only seen after a long period. anyway, i believe if you persevere, cae will be a strong and healthy boy in no time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha!! it worked yeah? being a 'pest' has its merits. lol! the other party will be so frustrated that he/she will give you what you want just so you will stop bothering him/her.

ha ha ha i will be still be a 'pest' still i get the item. i can be very stubborn and sticky if I wan to although most times I can be very chin chye.

all these talk about coach, KS also mk me very 'itch". lei


actually my 'itch' not that bad one. now talk and think abt it the whole day, 'itch' spread everywhere liao. keep surfing net to see look. hee hee!

ha ha I can itch and wang mei zi ke as now SAHM no chance to carry bag daily = Really no much reason to buy as many bags as I fancy lor.

at least you still work - can buy and use daily - very good and valid reason to get new bags [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


3rd one, I heart their classic C design. Drool..


Isaac just sleeps very little in all.

I think only 12 to 13 hours in all, which is very little for a 6 months' infant.


Be thankful that he laughs at them and not screams and shouts! At least Niko is very entertained. Hehe.


Oh no.. any reason for his LS?



My mummcalled to complain in the afternoon. Isaac pooed so much that it stained his clothes and even leaked to the floor.

I guessed it should be alright if it is just one off. Monitor ya. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ZuEn> Thanks for your info about handphone! What about weekends? I'm thinking to allow maybe at night time only. In the afternoon if she really need to call home then just lend her. hm..

But I think you're right, can give them handphone only if can trust her already.


I like the 1st one when I saw it at the shop, wats the website selling at $398? looking for a bag to replace my dirty Kate spade heehee the flower is nice but 不耐看 cos you can get that similar look for those non-branded bags too. 3rd is nice but hard to maintain cos of light colour - that's the colour of my Kate spade now, regret big time cos now damn dirty n not worth sending to clean cos I bought fr Kate spade online sale n less than $400

These are my personal view lar cos everyone got different taste


What's dat? To apply ? Where can I get it? The chiropractor is full tmrw![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Trish , starry

Yeah!!!! Buahaaa !!

I even bought a large shopping tote n double waist pouch for usd150 each ONLY' wahaaaa !!! My pain went away when I see u girls talk about shoppings!! Wahaaaa!!

If in states , I sure go factory outlet ! Unbelievable price !!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

In Italy Florence oso there's 2 outlet !! Dirt cheap prada shoes! When I said dirt cheap is ...Euro50 for a pair of sneakers!! But must go the right tome m season la!! Brrrrrr.. Why m I here????=.='??


I oso keen to know who is Exxxxx Lxx??? Don't look like from this thread le... ??!


I didn't keep the painkiller n anywAy I dare not anyhow take painkiller for it might have complications in liver nx time ! I'm a lil kiasu ever since I ve the girls ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hb back home d![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He tool over the girls since last night[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maid hp - i no more maids now but then I think hp can only be given during their off time. other than that its better to be keep by you.


there is no website. it's a good friend's contact. the seller stays near her office along alexandra rd and gotta go to the house to see the items. she bought a lot of bags from this person already and confirm authentic. if you want i can check and PM you contact details??

i like the 1st for the special details and 3rd for it's simplicity. can i have BOTH??!! hubby will shoot me for getting 2 'ugly' bags. was on the phone with him just now and he again said UGLY! and he added, "if you want, i will buy for you. just want you to know i really find them UGLY!" BTH him.

Princess, Exxxx Lxx is me!

I love outlet shopping too! But it will be a very long time before I can go again...

Shin, yeah! Very small world indeed! ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my il came over ! My Meghan freaked out again !!!

Tsk ... Poor girl , still sobbing ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi mommies & ian:

finally got time to come in & read..

lucas is running a fever aft his jab, hope it goes away soon!

PD tdy:

Lucas so spoilt, cried when he was poked twice tdy.

stop crying immediately when we walked out of the clinic.

he was studying the clinic very intently while waiting for his turn.

i think he recognized the doc room, like everytime he goes in, sure nthing good. whahaha!!


what happen to ur back? must take care!!

find another chiropractor??


thks princess & shin for whr to find squash. ^^

managed to get it at ntuc earlier. oso bot carrots & sweet potatoes!

made carrot puree tdy & mr fussy tan dun 1 2 eat!!!

he tested 1 mouth & rejected the rest! machiam poison!! =.="

waste my effort la! duno if it bcos of jab he feels cranky & dun 1 2 eat.


i use the blue desitin too.

i was told the blue one is for prevention, the purple one for cure.

so better use the purple one if ur bb rash is bad??


i dun particularly like any brands. as long as i like the design i will buy!

i'm waiting for KS to come up with a new nice PVC bag!


for ur coach, i vote #3. ^^

ur hb funny la!! u carry the bag, not him wat. dun care him!! lol


i'm so lost who is who & who is not on my list?

can add me: [email protected]

Online shopping:

Think I very sua ku leh. Nvr really do much online shopping. Can I know how u all search BP etc? Now that at hm I also wanna do online shopping leh.

Please share with me online shopping sites for bags n baby stuffs?


princess, opps... :p

interesting that meghan is so 'freaked out' by your inlaws.

read abt your back... how did you resolve it the last round? can try the same remedy?

momo, wow your lucas is so smart! can recognize the doc room so soon? try offering the carrot puree again another day. might not b a gd gauge given that he had jabs today. Mine will give me a funny look when i offer him something new. his shoulders will raise n shudder as if i gave him something sour. very cute..but he still eats.

Good evening all

My naughty naughty boy has slept without carrying tosday at 7.30!!!!

He is very naughty!!!!!!! Really cannot see his daddy before he leeps.. every wekend also like that!

Really when he sees hubby will open arms big big n want to b carried.. hahaha..

Going europe..

Its really confirmed hubby will go end of this month. For 1 month plus..

I still have mixed feeling abt going there..

Dunno whether should stay here or follow..

Princess d

It ls really funny the way u describe how meghan is freakes out by ur il.. wahaha.. realy that bad??

maybe she can feel the tension, thats why... :p


Lucas is soo smart.. hehe.. he even know its jav day!! Look so sian.. hehehe..


Ur boy is so cute..! My boy so far love butternut squash only. When i intro the rest will struggle struggle but still finish.

Later i will find u on fb, exxxlxx!! :p


Agree with momotann it is ur bag!! Ehehe.. choose the one(s) that u like! N show him it looks good!

But he cant say everything u choose is ugly. Anyway u chose him!! Lol..

princess d,

i asked him what he finds nice and that man gave a very abstract answer - simple, elegant, no pattern-pattern kind. -_-...

momotan, ann,

i won't care lah! what i like i just buy. rather than something he likes and which i hate later sit in the cupboard grow fungus only.

just now i chided him for leaving something dirty on the table and nv clear. he nv say sorry, but said i came from KAMPONG, no need to ACT HIGH CLASS. wah liew... blood boil. that man is very yaya papaya! next time must ask him buy his own cane also. muahahha!


wow! to europe! very good opportunity! i would say should go, but then again, need to consider little niko, whether he will get accustomed to new environment easily or not. if not, you will also 'suffer' along with him. wonder if you will get to go out with him often? if can then really nice to go explore and sightsee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


maybe the taste of the carrot itself is too strong? when i gave jadelyn her carrot porridge today, which was half porridge, half mashed carrots, she made a face atd the first spoonful but devoured the entire plate very enthusiastically! i tasted it myself and the carrot taste really quite strong even mixed with plain porridge.


u can just go to the mktplc in SMH & read thru those BP threads see which one interests u.


thks for ur compliments! ^^

will feed him carrot again! hope he's not gog to be a carnivore like mommy! lol


are u on my FB list alr? can add me??? ^^


why u dun 1 2 go?

if 1 mth too long maybe u go for 1-2wks?


sigh i dunno. Hope its not. The blood test result is out already. They said they would call me but never so i called them. Best part is the doctors here dont work everyday one!!! the next time i can see the allergy doc is next tues.

And i wanted to see my regular PD for his LS...he also not working. So i can only see him either next wed or see another doc. Really still cant get use to it. And wkends no doctors work!!! So gancheong mummy here goin to bring him to see whichever PD is available today and have to explain the whole background AGAIN!


Chey ! Like dat ah his description of a "nice" bag?

Lol... Aiya, betta let him decide or he'll hang u up again ..oops! :p


Haaa! Mstr Tan is very clever !! Lol

How is he now ??!!


Go la!! 1mth here w/o HB cam b bored ! Maybe can come bk with a good news???? Next bb made in EU ... Yeeaaahhhhh!!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]*wink*

Emmie, momotan

So far only saw gp n massage ! Didn't know after months .. The effect is killer man!!

Scary to see how Meghan freaked out!! Poor baby !! Wonder why le??[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry momotan

I also dont like carrot till now.. haha. Find the taste too strong.


U r carnivore? Lol meaning u dont like veggie?

Europe trip

Its very long, hve to buy new wardrobe for the weather, scre bout the long flight.. n worried if anything happen during hubbys work hour.. i will b alone in foreign country.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

If stay at hotel how to wash bbys clothes.. isnt it expensive?

Food r also expensive.. unless i shopped n bring cooker from here.. or unless his boss treat.. lol

Hte packing n unpacking also.. n have to clean house after 1 month leaving it unattended..

but at the same time want to go there n somemore hubby will b there during our anniv..

N i wanna see keukenhof [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For during daytime.. perhaps i can go out but not everyday or else my back will break....

So during one month there probbly can go out during weekens with hubby and extend for few days.. i dont think he can take so mny leave.. so busy these days..

Dunno whether it is worth the disatvantage? Coz hubby going there for work not holiday le..

princess d,

he dare hang me upside down i will bundle 5 canes and whack him! give him my special monogram. wahahaha!!

i think meghan really don't like your inlaws huh? so interesting! she was super okay when she sees strangers like us during gathering leh. you pils got say anything yesterday?


GO GO GO!!!! BB will be very used to it one!! I will even with 3 kids haha


Can PM me the contact? I saw the #1 a few times n been eyeing it but everytime its w my mum haha so cant go in to see n feel but i like the details.

Princess Dia

Your MIL got make 'funny' remarks now that Meghan freak out again??


another way is that you fly to meet him after he has completed whatever he needs to do at the end of one month then just get him to take a week or 10days' leave to tour around? then you don't have to worry about being away for too long and have hubby with you at the trip too.



i check with my friend then let you know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

