(2010/10) October 2010 MTB

lilac, diveera, thanks for the encouragement! Hope my hubby, Jadelyn and I will cope well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Same like u the moment switched to pumping supply kept dropping. Drop till only like 2-3 feeds a day. So tiring to play catch up.

Princess d,

I always think one party HS can strike liao. Oh no more breaking news lah. Enough for tonight otherwise can don't slp le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: teething

I spotted a tiny white thing on Jadelyn's lower gums today! More on her right side. She's finally teething. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Thanks mommies...

I am very sure now that my son is definitely not obesse!


err.. tall, friendly, warm, neat look?


Wah, until like that with ur mum?? Until now?

Ballet n gymnastic doesnt mke ppl short.. my friends who took ballet all very tall lo.

Actually im very close to my mum. So when she said that, i know she is just joking but when in laws said its like swords to me coz they said that i am fat from the start....

when translated probably said smth like, " yea, no wonder the baby is obesse coz both mum n dad are fat . R u sure the doc nv say he needs to diet?" When intro to other ppl : "ya, the baby is fat coz the mum is also fat."

Then discussion bout fm vs bm will likely to follow this type of conversation.

Then when said dr nv said such thing, they said " the dr good or not? R u sure?? Last time xxxx baby need diet, coz obesse. Abt this size.. eh wait, i think smaller.that is alrdy obesse!"

Anyway. Not to bore u all with the rest of the irritating details! Zzz

(Tho i already did!!!:D)

I vented alrdy n now i shall ignore 100%


Good to know that he is drinking now...


I also notice white bump alrdy! Same, lower, right gum. But he has 2 coming. The other one is sharp but cnt see nything yet.


ur son can sleep from 5 am to 11am??

That is looong!

I wonder whether my son sleeps enough these days or not.

He usually nap 1hr-2 hr (10-12) then about 3 hrs from 3-6.

Then he will sleep at 9 pm n wake up about 6 or 7am.

i need to entertain n keep him occupied for up to 5hrs.

Sometimes he only takes 3 hr nap from 12-3, n followes by power nap after his bath, then sleep at 9 pm too.

He is so kpo looking at things n determined to slither around with his tummy

Sometime he yawns like 20 time in 10 mins but refuses to sleep. But still active even though the eyes is only half opened.

Is he really sleepy? Shld i encourge him to slee or let him be awake??

WOW!! I just saw the news! Starry congrats!! U are really fast!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do take care n be careful when carrying Jadelyn!

Thanks Fifi for ur reply! Thk I will do the same as u.

Got to get ready the logistics before I go back to work. Hopefully I can bf for a few more months.

My baby has keep making some chewing action with her mouth. Is that a sign of teething? She has been quite cranky this past week. Keep crying at night. Making us so tired. Wonder if I can tahan when I go back to work. -_-"

Hi babydes,

Still awake?

Too funny not to share..

Changed nikolas diaper just now.

As usual he woke up a bit. N tossing here and there. Make some noise.

Usually by then i will carry him for a while till he sleeps again then put him back.

Tonite i let him be.

He did his push up, saw my hubby sleeping, n he moved toward him, all laughing. (Coz hubby usually play with him) No response frm hubby. He called again. No response.

then. To my surprise....... he put down his head... n close his eyes. Just like that!

i was sitting behind where he cant see me.

Oh my god.... That means..... all this while, we carry him because we were spotted awake???

Babies r smart! Too smart!

Good night mummies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


When babies are supposed to sleep, cannot hv eye contact with them one. My baby also!! If I look at him when patting him to sleep, he keep smiling at me thinking Im playing with him!

When my mum take care of him, she even resort to putting a towel over her head when she pats him to sleep. LOL

Babies are so lovable but notti at the same time. Sometimes dunno wanna cry or laugh.

Good morning Mommies and daddy!!

Arrghhhhh!!!woken up by my girls at 0630hrs!!!!LOl

JAde was singing "the doors on the bus goes open n shut open n shut open and shut!"and clapping he hands away and the lil one found it amusing and chuckled!!Arghhhh!!!Too cute but even so the last 20mins is very precious too me...=.='''

Usually they'll wake up at 0715-0730hrs!!


Thanks for the compliments[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe bcos im trying to get near bbN....*wink* whahahhahah!!

My mom n i are okay la...we have seeral arguments oer taking care of babies and obviously she doesn't like the way i handle my 2 girls saying that im too strict!sigh.....too her,evrything have to leave it to the maid..even drinking water!!

My siblings and i was brought up by 2 nannies at home...

I believe strongly on being independent at young age gives the child some sort of confidence and of course no matter waht they are still a CHILD and needs to be pampered!I do that too!!But not all the time!!!She just don't get it...LOL

hahah...your boy very cute!After being ignored,went bakc to sleep....


Muahaha.. ya, shall ignore him more! Haha!


Yea i agree with what u said bout raising children.

Tho i think i spoiled nikolas very much :p

Really must ignore him eh.

Jade is so cute. She is really good with babies! Can see from the way she acted during gathering. Like wanna see n sayang each babies. Huahaha. Good jie jie....

I hope when i hv other children niko can b like that too!

Congrats Starry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That's really fast. You can join the Nov 2011 MTB thread liaoz :p

Congrats Jac!

Hey, think if miss period then sld be abt 4weeks preggy rite?

Really fast leh. Think I'll freak out if really get pregnant so fast lor. But hb always say wun so zun lor. We tried for abt 4years before I had kayden leh.

So he a bit worried tat if we dont start trying again then wait another long time to conceive then age gap too big.

I got a colleague also c sect then got preggy again after qute fast. Very chialat. She got slipped disc n then womb not yet fully recovered leh. Scared the wound tear lor.

U muz take care n be careful leh. Don't carry jadelyn too much Liao.

1 reason y I told hb I scared preggy fast is also cos I sad if can't carry kayden Liao. Hehe.

Don't mind me asking. But how often u n hb do it har? So lucky to strike lor. Haiz. Last time me time zun zun also nvr strike.


My boy sleeping hours all changed after all the CNY visiting..Now he sleeps almost midnight, sometimes 1am then woke up at 7 or 8am to drink milk then slept all the way till 11am, sometimes 12pm. Last night 4 strangers praised him & he has been laughing to himself and smiling all the time & didnt fuss at all, even smiling to himself while drinkin milk..whole day kept smiling..tooo excited Looks like next time i should get some unknown people to praise him so as to kept him happpy for days. There are days where i m too tired, i just place him beside me and tell him' hey! mummy is tired & if ure not going to sleep, i m going to sleep first, goodnight' & i slept before him..guess he followed me after that as i had a few peaceful sleep these days..haha

hi mommies,

i just did another pregnancy test today using the clearblue digital one that shows "pregnant" or "not pregnant" in the window instead of lines, and the result is i REALLY have another bun in the oven! it will be another Oct baby for sure 'cos EDD 1 Nov and will have to c-sect lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thank you all for the well wishes! :D feeling very happy and excited about it, although hubby and i feel a bit guilty towards jadelyn. especially me because i will have to split up my time and won't be able to carry her as much once i get bigger. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


actually... it was the very first time we did it after i gave birth! we did thought of getting back into "action" earlier when baby was 2-3mths old. but everytime it's either he was tired or i didn't have the mood. when finally did it, we strike. was telling him let's just do once a year lah since so effective. hahahah! oh, if go by date of conception, i am 100% sure that i am exactly 2weeks pregnant now.


i have no idea how my boss is gonna take it le... play by ear lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nickolas is so funny!!! no one entertain him he can just fall asleep immediately??? amazing baby you have lor!

Congrats Starry! Really fast work! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your two kids will be close and they have playmates.


thank you too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope will be playmates instead of like my uncle's 2 girls, the elder one always bully her sister.

congrats jac!!!!! So happy for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so excited for u too!! Hehhehe

Congrats Starry...wau so excited , u are really fast..I am also thinking about trying but rabbit is abit too near...thinking will miss carrying my boy and as u say will feel guilty toward him...maybe will try for dragon..:>

Hi Xin,

Actually I'm on Natural Family Planning since I'm Catholic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_family_planning

The point is to see whether we have cervical mucus discharge (whitish discharge), especially those slippery, stringy, and stretchy type meaning that we are fertile.

And for my case, I only learn like 1 month before my wedding and only did 3 months charting before I really get pregnant, as my husband and I really wants to have kids soon after marriage. So right now I really don't play play if I feel fertile and have the mucus, since I still can't really differentiate when is my fertile days when is not :S.

I still want to delay pregnancy. It will be like the end of my career if I get pregnant again. I'm still so young and still a junior engineer.

Everytime we want to do, hubby will always ask my permission. hahaha.. and ask if it's ok if I really pregnant again as the result.....

shin, zebra,

Thank you, ladies! Hubby is also very happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just nice and so timely too that he received a huge increment at work so financially we are okay and can cope with #2!


Try for early or late dragon baby? Think When baby is 1yo you can try liao.

Woah! Congrats starry!!! You r really fast!!! It's been a while I got time to read up here. Missed the 'chatting' time here!

Work is super bz for me! Ive reduced my pump time from twice to one time only. Mill supply dropped too. Hopegully i still can give my boy BM till he's 6 mths! Hmm... Wonder when will my menses be coming back since milk is depleting. Muz standby pad in my bag!

I duno to feel guilty a not tat after delivered till now, I've no action with my hubby!!! That's why I see the TTC topic I was & starry's good news.. like...hur~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I've csection too so also worry that my wound have not fully recovered. So starry! U r really superb!! How I wish to hv a bunny bb too! I dun wan a dragon bb leh. Looks like I got to wait for psst psst snakey!

Re Enfalac

Mummies giving bb this, do your bb poo everyday? My boy after taking more Enfa milk powder cos my BM ss dropped, he seems can't poo for a few days. Anyone has this problem?


Congrats! Feeling all excited and happy for you =)

Haha Jadelyn looks so sweet, won't be a bully la. She'll sayang her didi/mei mei.

I'm also looking forward to getting pregnant again but wil try for Dragon baby.


All along have been practicing withdrawal method. I don't chart my fertile dates cos dunno how. Plus my menstrul cycle is more than 28days. I conceived 1 mth after wedding but we started trying 2 mths before wedding. I was worrie that it'll be difficult to conceive so give ourselves some time to try. haha.

Already got back to action 2-3 times, withdrawal method. Still bfing. Previously was discussing family plannng with gynae n he suggest condoms. Dun dare to tell him all along we practicing withdrawal(most unreliable!) =p

BBlin: my boy is on enfalac n he poos almost everyday. Only sometimes he will poo once every 2 days. But at times he will also poo twice a day so really depends.


Do you have backup supply at home? Actually Jadelyn is now fully on FM. She also doesn't poo everyday. Only once in 2-3 days. PD says it's fine as long as the poo is soft and not hard. I'm not superb lah, my hubby's army is. Lol!


You very daring huh? Use withdrawal method? Haha!! Ask your hubby to be really careful lor! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When u gonna start trying for dragon baby?

Jac ...

Didnt know tt u announce ur breaking news here haha super super happy for you. Told my mum tt my fren who popped in oct now preg ... She say wow so fast ... How many kids? I say oh 1st one is oct so 2nd one only. Then she went ... Then ok lar! She must be thinking tt IF I get preg oso ... dunno she will faint or not haha

My cousin's wife same as u c-section n preg v soon, her 2 gals are just 13mths apart. She was 40yr old when she popped n coping fine, since u are still young n sort of prepared of the 'consequences' then no prob at all!!

I must say that no matter when u pop the 2nd one, u will always feel guilty towards the 1st. But must rem tt u are giving her a 伴 and when they grow up tog, they have each other. Even for my case, I feel esp guilty to my #2 cos they are only 19mths apart but am sure that there is never a good time to conceive.

Your boss will be shocked but dun care lar ... tell him u gian the $400 fr the budget meant for bb born fr 1 Jan 05 to 31 Dec 11 haha


Thanks!! No need to rinse off the bubble bath. But don't put too much into the bath water. Sometimes I squeeze a bit too much and can feel baby's body a little bit 'soapy'. Now I put enough to let the water have a light scent yet no bubbles at all.

Re: enfalac

My friend's son is on enfalac and he is also like lilac's boy, poo daily, ocassionally once every two days.

Wanna ask mummies here, any good gynae to recommend in the west?? I don't feel like going back to my gynae as I wanna consider csect with epi instead of GA again. If you all remember, I had the most horrible experience waking up from GA last Oct and I'm just not ready to go thru that again.


Wah the forum is still shaken up by the fact that starry is pregnant again! So exciting!


how bout in the day? How much sleep does he have?

Ttc / charting,

I did charting n all, but cant get it right leh. Haha tried for almost 1.5 year before pregnant.

i dont recall having white discharge as well.

Finally after getting tired counting,

I get pregnant! Haha...


Why ur gynea cant do csect with epi?

There is one gynea that my friend go to at buit gombak mrt just opposite of it. Forget the name but he is quite old n proffedsional alrdy. But deliver at tmc only. Will check the name n phone if u r interested


Can't really share with friends now so share here as I do have some concerns with having #2 and wish to get advices from experienced 2nd/3rd time moms like you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The close friends I told were all very shocked, but happy for me. Thank goodness, because I know once I announce to other not-close friends they will make comments like - are u sure u are ready, ur old wound will burst, #1 will hate #2 etc sort of crap. You mommies here are the most encouraging bunch of ppl I know so naturally wanna turn to the forum for emotional and moral support. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, your mum very cute! I'm sure she will be happy if you are pregnant again. Another grandchild for her leh.. ;) Your cousin went thru csect for 2nd one too??

Announcing to my boss is my main headache now. I'm really happy abt this pregnancy and I feel I am up for it! But my boss will shake head and very 无奈 (helpless) bah. Yeah, I'll tell him I super gian the $400 and will try to get the $400 every single year! Wahahaha! He sure sack me. :p


Oh...my mum Thot the milk powder more heaty so Denzel din poo for 2 days already. See Tmr he poo a not. Think longest his record is 4days no poop.

Starry, no more backup supply at home already. I will latch him b4 and after work. During work Juz that 1 time pump. Not even enuff for 1 feed!

Hee ya... Both of u n your hubby's troop are strong!! Happy for u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How cum your gynae can't give u epi instead of GA?

Can't u opt for epi?


Lol! Spicing up the forum a bit. I am pretty sure another 4-5mths we will hear abt another pregnancy! Maybe no need so long?? 2-3mths? Hahaha!! Those who want, wear LESS CLOTHES, act VERY FREE at night. Those who don't want, be like princess d, wear MORE CLOTHES and act VERY BUSY!!! :D

That gynae insisted on GA because he said scared I will panick halfway thru and hubby will faint. Also said epi will cause spinal prob in future, which I don't quite believe.

Starry> when my hubby heard from me that you're pregnant again, he was very happy and sort of envy you. Then he asked when will Josie has brother/sister.. hahaha.. I said I don't want.. But of course since we are on Natural Family Planning (NFP), I am still open to possibilities. Especially since I still don't know how to really chart yet :S.. Now breastfeeding some more the charting might be different already. Huhuhu..

Hubby said if the gap is very close, then they can be friends to play together..


My mum will be happier if the grandchild is fr my sis who is getting married next week n not me haha 3 is q the limit unless when Yx is bigger n I go baby-crazy then will have #4

It will be challenging physically so u must be mentally prepared to outsource some part of Jadelyn to another care-taker n dun feel guilty abt it cos NO CHOICE. I hardly carry my #2 when I was preg n even now cos he is already 13kg.

Now its still too early to say if Jadelyn will feel happy/threatened etc cos even at 1yr old, they dun q understand the concept of silblings, in fact she will prob be v used to the idea of being a jie jie cos as far as she can remember, she always grow up with a younger sibling.

My cousin's wife c-sect for both. Was challenging at first but now the 2 gals are 4 n 3 this yr, super cute n really v nice to see the 2 of them hold hands n take care of each other.

My neighbour's 2 gals also abt 14mths apart too, they always hang out tog n play oso.

Trust me ... tough but rewarding!!


I thought no need to panic one?? Coz u dont feel a thing n it is covered right? Hubby can also stay behind the cover by ur side.

Huahaha.. maybe i shld buy test kit too.


I haven try the brown rice. Cos I open the organix whole rice cereal so need to finish it first.

Re: washing bottle when outside

I tried washing with normal detergent n soaking in hot water at MIL place. I bought sterilising tablets but lazy to use.

I got a sample size bottle of bottle wash so I bring it out to wash bottle n after that I just use w/o sterilising. If not I'll use hot water to pour over the teats.


Thinking of trying in Aug. Hubby wanted to try in June cos want early Dragon (Dragon Head..haha). But I was looking at method to increase chances of having boys n saw this chinese calendar thingy which shows if I conceive btw Aug-Oct will get boy. Haha...dunno true or not.

Wanted a boy for #2 to relieve pressure. When I was pregant with Claudia, EVERYONE tell me it's a boy. I was convince I'm having a boy too n when gynae told me it's a girl, I was actually a lil disapponted. But I totally love baby girls now...haha. Hope #2 will be boy n after that I want my girl girl!

Plus my hubby's frens all have/having boys. So he's feeling the stress of having boys to carry family name.

We are planning for 3 kids and I want give birth before 30 (this year 27 already) so must chop chop.

Mummies, any tips on having boys? hee...

Oh I forgot to mention that my cousin's wife opted for c-section cos she cldn't dilate for her #1 so they just opt for c-section again.

The technology for c-section has improved alot cos I guess shld be fine. You can discuss w ur gynae n see wat he/she says.

Think Irish one is oso v close gap n both c-section, u can check w her too.

Anyway i hv a friend who is preg after the firstborn is 7mnth old. She still carried her boy in her last trimester n he is quite active too. She squated, run to catch her boy etc. She managed to do it without maid too till the last part of pregnancy she has pt maid.

The second child is also a boy.

I really salute her n wonder how to survive like that..

they r hiring maid now though..


Your hubby funny, so fast wants #2!? If my hubby had a choice he would choose to wait till 2012. If really want then don't even plan? Just go natural and let God decide for both of you? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


What u said abt the close gap is very encouraging. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me and my bro are 5 yrs apart and I can totally remember how we fought and squabbled! Don't want my kids to go thru that sort of sibling relationship too. Sounds really adorable, imagining 2 little girls holding hands!


That gynae's words... Think he don't want patient to be awake and ask funny qns during the op? Maybe he finds that very distracting?? Are u gonna plan for #2 also? Quick get pregnant then we join November thread together! Hee!!


The Chinese calendar is not accurate for me. Thought boy too then end up girl, whom I love to bits! Haha! I don't mind if #2 is girl again. Will be like princess d's Jade and Meghan. So cute!!


I remember Irish's are 6 mths apart. Think she coped very well even with such huge tummy!


Don't wanna think abt 3rd trimester now. Sounds a bit terrifying..

wah!!! my only free time to read the forum i read that starry is pregnant??? you're the first to get pregnant again in the forum liao!! hahaa congrats!!

my menses is not here yet!!! i am still TBF and supply seems great because I was consistent. 2 months back to work already and I still pump only 2 times a day during office hours. other times i latch. i hope i can be the lucky type who never had menses for as long as I BF!! but the longest i go is 6 months after my 1st delivery and then BAM!! pregnant again, just like starry! i was feeling guilty like heck b'cos all attention was at my #1 and then suddenly my #2 came uninvited!! i was so overcame with guilt that i didn't care about #2 at all! i mean i wasn't diligently taking my prenatals or watch my dos and donts and yet the pregnancy was super sticky!! so watch out starry! especially with your early symptoms, the baby is there to stay!! you one shot one kill ah? hahaha very lucky lor! i just must be careful not to get shot!!


A good way to shut ppl up is just tell them its planned haha otherwise u get alot of 'why so careless', 'u dunno u fertile mer' type of comments

Actually oct 2011 n jan 2012 is just 2-3mths diff, if already ready for #2 n got good parent support then just relax n enjoy the journey. When the kids are bigger, frens will envy you.

How ur parents n PIL reaction? Mine was not too good haha but now all love yx like mad!

Starry> Haha.. He wants but I don't want :p. But I'm still open to possibilities since we are on NFP and I don't know how to chart well yet :S. If I know how to chart it will be easier. Right now we just don't do everytime I feel that it's my fertile days. It might be though becoz usually in the fertile days you'll feel more to do it..

To have boys, actually from the NFP method, must do it when the mucus discharge is the most stringy, stretchy and slippery type, but don't do before.. Those time is the peak of ovulation. Because boys sperm tends to swim faster than girls sperm, so if you do it when it's very slippery down there, they will swim faster and the girl sperm will lose..


My menses is not back but I notice mucus discharge. And feeling HS recently...haha maybe it's the hormones telling me I'm fertile?

But hubby too engroess with his 3 Kingdom drama to pay attention to me.

Wear little clothes already and keep walking walking around him...whahaha

Still...no action.

Jac: once again congrats!! So happy for u.

So tempting also hehe. Might join u in a few months haha. But abit of wat my boss wil say coz I was recovering frm injury for half a yr then pregnant 10 mths maternity leave 4 mths now still in the process of recovering frm the old injuries so can't take on my actual duties, if get pregnant again I thinkI can kiss my career goodbye. Jus go work for e pay n not for advancement!

Ann: Logan is stil very active even though he's sleeping more so think shd b ok.

