(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Ytd my boy stare at me eating maggi mee! Hahaha!!!

Actually it's ok to start slow on cereals after 4 months but sometimes no hurry if he's still drinking well. Milk still more impt for them unless it's not satisfying them anymore. If u are concerned, you ask ur pd lor! That's what i did [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway nth wrong to still give milk for first 6 months!



I didn't use any blender till later stage at about 1yrs old...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All hand compressed!!

Jade started with cereal (earthBest Brand) from Vitakids!then lost interest very quickly~

Avocado,papaya and dwarf banana came..i just puree it and feed her..sometimes i do mixed a lil cereal on it to thicken the puree..she is okay with it!She likes something textured..even now she HATES porridge unless i cooked those canto porridge wchich consist of peanuts and dried oyster than she will eat..otw she will run!!!!!

you can buy peas,pumpkin..just boiled till cooked and then mashed it...if its too thick after puree (like mashed potatoes) just add alil milk/water so that it can be runny...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I always double boiled soup esp beef soup!the stock i will mixed into her pureed pumpkin[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

There she gets the nutrients she needs..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Beef full of iron and good for their brain development[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies! Im new to tis forum but i frequent the shopping threads. Im also a member at mummysg with the same nick. A simple self intro: im 26 tis yr,single mummy. My boy is born on 8th oct 2010 at thomson by dr adelina wong. Induced as bb getting too big,without epidural. Boy is nw 68cm,9kg. He is drinking 250ml friso with brown rice,5hrs. He is learning to sit up n can half flip. I stay in the west n working part time as i wana look aft my boy myself most of the time so i wont miss his 1st yr. Juz started giving sips of homemade apple juice. Mite b transiting to semi solid soon as he has a huge appetite n milk with brown rice powder doesnt seem enuf for him. Trying to drag transition as its still too earli for semi solid. He is also showing teething signs,drooling,chewing n fussing.

Hope i can catch up with all the mummies in tis thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shin hehehe if jaeden ask for more milk I'm more than happy!! Last few days see he so uncomfy so sad leh. Put him on bed he oso dun wan flip. Tdy there are signs of improvement. He keep flipping so I'm happy. Waiting for his appetite to resume. :D

Philips blender

I read some reviews online. Some gave not v gOod comments so I decided not to buy. If need to blend I will jus use my normal blender ba.


How to make avocado for bb? Jus mash it n add water? Pai say I also clueless in baby food dept.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


This one can steam until soft soft n use spoon scrap the flesh for bb eat right? Need to blend?


How many times to give in a day? N does the milk feed timing remain? Or need to adjust n delay a little since baby is taking some solid?


For mummies giving enfalac. I know it's for 12 mths n below. Enfapro is for 6 mths n above. Do we need to switch to enfapro after bb turn 6 mths or continue w enfalac?

Princess d: u r rite!! Drink a lil better than none. Hee hee ah ok so nxt time when bb is bigger n throat feels unwell, I'll feed him ice creAm! I love ice cream too muahaahahaa I'm sure jaeden loves it too cos he ate so much ice cream when he was in my tummy until my gynae had to ask me to watch it else I become mrs shrek!! Lol

Maybe one day we can hv a mummies ice cream gathering! :p

Hello crystal, welcome to the thread! Wow ur baby is v long n growing well!! Must be your hardwork!! ;)

Enjoy ur stay here.... The mummies here are all v friendly n fun ppl. ;)

hello mommies n daddy

Hi crystal.. Welcome! Wow! 9kg?? Haaa... Must b v cuddly !! I like!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Avocado dun mixed with water ... Just mashed it w spoon ! Tats wat I did! Intro half teSpoon then 2teaspoon a day..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Milk remain unless he is tKing solid more.. Avocado is recommended to b fed in the day as it takes longer than usual to digest ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The only thing I use to blend is baked enchovies n brown rice.. Other than tat all manually mashed ! Because the portion is lil n I dub make extra to keep therefore I hardly use the blender ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies!

Logan has been sleeping alot the past few days. He wil wake up, hv milk, play for abt 1/2 hr then slp for an hr or two. He used to stay up 2-3 hrs at a stretch n slp bat 1/2 to 1 hr. Wonder y. N his milk intake very erratic. Sometimes only 100 mls other times can drink up to 170mls at 3 hr intervals. Dunno whether to b worried. Other than that he seems healthy n happy. Only more cranky wen he's sleepy.


I fridge for next day coz the best milk goes in this way: fresh > fridge > frozen. I rather give fridge than frozen. I keep the parts in a tupperware in office and ziploc bag when going home.


I use calendula cream for all rashes or redness.


Dun add cereal to milk. Its not a good habit to "eat" from a milk bottle as it may lead to oral problems in future. May also lead to choaking and does not cultivate chewing.

hi mummies, guess what?? i think i am pregnant 'cos period should have been here but late for 3-4 days. my test kit showed 2 faint lines. so ironic that we were talking about TTC lor. don't know whether to laugh or cry now. mummies who have my FB, don't mention anything first ok? wanna wait a few more weeks to be very certain then let friends family know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


welcome to the thread. 9kg is really BIG! so well-fed. :D


this really gotta 'blame' my HS hubby! i told him these few months after birth is very fertile period. but he said nvm, if have then have lor. so here we are, gonna have #2 this nov 2011 if everything goes smoothly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i actually stopped bfing when baby was 3mths old. really took me very long to consider this but in the end decided to stop because she did not nurse well no matter how i tried and supply kept dropping. furthermore i gotta go back to work soon and there is no place to do pumping there (very open concept). [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] anyway, period came back right after i stopped. really 1 shot 1 kill..

Woow Starry! Congrats! So fast..

My period also has not come back.. But I got a feeling it might come back next month, since I'm now exclusively pumping as Josie doesn't want to latch anymore. huhu.

Ya cos nw it's consider the fertile period. My gynae did 'warned' us abt it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but think abt it u gonna hv a rabbit Bb. How cool is that?? As long as both of u are 'game' in having #2 u shd embrace the new member with open arm ;) ur little gal gonna be elder jie jie soon....

Hi hi hi!

log in for today n see starry post...

So excited!!!!!

Jadelyn's gonna be jie jie!


is logan still active during his awakening days?

if activr then i guess ok?

Lilac, shireen

My boy is 8 kg at 4 mnth.

Well the reason they said he is obesse coz if u see shin's posture, that is probably the size of all the femalrs in my hubby's family. So i am obesse too in their eyes. So is hubby, an so is baby. We are obesse family!!! N they love to say we r fat but still feed us (esp hubby) unhealthy things..

That is why i am so unhappy abt them.. one of the many reasons. N i think the problem will nver end. Few days ago also have one quite major incident with them. But they dont know that i know, they only complained to hubby.......

Haih.... guess have to live with it lo.


Thanks for sharing on weaning!

When can we give the beef stock to baby?? 6 mnth can??

Welcome crystal! Ur baby is big n tall!


How is ur bby now? Drinking well?

Ice cream buffet

i think i hv 1 for 1 ice cream buffet at swensens.. haha!

(Or issit always 1for1?? - hardly eat out these days)

Baby staring at food

My boy always stare at my food. Coz i eat breakfast n lunch im front of him. He always see the spoon movement from plate to my mouth.. then when the food is gone, he will start fussing. Hee hee.. maybe he thinks he is watching some magic show.. food disappear into mama's mouth.. lol

Congrats Starry!

Hi crystal - wow 9 kg ! impressive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also have a boy born on 11 oct by c-sec.

Avocado - Pai Say to ask but how I chose Avocado? Do I buy the green or the brown ones? Should it be hard or soft? The only time i eat Avocado is with sushi!

My pupsik sling is working well - he didn't think its time for outing with it. In fact, he seems to like to be in it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] great. I have not felt any ache as I only use it when he fuss.


thanks! exclusively pumping will also delay period right? as long as you are bfing?? well just watch out for your period then and be very careful, otherwise you may have a rabbit baby too! haha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my gynae also warned us to be very careful. i am the careful one, but hubby more garang. think his 'army' is very strong too bah.. lol! i'm just concerned that my body didn't have enough time to fully recover from the previous pregnancy leh. feeling a bit scared now. some more this time round the symptoms seems to start so much earlier!! i suspected i might be pregnant 2 days ago when i felt nauseousness and very turned off by the taste of my toothpaste.

haha!! thanks ann and metta. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] to be honest, i'm kinda overwhelmed still. and a little worried. don't know if i can handle pregnancy and jadelyn together or not.


ripe avocados are brown! so get those yah? if wanna keep a few days then get green ones.

Wa. Jac.

Tats very fast leh. Ure very fertile!

Come to think of it so scary leh. I was just counting lor. Jadelyn just turn 1yr old n u will pop with another one soon in nov 2011.

My hb also say nvm lor. If hv then hv lor. But I scared lor.

I'm still bfing so period nt bk yet. But gynae did mention that even if no period can also hv ovulation leh.

True that it's abit fast to conceive #2 but I guess given u are still young, ur body probably wld tend to recuperate fast. Perhaps see ur gynae soon & take the supplements. Calcium and folic shd be very impt nw. Stay positive so that everything will turn out fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I believe that u can!!! If it's given alrdy to u then u will surely be able to cope, even tho might be difficult in the beginning.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope for smooth pregnancy n healthy baby for u, for a bunny baby to hop hop hop in nov 2011!


those bunch of ppl saying nickolas is obese is uneducated! babies that are skinny then not healthy. chubby ones with thunder thighs and are breastfed are probably the healthiest babies you can find on earth lor! sigh... these ppl... ignore them lah.


my hubby also shakes head and said i am super fertile. damn scary... so don't anyhow play play the first year after giving birth. supposed to be most fertile period and now i experience it firsthand! i don't understand how can ovulate without having period. if no thickening of the uterus wall (which leads to periods if egg not fertilized) then the fetus also not able to survive mah.. anyway, just be very careful! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my gynae said condoms actually have a 25% fail rate.

ann dont bother about those relatives - skinny they will say how you feed baby till he like monkey but Chubby will say why obese?! its like that nothing pleases them.

Starry, yes you can get preg without having period. My colleague did. She kept reminding me to take precautions and be real careful.


CONGRATS!!!!!!Wow you almost gimme a heart attack!!!LOL

Very happy for you and im sure you can handle your JAdelyn and her DIDI/meimei well..

So proud of you man!YAY!!Jadelyn gonna be jie jie!So fast!!!

I was actually turning in for the night and thought of coming for awhile!!Now im fully awake!!!@@

Yeah the first 6 months after birth is always the most fertile period!so maybe you'll get a bunny boy this time[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HOep you have a smooth pregnancy!You can start your new thread liao!Wahahhahahha


Some avocados are natural green whether is ripe or not..

to test for ripeness is to gently squeeze the whole avocado with all five fingers (this can prevent bruises),if the flesh feels like it is separating from the seed,it is ripe!

AS avocados ripen,the skin becomes darker green.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Beef stock best to give after 10mths...

don't introduce taste to them..textured food yes!

If you are still bfg by then you should pay more attention on food that have more iron bcos after 6mths our iron in bm will slowly decreased!

another way is to head to the mall and check out those btl food for infos...4-6mths consist of what and then 10mths onwards have more varieties...from there you slowly introduce to bbN..

Usually 6-10mths are fruits n veg than fter 10mths they can have "maincourse" like Beef or chicken stock...No need salt nor sugar in any preparations!just boiled it with carrots then use to stock to cooked porridge or serve as ot is oso can!


then your colleague also like me preggers less than 6 mths after giving birth??

princess d,

haiyoh!! i had heart attack also!! but also got a bit of xin li zun bei before i tested. will need some time to let the news sink in. now is HOW TO TELL MY BOSS! wahahaha!! he will have heart attack lor. haven't come back to work get pregnant. where got such thing right??? really more 'zun' than lottery. :p

re: avocados

didn't know green ones also considered ripe! all along was told brown ones then ripe. thanks princess d for sharing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


YEs,im one that ovulate without having period!

My cousins conceived her 4 kids during her bfg days and til today she has not have her period!Her oldest son is 11yrs old!LOL

She is those lucky ones that period did not come during bfg lor..mine came after 9mths...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But during that time,i was having cramp every month and when i take note on my cycle,i was actually ovulating...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I really dare not play play this time!!I M SCARED!LOL

btw, not all things are cheap at Gmarket. I notice that Baby Gap pj are selling at $9.90. I brought from this forum at $6 (CNY offer) a set (usual price also $8 only). Remember to compare prices before ordering!

princess d,

she didn't have period for 11 years?? how is that possible? oh wow... hey, skally few months later your turn to announce your #3! :D

re : avocados

yah i didn know too..but bcos last time Jade was on Avocados for many many months so i bought and learn from there lor...those brown ones can be too ripe and spoil..


Your is like a BREAKING NEWS!!!lol

Your boss sure will be okay la,!!lol..

tell if u lOVE BUNNIES!!}


choy choy choy!!!cannot la!!!I already discuss with hb said i will have to retract back what i said before about conceiving within 6mths after birth.....

but his answer is see how first!!huhuhuhuh.....maybe he might want another one..but im not ready!very tiring!lol


Yes she also got preg within 6 mths but that was 12 years ago. After that "accident", she dare not play play lor and go around warning all preg colleagues.

Aiyo make me scared lei. I cant go through another round of preg tests for being overage. Must take more precaution!

Starru metta

thanks for reassuring n 'hearing' my rants bout this.

I thinj i have shared many times before about this 'fat n obesse' theme!

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] showed how much it bothers me....

Thanks for the support. I am n will keep ignoring them... but really hard as they keep saying things again n again n again. Each time we meet or talk.

Very fortunate We dont live under one roof!


Thanks for the tips!!

Like metta i also nv eat avocado if not in sushi..

i dont even know how it looks like... lucky got uncle google ...



Ur boss might want ur edd for buying 4D! :D

my cousin is a pro bfg mommy!

HOw i dunno..she doesnt have a maid nor my aunt to help her!Not even confinement nanny!!

She brought up her 4 kids all by herself!

When she had er fisrt son,she tole me she love bfg cos no period...then 32mths later during bfg still n no period..she conceived her 2nd child a girl!so bfg cont till her dd was born and then she cont 2.5yrs and conceived her 3rd kid...then when she was about to stop bfg her 3rd kid....still no period..sher accidentally got pregnant again....still bfg..her 4th kid a son turning 1 next mth!!SHe said she want to die liao!!lol

Becos they have 3 sons and a girl.....her hb suggested to try another girl.....5th!!CRAZY!!!MADNESS!!!!

I got headache when i met her last week!Her children all running around and restless!!

still got mood to think of the 5th one???

wahhhhh suddenly one afternoon never log in got such breaking news!!!!!!

Congrats jac!!! If double confirm and very sure Liao must tell us again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) you are really super fast!!!!!! But my gynae warned me that since I did c section. Should wAit at least 6months for would to fully heal.. But u are really fast man!!! Lol... Jadelyn gonna have company [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) happy for u!!


Thanks for sharing the tips!!! I shall try and hopefully I can manage leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u use hand to compress??? Power!! Hehehe


Yah I also not sure when to change to enfa stage 2 leh.. So for now I still using enfalac and wait till he 6 months Liao I will consider changing to enfa stage 2.. Dunno if I ask pd he will know or not. ... Hehehhe

Forgot to thank you Princess, got a better idea how to chose. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no worries,soon you'll have to know more cos if bb!^^ it is fun preparing food for them...

Pls la,OBESE n FT is 2 different category lor..tsk tsk tsk....MY bro i 189cm!!Im only 164cm...in my family in the shortest...then what?dwarf ah???

Ignore your relatives la..no point getting upset..be happy and lead a healthy n happy life!10ys ago is history now is present!!Ask them dont compare!

My relative oso told me im FAT during CNY!!

MY aunt..first thing she saw me...WAH????????Why are you so fat ah?gaetting fatter hor..good life eh?

&$^$%#*...i told her loudly..incase you dunno.....i ve given birth to a 2nd child 4mths back...need time to shrink!&#^$%*


i will be the one here to 'warn' all of you now. hahaha!! don't get bored at night and play play while baby is sleeping huh! *winks*

princess d,

i think your hubby may secretly hiong you lor. then he will have the last laugh! :D anyway, meghan now coming 5 months right? about 1 more month for your hubby to accomplish his MISSION. then again, i can imagine having a 4yo, 1.5yo and an infant. can FAINT! really wanna salute your cousin... still can talk abt #5?!?!


LOL! breaking news indeed... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm now being cautiously optimistic. i'm like 2 weeks pregnant now so still very unstable. although the early onset of MS is quite comforting in a way now, if you know what i mean. hopefully everything goes smooth smooth! i also had c-sect, scared tummy get too big the scar will tear or what.. i think i cannot opt for VBAC liao. sure another c-sect again. boo!

you are welcome Metta,shin!


no power la,cos portion very small only!Use hand lor..just need to cooked the veg a lil longer and mashed it....

though soem btl food says its organic but still there are preservatives!OTw they can't be on the shelves for so long...that's y im not very keen on btl lor..but again its v individual la..im jsut a lil kiasu:


I almost lol when u say 164 n u r dwarf!! But my 2 boys r sleeping soundly now... must tahan till tmr... hehe

Ya.. shall ignore them. If they say fat still ok, but they say obesse heh.. that is the word they use.

Maybe shld b more daring like u when they dare say my boy is obesse again. Zzzzz

U r a dwarf in ur family but still taller than me.

Anyway i just remember after the gathering hubby said u look like air stewardess! Its a compliment btw...

hahahaha!!no,it won't happen..wahahhaha

hiong his backside!

Thanks for your warning le...now at night better wear more clothing and act busy!!wamahhahhaha

My cousin's hb is crazy wan la,n my aunt oso surrender!she is old and can't help her anyway!

btw you actually prepared for this aren't you??i still cannot sleep le..


*shy* thanks for the compliment....Ahem...serious boh??got stewardess look.....?????chum chum chum!!!lol

Yah my father oso tall,my mum 1.7,my sis 169 ..me the shorty at home lor!!!

Though im no2 of 4 kids...my dad called me lil Axx!!+.+ vomit blood!

remember i mentioned i put on 30kg when i had jade???when i came out from delivery my parent came in and asked....when are you delivery your bb???????#$%Q%^

soemtimes ah...folks talk but never think wan....lol[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ic..does claudia like the happy bellies cereal? I havent give my boy yet.

i was wondering if can clean bottles with the liquid detergent while we r at outside (like sometimes at chalet) w/o sterilising the bottles with hot water.


Would like to ask u as for the bubble bath, just add a bit into the bath water right? Its so difficult to bathe for my boy now as he's getting so big and his bath tub is already the biggest..cannot only bathe him while he sits but he likes to moves so much...handache man

Yeah... have! Huahaha...

Ur family members are all really tall!!

I just remember my old friend, he is 189cm n the shortest in his fam too... one day i went out with his family .... if take headshot, i wont be in the pic at all @.@

My mum also said the sm thing to me after delivery...

esp i gained few kg more from fullterm weight after i delivered the baby! Errr .....

I cnt sleep! Wasted almost 2.5hrs.. huhu

I exclusive pump but only pump 4 times a day.. Dunno enough or not to delay my period. huhu..

Ann> just ignore the comments. Especially I saw your picture in facebook last time you're very slim!

My hubby's aunt also said I look fat now, compared to my wedding period when I'm so skinny.

But I just ignore the comment lah.. I always positive thinking, I'm fatter now but still not as fat as when I'm in university. hahaha.. So I'm still OK. I still thinking the fat is in my boobs, thigh, and bottom only :p.

Nikolas definitely is big only, not fat, and looks like he's growing very well.

Just now I went to hubby's friend's full month party. The baby is 4.6 kg in her full month where Josie almost 5 months old only 6.4 kg, so they look about the same age :S.. I always envy people, why my Josie is very difficult to feed. huhuhu..

princess d,

Hahaha!! I like what u said - wear more clothes act more busy. Lol! I can sleep becos finally know results already. It's a load off my chest. I'm also tired out by Jadelyn and the MS.


Prepare the bath water then add in like half capful bubble bath. I transferred the bubble bath into plastic squeezy bottle which is easier to handle.

Princess D: Thanks for the info on making avocado. :D Since only feeding such a small portion, it really is quite silly if i use blender. hahahaha thanks muchie!! :D

Starry: Wow congrats!! U r really fast. :D

Ann: ignore those insensitive ppl. nxt time they say ur bb fat... tell them 'he is not fat. he is just big n very healthy which is more impt!'

My baby is still not v well but at least better than few days ago. He is v active tdy too as compared to 3 days ago. His appetite is slightly better too but gotta battle with him for a while then he will drink. Every milk feed is a big sweat for me haha! But nvm whatever... as long as he drinks!

Re: Period

I cant remember when I stop latching. I think it was 2nd week after bb's birth. Since then I do exclusive pumping. After confinement i went back to my own plc n i take care of bb on my own. From then supply start to drop. Was bz taking care of bb n hardly hv time to pump. Only pumped twice a day till now still same. Now only pump enuff for his one milk feed. And my menses only came back last mth.

hhaaaa... Btw how does a stewardess look like?lol

I gave up talking to my mom too! Haa.. Our character too similar ! Both like to argue! I always send msg through my dad infront if her!

Yeah.. They sure all are tall!my mom said bcos I took up ballet n was a gymnast that's y became shorty !![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jac, congrats!!! You are the first to strike. Jadelyn is such a beautiful and cheerful gal, she will be a great jie jie. You take care!


My HB said if kana cannot blame him wor cos to conceive both must b HS! Lol

But still I ll wear more clothingscn cont to act busy ! Lol


Glad that bb is drinking ! Slowly k, us painful for him.. At least it shows that he is string n brave .. Even is painful he will still dare to try n drink !! Bravo jaedan !!!

Yeah, blender not in use unless u r preparing a bigger portion to keep, but other than that u actually dun need one for now.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anymore breaking news??



Thanks for ur advice. As my mil advise me to add cereal into my boy's milk so he will be fuller at night & could last him till the next morning..he can sleep through the night only a few nights whereby he's very hungry, woke up at 5am to drink then all the way sleep till 11am..lazy bum bum


Congrats!! Jadelyn is so pretty & i'm sure ur next one will be equally pretty & it's a boy, sure it will be a handsome boy. I did think what if i conceived now? hubby also said nvm but the one taking care is me? sleepless nights, poor diet & the spare tyre?

