(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


Sounds exactly like Aedan too!!! Esp the carry to sleep part. To think I thought only my boy like that... So unreasonable.. Wahahaha


I shal go see if there's any playgym toys to try out.. He gets very frustrated when he wanna sleep but refuse to difficult to go to slp..

Recently aedan keep waking up in the middle of the night, one hour before feed and wails to be picked up for comfort. I don't think he wants milk earlier cos the moment I carry him, he will drift off to sleep. If I put him down, he cries again. Last time not like that.. I wonder what caused the chNge.. Any mummies can advise? Now every night after first feed I get to slp awhile then by the time gonna 2nd feed till 7am.. I hardly get any slp cos he will wakie twice to wail.. Den slp... And then soon I've to feed him again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Shin: my boy also cries to be carried, carry he wil slp, put him down he wakes up to scream. but his routine usually during the day. surprisingly my mil is the only one who seems to b able to put him down once he's fallen asleep. think she has gd technique. hb n i can spend hrs trying to put him down. usually i end up slping w him on my chest on the sofa. he can get a solid 3 hrs of slp that way, but my back n arms cant move aft he wakes la.

Tiffy, Ann

Thanks for the advice. I'll try them out. Today will not put her in Yao Lan so often.Will try the bedtime routine earlier.


It's really tiring carrying her.I take care of her alone, and she doesnt like to be carried by daddy so it's just me. Haiz...she's not like that previously. Hope the situation gets better.

Dear mummies

Brand New in Box: Ergo Galaxy Grey carrier with embroidery - galaxy lining for sale.


Please PM me for details. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also dmt know wind have level one..

Just know bout it during pd visit. She said my boy has really lots lots of wind. Good thing he grows well, no reflux problem n very cheerful.

Starry polaris,

Rid wind n gripe water are different. Maybe u ty to google first? Some said gripe water have sedative effect but im not sure too... My boy has been sleeping soundly for nap though after giving gripe water. Luckily he managed to sleep well at night too since tues.


Is aedam gassy?

Try burping him?

My son also like that earlier. Waking up eveyry hour. Then i realise he did not want to eat but want to poo!! Hehe.

So now when he fuss at nite we get him to poo position coz he will be to sleepy to try but his stomach very uncomfy.


My boy also like that 3 night ago. Waking up every hour crying. Wat I did was to full swaddle him again after he fall asleep. Think it helps. At least he does not startle n wake up crying. Can sleep better. Hv been swaddling him for the past 2 nights.

Hi mummies, I have some brand new items for sale:

1. Medela disposable bra pads (1 box of 30 pcs) - S$12.00

2. Pigeon Baby Shampoo - S$9.00

3. Pigeon Baby Soap - S$9.00

Interested parties, please PM me.


Hi mummies,

I am thinking of buying a baby carrier/sling. Any recommendations? Pros and cons of a "sarong" carrier vs ergo type carrier? Is Ergo better or bjorn better?

Morn mummies n Ian:

Had quite a good sleep last night cos bb was able to sleep longer hours before waking up for milk. Fed him at 12.30am n he only wakes up ard 4.45am to drink again. But this morn wake up only cry n cry. Dunno y also. Haiz.

Luckily now sleeping soundly in the Yao LAN.

Also decided to remove his mittens n let him explore his hands. Hopefully he doesn't scratch himself. Tried to trim his nails n file for him but think still sharp.

Really hope to hv a cheerful n happy baby. But my boy seems to like to cry. Feels so sad lor. How to get him to be happy?


Mummies who give paci, can I ask if the paci always drop out when bb sucking? I hv to keep helping put bk the paci leh. Y like that? Any ways to minimize?


I actually went to the outlet at NP. The portable pool set I was contemplating to buy,comes with 1 training, free float (i think) and color balls. I was given a list though, with the pricings for member and non-member. No brochure for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nelc, maybe drink more soup, milk, or horlick? I remember marissa said her baby doesn't regain her birthweight after 1 week then her massage lady recommends Horlick and it works...


Same prob as u! Gotta hand express out after pumping. Sometimes breasts still feel like got milk then gotta massage and press ard plus pump again then finally hand express out the last drops. Nipples not supposed to rub against the shields. If that's so, u gotta get larger shields. I know the pain of peeling off the shield after a long pump. *ouch ouch*!!


No choice for hubby, becos vacuuming and mopping floor are his jobs! Ever since pregnant he doesnt let me do le. So up till now also. He says his standard is better than mine!! Same for ironing. Stubborn man. Anyway, I don't need to do I also happy! Hahaha!!

Abt expressing after latch, I can only get the 30-60ml in the morning. Afternoon and evening still not enough for her, gotta top up with FM. Night time then have a bit of extra. Actually can feel that I have increased supply already! Maybe fenugreek, maybe latching, or BOTH! either way, I'm happy and hope BM increases more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Try another paci? Jadelyn has this prob with tommee tippee. After changed to NUK, it's better although sometimes still drop out. Some babies, like my friend's boy, prefers Avent ones, suck wont drop! Gotta trial and error. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Did Hebe's milk intake drop over the weeks? Jadelyn's one was like 60-80ml then 110-120ml and now to 80-100ml.

Hi mummies, I have some brand new items for sale:

1. Medela disposable bra pads (1 box of 30 pcs) - S$12.00

2. Pigeon Baby Shampoo - S$9.00

3. Pigeon Baby Soap - S$9.00

Interested parties, please PM me.


Starry: ya its very very painful... but sian i jus bought a size bigger, now hv to spend money for yet another size... haiz. how long does it take u to hand express? i dun really express till last drops coz wen i squeeze abit milk can stil squirt out so im guessing it might take quite some time. or cld it b bcoz of the breastshields?

jac> xavier ever attempted 140ml before..lol..but puked half the amount out after that coz he was fidgetting here & there~

good afternoon all the mummies and Ian!

I had a fun time @ the gathering on monday. It was a awesome session and all the mummies are looking fab and the babies are soooooooo cute!

as requested by some mummies, there's gonna be another lunch gathering i am organizing for next week. Tentatively set on next tuesday (Mon and Fri i have appt alreeady...) and the venue is v8 Cafe, Bugis Junction. Have created the event in our secret group, so mummies - please go to our secret group to RSVP.

@Stella, i've been practicing latching on my boy for the past few days and yeah, he can latch on now already but then......suck until my nip abit sore! i notice that after i latch him, he will fall asleep and nap a little in the afternoon which basically means there's a lil free time for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya, i wanted to ask if all u mummies bought playgym for your lil one? I am still comtemplating if i should get one since my boy does'nt like to lie down flat on his back but i notice that he now has discover the function of his hands and like to pull things and he's very very 'kaypo', like to look here, look there...so thought the playgym will entertain him a little. Mummies who have the playgym, does ur lil one like it?


thanks for organizing the outing to your place next friday. saw ur invite too! but hubby, baby and i are going to m'sia on saturday for 4 days so friday is "packing day". :p


my experience with the pump is that it seems like after 10 mins of pumping, i can still feel firm parts of the breast, meaning there is milk not expressed out. so i have to stop the pump, massage and squeeze then put on the pump again. very tiring initially but now used to it lah. not sure if i am just having slow letdown or those are minor blocked ducts. you really got to get larger shields lah. if continue like that your nipples will get abrasion and crack.


if he puked means too much! i hope it was not bm that he puked out though. very heartache to see him puke already. if it was bm it's heartache multiplied!


thanks for organizing again. will see if i can make it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i bought a Bright Starts playgym for jadelyn. don't think she likes it yet for when we place her there she will twist here and there, looking at other things. will try again when she shows more interest and reaches out to grab toys in front of her. but i feel playgym is a very fun toy for babies. really stimulate them, esp like eldrick like to reach out and pull things. helps in the motor skills. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

I have a 99% brand new Pigeon Steriliser to let go. Used only two days. Warranty included.

$80 only.

Pls email [email protected]




Playgym suitable for them now. Last few weeks ago I started to let Jaren play. This morn I just upload a video on him playing with it. Quickly go n buy for Eldrick


Really feeling down that kayden always seems to be crying. Sometimes just dunno wat he wants. Give him pacifier he also dun wan n cry even louder lor. Even wen he's carried already still cry. Until he shiok or too tired then stop n sleep.

He doesn't seem to really like pacifier leh. Also dunno wen he'll wan or dun wan. Haiz. Lucky u that jadelyn doesn't fuss much. Usually hw u Noe wen to give her paci? I see my boy yawning so tot he tired wanna sleep then give him, he use tongue to push out.

Re: backache

Any mummies experiencing backaches? Ever since 3rd trimester till now, my back still aching. Sometimes turning in bed is so painful. Dunno ways wrg n how to cure.


feel heartache for u that kayden kept crying. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] some babies just outgrow that fussy stage faster than others. have u tried swaddling again? or change the paci to another brand. otherwise the only other reason i can think of for being fussy would be colic. this is what i found about colic:

"Doctors usually diagnose colic when a healthy baby cries harder than expected in a "three" pattern: more than three hours a day for at least three days a week and for at least three weeks in a row." (http://www.singhealth.com.sg/PatientCare/ConditionsAndTreatments/Pages/Colic(Baby).aspx)

just gotta hang in there and wait for him to outgrow it on his own. jia you okay? kayden will be a happy baby, but u just got to be patient.

re: paci

jadelyn will 'ask' for it. when she's sleepy or just wants to suck, she will "AHH!!" loudly. not crying, but more like calling lor. she will "AHH!" then pause and wait. if nothing happens she will "AHH!" again. still nothing happen then she will "ehh ehh ehh" in a frustrated voice and then escalate into crying.

re: backache

it sounds really painful for u. have u seen a doctor for this? actually i wld recommend u go see a TCM doc and do proper tui na or acupuncture. where do u stay? i can recommend u a very good TCM doctor i always go to in the west. my mum also went to him for acupuncture (traditional needle kind and electro type). but must go several times in order for the treatment to be effective.

Shireen, I peifu you can bf for 2 yrs. So u pump when u started working for ur #1?

Thanks Jac and Tiffy! I'll go check out the playgym tomorrow then , cos the one i wanted to buy is the fisher price one, cost $139/149, thought if he dun really like it then waste of money.....

RE: gathering

Just saw that seabreeze change the gathering to next week at her place? I am ok with meeting up at her place instead of bugis...how bout u mummies?

Ann, what do you usually sing to ur boy boy?

Stella, in the past when I pump I dun express out. When I keep pumping, I feel pain too, now I latch I dun feel as pain. Maybe other mummy can ask ur qns.


Why dont u try buy second hand firts or borrow from a friend? But i think they will eventually like to play with the gym. Hehe..


Would love to come but most probably it will b just me!! Then i cn chat with u mummies n see babies. Hehe. The last gathering i was too sleepy wahaha

Shin, Stella and nycmum and the rest, my girl similar will wan to me carry then fall asleep. Usually she latch she will fall asleep n then I will try to sneak out n within 5mins she will realise and cry. Got to carry her in arms like just now to stop her fr crying aft 2nd or 3rd attempt to sneak out.

Melissa, Starry,

I tried to increase bb's intake to 165ml & he is still sucking, looks like he really has a huge appetite. He asks for milk every 3 hours & his poo poo is alway mega!! can eat and poo! I will try to increase his night feed to 180ml. Last night he had his last feed at 9pm, then woke up at 3am, then wake up at 7am. How i wish he can sleep through the night!

This morning was disastrous, he banged his head onto his bath tub again & he kept crying, wonder if it's painful for him. As usual, dressing him up, he alway cry till the whole neighbourhood can hear him, cried till he almost lost his voice..feel such a failure..my bb can smile one moment and cry the other moment, very drama one.

Poppy seed,

what is the price range u r looking at? I.saw the 59 one. Wah. For the pool they also hv member price. Is it orth it tto be member?


usually i sing nursery rhymes, sunday school songs, or anything that comes to mind. If its raining then i will sing something have to do with rain. Really random. Hehe

but for morning wake up time n sleeping time we stick to two songs. Hopefully he will know day n night though that..

I think dreamfeed is feeding while bby sleeping..

Sundrop, I got carrier but no sling but pro of sling I think is can sit down n hold baby better? Carrier harder to bring baby around and sit also.

Xin, I remove my gal mitten for two days and she been scratching her face, alot of mark. Just now decide to wear back the mitten just for a while.

Jac, now I latch more than feed fm, in fact I not wanting to give fm unless I feel sore after latching and when hebe is being offered bm, she drinks only 40 or max 80ml? Most of the time now is hubby feed her fm.

Cyn, on latching same as my girl, she will fall asleep everytime aft latching.

Jac, which part of Malaysia are you going? Is a driving trip?

Jac and tiffy how much is your playgym? Playgym is mat kind of thing is it with toys hanging?

Xin, I got backache cos changing Hebe diaper and carrying her. Need to bend down alot to change my girl.

Jac, can let me Noe the detail of west side tcm?

Ann, so u got a playgym also? Abt the songs can share with me what are the two routine songs you sing? I so boring, dunno wat songs to sing....I am such a dull person. Hopefully Hebe not like me.

Shireen, tks for sharing your experience! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also did not want to supp with FM at all until the PD said her weight gain is not good after 1 month. And i noticed she has dry skin and lips. Plus her skin and flesh like not very firm. So I am really worried about dehydration (am I too paranoid?) that's why gave in to FM. Am pumping after every latch to stimulate the supply. I also can pump about 30ml after every latch. But my girl still looks hungry as she keeps pulling the nipple and wail. Sigh. So collecting 30ml after every feed and some feeds will supp with my EBM instead of FM. Hopefully can supp lesser FM as time goes by. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Groovy, I am taking milo now. Din know that horlicks works too. Will give it a try. Tks for the info!

I also wanted to buy the fisherprice playgym but duno whether worth to invest cos so expensive... Hehehe

Re: crying in the night

I don't think it's gassy tummy and I duno whether he having nightmare or got scared by smth or not.. My friends' mum suggest ask me go eu ren sang buy this small bottle of powder let baby eat. She say eat Liao they won't startle so easily and can sleep very nicely even if it's noisy. Also if they teething also won't feel much discomfort. Any mummies giving ur babies such tcm powder? Does it help???

Cyn: envy u. My boy I think forgot wat is latching. Now if hE is in a gd mood he plays w my nipple. Lick abit then try to chew! I've become a teether n he isn't even teething yet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Starry: I think my boobs aren't normal. Last time w normal size breastshield only nipple will b sore coz of e rubbing so shield too small rite? Now w bigger shield it's nipple n areola both pain so how? Areola pain by rite shield is too big so that part gets sucked in but my nipples still rubbing against e sides. I pump ard half hr until my pump turns off. No milk coming out frm pumping n no lumps but still can squeeze out milk. Somemore I'm not very familiar with how to hand express, so scared my supply wil drop coz not emptying my boobs.

Apple: wen u pump only ur supply maintained, increased or decreased? Today so far my boy kept sleeping aft being put down so I'm praying it stays that way but he may be feeling unwell coz he merlioned at least 2 feeds out jus now. Half look like yoghurt the other half his latest feed... So poor thing he knocked out aft that.

mummies, can good buffet to recommend? I need halal caterer and normal caterer.. moreover it's x'mas day and majority only cater x'mas menu...


For morning i sing indonesian song. Think during yhe day just sing something cheerful n jumpy. In the night i or hubby will sing give thanks, a church song.

U can google for nursery rhymes, like fiddle diddle, twinkle twinkle little star, etc. Dont worry hebe will definitely like u, most baby loves to be sung.

Or u can buy cd n play it during daytime when she is awake n sing along..

I hv fisher price zoo gym. Nikolas just started to play with it last week. At first he screamed when placed there. Haha.

I think when buying playgym u shld look for how many haging toys n whether thegym has sound or lights.

I feel the fsherprice zoo only has few dangling things for the price.

My mum said in indonesia smth like fisherpric e with more toys n the quality only cost 60-80 sgd.


here are the details... http://www.fongtcm.com.sg/about.asp. look for doctor fong. he has 1 or 2 other doctors in his clinic but he is the most experienced there. he is also the director of acupuncture council in singapore or something like that, and appeared on TV and newspapers regarding TCM many times before. he was also the one who recommended me to give jadelyn "bao ying dan" when she was fussy and had bad gassy stomach several weeks ago.


the "bao ying dan" did help jadelyn a lot. she was better on it. it was only sometime after that then we tried ridwind on her.


if you have a big budget, try purple sage? not sure whether halal or not, but both food and presentation are great.


your boy can really drink! 180ml is huge appetite. i dunno whether i have u on FB or not. mine is [email protected]


wish i cld help with your pump problem... for hand expressing it is quite easy! hard to explain here, but u can go google for hand expressing techniques and videos. here is one which i found helpful during the early days of pumping. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZViuYKX5LU&feature=related


approve u alrdy. pretty mommy!!


how much to guve the pao ying dan?

mil also bought for me but i resist since she is also not sure abt the dose...

after giving the med jadelyn fart/burp a lot??


1/3 of the small little vial for babies/infants, to be given an hour after milk in the morning. just rub on the tongue/gums. even if nothing wrong with baby also can give. now i keep and give her when she has her jabs. can't remember if she burped/farted a lot. all along she farts a lot. burp is only after feed.


how bout the popular four season?

if u want thai food i reccommend pataya garden. i think they also hv chinese menu. u can google for their contact. i engaged them for my wedding. yummy n portion is big.


Stella, my supply maintain. My girl still vomit now sometimes.

Claudia what is ur initial or name in fb I go find you from ann's friend? My initial is V.H

Ann, ok thanks, yar I sing her twinkle twinkle occasionally. Or once in a long blue moon I shld say.

I dunno play gym here cost how much but maybe v ex too.

Ask u girls playgym can play until wat age huh? If 5mths old then start is it no point Liao?

Thanks alot jac, will note abt the tcm.

