(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


In that case do u still pump? So if u pump u store the milk? I m already storing some frozen bm but scare they will expire before I go bk to work. Nowadays I only pump twice once in the morn n once before sleeping. N I give her the bottle once in the morn n once before she sleeps.

I don't mind latching all the way but the prob is when I go out my mum is taking care of her n when I go back to work how? Aiyo headache…

I just battle with her this morn for almost an hour n she only manage to drink 70ml. Usually she can drink 120ml.

Going back to work

I will be going back in March. Not looking forward to that n duno if I can juggle work n motherhood chores. =P



your boy is drinking a lot! sounds to me like it may be a growth spurt too. try give him a bit more and see how he is?

reading about how much the babies at 2mths are drinking now makes me a little worried... jadelyn is still on 90-100ml!! she was drinking like 110-120ml a few weeks ago and now dropping to 90-100ml yet the intervals between feeds are getting longer. a bit weird?? anyone knows why like that? haven't brought her to the doc yet for her jab and 2 months' check. hope to find some answers here first. she is still peeing and pooping as usual, and is also a happy baby. weight wise, not sure 'cos long time didn't weigh her le.


My girl wants to sleep. She wants to be carried. When I carried her, she'll sleep. Den she'll sweat and wake up. Den hv to coax her.After she fall asleep, I put her on the bed and she'll wake up.

Sometimes she can go to sleep when we put her on the bed. Sometimes, she cry to be carried.

Past few nights she slept 5-6hrs at a go. Dunno if she's ready to forgo night feed or becos she fussed till tired so slept more...


My claudia is also drinking 90-100ml. And she can tahan 3-4hrs and night can tahan 5-6hrs. I always give her 125ml but at most she only finish 100-110ml. She did finish 125ml once but puke out a little after that. Past 2 days she only drink 60-80ml. Hope her appetite improve today.

My girl pees alot. Poo not everyday but when she poo it's always megapoo.Last time I weigh her she was 5kg at 5 weeks. She'll be 8weeks this fri and gg for 2 mths check next week.She seems happy and looks chubby. She gets called "hamburger"/"little pig"...haha

Baby milk intake,

Shld be okay if it is still ard 100ml i guess?

Read somewhere before that as baby grows bm will have different attributes in it. So is fm.

Baby will have enough nutriients eventhough seem to eat less..

Baby milk intake,

Shld be okay if it is still ard 100ml i guess?

Read somewhere before that as baby grows bm will have different attributes in it. So is fm.

Baby will have enough nutriients eventhough seem to eat less..


I think Cyn mentioned another outing next week in FB?

I missed the town outing, hope to join the next one =)

hi all!!! so long never log in properly liao.. lost track of whats going on.. hehhehe...


hairy potty was nice! cos i am a hairy potty fanatic lah.. hahahah.. cant wait for 2nd part to screen... JULY 15 2011~~


my boy also still 90ml... and between intervals sometimes can stretch 4hrs liao.. so i think its ok lah.. i tried increase to 100ml but he kept spitting milk so i reduce back and he still ok... within 3-4hrly he will ask for milk again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i really keen but this fri my ex colleagues coming my place woh... so sad i cannot make it again. maybe next time i can offer my humble small place if u all dont mind.. i stay tiong bahru [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


there is gonna be another outing next week?? hehehe if the time and day is ok i dont mind coming... i shall attempt for the first time to bring Aedan out... i hope it will be ok!!!!

anyway my boy also needs to be carried to sleep.. and he needs his paci too. with these he will drift to sleep... then we will put him down to sleep... now with yao lan, i try to put him in it in the day and at night also straight to bed after feed.. he needs to be sleeping in our arms then can put him on the bed... or he will fuss and cry at times too...


sometimes i swaddle sometimes i dont... depends on my boy that day.. sometimes he sleeps better when i swaddle... esp in aircon... with fan i swaddle, leaving his hands free...


I think grandparents will spoil n be overprotrctive of their grandchildren..

My mum also like that coz she has seen my son when he cldnt breathe coz of the piles of snots in his nose n very protective.

But my pil they say im too overprotective coz when they visited my baby look healthy n all.. Said that frm 1 mth my sil has brought his son toravelling with car, to the mal, blablabla..

Since there are mny ppl u shld take a break n let them bond with josie at home!

Go dating with ur hubby hehe...

Hi Claudia,

My bb can drink up till 170ml sometimes, her intake range from 90ml - 165ml 1.5 - 2.5 hourly. Seems abit irregular...

180ml seems alot. try to increase by half oz first, try 165ml instead of 180ml.

My bb was born small, 2.78kg only. But now she is 5.6kg at 10th week, almost double her birth weight already. I also dun bother about her irregular feeding pattern as long as she is gaining weight.

Yesterday, i went to visit an LC at Mount alvernia. At least she correct my holding position. She is able to relatch using nipple shield. Hahah. So happy. Have been latching her almost all meals since yesterday.

Starry my email is [email protected]

My bb seem to drink a lot. He's 1 mth 21 days old , abt 8 weeks. He drinking 140ml, mixture of bm and fm, 2.5 hrs he sure wake up. At night latch on demand for two feeds. midnite feed and 3+ feed, no supplement with fm will the 6+ feed these three nite feed he can than 3hrs+ is he drinking too much? He's getting very round hehe

Groovy, i believe my girl latches correctly as she is taking in the aerola and no pain at all. Thing is my breasts feel empty ALL THE TIME except after 5 hrs interval! thats why i am suspecting my girl is not drinking enough. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

shireen, i tried that too. latch and pump for 20 mins after that but see no results. very disheartened. worried my girl is dehydrated so i supp with fm.


Now that there r 2, I m super happy when I can bring only e elder one out. Otherwise, super tiring lor, lol!


I woke up bcos I want to Kip up my ss. That night pump/ latch is v.impt if u want to Kip ur ss. I read it sinewhere. N since I m up, might as well wake e bb to latch, just in case he wakes up for milk right after I express.


I Kip wor. I oso think that some frozen ebm will go to waste, but just in case I need them.


I m gg back to work in end Jan, right b4 cny. Haha. Just get to enjoy my cny ph.


I oso constantly worried abt my boi not drinking enuff. I tbf so duno how much he drinks. Then recently, I seem to be increasingly stock up. Every alternate day, I get to freeze about 150 to 200ml ebm. But I guess there is no fix rule so long as they are growing well. Hehe.


My milk supply also considered low. The LC advise to drink more hot water, look at bb photo when pumping and even record bb cry & play it when u pumping. But utlimately, latching is the best method to increase milk supply. I i took but it has no effect on me. I tried medicinal milk tea. The tea does help to increase 10-20ml of my milk flow. 10-20ml mean alot to me as I can only pump 90ml - 120ml each time.


do you bb sleep alot in the day?

My boy these few days fussing during the day time. Keep want to sleep also. Is this normal? He's turning 3 mths on 19th Dec! So fast sia!

Now he can sleep longer at nite. Even missed 1 of his night feed now. His record, milk time 8pm, got up at almost 5am for next feed wor. Hmm... is it ok for them to sleep that long? Need to wake them up for milk?

bblin, i wish my boy will sleep that long! It's ok for him to sleep that long... Older already. Just let him take the lead. Is he drinking more in the day?

These couple of days, mine resists finishing his night feeds. Give him 120ml at 2am, can only finish 70. Then at 5plus will wake up cry the house down but only drink 10ml. He kept turning his body as if wanting to latch but I refuse as ebm also milk. Not sure if it's because I'm the one feeding the bottle at night... day time he's ok with the bottle. I mainly latch in the day except for 1 feed.

re : milk amt

I feed him abt 120ml each time. Think it's alittle bit on the low side but he doesnt finish the extra I give him sometimes.

btw, I just called Betty (the LC). She's not avail til end of the month as she is on MC.


sent you the email already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] from what the mummies here have shared about feeding intervals and milk volume, it seems like it's probably up to individual babies. they are the ones who know their little tummy best. empty will ask, too full will stop or regurgitate out the "extras".


wow! your girl really a little hamburger, even though on that amount of milk. mine 8 weeks plus and i don't think she has hit 5kg yet. will know in a few days' time when we bring her in to the doc's.


in that case, it sounds like 80-100ml is normal for 2 mth old! thanks for the reply. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


glad that the trip down to MAH has been worth it. how much did u pay to see the LC? and for long was the session for?


are u taking any supplements?


Ya think I will be freezing most of my milk then since my girl dont want to be bottlefed. Not that my ss is a lot though.


Celeste was drinking 90ml for the longest time. Only a few weeks ago then I up 10ml by 10ml. She was not complaining but her feeds was starting to stretch longer and i was worried that she was not drinking enough so I increase the amt. U can try n increase bit by bit see if Jadelyn can finish.


I am still swaddling my bb at night as she can sleep better when swaddled. I bought a swaddle blanket for her, easier to swaddle her as it has velcro. My bb will resist at first but after swaddling she seem ok. The blanket will cover her legs but her legs still has space to move abt.

Hi mummies, im an October mummy but has been a silent reader for many mths.

I've a question for those who r on tbf - does ur baby hv any wind problem? Mine burps v loudly, farts alot n spits up milk. I latch her and didn't give her bottle but prob still persist.

My baby also sometimes choke when she is latched on. Anyone experienced these probs before. Any advice pls?



i'm trying hard to latch her at night. she will struggle because not much milk during those hours.. some more now she is gradually lengthening her feeding interval after her last feed during the 10.30pm-12mn timing. if latch her she will grunt and pull nipple several times. see already also heartache 'cos still have to give in to FM anyway. my supply is much better during daytime.


my girl sleeps quite a lot in the day. once finish milk will give the sleepy look and start yawning, rubbing her face against my chest or with her fists. i think it is okay for babies to want to sleep all the time and out of 24 hrs will sleep 16-18 hrs. they need the sleep to grow and for organs to function better. but if you see your boy not active during his waking hours, looks groggy, eyes not focusing and doesn't want any milk, then better go see doc for there may be something wrong. this is what i read from one of the baby books/magazines..

anyone started cleaning the insides of baby's ears?? my girl's right ear has ear wax smell. think inside a lot of ear wax but don't know how to clear out. any solution to this? heard before that can drip a drop of olive oil into the ear to melt the ear wax and it will flow out the next day. don't know how true... has anyone tried this?


thanks for the suggestion. she was initially drinking 100-120ml for weeks, then suddenly don't want to finish 20-30ml. i wasted a lot of bm already! pek chek everytime she leave that amt to pour down the drain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] for the past few days she's been drinking 90-100ml max. tried to give her a little bit more but she refused every single time. i'm tired of wrestling with her so i let her be lah. haha!!


i don't tbf, but latch my girl often now. she will choke a bit and cough. but ok leh, still can re-latch and continue drinking. maybe your milk flow too fast for her that's why?

Starry polaris,

We share the same problem!!!

I dont think my latching is wrong too...

I do not eat spicy food often n usually i eat meals prepare with little flavouring too. Only some salt. That is for home cooked meal.

I dont drink cold drinks too. Only ice cream i think 2 imes after give birth.

Pd said my boy has lots of wind, level 4 while others are usually at level 2.

But so far he seldom spit or vomit and he is growing well n happy.

He only fusses when he wants to pass motion or farts...

I just started giving him gripe water again sincre few days ago


Since u r waking up to feed fm, can try expressing after feeding bb? That way, can help to build ss. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that was wat I used to do when I gave ebm to dd. I still express 1x in e night even when she stopped night feed.


My boi choked all e time when I latched him. Sometimes can choke a few times per feed lor. Then I end up with bm dripping everywhere while I wait for him to stop coughing n recover. Lol.


I paid $80 for the consultation because BB not born at MA. I think if ur BB is delivered at MA, should be ard 50 or 60. I went there twice when bb was two weeks n ten weeks. First consultation was more than 1hr. 2nd consultation about 40 min. I went for consultation because I thot i had blocked duct but she told me was cleared by myself already. Then she teach me how to relatch bb. As I had flat nipple, i had been always trying to latch bb using nipple shield but bb will fuss alot previously. She tried latch her without nipple shield but bb still refuse. Nevertheless, after the consultation, I feel more confident and i m able to latch her more often(still with the nipple shield). Latch with nipple shield better than nothing.

Thanks Emmie & Starry.

My boy woke up crying for milk lo. Cos he keep lengthened his milk interval and when he wakes up, too hungry!! Hahaha....

I'm still giving him 120-130ml of milk. Increase latching times and 2 times fm at night before he goes to bed. Only scare he hungry but sleepy so dun wan wake up.

Dunno is it i've got milk duct blocked. Can't yield much from a full breasts. Hmm... but when i latch bb, he seems to have enough milk. Wonder is the pump not working efficiently?

tinggy, my ss is even lower. after 5 hrs then i can pump 150 ml. i do take hot drinks and alot of water. guess still not enough. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

starry, i'm taking sacred tea and fenugreek. but honestly not much effect on me so far. only increase a little. i guess latching is really the best way compared to all these supplements.


I dun latch #1. She refuse, giving me a "yucks" kind of look too. She will take from bottle though. I give her whatever is in excess of #1's intake. SS dropped abit when return to work but as I am on 3 day work week, its not that bad.


That's the part I don't like about pumping. Sometimes too busy to pump and supply drops/have blocks.


My son is quite ok with bottle now. My gal struggled more last time.


If you pump after each latch, it will increase supply. Its quite tiring I know but worth the effort.


It took some effort to get the supply but do look at the lower limits and not the higher. I have 2 years headstart from most of you coz the interval which I stopped BF between #1 and #2 is rather short. So it helped me. Press on and all of you can do it too.

Eh. gtg... continue later.


I used to take the tea and am still taking fenugreek now. I didn't like the taste of the tea so I stopped. Now taking fenugreek, 3 in the day, 3 at night.

My ss used to be low, have to pump 2 times den enough for 1 feed. I didn't latch at all because my girl only take in nipple and my nipple badly injured. I pump till nipple was sore and bleed, end up pumping "strawberry milk".

How often do u pump? I know if stretch longer hours will yield more milk but if look at it long term, ss won't increase n might even drop. Happened to me once. I didnt pump for 6-7hours n when i pump, i could get 180ml. Was so happy but after that my ss drop. So I up my intake of fenugreek. When pump, must really empty the breast and after that pump somemore after the last drop.

Wat I did was pump right, den left, den right, den left, kept repeating till last drop. Massage n squeeze breast when pumping.

Just provide watever you have, better than nothing =)

BB swimming

Ann: Im contemplating of buying a tub for my baby girl to swim at home. Went babyspa to recce the prices, havent commit to a tub yet. They have one free training lesson for the tub I am looking at. I thought the training lesson is quite helpful. Not sure too if babies like ours at this phase can swim in normal pool due to the chlorine content.

I think my milk flow is too fast. Baby sometimes get very upset during feedings. I'm also very cautious w e food I eat n drink. But dunno where she get all e wind from.

Previously I alternate between bottle feed n latching. But during my last PD visit 2wks ago, PD prescribed rid wind drops n advised me to totally latch. Have been on full latch for 2wks, but no improvement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Is gripe water the same as rid wind drops?

My PD prescribed


So long as there's nite feed, I guessed it is ok. I somehow rem reading abt the highest yield of milk at 2-3am. But cannot b sure if I rem correctly.

Fifi, nycmum, tks for the encouragement. I've been latching n pumping after that. But no visible improvement n lately I think my girl abit dehydrated cos her skin is slightly sagging. I din wanna take any chances thus gave her fm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'll continue to latch pump as long as I can. Will likely see a LC as well, b4 I give up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jac and babydes, my girl going to be 3 mths but only drink 40ml to 80 ml each time for fm but I latch on demand mainly. she is growing healthy so I am not worrying

Ann, the wind in stomach still got level de? How the doctor know? By knocking on their tummy?


Brought my boy out this afternoon for lunch. Came bk ard 3+. Baby had last feed at 5+. then he slept ard 7+. Till now still haven't wake up to feed. Happily sleeping. Think I'll let him sleep till he finally decides that he is hungry. Haha. But my boobs are bursting!! Had to pump out a bit. Haiz.

Wonder if it's the outing today or cos decided to use the jonhson n Johnson bedtime bath n lotion. Mb it helps him to sleep better? Dunno leh. The claim is that it has natural Essences to calm bb n can sleep better.

Will try again Tmr night n see hw. Hehe.

Hi hi,

Almost lost the, thread.

nelc, as long as you are latching, it means you are producing. Just keep continue to latch and pump. For my first boy, after latch him, I basically can't pump any thing. If I used manual pump, I can get maybe 10ml. If I use electric pump, basically 0. As my ss then was very low, my boy has to latch very long for each feed. sometimes, 45 min each feed. Strangely, I never thought of offering him fm. I just kept changing sides as long as he didn't cry. After each feed, I pump even there is no milk. I was pumping air. I pump about 20 min each side basically pumping air. Or pump until I feel a little let down. I took 2 weeks or so to get 30ml after each feed. If after feed, I get 30ml, I get about 120 to 150ml a day which is 1 extra feed to, store. Slowly, my ss just increase. I manage to bf my boy for 2 years. Although its very tiring, cos I was basically latching and expressing but its very rewarding. Endure, just produce as much as you can. never mind if you want to supplement with fm. Have some bm better than no bm. Trust me. Children on bm will be much stronger. My sil have 2 children. One on partial bm for few months and another on bm for 1 year. bm child is much healthier.

Apple, zuen,

City square mall has a tree that will emit bubbles for children to play. I am thinking of taking my boy to play.

Ya, I going back to work after xmas. Keeping 2 weeks of ml. Scared go back next year can't cope with the fast pace. End of year not so busy. Just go back to catch momentum.


Your hubby still vacuum and mop floor despite his robotic leg. Nice husband. You can yield 30-60 ml after latch, consider good. I can get that much for my first boy. Just continue to empty your breast after latching, you can increase ss to meet your gal demand.

if your gal can sleep through the night, let her sleep. My elder one slept through the night when he was 2 month old. I don't wake him to feed. through the 3 years, he is sleeping well. But his didi not ready to sleep through nite though he has improvement. Last night last feed at 9 pm. woke up at 3 am. I got to rest 6 hours straight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pumping at work,

just relating my very recent experience pumping at work. i can only afford to pump 2 times a day b'cos work is hectic and i find that my morning pump produce twice the amount my baby needs, means i can pump out for two feeds, best is 220ml after last latch around 3.5 hours ago. after lunch time supply dropped, can only manage 140ml on average. my pumping time is not that consistent but somehow today my supply increased a bit and was thinking how is that possible. just recalled that baby wakes up at 1am yesterday to feed instead of sleeping through then 5am for another feed. so the extra feed (latching) at night brings up my morning supply a bit. also, i drank milo before i sleep. so not sure if that contributes. my norm is, i get the best yield on Monday, then throughout the week, it deteriorates till i fully latch in the weekends, that's when my supply gets restored. the cycle continues. i did not take any supplements and do anything different to my diet and i still don't snack. if i have to, i just drink milo. my boy only drinks around 100ml on average. i feel lucky that i can produce one extra feed that i can store for extra a day. (but usually end up throw away b'cos baby didn't need it). also, i MUST have rice during lunch else I will be super super hungry. best thing is, my weight is still consistent hehee... this is why i love breastfeeding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mommies with Baby girls.

Would any mommies be interested to buy this?


It's a soft cushioned mock heel pump for infant girls 0-6 months! It's retailing at $59 in SGD which I find it too expensive...

If able to get at least 10 mommies, will be able to share shipping cost and get this around $37 SGD...

Just trying my luck!! Pls let me know if ur interested!! ;)

It's super cute and am thinking of getting it for CNY! :p

Mummies! HELP!

Sleep routine

My girl cried the house down again.Wanted to put her to bed at 9pm and picked her up from the Yao Lan. She screamed and shrieked and cried till there's so much tears. Really heart pain.

She gets very agitated when she's tired n sleepy. In the day she sleeps in the Yao Lan. In fact she spents most of the day in Yao Lan.She sleeps well in it. But I dun want her to sleep in Yao Lan at night. Think she's already addicted so dun want to further worsen the "addiction".

At night she'll wnats to be carried before gg to sleep. Even when carried, she'll cry for a while before drifting to sleep.It's really tiring carrying her to make her sleep. Haiz...

Can I know what time to start the bedtime routine? Evening time? How do you calm your baby?


Do update on how the lotion works =)Maybe I'll try on my girl.


The way ur gal behaves sounds so much liked my boy. He also sleeps in the Yao LAN the whole daytime. Usually will carry him till he sleeps then put him into the Yao LAN. He also likes to be carried to sleep.

I'm letting my boy sleeps on mattress on floor at night. For tonight he slept from 7+ n only wake him up at 12.30am to drink. He only wake up again at 4+am to drink again.


If u think she is addicted to yaolan, try not to let her sleep so often in it during daytime but u might have to carry to sleep then put her in her cot. Give her paci too. My boy most of the time aft every feed aft 30mins he will want his nap and it either I carry him to sleep then put in playpen or when I need to do housework I will directly put him in yaolan give paci n beansprout pillow then I walk off.

His last milk feed is ard 8.45pm then aft feeding he will doze off but I will carry him awhile before put him in playpen. Then 12am,3am,6am is dreamfeed but 3am n 6am he drink v little, still cannot minus off these feed cos sometime he will cry for milk but drink v little. Aft drinking he still go back to sleep.


Do u have any playgym toys to let her play? Every morning aft feed, I will put my boy in bouncer n place the playgym near him to let him play. This is to make him easily tired then v fast go to sleep. This work well for him but not sure ur girl. Try letting her play some toys to make her tired then she can easily sleep without crying whole hse down.

Poppy seed,

I went to bby spa too but only given the brochure. Is the pool u want to buy the one in brochure? So they will give training lesson if buy from them?


Ya. Try to keep her stimulated. I realise that will keep my boy tired coz last time i carry him to sleep too (i started the habbit myself). Then i reduce to carrying him n swing left to right while singing. Then to just carry while atnding up. Then carry while sitting up. Now when he is really tired i just put him on my shoulder he will doze off alrdy. Sometimes just put him on bed n he will zzz automatically if the position is right.

Maybe u can try tahan carrying baby for a while n reduce the intensity of carrying bit by bit.. Maybe ur baby loves the closeness with u. Hope she will grow out of the habbit soon..

Bed time routine,

We start ard 6~7.30 depends on baby on the day itself.

Bathe him, put him into his sleeping gear, on aircon.

Unlike the books which said must keep the lights dim n reduce stimulation n eye contact at the last feeding, my boy loves to be talked too n see my face before he goes to sleep. Sometimes he wait till hubby is home ard 8.30-9. So i sing n tell him story, feed him.

If he is not asleep after feeding n i doze off alrdy usually hubby just put hin on shoulder n sing n he will sleep. He will sleep by 9 or abt 1.5 hr after his bathing time..

Every baby is different. What may works for one baby may not work on yours, but worth trying


Hi mummies & daddy,

How do i know when to change teat huh? My boy drinks very slowly n falls asleep before he finishes his milk or gets cranky halfway. he is still on newborn teat. Thought that the hole is tto small but he chokes on his milk and milk keeps flowing out of his mouth. Is his stuufy nose to blame? n do I change teats to faster flow?


mummies who express exclusively,

can your pumps empty ur breasts fully? mine doesnt seem to even aft half hr n milk stops dripping, i still can hand express somemore out. do u hand express aft pumping?

when pumping is the nipple supposed to rub against the sides of the breast shield? its getting more painful to pump. I got a bigger size of breast shield but my nipples jus seem to expand more wen pumping and still rub against. aft pumping gotta slowly peel off the breastshield.

