(2010/10) October 2010 MTB


talk about bringing baby out.. hubby and I have brought the kids out and drive to KL niaa.. hahaa.. surprisingly it's not as difficult as i thought. bub sleeps all the way throughout the journey. he only wakes up for milk and since we're in a moving car, latching is easy. my boy boy has been out of Singapore for at least 3x already. b'cos my hubby is the kind who likes to drive out and around with whole family. yeah it's not easy especially in meals but he's the kind who loves challenge.

cin cin,

my feet returned to normal size already

mommies i'm officially back to work today!! only had the opportunity to pump twice when i'm supposed to be pumping three times! but today i managed to produce about 12.5oz of milk. checked with my mother at home on baby's input. she said he only takes in about 4oz of milk per feed and he refused the bottle, so they put my cloth on him and he feeds well. now i can't wait to rush home already! i miss him soooooo badly!!!!


Emmie: I haven decided oso. She's got a point abt awareness of his surroundings. He's always looking left n rite even wen feeding n cannot block his view wen he's awake so I guess breastfeeding is gonna b a challenge if he ever latches again. Most impt is he gets fed watever way I guess. Anyway this week she is fully booked.


Think u must have missed wat I mentioned b4[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I ve a set routine for Meghan's 7pm n 7am sleep ..not in the day where I prefer to latch her more than feeding her EBM..

Just got bk from the gathering ! Mommies all looking fabulous n I managed to carry few babies n now I smell like baby ![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nice meeting all of you again ... N the babies are CUTE!

I promised to bring Meghan out on out nx outing k... Then you guys will dwn by 1 nai ma ...wahaaaahaaa....

Cin Cin:

Yes mine. Mine has discovered his fingers and will attempt to suck them from time to time. I don't use mittens since 1 mth old as I was adviced that it will interfere with there development and discovery.


Varies from person to person. I know some who increased 1 size and never returned. I also know some who increased 1 size and returned. As for myself, did not really increase that much (maybe half a size) and returned.


I feel that if you want him to latch, then keep trying whenever you can. If possible, try latch first before giving bottle during each feed. He may not drink much but as long as he sucks abit, you have hope and it will get better. After a 1 week strike from latching (since I returned to work), I finally managed to get my boy to latch again through this.

Re: Going Out

It gets easier and easier. You will feel tired but once you get the hang of it, I'm sure all of you would be fine. I bring my kids out every week together with hubby (without helper). Found it tiring the first few times and can't wait to get home but I found it easier each time. Even managed to bring both to Sentosa the other day with relatives when hubby was working (with helper this time).

stella, do u know where she stays? I cant decide whether to go see her or get betty lee to do housecall. hmmm...better decide soon then if Doris fok is already fully booked this week. So latching him under a nursing cover wouldnt help? Truth be told I prefer to give ebm... just that need someone else to jaga him while I pump.


You stretch to 6 hours!!! i don't tink my boobs can tahan. stretching too quickly may reduce ss.

Going Out:

yesterday, i took my boy and bb myself to padang to wait for my hubby to finish his marathon. lucky, my #1 is cooperative. i almost wanted to try bringing both of them to liang court today. lucky my mum says she is joining me. we took mrt from boon lay to clark quay and walk to liang court. quite challenging. there is a nice indoor playground suitable for babies and toddler. can drop off your child if he/she is above 4 and you can go shopping. but a bit ex. $12 per hour and need to pay annual membership fee of $50.

breastfeeding mummies,

after latching babies, do you express if you still feel a little engorged? Don't know if I should. Don;t know why recently after every feed, i still feel my breast is quite full. got lot of milk inside. don't know if is a good idea to express. as i am returning to work soon, i don;t want to produce too much milk until i have hard time expressing when i am at work.


if you are visiting LC, can you ask LC?


I expressed out wor. I also realized that my bb doesn't empty my breasts recently. I duno if it is bcos he drinks lesser now or I m producing more. If dun express out, the feeling of full breasts uncomfortable leh.

Re: mitten

I took off for my boi in his 4th/ 5th week, but he started scratching his face badly even after I trimmed his nails. I put his mitten back n will prob try taking off sometime later.

Fifi: the prob is before each bottle he wun latch at all, let alone suck... Ytd n today he dun even wana latch wen sleepy. He knows wat he wants. N this nursing strike abt 3 wks already.

Emmie: I dunno where she stays but I gotta admit she's good frm the conversation la. Plus she does full time research on breastfeeding. I dun really mind expressing exclusively but I really hv a hard time following a fixed schedule especially wen he wun fall asleep n nobody is hm. Boobs can burst! And if it goes on this way my supply will drop. But I hv to admit that my boy is very stubborn n has a temper to match, I dunno if I keep trying I will win or lose e battle.

Shireen: 6 hrs was wen I went out nvr expect to be out so long n went hm w soccer ball boobs. But that was some time back n since den supply drop alot Liao. Now if 6 hrs can't get that kind of amt. You think I shd still go see Doris? Coz I dunno wat she can do for me also if I do go see her... My prob is more of my boy not wanting to latch not that he has prob latching.

Hi Stella, I tried to latch bb yesterday after almost a month of not latching at all (I never really been successful in latching i the first place) as it's getting harder for me to pump out milk. I kept thinking something is wrong with my Avent pump as even after an hour of pumping, I don't feel empty and had feelings of engorgement. I told my husband I felt like giving up breastfeeding as pumping for 1 hour each time is really taking its toll on me.

Anyway while my husband was playing with bb, bb kept sticking out his tongue and my husband asked me to try breastfeeding him directly. I did not mind trying as he just had his feed an hour before so shouldn't be too hungry. Surprisingly he could still remember and latch on and start sucking. After that session, I actually could pump 200 ml from 1 side. It has never happened before. I guess the reason he latched on is because he wasn't that full yet not hungry enough to be fussy. I latched him twice today after he finished his 4 oz milk when he gave me the "not enough" look. For my case, latching him works better when he is very awake and could see me.

re: scratching face

Actually they recover fr the scratches v fast. If u are worried, u can remove them when they are awake so that they have opportunity to explore n simulate their senses.

Wah.. So many posts!! Gotta spend some time to go thru everything. I just fed baby a while ago and put her in bed by 7pm! Peace on earth now. Hahaha!! Can 'kiao ka' and stare at the idiot box. :p


My hubby went back to work today! Wahaha!! He walked like robot this morning but insisted on going back. Said still painful. I said serves him right... Didnt train yet want to be so garang and cheong for the 41km marathon. Really pay to be in pain lor. How's ur hubby?

Princess d,

Saw the pics u uploaded. Nice!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enjoyed the gathering a lot. Can be so 'boring' at home doing nothing but latch, pump, burp, change, feed... Today at least can come out and hang out with u ladies and babes. Thanks, Cyn for organizing the gathering! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Missed ur presence today. How is ur #2? Better already?

Cin cin

my boy also loves to suck thumb but i always take out when i see it.

Actually nowadays he will suck anything protruding or anything in his hands. Even toys that i let him hold. Also crumpled "pillow" (i put sheets as his pillow n someimes he crumples it n try to eat it!!)


so cute lil celeste can give u love bite?!? Hahaha.

Feet size

almost gone back to normal size as i cn fit to old shoes but i think my toes are bigger.

Mummies looking good at the gathering pic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

marche is so empty today??

The photo is nice with the wooden furniture n christmas theme. Feel like going there once i get better!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wow! Time flies.. U are already back to work. Not looking forward to the end of my ML. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Anyway, what cloth are u talking about? The clothes u sleep in is it?


I wld so love to have a dilemma like urs lor! Haha!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Why not for now just pump out and store? The week or 2 before going back to work then stop the pumping then at least u have more BM stocked up. Anyway, heard a lot of mummies say once back to work supply will drop.

Jac ...

Me miss u all too!! #2 have cough n yet he keep running to bb whenever she cries ... Damn stress cos scared spread to her.

Hopefully can join e next round =)


get well soon! I got the sling! Hb used it when we went up to kl had a lot of stares fro pple when we went to klcc! Hehe I tell you.. Kl is not a stroller friendly city. We had such a hard time pushing the stroller fro our hotel to klcc n it was just a 10 min walk away! In e end we slinged bb most of the time and bb was quite happy with it too. She slept most of the time there

Princess, thanks for posting the photos on facebook. Nice to catch up with you. Hope to see Jade and Meghan in the next gathering.

Cyn, thanks for organising and good choice of location. The only drawback is the lift. But will still go back there again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Really salute you taking bus/train to town

So happy to have met with the pretty mummies and cute babies. Looking forward to the next gathering.

Elle: I really hope my case will be like urs coz pumping is also taking a toll on me. But my boy starts to cry the moment I cradle him ( he only wants to b carried in upright position) n he flatly refuses my breast if he's wide awake... Haiz... He's learning too fast.


Thx on checking on me. Today feel a bit optimistic n cheerful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can do laundry n hubby left me alone with bby for few hrs to get lunch n dinner n i survived. He he he.

Dont dare to move my back though!! Haha. Once or twice stuck in a position coz baby moves n wriggles ard much. :p

Yeah i can move!! (as long as i dont move my back!!)

Mummies.. Today i learned a new lesson too..

Our child's smile is the best painkiller of all!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Really seeing my baby so happy i want to get well asap!


That's great u loving the sling n it fits ur hubby well. So ur huby must be somewhere in between me n hubby size hahaha... Thx for ur well wishes too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Talking on going kl

im planning to go on road trip to kl to attend my bestie's wedding early next year... Any advise??

Going to rent car. Is it better to rent here or from jb?

N i need to sit at the back with baby or leave him behind alone??


I think i m suffering from real blocked duct this time. I had mastitis a month ago. This time round is not as bad as the previous attack. I cant seem to completely clear the blocked duct. As advise by Diveera, i had called up Mdm Rokiah. Haiz... unfortunately she is out of town for two weeks. I really need urgent help.

Can intro any massage lady that can clear Blocked duct? Or I should see a Lactation consultant at KK tmr morning?

Hi Stella, look on the brighter side then. Isn't it good that he is learning fast? All of us will need to stop breastfeeding at one point. Guess we just try our best in our own ways.

I just purchased medela freestyle. Hopefully will shorten my pumping time and make me feel better.


I realized that my bb scratches himself when he is awake wor.

Re: sleepy bb

Isaac is so slpy today, preferring to sleep than latch for e last 2 feeds. I had a hard time waking him up n he only drink one side and refused to go on. Heng I bought my new pump liao. Hoho. I m worried that he is not drinking enuff and also worried that he is gg to party with ms tonight when he wakes up or I wake him up for his night feed! Hohoho.


Ya Celeste gave me lovebites on my neck n on her Granny's arm! Haha…

Saw the gathering pics on fb! U ladies are looking great with all the cute babies! Really pei fu those mummies who brought strollers n take bus n mrt! I still haven't really figure out how to function the stroller! =P

Today lil Celeste really kept me busy! Wants to be carried all the time! Once put her down less than 5mins cry! Haiyo…


U r welcome ! We should do this more often before some of you going bk to work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for organizing the meet up ! I like the place too! Feels like being stuck in a lil cottage (w/o a fire place la) while snowing outside !!! Lovely place

I'm supposed to shop for a Christmas gift after the lunch but I can't go on staying out any longer cos the front two bossom buddies are giving way ! Ouch! Thank God the taxi Q wasn't tat long too ! Wahaaaaa


Remember not to carry heavy stuffs, if u need to carry nikolas , ask someone for help while u seated dwn !

Hope the physio help!

I would suggest that u rent a car in Spore n take a sit at the back with your boy... Long journey n he might n might not b awake .. In case if he is awake, u can entertain him while belted up..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I see. Can I suggest you go see an LC at KK or this Doris (though I dunno who she is so dunno if she is good). If they feel your breasts and see your child, then they can figure out what is the best way to help you. Each child and each problem is different even if they sound the same. In the meantime, continue pumping else your supply will drop.


You sound as if you have blocks and your pump is not that effective on you. That is why after your son sucks, he loosen some of the blocks and you can pump out more. Do get your blocks cleared and if after cleared, see if your pump is more effective or needs a change.


Go see an LC and fast. You have a history of mastitis. Don't let it re-occur. I feel that ML can help clear engorgement type of problems at the start but for real blocks later on, LCs are better.

Just to share my BF schedule:

7am - Latch then pump (get about 300-400ml)

11.30am - Pump in office (get about 200-250ml)

4.30pm - Pump in office (get about 250-300ml)

7pm - Latch

11+pm - Latch then pump (get about 300-400ml)

3+am - Latch then pump (get about 200-250ml)

Hi Fifi, I think I have blocks too.. phew, luckily my son saved me. This morning could only yield 125 ml in total after 1 hour of pumping. Seriously think my avent electric pump is too weak... hope the medela freestyle will work better for me.


Wow!! After latch you still got so much supply!! *Envy you*

How old is your bb already since u r back to office already.


my breast also feel uncomfortable after lactching if i don;t express out. think bb's milk intake is sort of stabilise at this stage. morning after feeding him, i will express. during the day, if i am lazy, i just hand express to make myself feel better.


I think no point seeing Doris as you are right. your boy is not willing to latch and not that he has a problem in latching. what is SNS reward? My cousin also do exclusive pumping. she fed her baby for 5 months. you can do it!

Hi Tinggy,

just saw your post. my ML do breast massage and help me clear block ducts. but can be painful. you must endure. after she massage, i pump very shiok like waterfall. PM if you need her contact. where do you stay?


Me too. I m now waiting for bb to start crying for milk but he seems full n abt to fall aslp. Nightmare. He didn't seem to clear my breasts this am but I was too bz with dd to express. Will express after he latches. Hoho.

Strangely, it is only recently that I get this feeling. He used to b able to empty my breasts, so wondering if he is drinking lesser or I have more ss.

Hi mummies,

My baby has a thick white coat on her tongue due to milk intake. We tried to remove it for her by wiping her tongue every morning and evening but the area that is near to her throat is really hard to clean, how do you guys do it? is there some mouth rinse that we can use?


my hubby was ok. he had a little leg pain. I massage his leg to loosen the tightness. Get your hubby to drink lots of water. The weather was really hot when they ran. may fall sick easily if does not replenish enough water.


Ya. i tot about it. I think i just have to dilligently pump after latch to keep my ss supply. yes, is true ss will fall when return to work due to stress, lack of sleep, away from baby, etc reason. i only worry i take a long to express at work. maybe 1 -2 weeks before return to work, i will stop latching in the day to get myself adjust.

Fifi: I already saw a kk lc. Her method is wen bb is sleepy force him to latch n I dun wana force plus my boy now more alert, dun allow me to do so also.

Shireen: sns is supplementary nursing system for bb who dun wana latch bcoz slow flow or weak suck. It's a milk bottle worn ard mummy's neck with a small tube taped to e breast all the way to e nipple. Wen bb latch n suck milk wil start flowing frm the tube into bb's mouth like an instant reward for sucking, dun need to wait for let down n bb drinks more than usual so he is more willing to latch again.

Sian... KK LC just called me. No appointment, fully booked till next week.TMC LC cant make it. I think i will call MA LC then.


You getting sns?


When I met Doris Fok when i had engorged, she basically help me massage and hand express the milk out. she mentioned the best way to clear blocked ducts is hand express. when havind block ducts, you should not your pump to pump. it will make your breast worse. why don;t you massage and hand express all the milk out first? it is a long and tedious process. Doris did not have time to clear my breasts. she just taught me the method. when i go home, i still have to clear them myself. another way is get a ML to help you massage and clear block ducts.


i also have this thing only recently. i think our babies intake is stabilised but our breast still produce more in case they want to drink more. last night he seemed to drink more. but my breast still very full after latching. i too tired to express so i endure till this morning. after morning latch this morning, i expressed 220ml. i guess is good to have more ss than low ss. when we get back to work, still can keep up with their intake and their next growth spurt.

Morning mommies!

Im so tired! Jus when i thot sofea's nite sleep is settled, it goes back haywire again! Last nite she wakes up every 2 hrs. My massage lady says with girls they haf hormone changes every mth so will expect once a month of super crankiness or change in sleep. Dunno if its true.. Anyone experiencing e same?


I don't even noe that there is such a thing call sns wor. Sounds like some complicated gadget to get bb to latch. Actually, if u can meet dd, not a prob to express exclusively. I did that for dd, just tat it is more troublesome. I only managed to give her full ebm for 3 mths. Anyway, we r all gg to express once bk at work. Dun get too stress ya.


I hv less prob in e day. Usu night time bb will latch one side n fall aslp. I dun get as much as u, after latch, only 80ml combined this am but e feeling after express so super shiok. :p Hehe.

Tinggy (eicosane):

Call again to check for appointment with the KK LC. I just cancelled mine so shld have a free slot on Thurs.



About the same. My supply is more coz I fed #1 for a long time. In addition, before I went back to work, I hiked the supply by pumping after every feed (i.e. every approximately 3 hrs latch then pump - even thru the night). That way made the supply higher so that I can cope with the drop when return to work. I am feeding 2 anyway -> son + #1.


My son does not drink that much when latch coz he has reflux problem so we let him have many feeds but smaller amount. So after latching, a while later, my helper will also give him bottle when he cries. My son is now 11 weeks.


I will trail off the pumping slowly. Some days I never wake up to pump then morning rather full. I dun dare not to pump coz I am super prone to blocks. Just yesterday, I pumped at 8pm (coz I missed my afternoon pump), then latch my son for the rest of the feeds at night and also fell asleep early. By 3am, i had blocks which I could hardly clear. So painful. Luckily my son managed to clear them partly this morning. Will be clearing again later.


Use warm water to try.


OIC. Then just pump lor. For me, its important to ensure baby latches coz I am prone to blocks which I will need baby to clear. So if he doesn't latch, I know I will face a lot of problems. Its also for convenience for me when going out and nights. Other than these, exclusive pumping works as well. And like Zuen says, when mummy is back at work, its mainly pumping+bottle feed anyway.


They change very frequently. Just when you though you got it settled, it goes haywire again. Only when they are older than all the sleep patterns become more established.

